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what is up you guys glitches here and welcome back to the Channel I didn't think I'd be saying this but I am making a third mage build you can thank Kaiser from down in the comments in my previous video he said one simple sentence and all of a sudden something clicked in my head and it was when I watch your videos you pretty much clap everything with just your Eternal spells and at late game you're really only using your staff so why waste your points in all the wand perks and the wand tree and then I started thinking I'm like son of a gun you know what I really don't use my wands that much now that I'm at the very very end game you really do as an endgame Mage just primarily use your staff for everything the spells that you have cover all of your bases pretty much as long as you're good at repositioning so what I did was I rebalanced everything took out the points from Thunder put them other places and took out all the points from the W tree and we'll go over all that in a minute um to put them in some more areas that are going to add some more survivability to the build because enemies are obviously going to start getting harder so survivability will be more important um but yeah without any further Ado let's jump into it and go over all the details um real quick the uh first good thing is the equipment weapon wise and armor wise is not going to change from our previous build so you can leave that the same um but what I basically want you guys to do is still watch my previous guide for the arch mage build and use that up until mid to early late game once you get to the end to end late game where you're just farming for legendaries and basically prepping for the new content that's going to be coming out eventually um then I want you to go to your altar and Respec into this new build and this in my opinion is going to be the new go-to build for any further future content and for the most difficult stuff that we have in the game right now um so yeah so for the armor it's pretty much the same I'll quickly go over it again Elder hat 15% magical Critical Strike chance and 12% Critical Strike damage for the the chest piece we're going with the radiant Paladin chest plate this will give us 240 health and 24 stamina for the gloves we have the Elder gloves that'll give us 9% damage against magical foes and 12% magic damage multiplier for the pants we have the radiant Paladin trousers this will give us plus two health regen and 90 additional health and then lastly for the boots we're running the radiant Paladin boots for plus four more Health regeneration and a nice buff to our health regeneration DeLay So the armor stays the same uh moving on the Rings because of the survivability rep perks that we're taking in the tree we no longer need additional life leech or anything like that so I figured what the hell why not stick with what works and we're just going to go right back to the double ring of capacity for basically infinite Mana to spam our staff abilities with our Eternal spells with so double up on that and now we have infinite Mana again um so a lot of you will be happy about that um obviously for our range weapon the staff we're going to be using these shroud Reaver I know a lot of you have commented in the comments um I got lucky and was able to snag the old level 35 version that was at 62 power they did unfortunately uh Nerf that uh chest spawn and the Shroud Reaver only drops at level 25 now with I think 47 power but that being said it is still the best staff in the game so make sure to still pick it up and use it in your build cuz it's the one you're going to want to use moving forward um this has built in plus 24 Fire magic damage which will get boosted further by talents in our tree as well as recharge which will give us a small boost to health regen as well um so that is our ranged ability moving on to the other weapons these are also staying the same um we're going to bring our Tempest wand now that we have the legendary one um for attacking enemies in a very rare scenario when we're inside the Shroud um we're still probably going to be using our staff the entire time uh wands you honestly don't use that much um so we're kind of going to be ignoring them for the the most part but just in case we're bringing two variations um this will have as a legendary um five plus n shock magic damage B uh perks which is really really nice it's probably the second best um wand in the game for that exact reason um and it doesn't have any additional bonuses but the overcharge rating is 20% I'm not sure if wands in general have the overcharge ability innately built into them for some reason it's in the tool tip for Helix but not this one so I'll have to test that out a little a little bit um but our other go-to wand for when we're outside the Shroud will obviously be the legendary Helix this will have uh five plus n shroud magic damage boosts as well as the Ethereal duplication uh buff the Ws unique Magic grants it a 50% chance to spontaneously create an additional projectile we will unfortunately only be able to do up to a Max of two projectiles now cuz I'm not going to take the point in the W tree anymore for the third one um because we're just not going to be using it that often um like I said this is going to be a Min maxed endgame Max damage staff type build um what you're primarily going to be using so no point in wasting uh precious skill points on things you're not going to be using um so base still a good wand for melee weapons I like to still use the light Forge axe for the three uh fire damage perks as well as a little bit of Life leech and a rare occasion you can also use the legendary white wolf sword this has uh three shroud magic damage bonuses which we do have Buffs for in our tree as well as well as retaliation which can potentially um revert uh 20% of incoming damage back to the attacker again though you're probably never going to be using your melee weapon so not really that big of a deal but in the whole overall arcing scheme of the build those are two potentially good weapons that kind of fit the theme um so feel