A Very British Christmas with Anna English LIVE LESSON

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chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your nose Yuletide Carol's being sung by a choir and folks dressed up as Eskimos everybody knows hello I was just enjoying having a little singsong there hello and welcome to this very British Christmas this is a live lesson with me Anna English here on English like a native I'm very happy I'm back from Egypt I was a little bit unwell after my adventure but I promised I'd be here I wanted to spend Christmas with you and so here I am please feel free to say hello tell me where in the world you're watching from and let me know do you celebrate Christmas or is Christmas not really a thing in your country in the UK Christmas is a big thing and I'm going to talk to you all about exactly how we celebrate and what makes Christmas special for us but before I start those of you who follow me religiously those of you who are always in every single lesson will know that recently I shared with you an opportunity by lingo de to enter what was called the new year's language marathon this is an opportunity for you to really take your language to the next step and I just need to let you know that actually the deadline is coming up so if you wanted to learn English if you want to take your English to the next level then the deadline I think is the 28th of December so don't miss out I've had quite a few of you signing up for the marathon already and about six of you have emailed saying that you want to be featured during your marathon on this channel if you have emailed me bear with me I will email you in the next couple of days to discuss when we can do our first Skype so I will get in touch with you and we'll do our first Skype call at some point next week and if you are considering joining the marathon but you haven't yet joined then hurry up because there are only a few places left and like I said the deadline is the 28th of December so do not miss it if you don't know what the marathon is this if this is the first time you're hearing about it I have linked the original video down in the description box below so you can go and have a look at that video to find out what it's all about but basically it's a lesson every single day for the next three months starting on the 1st of January to the 31st of March and you do pay upfront for the lessons but if you complete every single lesson then you will get all that money refunded so it's an incredible opportunity but it's obviously not for everyone because not everyone can give that much time but if you're committed you're dedicated and you really feel that you can do it you can run the whole marathon then it's a great opportunity to get some free lessons so if you are wanting to sign up the link is down below along with the voucher code and if you don't know what it's about like I said there's another link down there for you to check out more details about the whole thing alright so lots of you here now are joining me I have a hundred and seventy six of you already in that's fantastic so let's have a look at Christmas in the UK so I have my notes of course as always and these I've just written briefly just now so we can always add to them as we go along but Christmas in the UK you'll often see written as Xmas Xmas now we write Xmas because it's easy it's a quick easy way to write it but we don't say Xmas as often so we'll normally say Christmas Christmas but we won't say Xmas as often sometimes we do but more often we write Xmas as like a shorthand way of saying Christmas okay hello so I've got gsella min Heysel M how are you I've got andreas in I imagine guys patrons if you are in the Skype room then do feel free to put your comments in there and I will definitely see them and say hello to you so we have Christmas and Xmas now obviously Christmas if you shorten it we have if we put it in half we've got the word Christ like Jesus Christ but we don't say Christ --mess the pronunciation is Christmas now we have got a teen there but we rarely say it we don't say Crist mas Crist mas we just ignore the T and say Chris like the name Chris and mas not masse miss a schwa sound Christmas Happy Christmas or Merry Christmas those are the two things that you can say to someone if you want to wish them a happy Christmas or you can wish them a Merry Christmas okay Oh wonderful lovely Julia is here oh my goodness okay two of you have jumped in and straightaway dropped super chance thank you so much so Julia sent to yours and said Merry Christmas Anna thank you much very much Julia and I can't I never know how to pronounce your your name just services a burden thank you very much though you sent 50 dollars that's a very very generous of you and you've also said Merry Christmas let me know if there's some way I can pronounce your name I'd love to be able to know how am I supposed to pronounce that there's a lot of Zed's in there and they're not quite sure how I do that but thank you so much all donations go towards the growth of this channel so those super chats are very welcomed and of course I'll send you any notes that you'd like either the notes from today or notes from any previous lessons whatever you like okay so here we go um Christmas in the UK obviously is technically a religious festival but it has become a widely commercial celebration so the shops have really pushed Christmas the brands have really pushed Christmas and Christmas has become more about gifts and family and and and spending money basically a lot of people are still following the religious traditions but many people don't and you'll see many people celebrating Christmas who are not religious at all and here I've written which sees us Brits spending lots of money on gifts food and decorations now you might notice I'm wearing my very festive