I Built an house for the Blacksmith in Enshrouded, Here's How to Build It

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another video today we're going to look at how to build this compact blacksmith for our friend oswal who has been helping us greatly I'm aiming to give each NPC a house that fits their style I hope you will enjoy building this one before we start want to quickly thank my patrons and YouTube members for keeping the channel going so with that being said let's Jump Right In These are all the building blocks and roof pieces I've used to create this build so to find the roughly cut stone so on your map now where the the hunter is located so if you haven't explored that far so you can go northeast and in this area is nether Thorn right here so there is a structure which I'm currently on now where it has a grappling hook right here and you're able to get up pretty easy and you're looking for this little box right there when you interact with it this is what you find roughly cut stone to find the next recipe which is a half Timber block so using the farmer as a guide right here so this is a farmer that spot is located north and it's right in this little area here is dwin Village uh where You' find also the carpenter carpentry camp now it will be Lo located in a chest that is next to a tent and that's pretty much it so we're going to start off with the foundation now I have two M selected and option one and I have roughly cut stone selected to do the foundation here we're going to start off with one then right here we're going to turn on the snap in so press X and there so one two 3 4 5 6 once you have that in so you're going to check come from here so one two so right here you're going to place one two and then this way one here two three and just car it around it should be a 3X3 box basically when it's attached to right here so over here now let me just show you you're going to put one more Stone uh block right here and for right here you're going to disable the X and you're going to slide this this in so one two so you notice it moving so it should be a half of this half of this block here should be in and should have it looking like this and you can just bring this all the way back here turn it turn on the snapping point so it's one 2 3 4 5 6 so you should have a space here one block space here you're going to fill this in like that and you can just do fill out the holes here so next thing that you're going to do is that you're going to grab your rough Stone block so hold on control and just make the selection there on the right and we're still on the 2m section number one selection there and I've started it right here placing a block right here and one the side going to place one more so it should be about three of these and you're going to pretty much carry this all the way back here this is going to be the blacksmith working area so you just going to fill this out with just a rough Stone once you have this area done now we're going to add some columns to the the corners of the the the foundation here so we're going to go to 2m and make sure that you're on the roughly cut stone we going s like that and then you're going to place scroll using the mouse View kind of scroll back a bit here and you're going to place one column right on top right in the corner here and you're going to place one more right here you you're going to do the same thing for the back here then what you're going to do now this one you have to so you're going to have position the the ghost piece there and you're not going to snap on top of it but position it starting from the top here and you're just going to go down by one block in like that so same thing over here position the character and start from the top here so make sure it's accurate one block in like that so you should have like an extra three of these 1 M blocks 1 2 3 and you're going to do the same thing here now for this side now you need to get your scuffled in so maybe about uh two or two to three you go back to the hammer and use Mouse we kind of push it down forward there so you can get this snap right on top right at the edge there that's going to be you're going to place one turn on snapping points it makes it easier for you seeing that this is the only thing we can snap to right here so 1 2 3 and four that's going to be the high hope so right here the edge snap that in we count up to that's one 2 3 and four now for right here we're just going to make a do a a creative mark marking here just to find the square disable X and just move the mouse forward and just by watching the line there watching this line and this line this is where it's supposed to be the at so let's place it there just for the time being cuz you're going to use this as a guide when positioning your walls so the next thing that we're going to do we're going to fill uh in the walls here so you're going to go to press the ALT key and go to to M if you're not there and we're going to select the number two option there and make sure to switch the material to half Timber block over to the right and then now you're going to place the walls in the walls going to be the same height as the the the columns we have placed here but it's going to be one block you're going to push it back here just to make sure we have depth so you're just going to stand right here Place one right here one right there so you're basically doing for the all around the structure here this is how we're going to add depth to the build so just make sure that we go position this back a bit and bring this all the way down here now remember that this is pretty much a guide where you're going to out place the the this side right here so let's rotate this piece here so it should be the same height as the wall to our left let's place this down and meet it right there should come over about right here that should be it next Once you have all the walls here added you right at this corner here just go to 1 M and you're on a roughly cut stone you're just going to place a uh place these in or you can use the columns whichever you're comfortable with and fill that in okay so the next thing we're going to do so we're going to focus on doing the roof for this structure here not the tall one so you're going to go to your two M roof and number two uh make sure you have your stone shingle roof and what you're going to do is that you're going to place this roof on top of the the pillar here not overlapping it like going into the the pillar like like like this right at this very top here so you're going