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[Music] what up guys your boy CIS and we're back with another one now I have another farming video I know my last video was a farming video but this one's a little bit more fun just because you get three new sets out of it and you get uh gold weapons and purple weapons there are two different uh farming areas I'm going to show you but I'm going to show you the sets first so right now I'm wearing the Elder set which is a magic uh set now I don't play Magic I never have probably never will in any game but it is a solid looking set and it does solid stuff it has really solid stats um the other set is the radiant Paladin set which I think is really solid it's actually more my favorite set or more my speed just because it is a melee set I'm just going to let you look at the stats real quick of it it's just a really really goodlooking set as well it actually kind of looks a lot like this and then the last set is the eagle ey and the eagle ey is made for like the bow player that has like the long range criticals that's what you're looking for maybe a little bit of stamina regen this is a good set let me go ahead and show you um this one so this one like I said is a magic set really solid for a magic player really solid set for a magic player especially if you don't have the the means to make one of the late game sets yet you can just come over here and Farm These this is the second area to farm now I did have trouble getting the chess piece of this and the Palin set to drop they actually have a very low drop rate it seems like but uh now that I got him the drop I got him the drop three times so maybe it was just my bad RNG the first place I'm going to show you has a lot of gold weapons now the first place is actually very consistent I ran it for maybe 30 minutes like honest to God and I got all these gold weapons from it and in all in that 30 minutes I also got all these purple weapons and actually all these boxes behind me are filled with gold and purple weapons I just set all these to the side just for you guys so going to the map this is where we are uh home you're going to want to come straight up and you're going to move East as far east as you can I know I've been going to late game areas but guys it is much easier to get the late game than you think you just come over to the desert area cuz I am a late game and so this is where I'm at so this was where my last video was where I showed you how to farm the first three sets so you can get six sets in total just by doing these next two farming Spots You're going to come down to the ancient spire and then you're going to fly across to the sun Temple that's where our first farming spot is I've already put a little home there so we can fast travel now the sun Temple if it doesn't show up on your map it can be hard to see from the temple because it is encased in rock I'll show you it sits underneath like a cliff or whatever as you can see uh but there is the spire and here is the sun Temple underneath everything what you're going to want to do is bring a a shrine over here go ahead and break down two shrines if you got Max shrines and keep two on you so your first shrine you're going to put in here wherever you want you're going to come in here you're going to go down the first set of stairs and you're going to come to the first door you're going to open the door run through cuz there's enemies on your right uh run down to the left to the next set open this door you're going to jump over this little my ceiling right here you're going to see a gold chest open it we got we got a purple ax we don't care about that I don't care about that you probably don't care about that either we're going to close out load back in uh you can definitely use all these purple uh just to break them down for money or you know there are some purples that are really solid what I've noticed about this is if I get like a purple weapon I have also gotten that same version of a weapon but in Gold so it was actually pretty cool I guess there might be gold variants of every weapon in the game I'm not 100% on that but I definitely have a lot of the same weapons gold and purple we on one more time we got the guillotine trash so I'm going to back out and lad back in instead of having to run back up the stairs because we are in Shroud right now so I can't fast travel it's actually faster for me to load back into the game instead of running back through all the enemies so that was that run we got two purples which wasn't the greatest but whatever you're going to come back to the ancient Spire this is where I want you to come you can come down here to this Elixir route area and do this Mission this is a pretty easy mission to do I would suggest doing it because you'll clear a lot of this out and then you're going to come up through here or you're going to come around through here whatever works for you just as long as you get to hear the deep cut now if you're lost in the the shadow of the map just know that this sun Temple is always on your map so just kind of go that Direction look for this there is another elixer well I would highly suggest staying away from this there is a gold chest there and it is very nice it has a lot of the same drops we're going to see but dude the enemies here are hardcore stay away from that so I've already put a home here there is a boss here and everything in this area is a level 30 so it is extremely extremely dangerous area um but once you kill the boss the boss is gone for good I'm pretty sure so it it looks fine so as you can see we're up on top the boss will sit right here and walk around some matron the one that throws the poison acid or whatever she's extremely easy boss but she can One-Shot you which kind of sucks so right off the bat we already got Eagle Eye gloves these are the three chests that you're going to farm these last three sets from what you're also seeing me do is Sprint and jump at the same time this helps us conserve stamina I may make a tech video showing you like little tips and tricks Auto cancelling and stuff like that it really depends on you guys if you say that in the comments that you want this is the next chest trash only thing you're going to want to bring is a failing ax CU you're have to break that door every time and then once you break that door you come out oh perfect roll Dodge see that we're going to go right across the bridge now this is a very dangerous chest to go for cuz this little green dudes in here just jump on the chest oh my God he's going to be special special okay our build's pretty insane even with this light armor there's no way he kills us so we're just going to load out if I had my full heavy armor that guy would not he would just tickle us to death the reason he's hitting us so hard is cuz we have um a light armor on because I'm wearing that Mage set but at the same time he still didn't kill us cuz the build's ridiculous I'll put a build video out guys so let's go run this one more time just so you can see okay we got the Ring of the Ancients I meant to go over that before the Ring of the Ancients is dope this is actually my third one that I have got from this this is a really strong ring uh like I said I've ran this for maybe a couple hours and I've gotten three of these these rings are are kind of busted I I can't wait to try to incorporate them into a couple builds so yeah that's actually a really good drop glad we saw that so so far we've been able to get a piece of one of the sets and we've gotten a really solid ring so that's that's really good and you know it's funny because I said the first area is actually really consistent and we got two purples in a row which is kind of funny so it is what it is but you guys will probably have better RNG than me my friends have consistantly made fun of me for the past decade because I have the worst RNG out of everybody that they've ever gamed with let's see Shield of light that's actually a really solid Shield uh we're just not going to worry about that cuz I've got like 40 of those so I'm just going to close out load back in it pretty much sums it up uh I'm gonna probably run this one more time just for you guys just so you can see what's going on but you get the gist of it I just want to show you that you can get these sets these sets are in the game I like I said I don't know if anybody's made a video on these at all uh I didn't see anything online Elder trousers nice that's you know part of what we're wearing right now but uh you know it is a lot easier to come over to the first area that I went over that first um little run through you can do that if you watch my last video then you can definitely make it to the next area that's probably the best one to run this one is just super dangerous all right we got two for two can we go three for three dude little three for three piece this will be the last time I run this I'm not going to keep you guys any longer I can only imagine I'd say half of you already quit out a we got the shield again all right all right guys I pretty much sums it up if you enjoyed it please like subscribe and comment helps this channel a lot helps me out a lot my next video will probably be something over here in the late game area CU I am a late game Andy and then eventually I'll put out a build video or a couple builds anyways you guys have a great day and I'll see see you in the future later guys [Music] okay
Channel: Khaathus
Views: 56,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded legendary farm, enshrouded farming guide, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded legendary weapons, best weapon, best magic weapon, enshrouded rune farm, enshrouded best legendary farm, enshrouded best weapons, highest damage, max damage, strongest weapon, enshrouded ultimate farming guide, enshrouded best armor early, ensrhouded paladin set, enshrouded elder set, ensrhouded eagle eye set
Id: MJY_tptR2mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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