ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs In Use: The Complete List - #10 | LIVE English Lesson

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hello everyone I think I'm here I think I'm live please talk to me tell me you can see me and hear me tell me if I sound like a chipmunk that means my voice would be very high in squeaky hopefully not today we are doing phrasal verbs and I'm going to tapes out of my ear today we're doing phrasal verbs in English another ten to carry on with our list I've already got quite a few of you jumping in the saying hi hello Daniel hello Syed hello Tamas Daniela ready chamille hard ear and lots of Hugh lots of you hello great so let's get started with our very first of the session phrasal verb and this is number 91 and it's for those of you who are green-fingered and it's the phrasal verb bed out to bed out it means to move a plant outside so I said for those of you who are green fingered if your green finger it means you're very good at gardening you're very good with plants and flowers you can make them thrive and grow I tend to sometimes I'm green fingers green-fingered and sometimes I'm not sometimes I kill plants by accident i overwater them or I don't feed them or I give them too much sunlight or something and they die and I cry but you can describe someone as being green fingered now the phrasal verb to bed out just means to take a plant normally a young plant and to put it out where you're going to grow it so you might have started it off in a greenhouse which is made of glass to keep it warm or you might have started it in the dark cupboard inside the house or maybe just on your windowsill and once it's grown and it's a little bit more tough and robust then maybe it's strong enough to go outside and to be bedded out you can bed it out so the example sentence I've given here is once the frost has has thawed we should think about bedding the plants out once the frost has thawed we should think about bedding the plants out to thaw means to melts or to thoroughly warm up if something has been frozen and really really cold once it warms up it has thawed once it's warmed up dried out it has thawed so once the frost has thought we should think about bedding the plants out so as with all of these phrasal verb sessions you have a chance to have your practice sentences corrected so please try to write a sentence using the phrasal verb bed out and tell me if you are green-fingered or not and while you're doing that I'm going to jump into my patron skype room hello patrons it's a delight to see you Alexander you've posted this very Christmassy looking photograph and you said hello Anna it's nice to see you again quick question how would you describe the house in the picture is it festooned with fairy lights or is the house decorated with Christmas lights I would say it's decorated with crystals Christmas lights I have never seen this word festooned it doesn't mean it doesn't exist I've just never seen it I'm so I'd say decorated it's um it's looking like a Christmas tree even it's covered in Christmas lights a martyr said hello I've got others Andreas is in a hello Andreas so patrons do feel free to talk to me in the patrons Skype room a wonderful have had a super chat dropped as well so pop pop s skoo inna hello thank you very much for your very kind donation if you drop super shots then you can also write a comment with your super chat so your comment is highlighted and I can see it and I definitely am able to answer your question or comment so if you are thinking of putting a super do feel free to also add a comment to that as well popescu I haven't seen you before actually are you a new subscriber here as a donator any donators get a chance to choose or one of the notes that I've done from one of the sessions so please let me know which notes you would like me to send you drop me an email my email is at the bottom of the description for this video and I'll send you the notes as a thank you for your donation all right so I've had a few examples coming through so let's have a look at these and thais thais am I saying that right I'm not sure you've put my mum beds out her roses oh hang on let me just push this down do the next one in a minute my mum beds her roses out to take Sun so mum is American if you're writing a British English it's spelt like this so you don't you can choose which one you want to do but just bear in mind if it's British English you're going for that's the spelling American English is that spelling so I'll put it into British English because obviously I'm British so let's keep it with that for now my mum beds her roses out to take Sun it's not incorrect but I'm gonna change it and make it more natural to give them some Sun my mum beds out her my mum bez her roses out to give them some Sun that would sound very natural to me Paluxy o has said will you help me bed out the plants Jimmy that's very good well done then we have I'm waiting for the spring because I can't wait to bed out some of my plants says Tomic very good that's perfectly written as well and Garcia has said after Christmas we will be bedded out our Christmas tree in the garden okay let's have a quick look at this one so let's have a look at this together after Christmas we will be bedded out our Christmas tree so we will bed out you don't need the IDI we will bed out half sari after Christmas we will bed out our Christmas tree in the garden and that's perfect okay there we go so after Christmas we will bed out our Christmas tree in the garden get alright let's move on to the next one I think you've all got the hang of it so bed out so the next one which you might have seen is beef up to beef something up is to make something stronger or more effective so you might talk about a person beefing up if a person beefs up it means they get more muscley so the