to place in like that it should be seeing it looking like this here we have a little space here and you're just going to bring this over switch over to roof side which is number one rotate it and spring this over now right here try try to set this right on top and we want a 1 M overhang something like that there it is and that is our roof and then we're just going to bring this to the side here mov all the way down and give it a 1 M overhang right here as well once you have the roof piece in now you should have like a 1 M Gap right underneath the uh the roof here this is fine but if you have that so far then you're you're on the right track and they overhang here so we're just going up there to the top and we're going to switch back to number two Auto roof corner and we're just going to put this in first rotate it let's get it to right position in there see if we can get it right there right let me reposition that rest on top in line like that and you can switch back to your roof side and you can just snap this in like that and basically going to bring the side here we can just use x and just quickly snap these in like that and then we going to go to number four which is our flat roof piece and we're just going to place one right right there [Music] and so bring it back there a bits we're going to Chisel that off just a bit here in just kind of position this about give it about one turn off the X snapping point and just give it one M extension there cuz we're going to bring this wall all the way up so might as well we just get this out of the way so you got to switch over to 2 m two make sure that you're on half Timber block and then just place this on top here so pretty much it's going to be higher than the uh flat Loof section there it's that in and pretty much you can just fill this out fill this out for now so next we're going to do we're going to focus on the front here this part of the the bill and on this side so right here we're going to Mark where our doorway is going to be so using the in the 1M section using number one the small block here so come from one two space and then you're going to take this out and then from this side it's one two and then going to take this out so you're going to take all of this out and you're basically going to come from one 2 3 4 5 so this is pretty much our doorway our door should be able to fit in nicely here once you have that done so counting from this corner here so 1 2 3 4 going to take this out and go up to five 1 2 3 four and five three four and five so it should be two of these blocks wide then you're going to come from that window one two 3 4 and then you're going to take out this block and this block and from here one 2 3 4 then the next next one should follow let me check one 2 3 4 so our Windows should be evenly spaced we should have one two 3 four space left right here okay so now over to the side where the blacksmith uh uh workshop's going to be so it's starting from the corner here and you guys going to use the the the 1 M Block in the 1 M section and you going to count from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so at number nine is where we going to place a column right here so it's going to be 1 2 3 then you're going to add one more to make it number four you're going to bring another block forward like this one and then another on top another one forward like this another one on top this time you're going to bring it two blocks forward here two and a block on top then two blocks forward again and one more block right up top this one you just going to bring it all the way over to the wall then you're going to bring this down to about here now once you have the arch in place so you're going to grab your stone shinger roof you're going to get uh position right here so we're going to start from the top what we're going to do so you going bring it down about here so it should be overlapping these little Stones here like that you're going to bring It Forward a bit because you want to have a overhang for the front and the side is good and that is where you're going to snap that in so you should have it looking like this and you just snap the other one beside it like that and then you're going to place another on top of this another one on top of this one more make sure I position this properly check the front it's in line everything is good and we just can snap the other one beside it like that you're basically going to bring this all the way over to the wall here so bring it all way over to the wall and leave it like that pretty much in line with this column and that should be it so once you have this roof piece in the next thing you're going to do grab your go back into your Bild menu you're going to go to the 4M section and go to the stairs which is you're going to choose number nine on the list there H you don't want it to go into the the roof you want at least to see the little steps there right there so it should look like that and just pretty much fill out everything else you can switch back to your 2m roof we're going to use the uh flat roof here number four and we're just going to make sure that we are pretty much in line with the top here so you got to raise it up let here that should be good and and you're going to just bring this across make sure it's in line with the front so about here is fine but let's bring it over to the wall like this next thing that you're going to do is at the front here so where you see it's almost like in line with with the with this side here so you're just going to take this away now if you yours is already short like this and where this goes in more then what you can do is you can start placing the roughly cut stone right here let's spill it in and what you going to do is that you're going to bring this take this out and then you can place a roughly Stone right here and this line right the very top here the edge of the roof here this is the line you're going to take out so that you can fill this out using the roughly cut stone once you have that added up top here so you're going to go right underneath here make sure to select half Timber block and I'm currently on the 2m section number seven you're just going to pretty much just add the walls right here you can switch over to the one m and just kind of fill this out here going down like this about here should be fine and what you should be seeing is that just make sure to fill out any gaps if there is any then next what you're going to do just to clean up the sides right here you're just going to go to the 1M section