Enshrouded MOST POWERFUL BUILD GUIDE - Paladin Build Best Skills, Rings, Armor, Weapons

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today we're taking a look at a very powerful s tier Bild this is my Paladin build this build is going to be crushing everything that gets in your way early game mid game and even end game when you're fighting against level 30 enemies nothing that gets in front of you is going to stand a chance and as you are seeing here in the video you are seeing the different type of combination that this Paladin is very op against of course just like in any fight you have all the different tools that I'm going to provide you to be able to be crushing it in the field now what do we got to do to make this build very powerful and first we're going to be taking a look at the armor which I believe is going to be the best armor for any melee bill for those that are saying in the comments and I've read them you know what Melee sucks in and shout it does not guys it's a lot of fun you just got to know how to fight right now this armor goes in so perfectly for our Paladin Bill we got the radiant Paladin helmet as you are seeing the highest physical resistance on both magical and resistant is going to give us a plus 15 melee Critical Strike chance and we're going to be taking advantage of that and you'll see that in the skill tree how we're going to be able to just triple our power by just doing that next we have the upper body this one provides us with a 113 physical and magical 56 resistant but it does give us a 240 Health which is going to push us to the max because we are going to be getting really close sometimes to enemies so we make sure we are going to be high on health and then 24 plus for stanima in and then we're going to be taking a look at the gloves and these are some amazing gloves cuz it's going to give us a plus two damage against melee foes 28 and 14 resistance and then we have the best probably trousers that you can use in the game and those are going to be for the Eagle Eye trouser because both physical and magical resistance at 50 it doesn't get better than this at this moment level 25 armor plus 18 stamina and plus one Sprint it's going to give us that little extra Edge when we got to get just run around and we are being moded by different modes at the same time as you are seeing here especially here in the sun Temple which is the best location where you can grab this entire armor I also have a link in my description that is going to show you all the different chest and the best run that is going to help you to get all these Legendary Weapons armors that I'm going to be showcasing here now what weapons are we going to be using the following weapons we have at our disposal first of all I have two swords one is going to be the sword of Radiance and the other one is the inflame sword I always carry two of everything as you are seeing the same thing for the one I have a frozen core and I also have one that is fire and I'll let you know why now Zords I have this one that has the cutting piercing and blunt which gives me as you are seeing here increases my critical chance by five five five55 five different times so it's going to be a very op weapon especially the more you hit the more you're going to be dealing a lot more extra damage and then we have this one that's very special because it does apply some fire and it has a little bit higher piercing but it does have a precise increase critical hit Chance by 5% and also increases Mana regeneration by one and as you are able to see here in the fights you'll be able to see the different combinations that I'm able to use in this build different rings and things like that that make this very op and now next we have two different ones the reason why is cuz one is going to be for against ice and the other one is for fire it just depends who you're fighting your always got to come prepare because there are some enemies that are very immune to fire so you got to switch to the ice one and there's some you know vice versa so you got to have those two weapons now different consumables that I have in my Arsenal are going to be one the greater heal potion this one is pretty much going to bring back my entire health and that is why I want to max out my health so I'm able to utilize this and then this is one of the secret sauce which is going to be the prayer of the flame scroll this here can make you op right away because it's going to give you that 20% additional magic damage and as you are able to see there for how long is crazy so it's going to cost you 20 Mana but it's also going to raise your Mana which is really cool and then on top of this of course always got to make sure you're drinking that water just like in real life if you don't drink water you're going to get thirsty you're going to get tired make sure that Paladin build is always up to stand and then we of course have the great Mana poan this is just to make sure that you're always getting that mana and then you always have it up so you are able to use the following weapon which is going to be none other that we're going to be taking a look at the shepherd's lightning this is the best range weapon that you can get at this moment of course level 25 but as you are seeing there the whole entire high damage that I'm using is just crazy and I'm using three different type of spells but one of them is going to be the chain lightning I like this one even though it's not the highest but if you're able to get this to a higher I believe 129 you're going to be very op of course in this build I did not use the broken a it spell because that one is just melt everything it doesn't matter what level if it's at level 69 level 39 it just melts very broken but soon it will be changed so you're going to have to make your build again but this build here is for early mid and also end game when you're fighting against those 30 level enemies and my favorite one to go to it is the Fireball the fireball is just very op as you are seeing it you're able to spam that thing it doesn't take a lot of mana and that is the great thing about it you can spam that over and over and it'll get you out of trouble maximize it with the scroll it just becomes very op equi the best Shield that you currently have in your inventory I have this one which is going to be the shield of light it's a very powerful rare Shield because it does give you a 17 block but it does give you a 90 Parry power in pairing in inst strued is one of the coolest things because if you have such like this