beef up they become stronger and you can talk about things being beefed up so you could talk about maybe in the example sentence the security in a company being beefed up you might be your car if you make it if you make changes and add things to make it stronger and more effective so the example I've given here is have you seen Peter lately he has been going to the gym a lot with his new girlfriend and oh gosh were gone right off the page here let me just widen this out for you so we can actually see it he's been going to the gym a lot with his new girlfriend and has really beefed up he's become stronger we should consider giving him a job as a bouncer now a bouncer is a security man you would normally find them at pubs and clubs and bars if they're very busy at the weekends big muscly man who looks after the place and make sure that no one misbehaves keeps everyone safe security so we should consider giving him giving him a job as a bouncer as we do need to beef up security at the club we need to make security more effective okay all right so let's have a look at some of your examples and one here is just caught my eye in the patron room so Jose has said Ana beefs up our English that's very funny yes good that's a good example but just make sure you will spell this correctly there's no e beefs just FS at the end and Marta my English is beefing up thanks Anna you're welcome very good I like that well done okay so what are you guys saying on the YouTube chat room my coach in the gym will beef up me for three months so we need to adjust this particular sentence and this was apt M sorry it's written in characters that I don't recognize so I'm sorry if I've mispronounced your name but you've written this sentence here you've said my coach in the gym will beef up me for three months so we need to move this around we'll beef me up will be free up or you could say will help me beef up will help me to beef up over over the next three months okay my coach in the gym will help me to beef up over the next three months I hope that helps rah Rana Rana has written this sentence beefing up the chickens is not a good idea yeah that's fine so making chickens particularly big and strong you're saying is not a good idea just make sure you put a girl full stop at the end and let me do just one more so Alexander my patron room has said I need to beef up to get ready for my summer trip so you need to get monthly for your summer trip it's always a good idea to beef up your English we need new talented football players to beef up Dynamo Kiev perfect very nice the lecture was perfect as it was beefed up with a few jokes and humorous comments very good nice great ok so yes you can say that beefed up means to improve but it normally means to add to so you add to it to make it more effective and stronger alright so the next one on the list this has two potential meanings and it's the phrasal verb belong to have a nice sip of my tea it's freezing cold in the UK at the moment I was just out before I started teaching and I'm cold to my bones so I thought a nice hot cup of tea while teaching would warm me up so belong to it could mean one of two things it can mean you are a member of something I belong to a group I belong to a club I belong to a team or it can mean that you are that it is the property of something or someone so to be a member of something nice and easy we all belong to a special little community or I could say I belong to a gymnastics club I belong to a squash club I belong to a special little group of English learners okay and then to be the property of someone you could say this belongs to me this belongs to me that belongs to you so that that's right next to you now that that belongs to you but this belongs to me it's the property of me or you and the example sentence I've given here is this watch once belonged to your grandma it now belongs to you nice and easy and I just want to give another shout out to another very generous viewer and that is Julia lovely Julia from Italy has dropped a two euro super chat thank you so much to me you're very very sweet and you know as you are a very loyal donator that I will share with you the notes to all the lessons you donate on and it's the least I can do for your ongoing support and loyalty okay just a quick note while I'm talking about donations there are a number of ways that you can contribute and help this community to grow it doesn't always have to involve money I know that not all of you have much money to part with and that's exactly why I started this YouTube channel to give you free education but you can still help me to help you by doing things like giving a video alike by watching the lessons that I make for you and by sharing by subscribing and by interacting all that kind of stuff is very positive for the channel it helps the channel to grow and then it helps other people to find the channel easily and that's all I really really need from you is just your interaction if you want to go a step further you can provide translations so you can translate any of my videos and thank you so much if you already have done that there's so many of you have provided your language on many of my videos and it's amazing you're helping so many people in your country so thank you so you can do that just by clicking on the dot or the more section and below any video and it'll say translations and then you add your you can just translate a title description or do full subtitles and then you can also go a step further if you want to and that is to become a patron our patrons are also receiving rewards some patrons give a dollar a month and some patrons give more and depending on your level of patronage you are reward I've just introduced a new system where not only do you get to be part of the Skype room but you get access to certain Dropbox folders what I've put all