and go to the number two single roof block now do not use the stone shingle roof use any other roof uh material so that it doesn't uh give you a clean clean Edge there so you're going to place one here here here so give you a nice smooth line where it touches the the stone shinger roof up top so just bring this all the way up like that then you're just going to bring this straight across like this and then right underneath it you're going to switch to the single wall block make sure that you select the roughly cut stone and then you're going to place this here just going straight across like that right there also make sure that this goes all the way over right into the gra here so this should basically meet the the stone Earthly Stone uh Earthly cut stone here and switch back to 1 M Block you're going to bring this all the way down like that you're going to do the same thing for this corner here and right in this corner you're just going to raise this up by two then you're going to have two space here one two then you're going to raise another right here and then one two there's going to be another just another adjustment here another row of this roughly cut stone so you're pretty much extending this uh area here by just one block and once you have that extended then you're going to raise this up by two space two space then the two two space two space and that is it you finished off like that now in between these little uh columns here you're going to go to the carpenter if you have the carpenter unlocked if not you will have to go and get him and also you will need the the table saw he's going to give you a new type of window this window right here and you're going to use that as the railin so just going to snap this in so what you can do is just go up the side right here try to position it if you're unable to get it in like lower in line but the the top should be line with the pillar here just grab your hammer and just take out a piece right here then switch back to to the door you can get that slipped in just like that so you can just take out just one of the blocks here so it make makes it a lot easier for you to get the the window the window in and you should have it like this and you just can place the blocks back in and then it's all good from there once you're done with that the next thing you're going to do is make a space right here then you're going to break two blocks right here and uh break about three one 1 2 3 going up so one space over here two blocks right here one two 3 basically that's a the space for the the windows for this section you're going to also break here just to create a a doorway here for you to access your balcony okay so right at the edge of the flat roof here you're just going to take away this row of roof pieces here and you're also going to take this out and just going to replace it with a roughly cut stone just bring this all the way right right on top so edge here in line here and you took out that piece there you're going to take these out so that you can bring this over like that you're pretty much going to bring this around here just take that part out and then take this out back here and let bring this down all the way in line with this wall here then what you're going to do you're going to place these little Stones right here kind of space it out make it nice and clean now major structur is in place here so we're just going to add some little details here and there so right in the corner you're just going to bring this column help just to meet the roof just like that and for right here just going to place two column uh just doing the repeating the same thing like here it'll have two space and then you're going to place one right here then you can leave two space here one two one two 3 4 actually and just Place one right here one two and then you have one more right here like that so you can throw in the windows and these little gaps here you can make space here two space one two two space one two that is it now for right here the front of the uh the doorway we're going to get one of those big chunky blocks here number one the 2m section lower it down the the about right here going to place it then so what should happen is that this little edge here should not be in line with this doorway here should go in by one block so about right here let me reposition this better so a little bit closer so right there is fine and then we can switch on over to number eight uh option to put in our stairs so let's rotate that piece and we just snap our stairs in right there and we we are good now the next thing we're going to do go back to 1M so once we one 1M section you're going to place a roughly cut stone right [Music] here and you're going to place one right here right here you're going to switch to the number two and you going to switch the material to Tar shingle roof going to place a piece right here and one piece right here so that you can get a nice little Arch uh railing there for the stairs you can choose you can make it higher so I can place it one right here and one would be right there so you can just reposition it to whichever height you prefer you can also extend it if you wish by adding another one down the bottom there so next thing that you're going to do is that you're going to add some details here so you're going to place right over the top a roughly cut stone right here to the side as well make sure it's in line with this one not going all the way up like that and basically going to do the same thing right here right front right at the side you're going to place a block right here and one right here now you're going to uh Mark your window so from right here one 2 three and then the next one you're going to open this up so five going all the way up same thing over here place a block right here from this corner one one 2 3 1 2 3 4 and five place a block right here and place a block right there then yes you place one more right there too that should be it for right here for this corner you just going to switch to the single roof block and just going to fill this going all the way up and just care this car that the cross like that and take this out and just kind of bring this down like this make it nice and clean the base right here you're going to place a block right here in the front and one at the base right here so you're going to pretty much do the same thing for right here and here and up here one at the front and one to the side like that the next thing that you're going to do you're going to grab your windows so these