suit my Christmas suit and this is because Christmas is a very serious business and so I'm wearing my Christmas business suit I hope you like it we have the old snowman here we've got we've got Rudolph Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer over here and I've also got one one Rudolph earring and one star earring with a little Holly on I have to dress like this old Christmas apparently so until Boxing Day okay so the big day the big celebration as I'm sure most of you know happens on the 25th of December but each year we complain yes that's right we complain that the celebrations are starting earlier and earlier with Christmas promotions appearing in the shops as early as October in some places I'm sure that in some towns and cities they will argue that Christmas presents and promotions and songs are being heard in supermarkets and in shops as early as September even and it does feel like it just starts a little early every year that by the time you get to Christmas you're fed up a Christmas because you've heard so much of it for many many many weeks in the run-up to Christmas so let's have a look at what some of your comments pam plonker pump planica nice name says i love your jacket where did you get it it actually came from ebay it's I do have a skirt to go with it as well a full business Christmas suit I'm glad you like it and I've got lots of you saying Merry Christmas and happy Christmas thank you very much Feliz Navidad thank you happy Christmas Merry Christmas have you been I'd be very well although a little bit poorly in the last few days I got a bit of a stomach bug on my way back from Egypt but I had a wonderful time in Egypt it was certainly a great way to refresh before Christmas to get some sunshine because at the moment is dark and cold and miserable here in the UK so it was nice it was nice to get out and get a little sunshine and have a little adventure before Christmas kicks in okay so ah Maria so we'll call you Maria thank you I'll call you Maria okay right sorry let's get back to the notes so most people will start getting into the Christmas spirit around the beginning of December as this is when we well as this is when we begin the chocolate-filled countdown marked with an advent calendar hang on let me I've not written this very well that's right otherwise known as otherwise known as an advent calendar so I didn't bring my advent calendar in but basically we have this little box it's like an a4 box and in this box has 25 little windows or doors you might call them little cardboard doors that you can open and then inside each door there will be a picture or there might be a saying or a greeting but normally there's chocolate you normally buy a chocolate advent calendar and you start opening each door one door every day on the run up to Christmas Day so you open door number one on the 1st of December door number 2 on the second December and so on and it's just a really sweet way for kids mostly kids adults as well to get into the spirit of Christmas to start counting down the days until Christmas Day and then on Christmas Day you normally have one big door with a big chocolate in it and this year I I got a very special advent calendar it was a lint I think Canada lint is are quite a how do you call it like a special posh chocolate quite expensive and so my boyfriend and I treated ourselves to just one calendar between us and they have lots of lovely little truffles behind each door very special and very exciting to open just one every day just a little treat so normally kids will have an advent calendar and if you're a big kid like me you'll also have an advent calendar as well and that's when Christmas really starts to feel real like it's coming to life from the 1st of December also most people will start to feel like it's acceptable to put up their Christmas decorations from the 1st of December any earlier than that and everyone's like that's far too early tut tut tut you shouldn't put your Christmas decorations up before the 1st December it's bad luck I put them up in the second week of November but that's because I do YouTube and I had to film lots of Christmas material in November so I have a good excuse but most people shouldn't put them up until at least the 1st of December and in some households putting up the Christmas decorations is a family tradition like you have to do it all together and maybe you have Christmas songs playing while you're putting up the decorations in other cases it might just be one person who just puts them up quickly yeah and some decorations are actually made by the children so in terms of actual decorations let's have a look oh before ok before I move on let's go through what I've written here so here I've just written out an advent calendar is a box with 25 doors behind each door is a surprise usually chocolate you open a new door every day until Christmas day I think that's quite clear does anyone else have advent calendars in their country please do let me know ok so while you're answering that I'm going to jump back here and so we've got the day before Christmas is known as Christmas Eve I'm sure most of you know that so you've got Christmas Eve and the day follow Christmas Day is known as Boxing Day Boxing Day okay and it might come back and talk about that in a little while and I here I've written while I just said which is it's considered acceptable to put up your household Christmas decorations at any point from the 1st of December up to Christmas Eve and decorations will consist of the following a tree baubles tinsel beads fairy lights Holly a wreath a star on top of the tree bells ribbon stockings gifts ok I'll come back to each one of those and we'll talk about them and I'll show you what each one of them is just in case you're not sure ok anyone responded to me about the calendars does anybody else have