my notes I've also put a whole bunch of audios mp3s to help you with pronunciation I've got readings in there so me reading poetry and stories extracts I've also got a Dropbox for quizzes where you have the questions and answers for English stuff and I'll be adding to these all the time and there's a folder full of all the ebooks that I've written now all of these folders are going to be constantly updated I will add more each week and depending on your patronage you will get access to everything that goes into those folders okay so patrons if you haven't already got involved with that then go and check it out and if you are thinking about being a patron that's one very good reason why you should definitely consider it because you are also being given lots of resources as well okay so let's move on to the next one oh no let me do your feedback sorry so I've had lots of examples coming through so I've got this jacket not belongs to me so Martha this should be this jacket does not belong no s to me this jacket does not belong to me and that's perfect I missed one up here Martin New Year's resolutions help me to beef up in my life I would not use in my life I would just say New Year's resolutions help help know s help me to beef up Alexander he belongs to those group those groups those is plural groups needs an S those groups of teenage students who study while at school good I want to belong to the best English group learning online good although I would change this around to be part of the best English learning group online so to switch those two around and that's perfect oh sorry that's Martha so just switch those two around ah you've already corrected when we thank you Alexander we are not sure whose belongings those are and to whom it belongs is the sense it's correct or doesn't it make any sense we're not sure whose belongings those are or to whom it belongs it's fine apart from here you're talking about multiple belongings and now you're talking about a single item to whom they belong take off the S to whom they belong would work fine okay my cousin's son always says don't that don't touch it because it belongs to me lose that Abdullah my cousin son always says don't touch it because it belongs to me and then that would be perfect okay I'll do two checks from the YouTube room and then we'll move on dr. Samir says which country do you belong to good that's really good and I've got I belong hang on I've I'm just trying to find one there's lots of lovely messages coming through thank you for your compliments ah his one if a Tomic says as a lone wolf I do not belong to any group and I'm happy about it good Tomic just one spelling mistake let me show you see you've wrote this as a lone wolf this spelling is only plural with the S on the end that's wolves if it's one wolf then it's spelt like this as a lone wolf I do not belong to any group and I'm happy about it okay there you go that's that's the two that I promised to do and Oh bless another super chat has come through so thanks um Co kepco cap Co cap I hope I pronounced that correctly that's very kind of you thank you very much okay so moving on belongs to nice and easy then we've got something similar but different to belong with to belong with to be in the correct or appropriate location with other items so for example you could say that this lid on this pen belongs with the pen this lid belongs with this pen this lid does not belong with this pen because this is a black lid and this is a blue pen however the blue lid belongs with the blue pen okay so this does not belong with that this belongs with that so that's nice and simple which items go together that which one's belong with each other you could also say that I belong with you you belong with me we belong together and the example sentence I gave here was the children belong with their mother and father so we must make it a priority to reunite them so there I was imagining that I was a policewoman and I found two lost children and we don't know what to do with them and I've said look they belong with their mother and father we must make it a priority to reunite them to reunite is to bring things that belong with each other back together to bring them back together okay so if they si said I belong with nerd groups okay Garcia this phone belongs with that headphones headphones because it's naturally plural because there's two headphones one for each ear you have to say those headphones this phone belongs with those headphones can I say that we belong together yes yes you can we belong together so if you are in love with someone and you think you make the Perth let's match you could say we belong together stunning layered hello as I belong you need a comma oh right okay you're answering other people in the room chat room thank you okay so alright so just so you know guys in the YouTube chat room while I'm alive now stunning lad one is also a native very good with his English language as he is a teacher teaching assistant also has a YouTube channel but he is very helpful so if you have a question I don't answer then just just tag him and he might be able to help you thank you standing there alright so let's just have a quick look at the examples here Martin those chairs belong with this wooden table perfect I'm gonna give that some love yeah well done good okay what's the difference between belong to and belong with alright so let's imagine it's two people so me oh where is my teddy I don't want my teddy bears have gone they've gone for a walk where Teddy Reza wandered off alright let's imagine these two so I'm gonna use a pencil a broken pencil and a and a pen a pencil and a pen they they go together very well they're in love with each other and they they work together very well they belong together the pencil might say to the pen you belong with me you belong with me they go