Enshrouded - Best Endgame Self-Healing Tank Build Guide #enshrouded #enshroudedgame

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hey guys I've been working on this tank build for quite a minute and and shrouded and I have to say it is phenomenal I've cleared out almost everything on the map already almost without even trying if you're looking for a melee build this tank build is a must play just to give you a quick idea of how beefy and tanky and strong this build is this tank build you can see has 14 Constitution 10 strength and 1,080 Health with a lot of constitution noes still missing because I'm only level 21 this build is practically unkillable which is how a tank build should be with that being said I'm going to run you through everything this build has to offer all the setup for all the skills and everything and this is going to take your melee build to the next level so first things first we're going to go over the skills now I've cut out some of the quality of life things because I am an ingame and I'm trying to just basically annihilate the rest of the map so I haven't taken some of the quality of life skills here for Mining and things like that now first I'm going to start out with the damage skills work our way through the green skills and then kind of over to magical a little bit so first things first you do not need merciless attack or power parrier or either of these two skills they're kind of a waste early on they're great at the end of the game they're not really that fantastic so the first route you kind of want to take is this strength route over to heavy-handed so that way you get that additional 20% chance when attacking into an enemy that's blocking it helps to overpower them and stun the enemy and you just want to grab these strength and Constitution to breach breach is a good option here so that way when you do break the block of an enemy which we can do a lot with this build you're going to do double the damage on them for 2 seconds which is a big deal way better than taking Relentless because the critical chance bonus or modifier is based off always using a two-handed weapon which with this build we're not going to use because the one-handed weapons are the best and then finally you'll take this constitution node you don't need to take heavy specialization now if you did want you could work over to blood rage just because you do get that 20% Buff when you kill an enemy for 10 seconds which is pretty much an automatic always up buff however using the points here I just don't think is worth it so we're going to use those points and go over to Feast so that way we get an increased 15% additional Health whether you're running a tank a melee build or just any build in general you should always be eating meat so then we're going to grab this Constitution and Warriors Path so that way all your melee weapons deal an additional 10% damage and then we're just going to continue on and what we're going to do is specifically take the slasher route for the extra melee cutting damage so you get 10% and additional 20% here we want to take this because it's standardized across the specific weapons that we're using to allow us to do the most damage overall then we want to take veteran so our crit chance is upped by 10% which is great our Constitution and strength node right here and then Swift blades which is a huge skill that you have to take because it allows you to attack much faster with your one-handed weapons which is our bread and butter with this build and finally grab that Constitution node and then for our tank path we're going to take straight on the tank path for the extra armor gain overall and the mitigated damage and then jump over here and take evasion attack attack as you can see evasion attack is a great skill so that way you can evade an enemy attack and jump right back in and get another free hit off this is a great skill early on in late game just for movement in general we're also going to take battle heal which is a big part of this build it allows us to self-heal and tank and gain Health every single time we do critical damage on an enemy which as long as you're wearing the right gear should be fairly often allowing you to basically heal all the damage you're tanking uh making you almost unkillable which is why this is so great we're then to take the Constitution node both of these which is Tower so you suffer less damage when more enemies are around and Warden so you also suffer 15% less magical damage so these are good damage mitigation skills and then you want to take both those nodes into Earth Aura so that way all damage against players within a 10 meter radius of you which is great especially if you're playing with other people is reduced by 10 Again giving us another huge amount of damage mitigation finally take this thick skin node so that way you gain one Constitution for each two levels of flame flame once you get your flame to level six that means you'll get three free Constitution points just for having the skill which bumps your health up by like 150 points and those are our primary damage skills now a couple more to mention here we do want to take the endurance note up here for additional endurance and Runner we also want to take double jump because you have to have that in every build in and shrouded then finally we do want to take jump attack because it does do a slam on the ground for 50% more weapon damage in a radius around you so especially when you're fighting a bunch of enemies you can double jump up to dodge attacks and then slam on the ground and hit everyone around you uh for a massive amount of damage especially if you have your two-handed weapon in your hand and then we also want to make sure here that we take well rested just because our rested Bonus Goes Up by 5 minutes we're then going to take spirit and Counter Strike Counter Strike is going to make it so that when we receive damage