are pretty cheap it's just you need wood to make these and start from the bottom here and just aim right here just get that in like that our way up to the top like that let's do the side right this side right here just kind of push this in the column nice let's go all the way up so you're basically doing this for all the The Columns we added these little one me block here the base and at the top so you would the next part you would do is that edge and while you're adding the the windows to the Ed here you can just fill these out just the windows here and over here next for the blacksmith ear here now I use these windows for this part but I don't have enough right now so if you don't have those windows you can use the uh the regular ones that just use just wood to make these pretty cheap and you just take out a block one block right at the ground there and then you can position it and Center it like that simple and easy and for the door placing your door here so so the door I'm using is what I got from the from the carpenter so I like to set the door back a bit here to give it to the whole area here some depth so next we're going to focus on the back structure here which is going to be like our Tower and we're just going to start adding the roof here so you're going to have a 1 M overhang the the left side here and what you're going to do is that you're going to it's going to go right through the top of the the column here so not going to to rest on top of it so like that so you see where it just cut right the 45° angle at the very top there so that is where you're going to place it uh make sure to place the right roof piece there so just going to use a stone shingle and position that you may have to use Q to push it forward or back pull it towards you uh so You' have to find the right position in you're comfortable with to get that in so you do the same thing here just going to pull this forward try to position it properly 1 M overhang that and disconnect the pieces now that we have the roof pieces in place over here so the back part of of the the structure here we're just going to make sure that to raise this pillar so let's move the mouse wheel use q and mouse wheel let's pull it back and we're just going to put it just scaring this up so that this it can be right set right underneath this roof that we're going to add so we're going to go back to the 2m roof and use this side roof side bring that up so it's about so I brought it about so I place one here so one two and this is the third row what you can do is that you can press X and turn on the snapping point to make it easier for [Music] you all right so once that is in now this remember the column that was right here so for the edge of the uh what we have marked below so you're going to bring that up so we're going to switch back to 2m and bring this up all the way up like that so once you have this all of them in line with each other so you're going to add in your 1 M uh overhang so just I'm just I'm not using any snapping points here I'm just using just uh with it off and just kind of position myself just place these in but which ever is you're comfortable with so you pretty much work with to get that and I'm just comfortable with that that method and what you're going to do so go back to 1M and we're still on the roughly cut stone you're going to place one right at the top of this pretty much going into the roof and you're going to place a one in the front at the front there so doing the same thing over here one at the top and one at the front then for the so we're going to get a scaffolding here so Place one down maybe need about two make sure that it's positioned properly so it's not that clean right at the top here so what we're going to do is that we going to go back to 1 M hmer oh make sure that this is positioned lower right there and this one is pretty much going to be right in front so going to bring the up and you're going to put one right in front of it like that bring this up right in front of it and pretty much carrying this over to the other side right [Music] here like that and that is how we're going to finish that and you're going to place one here and take the roof piece out and place that one in there now this one should be be at the same height as that one right there make sure to to look at it just to see if it is go on the same level and that should be it now what you can do is that you can raise the walls here this wall here let's go to 2 m and car this all the way up next what you're going to do now is we're still on on this side here so you're going to skip so you're going to use the 1 M Block here I mean the 1 M section number one you're going to skip a space right here and you're going to skip a space below here too so right up right at this point you're going to place one 2 3 4 the five six and place one more up top makes it seven so it should be seven so you're going to skip a space here skip a space below and start from here going up to seven next thing you're going to do is just you're going to extend this by one block you're pretty much coming out by one block and you're just going to fill this out like that right at the front here I'm going to use the Shroud wood and just place a block just to just go across like this and now for right here we're going to go to our 2m roof section and we still using the stone shingle roof we're going to position this to go halfway so it's halfway the top here make sure it's 1 M Block overhanging to the left and for the front to be good so you should have something in like this that and the other side do likewise you're going to switch back to 1 M and you're going to go to your 1 M block or single roof block and make sure that you're using a a roof material that is not Stone shingle so I'm using the roof tile uh this case here and what you're going to do is that you're going to place going to place a block right here just carrying this all the way up and just carry this over right there take this take this one out then you're going to bring this bring it down here like that sh up the windows to cing from right here so 1 2 3 3 four 5 and six so right here we're going to place a the roof block so make sure they have number two selected and we basically bring this straight across like this we just going to add another block here just to smallen this up a bit the corner here and get your window shaping up like that now what you can do is that you can go for a window I am using the the fancy one I got from the Carpenter and just place it right at the top here