together they work well together but the pencil does not own the pen he doesn't have rights over the pen just like I wouldn't own my boyfriend or my husband or I do own my I would o my children but not really they are individual human beings they have their own rights and their own life and so they don't belong to me but they belong with me so we make a good match we work well together we should be together but I have no rights over them they they're not my sessions I don't possess them if you had a slave which obviously doesn't exist anymore it's illegal because it was wrong but slaves would have belonged to their master okay so they had they they didn't belong with their master absolutely not but they did belong to their master okay I hope that makes sense so let's carry on so the next one's a fun one and it is the phrasal verb belt out to belt something out I think I actually covered this in the slang phrases to belt something out is to sing something loudly and the example sentence I've given here which is true there is nothing I love more than belting out my favorite song in front of a crowded room so a crowded room is a room full of people so there's nothing that I love more than belting out my favorite song in a in front of a crowded room hopefully that makes sense it means I really really love to sing out loud in front of lots of people it's kind of true kind of not true it depends on the song and how relaxed I am with the audience and what I'm doing but I want you to give me a sentence using the phrasal verb to belt out he belted out a song we are belting out our favorite song I want to belt out Tina Turner simply the best in front of my mother so give me a sentence is it pretty simple I think I've got our ham says I belt out a Titanic song in my room perfect just make sure you put a full-stop at the end and that's really good I can belt out laurels for you fantastic is laurels the name of a song I'm not familiar with it but I'm assuming it is my niece always belt out in front of me okay so let me just correct this for you let me just pull this over into you the note so everyone can see it my niece so always remember starting a sentence with a capital letter my knees always belts this has to be an S I belt out you belt out but he/she belts out ok so it's just about the con con conjugation of the verb my knees always belts out in front of me so it always belts out what you wit belts out it's better to put it doesn't really work without saying what they're singing out loud ok so you can even if you're not if you're not wanting to specify a song you can just say my knees always belts out the latest tunes in front of me or my knees always belts out her favorite songs so you can be generic but you have to kind of add what it is they're belting out it makes more sense that way otherwise it just feels a little odd and can I just remind you that a full-stop must always be on the end of your sentences okay alright so let me have a quick look at my patrons so lady lady not gaga okay belted out the song so loud that we could hardly hear ourselves talk yeah I wonder stunning that here's a question for you if you can answer should it be so loudly or is it okay to say so loud I know that a lot of natives say so loud but should it technically be so loudly she belted out so loudly she belted a song out so loudly I'd love to know if you could answer that for me help me with that one that we could hardly hear ourselves talk the rest of it is perfectly fine we'll come back to that hopefully stunning that might be able to help me with that one I hate my neighbor good spelling by the way that's the British spelling well done I hate my neighbor because because he you don't need off because he is belting out songs is it a general thing if it's a general I want to see always in there because he's always belting out songs yeah otherwise good kids belt out a heart melting rhyme on the stage we're on the stage not in the stage on the stage good a lot of drunk people belted out something cheerful very good okay so stunning that just come back and said so loud it's fine so that's fine well done thank you stunning that and my husband is always complaining about my belting out of his unfavorite songs so you changed this to my husband is always complaining about me belting out his least favorite songs belting out his least favorite songs okay good all right I think you've got the hang of that so let's move on and the next one oh this is a good one now the next one is to belt up belt up this can be used in two ways if I tell you to belt up it's kind of a harsh way of saying be quiet so it's not it's not offensive it's not swearing or anything like that but if I say hey belt up I'm saying stop making noise stop talking or shouting or singing or whatever you're doing stop it I need some quiet or I want you to just stop it's like saying shut up now both of these phrases belt up shut up a bit harsh I I wouldn't expect any of you to tell me to belt up it would be a bit harsh of it oh it's a bit rude and I wouldn't say to any of my students belt up I might say to my brothers and sisters or to my children if I have little children I might say hey belt up your mother is very tired I don't need to listen to you okay so belt up a strong term for asking people to be quiet so these are palates I gave here was I can't hear myself think with all this noise well you boys please belt up for two minutes okay good and the other example is to use it to mean fasten your seat belt so if you get into a car you could say belt up just as a standalone order or request meaning please fasten your seat belts strap yourself in belt up so alright guys you're all in please belt up and we're going to go and the example I gave was the first thing we do after we get into the car is belt up it's nice and easy so give me some examples and as you're