can't advent calendars I don't think anyone's responded no no one responded to that question ok let's have a look what's happening in the patron room ok hello is there anyone who speaks Spanish here I'm not going to try and translate all that because I'll just embarrass myself but anyone who speaks Spanish I'm sure can read that and will understand that and 12x hi good lovely ok so oh yes Julia so Julia's in Italy and Julia says Julia says yes we have calendars here so you have an advent calendar in Italy and yes a couple of you saying that in Uruguay you put up the Christmas decorations on the 8th of December I wonder why the 8th this special rota Christmas decorations but that's really interesting thank you for sharing that mohnish celebrates with fireworks because it's a big festival yeah we sometimes have fireworks here but fireworks are not like a big integral part of Christmas in the UK fireworks we definitely have on bonfire night as you'll remember from my bonfire video and fireworks do feature in different celebrations throughout the year but Christmas it's not a big part of Christmas okay all right so talking about Christmas decorations so I talked about a tree every household should have a tree you'll see trees going up in November even in public spaces like out we've got one in our roundabout so at the big roundabout on the high street has a big tree and you might find them in shopping centers and in in shops and in the work place you'll find Christmas trees going up around November but in households a Christmas tree will go up around the 1st of December or any time after that and you'll either have people who go for a real Christmas tree so a real tree or a fake tree and I have had the same tree for about 10 years I feel a bit weird about having a real tree in the house I feel bad getting a new tree and then throwing us out and chopping down trees and all that I don't I don't think it's wrong to do it I just don't do it myself and so I just used the same tree that I've always had which is a nice little six-foot tree and the other thing is with real trees they drop their needles so the the green bits that stick out all end up dropping off by the end of Christmas and if you're not careful sometimes they drop off before Christmas Day and you have a very skinny looking tree it's anyone else has anyone else experienced that my mum has a few cut a couple of times on a few Christmases she's bought a real tree nice and early decorated it then the cats have run up the tree and the tree has dropped all its needles before Christmas Day and so her tree has looked awful but for me always a fake one and for Diedrich to Diedrich has said my tree is fake it's a miniature one because a big one wouldn't fit into my little flat yes I normally have a little one as well just to go into some of the other rooms and so here you can see a tinsel II tree and the back which I just thought I'd put up for you guys so on the tree normally you would have something called tinsel you can now tensile in all sorts of colors and similar to tinsel you might have beads sorry for smacking the mic so we have beads different colors or different ways of decorating the tree we also have borer balls or balls a bit of a mouthful to pronounce ball bowls and there is an L there so if you struggle to make your L sound make sure the tongue tip is coming up onto the roof of the mouth baubles it's a funny one and this is a bauble you get bubbles in all sorts of colors some glittery some shiny some are and have painted pictures on them sometimes children will paint their own special personalized baubles for their family and on the top of a tree you should generally have a star or an angel which sits on the top of a tree and this is a very M squashed squash looking angel let's have just dug out of an old box that would sit on the top of a tree so I'm going to stick her on top of this tree here hang on so the angel is now on the tree and I don't need to put any tinsel on that tree because it's a tinsel tree lovely Julia says my mum used to have a real tree but every day she had to sweep the floor because it was full of needles yes yes I have definitely definitely witnessed my mom having to run the Hoover around every day to pick up needles okay so what's it well dimension let's have a look at the list shall we so we had a tree in baubles Tinsel's tinsel sorry beads fairy lights now a couple of you have asked me before what a fairy lights fairy lights basically what you can see here so they're tiny little lights I guess they're called fairy lights because they like little fairies and fairy lights can come in different colors obviously these are just white fairy lights but you can have them multicolored and they also will have different settings so sometimes they flash like crazy or sometimes they just do gentle fading in and out in and out and sometimes they're on solid I have them on solid because when I had them flashing some of you complained that it was giving you a headache so I make sure they're always nice and steady for you guys okay so Leila says my granny my granny has an olive tree had an olive tree when we were young and fools okay nice I know it's some people I see locally will put very lights outside on their normal trees that grow in their garden I think that's always very nice to decorate the trees that are already there rather than bringing the tree in the house I think that's a nice a nice touch so what else is on the list we have a wreath and Holly so Holly obviously grows I think Holly grows all year round but it's for some reason it's quite famous around Christmastime and we tend to decorate cards and tables and things with Hollies and berries and yeah I remember always drawing Hollies in the corners of my pictures and cards when I was a child it's just a symbol of Christmas for us and a wreath have I got a wreath