Enshrouded - Top 5 Best Rings in The Game So Far (Locations Included)

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ring pieces in enshrouded are some of the most sought out yet hardto find pieces of equipment and in this video I have a clear goal to try to make your life a little bit easier when it comes to finding some of the best rings in the entire game before we get right down to the rings in their locations I must mention that the Rings can be farmed multiple times meaning if you're wanting to use two of the same ring you can just go back and grab it again to accomplish that goal and lastly I should mention that some of these rings have set location where you have a 100% drop rate and some of these you actually have to farm chests a few times to have them drop so let's go ahead and start with the 100% drop rate rings in this list to start off the list is the Gemini ring this ring was actually quite possibly the strongest ring in this entire list but as of literally the day I recorded this video they have just now patched this ring and nerfed it to the ground the ring previously would give you a low amount of 10 Mana but was a comp aned by a whopping 5% life leech chance but as of right now the ring only gives us 2% life leech chance which I guess could be pretty decent more so when you find out that the enemy that drops this ring is only level five which means you can pretty much get this ring right away as far as finding this ring goes we're going to be looking here for the mths Grove which is a little point of Interest located in the Shroud located exactly north of the springlands ancient Spire which by the way is is the very first ancient Spire you'll come across early on in your game play from this spire you'll make your way into the north end of this little shroud location and you'll come across this level five flying enemy which I believe will be the very first one you'll come across at this level as they're usually of higher levels and upon killing it you'll be granted with a 100% drop chance rate of getting the Gemini ring next up is the very wellknown ring of rapacity this is probably the most famous ring in shrouded right now due to a very few few popular YouTube videos covering this exact ring this ring is ideal for people who play Mana based characters as this ring offers you a lot of Mana regeneration which is very sought after by Casters in this game as Mana regenerates fairly slowly the Mana downside is very easily offset by a couple of points in spirit personally I have not played a Caster in this game as I usually prefer to play Archer based characters or even Warriors but either way this is a fantastic ring for anyone who does enjoy playing Caster to find this ring you want to make your way onto Willow Crush yet again a very low-level area but this time covered with lots of enemies in this place so be careful this location is found pretty much directly Southwest of the revelwood ancient Spire pretty much north of the location we just covered for the previous ring man they really need to add coordinates to this game the third and final guaranteed drop rate ring in this list is the Commander's ring now this is a ring you will not miss as it's dropped by a boss which you're told to defeat about Midway through your adventure towards reaching max level this ring gives us 30 Mana as well as 30 health and taking into consideration that even at max level with some points invested in spirit we have slightly over 300 Mana so that 30 Mana increase is a solid nearly 10% Mana increase and that's nothing to be slept on two of those bad boys equipped and you've got pretty much increased your Mana by roughly 20% and about 12% health or so that's not too shabby this ring is dropped by the Wisp wyvern boss found in the very north side of the pike location located at the very north side of the map right down in the center odds are if you haven't come across this location yet then you probably shouldn't try to grab this ring as the boss fight in itself isn't going to be very easy if if you're not prepared to take it on and moving on to the last two rings which are not guaranteed drops first off is the ring of endless life which is a slight upgrade to the Gemini ring bringing us to a 3% life leech chance and even though this ring is an upgrade to the Gemini ring funny enough you can get this ring even earlier than the Gemini ring you could technically get this ring at like level three or even level two seeing how it's found right next to the very first Elixir well to be exact a little bit east of the very first Elixir well right off of Spawn I wouldn't recommend you farming these at low level though as I'd recommend you find a good place to place an altar ideally right on top of it and just continually jump down onto the gold chested itself and exit to main menu and load back in to reset the gold chest spawn this ring I got on my third attempt so I'm not sure if I was very lucky or if the drop rate is fairly high this gold chest is also a good place for you to farm low level items if you're looking for some of that and last but not least is my personal favorite ring and conveniently enough the hardest one to find the Ring of ancient this ring is Simply the Best ring in my opinion for pretty much every build out there you see when you look at this ring without thinking too much about it it seems like a fairly weak ring that just increases your stats by a tiny bit but what if I instead told you that this ring gives you 50 Health 20 Mana 10 stamina 5% increase melee damage 5% increase range damage and 5% increase magic damage per ring it would sound a lot more attempting right well that's because that's exactly what this ring does when you increase each of those stats by one so all in all I definitely recommend this ring personally I always have two of them equipped late on in then shrouded when you're making different builds you have so many skill points to go around spending that often times you'll make use of each one of these stats so to find this ring is a little bit harder this ring is found in the very southeast of the map in a location called the scatter bone as well as the sun Temple right below it I suspect that this ring is a random drop that can be in any of the chests located around this area as well as I have seen videos talking about how this ring can be found in the deep cut location a little bit east of the scatter bone location the deep cut location has three chests for you to farm and each have a very low chance of dropping you this ring so you may have to spend some time farming these until you're lucky enough to get this drop personally I farmed for 15 minutes in an attempt to get it for this video but I was unable to however I already have two of these Rings which I got previously off recording in the scatter bone location so I definitely recommend you farming there but that's it for the top five rings in a shrouded and their locations personally I find all the Rings to be very underwhelming and to play too small of a role in our characters with the exception of the Ring of the Ancients and ring of rapacity what do you guys think I think they definitely need some work but that's it for today thank you guys very much and I'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 18,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded tips, enshrouded boss fights, enshrouded classes, enshrouded max level, enshrouded max level gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded no commentary gameplay, enshrouded best tips, enshrouded bosses, enshrouded wizard, enshrouded warrior, enshrouded hunter, enshrouded ranger, enshrouded assassin, enshrouded stealth, enshrouded bow, enshrouded magic, enshrouded combat, enshrouded combat gameplay, enshrouded quest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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