doing that I just want to say a huge hello to suave Amir hoping for an ounce that correctly you're very sweet hello Anna well hello to you and thank you so much for your for your donation that's very sweet gosh a lot of you donating today that's really kind of you and there here has also donated what is that it's like it's a Canadian dollar that you've donated in I see all these currencies I'm not very familiar with different currencies but thank you so much guys all of you that I've donated don't forget you can choose notes from any of the lessons I've done and ask me to send them to you so if I did a lesson on something you really cared about and you wanted the notes of them just email me and I'll send you those notes and remind me that you dropped a super chat and then I'll send over the notes for you so thank you very much it's very sweet of you to want to help the community okay so um Rehana has asked can belt up mean beat up no you can belt someone so if I say he belted me in the face then I'm meaning he hit me or if I say I'm gonna belt you I'm threatening to hit you I'm gonna belt you of course I wouldn't but you wouldn't say belt someone up it's not the same belt up is not a phrasal verb to mean to attack someone that's beat up and that's all okay so let's have a look at some of some examples some funny examples coming through you should belt up when the teacher is speaking says add none add man you should belt up when the teacher speaking good make sure there's a full stop at the end and a capital letter at the beginning and jolly says my neighbor's dog is too annoying so I told them to belt their dog up good tell them to belt the dog up belt the dog up doesn't feel quite right to belt the dog up let's have a look at this together so my neighbor's dog it's possessive so let's put a little apostrophe in here my neighbor's dog is too annoying I would say so annoying here rather than too annoying yeah just so annoying works better my neighbor's dog is so annoying therefore because we don't want to use so twice right therefore I told them to make the dog I would write to make the dog belt up it just feels weird to say belt the dog up it sounds like they're going to tie the dog up with a belt my neighbor's dog is so annoying therefore I told them to make the dog belt up ok there we go ok so some of you are asking is it rude to say belt up kind of as I explained at the beginning yes it's a little bit rude not very rude it depends in the nature or of your relationship with the person you're talking to if you've got a familiar relationship and you have a bit of banter you make fun of each other a lot you're very relaxed with each other then you can say hey belt up but but I wouldn't use it in a professional sense at all and I wouldn't use it with someone that you're just generally nice with because they might take offense and they might be a bit surprised okay so let's have a quick look at the patrons and then we'll move on to the next one which is you guys have said belt up guys anyways speaking of a very good matter belt up you boys your mother is sleeping good just belt up I'm trying to concentrate good nice have a look you're my grandma forgot to belt up in in the car my grandma forgot to belt up in the car so just as that and that's fine yesterday I forgot to belt my son up in the car I forgot to belt my son up in the car yeah that works I asked my although can I just point out that belt up is normally just used just as an order or a request I need you to belt up let's belt up has everyone belted up that's how we normally I wouldn't normally in this sentence martyr I would say yesterday I forgot to put my son's teep belt on and then you wouldn't need in the car because we only have seatbelts in the car in general day-to-day life okay so I forgot to put on my son's seatbelt is what I would say naturally I asked my family to belt up so that I can listen to Ana I asked past tense something you have done I asked my family to belt up so that I could so that I could listen to Ana or I'm are sorry I'm asking my family to belt up so I can listen to Ana that works that's fine ana could you please say out loud these okay so I'll do that at the end Alexandre okay alright so belt up we got that one so the next one is to bend down to bend down now I've got two coming up they're very similar and the other one is to bend over that's very very similar because they mean lowering your body down to the ground now if you bend down it's very much meaning your body is lowering and that could be bending down with bending the legs it could be bending down just by leaning over one side it could be bending down forwards someway lowering your body down and the example sentence I've given here is bend down and grab my handbag please bend down and grab my handbag please okay well one of you has asked what's happened to your name in the back I didn't notice that it's got ah nah English thank you for pointing that out I will correct that um after this lesson um okay so the next one is bend over bend over now it's it's pretty much interchangeable with bend down bend down and bend over a pretty much the same and you can use them interchangeably a lot however bend over more specifically means to take your upper body forwards bending in the middle of your body let me give you an example so okay I'll shout familiar so this is bend down this is bend over yeah bend down bend over but this can also be bend down but this is always bend over yeah well I'm here fix that okay so bend down and bend over very very similar but bend over is always bending in the middle practically keeping straight legs and these aren't per sentence I've given is here and I've made a typo let's just correct that so I was bent over trying to tie my laces but I suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled forwards banging my head on