free to use those moving on to spells your go-to bread and butter as always is going to be Eternal acid bite this spell is still super overpowered I use this all the time for basically every tightly packed up group of enemies and single Target bosses um it melts bosses and it melts enemies and the other important aspect of this SP uh uh spell is that it does rapid ticks over time not just a oneandone type of damage attack so um it combos very well with the orbs that we're going to be generating from our talent tree um because those are based on Magic Critical Hits not a kill um so having the rapid hits from Acid bite will proc those orbs a lot more frequently and you'll just see them scattered all over the ground when you're using the spell um so this is our main go-to uh heavy hitting um boss melter and our orb generator um for single Target ranged enemies however we're going to be using Eternal Fireball this does a uh nice damage long range attack against a single Target but does have a small AOE as well so any enemy within like five to 10 meters of the one you're targeting will also get hit by the explosion which is nice um and this will combo as well with things like chain hit and mass destruction which will expand that radius even further if it critically hits chaining to multiple enemies within like a 20 met radius which is really nice so you can potentially clear out entire rooms with just one Fireball I throw these things out and spam them constantly um the other ability we use uh every once in a while is eternal light burst this is a very fast casting very low damage uh ability that you can cast out which is basically used just to knock back and stun enemies it's good against fast moving flyers or um if you're just getting surrounded in a panic mode situation you can throw out this eternal light burst stun enemies and either take the moment to reposition to get to a better area or quickly switch and cast one of your harder hitting uh longer cast time spells so a good little potential combo that you can do with that one and then last but not least I like to bring shroud meteor this is still one of the best heavy-hitting DPS abilities in the game we don't have have an eternal version of it yet um hopefully we get one in the future but this basically in a almost 180° cone in front of you you just point it in any direction and every enemy within that cone will just get autot targeted by meteors that fall from the sky not only do they create craters in the ground which some bigger bosses can actually get stuck in and be like stagger locked inside the crater but it does do a ton of damage and can proc the uh stuns you get with the terror perk in the talent tree which is really nice so you can stun big groups of enemies real easily with this um I don't really use um any ice spells and I don't really use any lightning spells um if it's not an eternal spell um I don't really use it because the damage output just isn't high enough and uh it's annoying to have to constantly craft them all the time and find them um so honestly Firebolt shroud meteor light burst and the acid bite are really the only go-to spells you need to cover all of your bases um and uh that's another reason why we you're not going to be taking the bonus uh damage points into Thunder this time around which you'll see in a minute um so that is the Spells uh moving on to consumables this is a big one um because of the changes we're making in the build we will have one less Max uh intelligence uh to make up for that though because realistically in the end game um you're always going to be bringing food items with you so why uh be uh upset about losing one intelligence when you can eat something like a meat wrap which is a meat item that gives you one intelligence and a omelet or the goo soup there that will give you four or five additional intelligence we can almost one-hot everything in the game with no food items right now even with that missing intelligence so just eating one or two of these food items you're going to have more than enough even without that missing intelligence point to still one shot and be as strong as you need to be for everything that's currently in the game um so just bring these food items they're definitely going to help out I'll probably pop these before I do the damage demonstration um but those are some go-tos and again like I said there is a Higher One than this particular mushroom o that gives plus five intelligence so you can still be um close to 20 plus intelligence with this build um just with the uh bonus food items you're going to be taking the other two consumables I do like bringing along that I forgot to mention in the last video is the Elixir this gives you minus one to uh time in the Shroud but gives you a 30% damage multiplier which is a nice buff as well as the prayer of the flame scroll this will give you plus one time a minute time in the Shroud and a 20% magic damage bonus um so between these two and your intelligence Buffs from your food you're going to be more overpowered than you were before and only this time around because we been Max things we're not going to be wasting points in the wand tree and we're going to putting them into areas that are going to make us have a lot more survivability so on that note let's shift over to the most important part of the build which is the skill skills so let's head over here um so the first thing that I always talk about is the main four perks that you're going to want to grab um right away for pretty much every build that you make and that is the point and endurance Runner and double jump for added mobility and maneuverability as well as updraft which you can get to um through the tree on the trickster uh tree once we get there so always take those when you can um the only difference now is is we're going to be putting an additional Point here in endurance as well as grab wander lust and good metabolism so wander lust um basically is going to give us uh reduced stamina consumption when we're sprinting on dirt roads and when we're on Stone roads it's going to be 75 it's going to drop from 75 to 50% uh consumption so