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what is up you guys glitches here and welcome back to the channel today I want to bring you by far the best and most efficient legendary farming spot in the game right now um quick shout out to 400 a.m he's the first person on YouTube that I saw upload a video for this location and I it would blew me away I wanted to make sure I got a video out as well to show my community but quick shout out to him show him some love um and his community for sharing this with the rest of us who hadn't gotten videos out for it yet um but it is by far the most amazing farm yet and as you can see I was even able to get the legendary Tempest wand from this location as well um as well as a ton of other legendaries um but before we get to that spot there is a few things that you need to bring with you to the location to make this uh Farm even more efficient and that is going to be some building materials it can be anything your lowest level just rough wood blocks will be perfectly fine a large crate I would recommend to hold all the items you're going to be getting so you don't have to keep uh going back and forth and dropping things off uh you're going to need one grappling hook pull anchor and then just make sure that you have an extra flame alter location available so that you can plant one down so you can keep teleporting back to it once you have those three or four things you should be good to go um now right away the location of this spot is going to be right down here I've already made a marker for it um it's going to be just Northeast of The Middle Southern Sun Temple um and how we get there is we're going to fast travel to the ancient Spire uh Tower and we're going to just glide on over to it so I'll do this real time here so let's teleport over there and I'll do the whole set up from scratch I already set it up but I broke it down just so I can show you guys how it works um but yeah let's teleport over there and uh I'll probably cut once we Glide actually no I can show off some gliding tips here while we're doing it why not uh let me uh quickly set this as a waypoint so I know where we're going jump off and we're just going to be gliding here for a minute it's actually over here just going to keep on gliding yeah this spot is so amazing just follow the route that I'm doing right now you'll get there eventually your goals to land on top of this hill over here little gliding tip you can quickly uh animation cancel your Glide to get an extra updraft boost that's why I was saying in my previous guide that uh updraft is so important so we're almost there we should make it there we go now once we're here we're just going to want to keep on running to the back side of this little mountain and then right back here by these ruins is where the chest is so here's the chest that we're going to be looting there you go Elder gloves right off the bat I can confirm that every single piece of the three legendary sets from the original Sun Temple Farm location can also be found in this chest so not only can you farm all of the best armor but you can also Farm all the best weapons in the game from this one location and it's much faster than running to the basement to get the coffin loot from the original Sun uh location but once you get here basically what you want to do is right on the edge you're going to want to equip your alter and now here's another trick um for those of you that don't know the Alters the direction that you're facing when you plant the alter down is the direction that you'll be facing when you reset the game and spawn back in I made the mistake of putting it down like this and every time I spawned uh basically uh it wouldn't put me in the right location so try and make sure that once you got it set up here you got enough space to plant it down and now the other key thing is see the red line barrier you want to make sure that that red line is just in front of the chest if you put it too far forward then the chest is going to be inside of your territory and when you respawn at your altar you're not going to be able to loot the chest again so you want to make sure that your boundary is just inside or just outside rather of where the chest is so we can move back a couple more feet just to be safe we're going to plant that down so there is our spawn location now the next thing you're going to want to do is break out your uh crafting Hammer go into edit mode and then with the blocks that you brought with you you're going to want to just plant down a little stack of four wooden blocks and then from here the last thing you want to do is equip that grappling anchor and just plop that down right at the top of the wooden blocks so basically how this is going to work now is you're going to respawn at this location and of course I get attacked by a little Byron got to interrupt my video Don't you um but once you basically spawn in all you literally have to do is turn immediately grapple come over to the chest and loot it and then do this the same thing return to main menu I'll just do it live reset should spawn us right back at our location there we go hit e again loot flame sword restart I'll do this one or two times and then I'll just fast forward and probably do some Quick Cuts to show you some of the best loot that you can get um just to speed things up but you get Legendaries like crazy from this location and it's super fast literally like two seconds spawn in grappling hook grab it look at that legendary staff return to menu same [Music] thing taking a little longer to load for some reason there you go grappling over loot there you go and then you just rinse and repeat over and over over again and Trust Me You by the time you're done give it like 30 minutes to an hour you can get almost if not all legendary weapons in the game plus all three sets of armor from the Sun Temple that you can get um within seconds so really really good Farm I'll probably uh show some quick clips here of just back to back to back of all the legendaries you can get um last thing that I forgot to mention is throwing down your little box because you're obviously going to be getting a ton of loot so you can just quickly throw this down and actually what I can do to make this even better so I don't have to worry about it later on just build up a little platform next to it there we go put my little crate down if it lets me and there you go yo what is up you guys glitches from the future here I wanted to quickly cut in with the power of editing um as soon as I got this setup done I wanted to commit to a exact 1our Farm of this area and give you an idea of all the things that you can get and I must say my mind has been blown so check out this chest and see all of the things that we got from this one ornate chest Farm location I'll quickly hold this up on the screen you can scan through the items here if you see the items in this box as one that you're looking for these are all 100% confirmed drops from this chest as you can see within 1 hour exactly 1 hour not only did I find every single piece for all three endgame armor sets but I found almost all of the legendary weapons in the game there's only a few of them missing here I found the legendary Tempest wand I even found a ring of the Ancients one of them dropped so that's confirmed drop from this chest as well and then as you can see we have over 16,000 extra runes from the dozens and dozens of uh duplicates or purples that I didn't even want to put in the box so by far as you can see the best farm in the game but without further Ado let's jump back to the video and finish up the setup but enjoy you guys and then you can just sit there and drop obviously anything that's not a legendary I already have that one in particular you can just drop all your stuff in there once you get a ton of it filled up you can just sit there and go delete the ones you don't need this will also give you a ton of runes that you might be able to get um that you wouldn't have otherwise had so great Farm super super fast like I said within 2 seconds of spawning into the map um definitely by far the most efficient farming spot but uh yeah that's pretty much it you guys if you found this video informative it helped you out be sure to smash that like button comment down below um but until the next one hope you guys had a great day and we'll see you all later
Channel: Glitchiz
Views: 16,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded Early Access, enshrouded, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded guide, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded legendary farm, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded best endgame legendary, enshrouded legendary chest farm, enshrouded legendary, enshrouded best chest, enshrouded fastest chest, enshrouded legendary guide, enshrouded best legendary farm, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded 2 second legendary chest
Id: J2DqoL1maJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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