the cupboard ouch okay so I try and write a sentence using bend down and bend over and I want to say another thank you to Zahir who's also once again dropped a soup chat saying I'm trying to join your patrons room but I can't um say here so patrons room is for patrons and it's a long-term join so once their patron they join the Skype room and they don't leave so even if you're a patron for just a month you can join the Skype room and you'll be in the Skype room long term okay so it's one of the rewards now I guess the best way if you want to join the patron Skype room we'd have to go to the patron page and so and that's linked down in the description box below and then also czar here if you do that then you're going to get access to all those dropbox files as well so I definitely do recommend it I'm definitely doing as much as they can now for patrons because honestly without my patrons I can't do what I'm doing for you guys my patrons really do help to keep me online to keep me motivated and yeah so just keep me ticking over when everything is going wrong and yeah so if you want to be a patron then you're more than welcome we'd love to have you just hit the patreon link down below come and check out which level of patreon patreon ism you'd like how much rewards you'd like and then sign up for that okay so let's have a look at your example sentence for bend down or bend over so I've got this example let's have a look at this one together I bend over to take things that I dropped on the floor okay so I bend over it are we talking just in general I been i bend over yes I think we are so that's fine to pick things up and that's another phrasal verb to pick up so I bend over to pick things up that I dropped the side so because you use dropped I want to use past I bent I bent over past I bent over to pick to pick on now I want to change this around to pick up oops to pick up the oh dear the things that I dropped on the floor that and that feels better I bent over to pick up the things that I dropped on the floor okay hope that helps okay I bent down to pick up my phone says Shore law Shar law very good well done I bent down I bend down to find my keys underneath my bed guys remember if it's if you're talking in the past it's bent rather than bend okay so if it's in the past I bent I will Bend I can't bend but I did in the past I bent I bent down I bent over okay all right let's have a look at the patrons marta says i bent over to pick up my son's toys perfect well done i'm gonna give you some love very nice okay let's move on number 99 more nearly there I like this one this is a fun one and it's too big up if you big something up you exaggerate the quality the importance or a positive aspect of the thing or the person so for example I could say I have the most amazing cup it does the most amazing things it holds drinks better than any other cup in the world the colors are so vibrant that anyone who sees this cup will want this cup and it also makes everything inside the cup taste better than anything in the world it's amazing like you should pay so much money for one of these because they're amazing I'm bigging it up it's just a cup so I'm exaggerating how good it is I could also big up a person I could big up myself I could say hey guys I'm like amazing I should be like on every television all over the world I should be on all the radio stations I'm an amazing singer I'm an amazing dancer I can play tennis like Serena Williams I I am like as good as Mariah Carey when I sing I'm really great and I'm really strong I can I can do 25 pull-ups on one hand so I'm bigging myself up of course it's not true I'm exaggerating so big up and the example sentence I've given here she bigs him up a lot but he really isn't as talented as she makes him out to be she bigs him up a lot but he really isn't as talented as she makes him out to be if you make this this bit at the end I wrote this on purpose and I know I'll be confusing to some of you as talented as she makes him out to be this phrase it means to make something out it's how I how I describe something the story it's if I say the weather is amazing I'm making out like the weather is amazing and if it's not as amazing as I made it out to be then it's not as good so it is too it's how I describe something that's how I make it out to be something it's very hard to explain I didn't think it would be as hard to explain as it is does it make sense to anyone I was everyone really struggling with that one she bigs him up a lot but he is he really isn't as talented as she makes him out to be let me know and do write your examples and I will correct them for you okay so let me have a look at your examples I've got whenever whenever he talks he bigs up things I would change it around he bigs things up I put the I put the object of what's being big DUP in the middle he bigs things ups but whenever he talks he bigs things up I think you put when and ever together one word whenever whenever he talks he BIG's things up Rashad says to be a successful at work then you need to big up your boss I think it probably helps I wouldn't use then you don't need then because you're saying to be you need so you don't need to put then let me give you let me show you see you've written this to be successful at work then you need to big up your boss I don't think you need this word to be successful at work and lose the comma to be successful at work you need to big up your boss full stop okay okay let's have a look at the patrons I have to bring my dog upstairs so I bent T past oh no I so I bend over to pick up my dog and carry what says so if it's in the future if it's something that you will do then put will so I will bend over to pick him up I put him rather than my dog because we've already said dogged once so I have to bring my dog upstairs so I will bend over to pick him up