traveling the world will be a little bit better this is kind of a throwaway one just to get us to good metabolism which is the key one that we're taking and basically what this does is all Health mana and stamina orbs will now restore 30 30% instead of the 10% that we were getting in the previous build so you thought the orbs were good in that previous build now they're three times more effective than what they were in the last build and with all the ones that we're going to be spamming it's going to just be like not just a big chunk it's going to be like an instant fill of your health bar instant fill of your stamina bar instant fill of your Mana bar um just from one orb one or two orbs because they're so effective when you have the combo with good metabolism so this is the big change we're going to be going all the way up to good metabolism this time to make those orbs more uh efficient then we're going to take the one point in intelligence uh in here and not worry about anything else in the WAN tree um take the one point intelligence here in the Healer tree followed by healer this is going to be a throwaway perk it will be a little bit beneficial if you're in with a group of friends um that have healing spells so this was better than the Arcane deflection for parrying because you're not really going to be doing that much and we have infinite Mana so who cares about gaining 20 Mana I'd rather just take this one this was the lesser of two evils if you will so I grabbed that one only to allow us to grab blink and emergency blink for faster maneuverability and a get out of jail free card if we do by some chance get stunned um you can blink out uh when you're in a stun state with this ability uh moving on you want to take the point in spirit here as well as this is the way when attacking with a magical weapon which we will always be doing all damage will be increased by 10% um followed by the quick point in spirit and then arsonist and romaniac to give us uh 30% bonus to fire damage we will be spamming Fireball all the time so this is a good one you will notice that we're no longer taking thunder and lightning because the only thing that we were using lightning for before was our ritual wand which we don't use that much when we're in the late late late game so why waste the Five Points worth of perks um for something that you're barely going to use so I took that out um next you want radiant Aura and Sun Aura for the big uh free amount of damage to Little Critters and bugs and things like that um that just kind of swarm you while you're in a fight with other normal enemies um that will just kill them instantly and you won't have to worry about targeting them as well as the quick throwaway point in spirit because with the other perks I chose we ended up having one left over so m not just grabed the one in Mana um next quick uh quickly pick up the point in intelligence followed by wizard when attacking with a magical weapon your critical chance is increased by 10% this is good because that will help increase our chances of proing more of the orbs followed by Chain hit and mass destruction this will increase our AOE radius to 20 M and do a total of seven shock damage to all enemies that uh get hit by this when you critically hit with a spell so really good combo and an essential part of the build when you're in late game followed lastly by the quick point and intelligence and then you also want to pick up Dark Arts and Abyss for the 30% shroud damage this will buff your shroud wand slightly as well as your shroud meteor which is one of the hardest hitting spells like I mentioned before so always good to pick up that uh moving on you're going to want to definitely pick up quick charge um your build will feel very sluggish without this CU we're only going to be using stabs it reduces the time stabs required to charge up spells by 50% so key key ability there followed by Counter Strike after receiving damage there's a 20% chance to reflect 50% of that damage back to the attacker as fire damage and that will be further buffed by arsonist and pyromaniac um so that's good there quickly pick up intelligence followed by beon this is a throwaway perk but we're using it basically just to get to Terror um but what this does is in the rare scenario where your melee weapon's broken um it basically swaps your normal melee unarmed melee with a magical power punch that can knock back and stun foes when you hit them um so nice little ability there in a rare occasion followed by the point and intelligence and then Terror this is a big one on a critical hit which we will be doing all the time with our spells um the target will be stunned for 4 seconds now like I mentioned with acid bite and the AOE from chain hit and Fireball um you can uh proc multiple targets at once so with all the AOE that we're doing a lot of the times you're going to see multiple enemies get stunned because of Terror not just one um because a lot of our abilities do AOE damage now so really really good perk and that can save you in a lot of situations where um you're getting kind of swarmed you get one good ability off and you can stun half the pack for the amount of time it takes to cast entire another ability so this is a really really good one to have um last but not least the final big changes that we made um kind of building off of what we did from the previous build is we're going to be taking the two points in constitution for the health followed by shiny plates and heavy plates for the 30 or 20% additional armor Constitution and um now um in the previous build we uh ended at Tower um which will basically do um 10% less uh less physical damage within 20 M um as long as there's three or more enemies but now because of the extra points we can also take Warden um and an additional point in constitution for the same effect 15% less magical Dam uh 15% less uh magical damage so it's basically the equivalent of tower but for magic damage which is really nice um followed by Constitution and then we even get and this is the last one Earth AA this is a permanent buff that reduces um all damage against you um and all of your uh buddies