Enshrouded Base building. Tips and tricks for making flowerpots

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hello and welcome to this rather short guide on how to do different types of flower arrangement for your building and shrouded both for indoor stuff and Outdoors and also in the window like I have done here but I want to start with something that is U not exactly a flower pot but rather something for your garden a lot of people do gardening like this at least from what I've seen in YouTube videos and it doesn't really look that bad H you put down like a square formation of wood and then you put the soil inside of it uh but there are a lot of square formations or Square like shapes stuff in then shrouded so whenever you can kind of get a round shape going I think it really elevates stuff and there is a way you can make that happen uh stuff made by the carpenter Furniture can be rotated a lot more than uh just 90° you can see a really fine tube right so if you place um this is the small wooden table you can use other stuff like benches as well um you just go rotate it like this and place one after the other and once you are done and got the shape that you like you can start filling it with dirt like this let's see if we can get some there as well and then plant some stuff inside of it if you don't like it to stick up that much from the ground you can always raise the ground a little bit with the rake like this until you get it to the level you want I may want for the tree here I had imagine a little bench going around the tree unfortunately I kind of underestimated how large the tree would become once it was fully grown so if you do this make sure you have a big enough Circle in order for stuff to grow you need at least two levels of plantable soil one is not enough um that can be like dirt or Farm soil or whatever if you just plant in something that is one uh thick like this um it disappears you see it went away after a little bit that one will stay though so so that's uh good to keep in mind knowing this we can actually do something really neat with the window so let's remove this here and another row so this is two rows and then we place some plantable soil in this case uh form soil like this and then we hide this by putting a little border there or window uh for the window like this and also some arrangement around it one really neat thing you can do is uh with roof tiles you just go like this so this looks like a really nice window the good thing is we can actually plant something in here so let's grab our plants again and suddenly we got some flowers in the window oh I actually forgot one little Cube here like this all right so you got a nice uh window there we can also use the fact that terrain tiles are more delicate when you put them down than normal like building tiles they're not as squarish so we can use that to kind of build a vase uh let's put some Farm soil there Down in the Hole switch to Limestone or whatever material you like to use make a little square around put another tile of Farm soil in the middle so there's form so there even if you cannot really spot it add some more Limestone around here um maybe another four like this on the sides and we got a little base a stone base and now we can actually plant something in the middle here like this that will oh it wasn't really in the middle though I'll reant that one I guess that was more like it and it would look really nice when it grows up the last thing I want to talk about is that you can actually plant inside of a lot of items over there is the bath tube here is part of the smelter here is a metal Barrel use your imagination this works with pretty much anything I think uh if you place down some dirt and then you try to place something inside of it it will show you that it does not allow much overlapping just a tiny little bit right uh but in reality the game allows for quite some overlapping for a lot of items uh just if you do it in the correct order so if you place ground like this or um in this case Farm soil right um and then you remove that Farm soil or the excess Farm soil rather so let's do that after you removed all the dirt which can take some time uh you can actually start planting inside of them and you get some really I guess Innovative designs that can look really good once everything is grown up here is the smelter part here is the window still and here's some paprikas in the bath tube I also used the Barrel in this case and here are some variations uh where I use different types of materials to create some I guess indoor uh vases hope you found this little guide useful if you did give a thumbs up maybe subscribe I have a lot more content for un shrouded planned I really like the game especially like the build mechanics in it I have a big let's build planed uh for where I focus mostly on like the indoor stuff and there's a lot of really cool stuff you can do with like indoor design in the shrouded unfortunately those kind of bigger let's build take maybe six seven hours for me like recording and editing and I very seldom have that much time for YouTube stuff in a week but hopefully hopefully I will have it next week fingers crossed anyway that was all for now cheers
Channel: KetMol
Views: 16,902
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Id: eA4Rw8t9zRQ
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Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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