and carry him upstairs it's what I would wrecked okay right so the very last one quite an important one to know you might have come across it before there are two versions two meanings for this particular phrasal verb and it's blackout blackout now a blackout can mean that you fall unconscious gum you just blackout so you become unconscious all of a sudden or it could mean to lose light so if suddenly that the electricity was turned off so my house no longer had electricity everything would go dark I would lose all the lights and therefore we would describe it as having a blackout okay and here are the two examples for those sentence those meanings so for falling unconscious Harry blacked out a lot when he was a teenager but never as an adult so Harry was falling unconscious a lot when he was a teenager but he's never done it as an adult and for losing light can you imagine if there was a blackout while we are watching the horror film tonight that would be so scary wouldn't it can you imagine if there was a blackout while while we are can you imagine if there was a blackout while we were watching the horror film tonight that would be so scary wouldn't it yeah I wasn't sure about how I'd written that but I think it's fine so I'm saying if the lights and all the electric suddenly went off in the house went dark in the middle of watching a horror film that would be really scary I would be very scared if that happened right so let's have a look Thayer says blackout is common in my city when it rains oh that must be really annoying and make sure you put an s on the end blackouts are common in my city when it rains Garcia my electricity blacks out and that is why I blackout I wake up in the hospital let's have a look at this good you've used both versions I like it I like it a lot see you've written my electricity blacks out and that is why i black out I wake up in the hospital now this sounds like you're talking in general it would make more sense to say my electricity no you know you wouldn't say let you see you'd say we had a blackout we had a blackout and that is why I blacked out maybe in a panic or as I was panicked as I was panicked I woke up I woke up in a hospital we had a blackout and that is why I blacked out as I was panicked I woke up in the hospital okay Ali I was preparing for exam at the night but light blackout and I lost the time I need to make some exam some Corrections I was preparing for an exam you have to use the article an exam at night you don't see at the night at night but the lights blacked out and I lost and I ran out of time and I ran out of time or as I had ran out of time as I had run out of time it depends are the lights blacking out unexpectedly or were you on a meter was are they blacking out because you've run out of electricity electricity sometimes you pay for electricity on a card or in a meter and it just winds down and when it's run out then everything switches off if that's the case then I'd say I ran out of time I ran out of time because the electricity run out and I couldn't complete thinks preparing for my exam I'm rambling quite a lot you can tell I've had a tough day today I was praying for an exam at night but lights but the lights for the lights blacked out and I ran out of time yeah that worked for me okay let's have a quick look at the patrons and then I'll let you go what we got here okay I always tried to big my friends up to support them and their initiatives very good products are very often big dup by commercials very true Leonardo DiCaprio getting the award was a big up for him very good last blackout frightened my son and Martha I would just use an article there the last blackout frightened my son and I've never blacked out good Anna both are correct loud and loudly okay yep cool that's why it's sometimes confusing alright my darlings thank you so much Alexander I will come back to your your words I will actually do it as a recorded message on skype for you so I'll send that to Skype so you get those pronunciations it's the least I can do good okay well there you go that's ten more phrasal verbs I'm just going to recap what we had we had blackout obviously we had big up big up we had bend down and bend over we had belt up or in the car we have belt out MA we have belong with we belong together and belong to you are mine we have beefed up her to make something more effective and strong and to bed out to put the different plants outside to grow okay so nice and easy I think this week particularly next week we've got some more very interesting phrasal verbs coming up fingers crossed as long as I don't have any more technical issues because again today I had technical issues and it's very frustrating I think I may need a new computer but let's just see what we can do for thank you so much to my patrons I hope you're enjoying the Dropbox system and more things will be added over this week so do keep an eye out for notifications thank you if you've joined me here don't forget to give it a thumb and subscribe if you're not already subscribed if you did donate today you are awesome you motivate me so much thank you and have a great evening I will see you very soon lots of videos coming this week so stay tuned alright guys take care lots of love from London bye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 13,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, learn english, Live english lesson, phrasal verbs list, ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs In Use, ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs, Complete List, phrasal verbs complete list, 9 phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs, verbs, phrase verbs
Id: yWNohNM-eEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 39sec (3339 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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