that you may be playing with um within a 10 m radius of you uh gets a 10% damage reduction so not only if there's multiple enemies do we get big damage reductions here but because we removed the points in Thunder because we remove the points in the W tree that we're no longer using we can take some really good damage M uh mitigation abilities that are going to make you a lot more beefy and be able to take a lot more hits as well which is not normally what the case is when you're a mage you're usually pretty squishy but you can tank almost anything with this build and have the magic to back it up to just melt everything in your path so yeah that is pretty much the build you guys the new and improved late late late minmaxed I'm going to call it the battle mage now because we have a bit of like Warrior type abilities built in now um so yeah that is my no my my no my new go-to build um for the endgame prepping for the new content um I guess without any further Ado we can jump in and kind of demonstrate it here um first thing I want to quickly do is obviously pop my food so that will uh bring our intelligence up to 16 which is pretty nice and uh also allow us to basically one shot everything again and and then some so let's start uh start mowing things down I guess and kind of demonstrate how fast the uh orbs spawn it's because we're critting look at that two 4 6 8 10 10 orbs just dropped from that one enemy nice level chain lightning stun cuz we have infinite Mana we can just sit here and spam I mean they're just so many orbs now acid bite um just Crocs that so quickly let's switch it up let's do a little Fireball of course that's targeting the guy on the roof for whatever reason we just constantly have that shield now so we never have to worry about uh taking big chunks of damage like these are level 30 enemies and they do next to no damage to us and that's without even picking up orbs boom boom boom boom boom and now that the orbs are all 30% more effective um they're three times stronger now you could just you have like basically infinite survivability now with this build it's pretty uh pretty broken you thought the orbs were good in the previous build now they're just broken they're overpowered let's group all these guys up throw a little acid bite out teleport over here we prep one up for him hello boom see how many orbs spawn here oh of course it look okay so watch how fast our health goes boom just instantly regenerates to full everything just drops dead tons of orbs boom boom boom we're back to full again the whole Battlefield is just covered with orbs and what's awesome is the orbs will recognize when you don't need them so they don't get wasted if you get what I mean like if you're full Mana it's not going to pick up the Mana it's just going to like stay there type of thing so whenever you need it you can just run around actually no they may have changed that they may pick it up regardless but either way I mean you just throw one more spell SP out rebuild it back up and you're just going to one enemy just drop Six orbs you know what I mean so it's like you never have to worry about dying it's like you're always going to have something on the battlefield to regain your stamina regain your Mana regain your health I mean Mana is not even an option anymore cuz you have the double uh ring capacity but uh yeah mainly for health and for stamina you just con going to be full so yeah that is pretty much the build uh quickly take out this last guy maybe throw out a little light burst show that off and knocks him back some guys are more resistant to him than others but yeah still super overpowered the orb generation is insane with this build with water Aura we were getting what was it it I think like 35 to 40 max Health regeneration per second but you had to wait for it over the few seconds like with these orbs we're literally picking up one to two orbs and just instantly gaining 340 health so it's like I'd rather have the instant uh increase in health when I'm in a risky situation then have to wait for it to recharge so in my opinion the orbs are even better than the uh water Aura ever was and uh it's not just Health it covers mana and stamina as well all at the same time and like I mentioned previously they're 30% effective now as opposed to 10% three times better than they were before so yeah that is pretty much the new build you guys um I hope you enjoy it hopefully this is the last mage build that I make I plan on going into the warrior class next to come up with the best possible Warrior build hopefully that won't take three attempts um I'll kind of uh vet the comets and kind of trial and error a bunch of different things first before I just go and throw a video out there um but uh yeah that's pretty much it hope you guys enjoyed it if you did be sure to smash that like button comment down below I appreciate all of your guys' feedback a lot of the feedback that I got from you like from Kaiser in the previous video is what helped me come up with the ideas for my future builds so uh always comment I love taking you guys' feedback and and getting your guys' ideas um but yeah without any further Ado um if you want to join a like-minded community one thing I haven't mentioned in any of my previous videos yet is we do have a Discord um links will be down in the descript deson feel free to join us we have hundreds of players in there that play all sorts of games including all the Survivor games um we'd love to see you guys around so feel free to join us and uh check it out um but yeah until the next one hope everyone has a great day and we'll see you all later
Channel: Glitchiz
Views: 19,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, legendary wand weapon, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded mage, mage build, wizard build, wand build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, wand, best, best build, build, mage, wizard, enshrouded best wizard build, endgame mage, enshrouded endgame gameplay, enshrouded all spells, Glitchiz
Id: iD2HXT1Shvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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