Huge Medieval Castle and Town Showcase | Enshrouded

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what's up everybody it's lindis and today we're going to do something a little different we're going to be doing a build showcase and it's going to be this crazy medieval castle build and I want to say special thanks to Afterglow for providing the save so I can actually witness and take a deep look at this build it's pretty cool that uh he can share or she I'm not sure if it's he or she that you share files and I can actually see it for my own eyes so yeah uh they do mention that it's not finished yet and uh but yeah uh thank you Afterglow so let's take a look at their build and um I did see his his first version of it but this one he's he's added a lot more so it is going to be like a new experience for me at least hopefully and uh so yeah let's take a look just loaded it up and it should be right outside the uh the bolt here oh yep I can see it my God is that beautiful wow the textures haven't loaded in yet oh I think that wall down there is new let's take a look all right let's take a look so we use the pathway very nice very nice look at all this so oh okay I see how we made this I like that I like that look at the castle is oh I want to did he uh do anything new in here I knew I know a lot of these buildings were kind of like a work in progress so we'll see oh we did clean it up a little bit there was a like a lot of roofs were like kind of sticking out and stuff so that's all cleaned up it looks nice does he still have that scary okay he did patch this up it was like a scary section Raider like goes into like a dark Oblivion nice we still has this little mess still looks nice though still looks nice maybe I'm not supposed to be up here oh this is the the walkway that goes through okay still looks incredible [Music] incredible sunlight the sunlight I love this tree that you put in here get the gates going around it and stuff and the Beautiful sidewalk got the chimney going the detail and the windows love it love it so this was that entrance okay where does this go is this underneath oh okay this is the underneath walkway okay okay I like this actually is that stone up top nice nice nice you get the little flame the little uh lights on the side so this must be like an extra room actually never noticed that room before I like these flower beds and then we got some actual planted flowers nice nice nice nice you can actually oh this is a planted tree nice oh I like the use the fireplace actually built that into it okay I like that let's got upstairs let's check out the upstairs this is a bony it's an extra little room I like it the vine sticking out and stuff little candle all right some more candles nice and spacious except for this area it's very uh confusing hopefully I'm not criticizing too too much it's very beautiful that's all I got to say as a builder myself I've I've done a lot of building in Conan and I'm probably going to upload my Conan like City pretty soon because um well I just haven't got around to actually uploading it yet but the server went offline and uh I did like a my last moments on the server and showcase my city so that' be pretty soon okay so you got the Wiz you got the Alchemy do in here you can make your Alchemy stuff he's got all the necessary oh he's got upstairs nice SCE I like it okay uh can you sit on these no got a bed up here all right alemy guys living better than me I wait did I check out this building oh I checked out the the bottom floor oh that go oh yeah that goes across okay beautiful I love this love every bit every bit what about this building wonder if that's blank up there let me check it out here that must have been a pain to get these the roofing to kind of line up and stuff but yeah this room is this an actual room probably not I don't want to pick up the window I don't want to touch anything I feel like I'm intruding a little bit all right oh they got a little little ous that's cool I like this look at the beautiful castle we'll get to it we'll get to it I just I haven't really explored the town yet and I want to see if he added anything so far he's done some cleaning up it looks a lot nicer what's in here oh I like that I like that oh hello there um sorry didn't mean to intrude in the backside oh I love the use of this actually looks like it belongs there it's cool that is cool that's the oven right yeah that's the oven that's cool I like that I like that let's go upstairs very nice very nice we got the double windows I see I see oh I I had this issue before too where the the walls didn't like fully connect I feel your pain man I feel your pain very nice what's this extra little area for for guess just throw them up here interesting extra storage face look at this cozy little room could set up another Gus bedroom all right let's go back down I think this is the exit do you do anything more to the blacksmith area I love this blacksmith area like it feels like an actual medieval blacksmith area love it love it I don't see anything too new in here then again it didn't really need anything new it they look fantastic what's up blacksmith guy I love the fireplace ideas here love it I love it also love the well everybody gets their water in the town little stair and walkways and Detention of details you got a ladder to get up here fix his chimney and stuff interesting I love the build on this too looks fantastic Fant it's all fantastic to be honest it's all great look at this little house who's in here here is this a carpenter dude oh yeah it is what's up Carpenter guy got a nice cozy little place nice cozy little place he guys little benches out here who's up top just where he stays got the little window sills nice nice nice that little Farm out here very nice very nice got some more crops growing nice nice nice I don't think I realized this before was this not sure if this stuff was here before or not oh I didn't even re I didn't even notice the backside of here looks looks good looks good looks good and the pathway looks a little scary over here let's check out this oh this is the storage area okay I think these crates are new maybe maybe the crates are new okay let's check out this little thing little storage sh okay all right all right I like the windows I like the windows I also like um this like extruding roof that comes out Tanner oh this must be the Archer lady y very nice very nice got another little upstairs hello there people all right let's go back down oh is this the chimney nice very nice is Sonny up all right now for the castle G golly goodness that must took some time I wonder how many times you felt your death cuz I know I would have fell to my death quite a few times or every time I'd fall I'd probably curse cuz I would have to jump back up there oh is this new this looks new