a very high Shield that's going to give you that pairing power and then it's going to be a lot easier to make sure you take down those FES when they get stunned so it becomes a very easy of course backpack whatever you have I'm using here the one and only ghost lighter legendary this thing is so op gets you out of trouble whenever you are in trouble and then of course we have the advanced improved grappling hook and then here is the different combinations that I want to provide to you in regards to the different Rings now if you're going to be focusing with your paladin on just pure magic and a little bit of fighting then I would recommend the following combination if you are able to grab the Ring of rapacity and equip it in both different slots then you Mana is going to just regenerate super fast that is going to allow allow you to just Spam it and spam it and spam it when you are at a point where you are very clear from enemies and you can just Spam this thing away and it's just going to destroy anything very fast because you're going to have unlimited ammo now if you like to get up close I would probably recommend the Ring of Health this one because it's going to give you the plus 20 Health which the different type of pieces on your armor helped you but on top of this is going to help you with that Reg generation that also this armor that you're looking at also has which is going to help you now let's take a look at our primary stats as you are able to see there Constitution you got to make sure you have that Health up is at four spirit is at six of course my spirit and intelligence are up because I am a paladin I want to make sure that my magic is up there so it gets me out of trouble endurance it's at five you got to always make sure you have enough endurance strength and also dexterity because I want to make sure that my spells or my rang long weapons are always triggering faster and that is what dexterity helps me on and of course strength is just going to make you and increases any melee damage by 5% for any attributes and then let's take a look at of the different type of skills now this is what is fun about in Shroud it you can make your own build you can make your own combination because you are free to go just about anywhere now what I have focused here is on the following as you able to see my most focus is on the top bottom right which is going to be in the section of the wizard I came here and I unlocked my spirit this is the way because it give me that increased 10 and magical weapons I'm making my magical weapons very op you see that reduces the time the staff requires to charge up spells by 50% with the rings that I'm able to get this back really fast this just makes me very op right away we also have this um skill that it does all fire damage is increased by an additional 10% that is why you're able to see that that the fire spell is my favorite because I'm also going to be able to increase it by 20% which is very crazy and then we also have intelligence going up we have the lightning and we have the Thunder and we have the Iceman if you are using those and then on top of this we also unlock the wizard when attacking with a magical weapon your critical hit chance is increased by an additional 10% giving us that extra boost which is very important now other things that I've done is as you see I focus a lot on my spirit a lot of my intelligence during the trickster uh skill tree I also did The Counter Strike which is very op because after receiving there is a 20% damage that's going to reflect to a 50% damage back to anyone any attacker as a fire damage so that is why if we take a look at my weapons here with this weapon it's going to hit a lot harder hard even though those are 4747 each for damage this one's going to hit a lot more because of that trigger that is going to make it very op and then I kept focusing on dexterity a little bit more of course upgrade your um glider if you haven't and then make sure you always are increasing your endurance as you're seeing here and we're also went up to our runner get that increased 10% double jump is very important and we also un like more endurance and on top of this we went up down here and we did a little bit more like strength just to have that additional power for our melee weapons making them very op once again more strength and then this one here the heavy-handed an enemy stun bar is increased by an additional 20% when attacking into their block with a melee weapon that is why you're seeing whenever I'm fighting as you were I was I showcasing it to you I was stunning my enemies really fast and here I increase my strength and also I increase my Constitution because you always got to make sure you have enough health and then this one it's very op the Warriors Path which is going to be when attacking with a melee weapon all damage is increased by 10% and we have the shiny plates gives me another physical armor gains a 10% more armor on my point so it's going to make me very tanky and this is in the tank skill trade so as you're able to see there once again focusing on my intelligence I'm focusing on my spirit I'm focusing on my strength and dexterity and on top of that endurance overall this is going to make you very op right away so you're able to see there I am here in the best location if we pull up the map in the sunless Sun Temple where you are able to get all these weapons and all these armors that I'm showcasing in this build the link is in the description just click on it and it'll show you all the different chess's chest there's believe about 11 of them that you can come here and just loot them and get all this loot right away thank you guys for watching consider subscribing to the channel for more and shrouded build coming your way and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: GamerFuzion
Views: 32,178
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Keywords: enshrouded most powerful build, enshrouded best build, enshrouded paladin build, enshrouded, enshrouded best spells, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded best shield, enshrouded best skills, enshrouded best rings, enshrouded best weapons locations, enshrouded best builds, enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded tips, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded s tier build, enshrouded stier build, enshrouded op build, enshrouded level 25 gear, gamerfuzion
Id: OidgMTWL4Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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