then what I'll do is that I'll fill this part out with just the the other cheaper looking Windows also when if you're putting the window make sure that you push it down into the ground here into the the wood here you may have to take out one block so that you can position it to lower uh in that piece and then you can place these on top of it so that you end up with a look like this all right so then what you're going to do to finish off this side here you're going to get the regular Windows you're just going to place these in the pillars like you see it now you may have to get a you also do it on this side too so you just fill this in going all the way up like that and this is it for this side so now for this side here we're going to go to our 2m section and select the first option number one and make sure that you're on the roughly cut stone block so you're going to make a space here so starting from the edge you're going to push it one two and then you're going to go in about one block in like this place that in and then you can snap the other one beside it easy like that then what you're going to do next is that you're going to switch to number five for columns and you're going to change the material to the half timbered block so you're going to place one and two then at right up the top you going going to place so go to 1 M Block you're going to place two of these 1 M blocks on top of the two columns there's one more detail I forgot to mention so you may have to make an adjustment here so you may have you have to push this column here so it should be one space here and then you place column right here so I do apologize there's a lot of detail to this bill here I'm trying to remember each of them accurately so each that might have to check double check and so that was a bit off so I apologize for that now for this section here well for the front here you're going to grab your crowwood and just bring a bring it across here uh pretty much you can do the back part here too cuz you're going to need it to place some root pieces 1 M Block root pieces so once that is in so you're going to get your block here so preferably anything that is not Stone the stone tile so you're going to bring the this all the way all the way up you will need to get a higher Advantage points so that you can snap these in better as you go higher all right so I have I pretty much raised it up to the same height as the column and we're just going to go to our 2m roof section get one of the roof side let's rotate it to the side here you're going to you're not going to place it on the top you're still going to have the 1 M overhang to the left and for the front you're going to pull this down a bit so it's overlapping the top of the the column there should go in like this let me undo that and make sure I'm using the stone shingle roof so let's try that again have that in rotate it and then pull this over and place that in so once that is in place then you go back to your roof piece and you just going to basically care of this make sure that it's not the stone jingle piece here you don't have any problems getting this in so pretty much make can it meet on the other side so you have a nice little triangle top there so once you have the window open up like this you can just add the regular Windows right here so one two 3 4 and then you go back to your hammer and you're going to add a a beam going across like this that and then right up the top you're just going to add the fancy Windows right in here like that that is pretty much it now for the front here right here we going to do is that you're going to go back to you're going to use the regular windows and you're going to pretty much snap these right here going all the way up like that so both side sides here one here and here so this is pretty much it I've added the detail here as you can see right at the top here for this window you may have a little G Gap here so you can use the roof tole or whichever roof that you use and just fill uh fill out the Gap here so it looks like this and that is basically it now for the back here for the chimney what what I use is go to the 2m section and I pretty much use just the Rough Cut Stone and just kind of positioned it centered you're going to push it in just a bit uh that height is good and pretty much going all the way up to the top here so above the roof fine I'm going to show you on uh my first copy here so basically carry this going all the way up and pretty much stop right there and what you're going to do is just use the 1 M stone blocks here just to place it at the the end not the right at the corner so you're going to skip the you're going to skip this this part here when you go up so it's going to be a gap right here and you place a one 1 M Block right here and one here you're pretty much doing the same thing all around the the uh the chimney here and at the very top is just basically one M Block going all around like that so and for the base here so was going up straight uh extend the side here a bit as you can see it's not much and uh not come up with a good looking chimney to tell you Hest truth here so now for the inside so right here where the top of this there's going to be a gap this is where you're going to position the flooring uh of this for this section here so this is what you're going to do pretty much fill this out going all the way back here like this the next part we're going to work on right here we're just going to place the floor in pretty much where we cut out the doorway it's the same level as our balcony out there so it it's pretty much going to pill this area here out here is a tour of the house with some light decorations so you can get some ideas the build may seem big outside but is compact on the inside so I had to eliminate the idea of adding stairs inside to access the top floor because it took up too much space so up for using ladders that you can craft at the carpenter would save a lot of space so I could make a cozy fireplace added a space for storage and a spot for him to rest his head well I hope Oswell likes it is that it that is it hope you had fun building this and don't forget to always aspire to inspire peace
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 51,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I built a blacksmith, I built, I built a house, versaugh, versaugh builds, versaugh enshrouded, enshrouded builds, i built a secret room
Id: vsM3tD1ZvF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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