this little gazebo thing like it fancy schmancy oh I even got lights in here too cool cool little chill out area Al this is where this is the the flame okay okay okay I love the I love the entrance to here the use of fences very [Music] roomy the detail on the sides of the uh the the walls lot of detail very nice very nice made use of the curtains multiple windows stacked [Music] up very beautiful very beautiful I love the bridge and arches all the stuffs all the stuffs I love all which door do I go through let's go through this door oh ho look at this fancy design big stairs two big pillar supports it's funny this game doesn't really have supports but it's nice that people Implement supports okay so those are the three doors they lead to here if I remember correctly it was a little messy in here oh okay so he's added quite a lot in here this is a lot different than what I remember oh yeah yep definitely different this looks a lot more cleaned up I might get lost in here all the library I love the library very nice very nice let's check out the upstairs do you like do you like place every single one of these CU that must have been a pain I love it I love it this is where you can chillax and read your books nice what's in here I think this leads up to one of the towers if I remember I think he blocked it off maybe there's a different way up let's go back through here I better get my torch out where does this go okay I don't remember this room very nice very nice so where's the upstairs go to oh I like these detail to the windows got a lot of space probably put some like flower pots in I wish they added like more decoration stuff that would be nice what's in here oh big giant balcony oh look at the Town it looks so beautiful the town really lights up holy moly it lights up I feel like I'm in Bowser's Castle right now like the N64 Castle nice nice nice a highly polished Stone let's go upstairs in here you can really get lost in this one this is leading to the tower look at this little spot here very nice very nice so we got a way to get up I think this is new I don't remember taking this I want to remove these but I don't I feel like it would be bad to do that oh that looks nice oh that's that little building that expands out okay um I'mma I'mma change it to um daytime pretty sure there's a bed over here hello there yeah I'm sorry it'll only be a couple seconds he's like dude what are you doing that's my bed bro I'm sorry I'll pay your rent all right let's uh oh crap uh let me change back to this let get back up on here there we go check this out ah so we kind of like staggered it a little bit okay to get the arches nice I didn't even realize this whole backyard a lot of space up here love it this Tower must have been hard to build cuz you probably would have had to build like stairs and stuff to keep being elevated to keep like building up and up and up and up it looks like it was a it was a pain in a butt very nice where does this [Music] go awesome where do this go nice it's a lot of individual windows are these banners I didn't even notice we had banners nice there a lot of detail on this this building this roof lots of detail I love it let's check out see if I can get to the top oh he put a ladder right here very nice I like it got another ladder going up this is very interesting it's exciting it's like where does it go where does it go it just keeps going up all right so I'm going to take that window out I'm sorry I just want to I want to go on the outside very [Music] nice let's uh let's put this back there you go there you go I put things back so how how is that side like not decaying cuz it's like a little bit out of the uh the flame does it just stay soz I thought like if it's out of the out of the like the building area like starts to Decay or something shows how much I know let's go up on top of here real quick there we go very nice very nice I love how like each Tower is like different in its own way why is that glowing I tripping out is it glowing over there that's what weird it's very strange very nice very nice this seems like it was a pain to build too I love how like the individual like Tower on the sides extend out it's very nice and then the attention to the detail on the sides very nice very nice what's it look like on this side ooh very nice I love this like big giant bridge fire the Catapult and I love how you did like your mulations or I forgot how do you how you pronounce that but like this this right here is what I'm talking about like I think that was individually placed block by block which is pretty impressive I do say this had to have been a nightmare doing all this double door got some stairs leading up we even got like a little bit of railing is to them oh what is this I don't remember these pieces are these windows to make a what is this oh it is a window I didn't know that that's cool oh crap how do I put it back down oh no I missed up his build I don't know how to lower it maybe you got oh you probably got to place it first and then I'm sorry I was here I did that I think you had to place the window down first and then you build the block over it oh what is this little area oh that leads up into the tower oh look at this very nice very nice after glow this is fantastic fantastic how many hours did you put into this that's what I want to know cuz some of this stuff I know you had to do like block by block kind of thing which would probably very tedious oh what's this little area is that a separate room think I've been in that room is it this room oh okay I've been in here very nice very nice very nice well that's about it guys that's about it very very impressive stuff even the stone work in here here I'm pretty sure he manually place this I know he manually places this looks nice I like this and like the individual fancy wall design everything is incredible absolutely incredible and the town the town's incredible too very good job very good job well well weoo I wish the textures would load in a little better from a from a distance unless it's just me cuz it looks a lot better up close like it looks like Play-Doh when you're far away well I think that's it for this video um if you guys want me to Showcase and like kind of like give my opinion on things let me know in the comments uh once again thank you Afterglow awesome awesome build very impressive when I first saw this on the uh Discord I was just like holy sh you know I I said a bad word that's all I could say that's all I can say anyhoo you guys all have a fantastic day and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Zelendes
Views: 13,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, building, best, endgame, castle, medieval, war
Id: HxpASV6Pup8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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