there's a 20% chance to reflect 50% of that damage back onto the attacker as fire damage so we're going to be doing passive damage just from them hitting us so essentially if they hit us we can do damage to them based on off their own attack we have so much health we're going to tank every hit and if they hit us we are going to automatically heal ourselves with the skills we have again making us just unkillable it's insane and then we're going to take updraft so that way you still have a decent amount of movement with your glider which I've talked about previously next for our armor I'm running the radiant Paladin set which is an in-game set you can get by running the legendary Farms I'll link that short I made on how to do that very effectively in the description but that is essentially what I'm running so you can see here we get the 15% % melee Critical Strike chance buff on top of the buff we already have giving us a huge Critical Strike chance and again on critical strikes we obviously do more damage but we also heal every time we crit making us a crazy self-healing tank the chest plate is going to give us 24 stamina for our movement and 240 Health as a bonus again the perfect thing you want as a tank you can't have enough health so and then as you can see here I'm using level 13 gauntlets I I really could be using something way better but I like the 6% one-handed melee damage buff ideally once you farm and get the radiant gloves this is is what you want to use so aim for the full Radiance set and then I'm using the eagle eyee trousers again because I don't have the radiant pants yet and then I have the radiant boots which gives us plus4 Health regeneration now another good set to take if you haven't found the max set yet is the soldier set this is going to give us a ton of physical resistance with crit strike damage and melee Critical Strike chance you can see the chest plate here giving us 24 stamina 240 Health us getting one handed melee damage with the gloves this is an amazing set you can use especially if you don't have the full radiant Paladin set yet and then our Shield here we have the shield of light again I got this from the legendary Farm ideally some of the things I would aim for here is the commander ring and then as a secondary ring you can run something like ring of the Ancients that's typically what I've been doing because you get plus one to every stat now when it comes to weapons you want to focus on two primary things you want to focus on getting a weapon with the most damage as possible being anything level 25 which is a one-handed with the most damage you can aim for the bronze sword or the noble sword now the good thing about the bronze sword sword is it already consists of a lot of cutting damage in the actual stat itself so it also gives you plus n cutting damage again this is a legendary weapon with the precise skills so increasing our crit hit chance again would be putting us at 35% crit chance meaning we're going to heal one of every three attacks we do so ideally go for the bronze sword or you can take the noble sword if you can find it as well we're also going to want to use something like the misfortunate Mason the highest tier you can get again you can use any two-handed weapon you want obviously you want the damage Buffs to piercing and blunt damage if you're going to use some of these weapons for right now I'm just using the misfortunate mace if you can get a two-handed weapon with cutting damage on it that's ideally what you want to shoot for because that's what we're basing most of our damage around and then obviously any wand will do we just carry a fire wand because it's great against the Shroud now some of the Buffs and food we obviously want to focus on we obviously want to focus on any sort of meat so any meat that gives you the most Constitution obviously you're always going to want to keep that buff up you see in the top left are health is already crazy but then when we buff it with the food it goes up even more taking us all the way up to 1220 I'm telling you that with your physical resistance and healing nobody's going to be able to kill you now Additionally you can get huge bonuses by coming in here to the farmer and making a meat wrap or specifically or chicken soup ideally meat wrap is going to give you plus five Constitution that's plus 250 health and then additionally if you wanted you can make something like an open sandwich where you get the strength and Constitution buff from again splitting that amongst the two stats to even it out so you deal a decent bit more damage and also get that Constitution buff close to what You' get if you just ate grilled meat which will give you like plus three typically and again instead of having 10 11 12 minutes as a rested bonus with that skill that we took to add 5 minutes to our rested bonus we get 18 minutes of rested bonus here meaning you can go out and adventure for 18 minutes and not lose your rested bonus that compared to 12 minutes or so is so much better you're going to be able to run around and do a lot more things so make sure you do that make sure to check this in shrouded video out over here like the video subscribe if you're new and check my Tik Tok below if you want any crazy cool quick tips on inst stred [Music] peace
Channel: CreativeGaming
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Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded build, enshrouded tank, enshrouded tank build, enshrouded best tank build, best tank build enshrouded, enshrouded best build, enshrouded best builds, best builds enshrouded, enshrouded melee build, enshrouded melee, enshrouded warrior, enshrouded warrior build, enshrouded tank guide, enshrouded build guide, enshrouded op, enshrouded op build, build enshrouded, enshrouded tank best build, tank enshrouded
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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