anywhere no I haven't got a wreath to show you but a wreath is a circular Lucy if you fall in English with Lucy she always makes her own Christmas wreath every year it's like a tradition for her and she posts it usually on Instagram and Facebook so you'll know what I'm talking about but it's usually like a decoration that's like circular with kind of branches and twigs and stuff and then you decorate it with with lots of little things and it's a very pretty thing that you would normally hang on the door or maybe above the fireplace and it's very lovely I have actually got one in the house at the moment but then we also have stockings like this it's not a stocking you would actually wear it's a Christmas stocking it's usually oversized and you would normally hang this from the fireplace from their mantelpiece which is the section above the fireplace or you might hang it on the wall I hung mine on the tree because I don't have a fireplace and I can't really hang things off the wall because the landlord would not be happy if I put holes in his wall so I hang mine on the tree now the stocking has a very special function in the Christmas tradition which I will come unto in just a moment patrons you're now very quiet feel free to comment and join in the discussion Holly and mistletoe a scarce are say Oh sacred to the Druids which is why it's often used during the winter solstice interesting ok cool yeah no I didn't I don't know that much about the history of the Christmas tradition so it's always interesting to hear things like that ok lovely so let's have a look now so I also have mentioned about Christmas carols and Christmas songs in these notes and I've written the same old Christmas songs will play year after year some traditional carols as well as pop chants pop songs from years ago one of the most famous being all I want from Chris all I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey so a Christmas carol is a song like silent night silent night holy night all is calm all is bright that's a Christmas carol and things like hark the herald angels sing or oh I can't think of any songs off the top of my head now but those are Christmas carols they're traditional songs that you wouldn't necessarily have you wouldn't necessarily associate with a pop star for example where as a Christmas song is something you would definitely associate with a particular person or it might be like a children's Christmas song like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer which is not which is not which doesn't originate from a religious song is just a fun song for a child to sing so children's songs would include things like when Santa got stuck up the chimney Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer stuff like that or a Christmas song might be like the famous songs we hear like all I want for Christmas is you which I'm sure well I imagine most of you have heard although I don't know so do tell me so tell me uh so jingle bells Julia said jingle bells yes Oh jingle bells is a Christmas carol I think oh I don't know is it a Christmas song or Christmas Carol anyway jingle bells is quite a famous one Good King Wesley yes that's a traditional Christmas Carol any others do share do share with me oh we have Silent Night hark the herald angels sing angels we have heard on high and oh holy night sir sky wonderful okay so we have a question here from the patrons which is why do people kiss under the mistletoe it's a really good point so mistletoe is also quite a famous sprig quite a famous little plant that you'll see featured as part of the Christmas tradition excuse me and mistletoe will be hanging normally from the ceiling and if you are standing underneath the mistletoe it means that someone can come and kiss you now we have to be careful in this day and age if if you just wander over someone and kiss them then in this day and age it would be a very very dangerous thing to do given the amount of sexual harassment cases that we're seeing in the new at the moment but the the nice tradition is that if someone has mistletoe over the head normally they're doing it on purpose and they want someone to kiss them so you would walk up to someone that you really really like you'd hold the mistletoe up over your head and pucker up and hope that you will get a kiss in return I don't know where the tradition comes from so if anyone knows what the history is behind that tradition and then I would love for you to share that with us so do write it in the comments so that everyone can see so that's mistletoe which I hadn't actually added to the note so thank you for bringing that up ok so moving on from Christmas songs actually no let's keep there stay with Christmas songs let's just move down to this paragraph here so I've written across town centers in the UK in churches and in school halls you will hear the sounds of choirs doing their Christmas concerts or their carol services which are attended by many people regardless of their religious beliefs and some carol services are televised or played on the radio so in Cambridge there's a very famous college called King's College and they are quite famous for their choir they have an amazing choir and so every Christmas you will see on the television carols from Kings and it's carols from King's College and you can even find it on YouTube so you know do search for it as well it's wonderful they do some beautiful traditional carols and the singers are amazing the arrangements are beautiful and so that's always every year that's that's televised we also have a lot of the radio stations we'll have big live concerts in venues like the Royal Festival Hall in London and then they will play it live on the radio and sometimes they're also televised as well and these are things that we all enjoy to get involved with despite our religious belief so if you're not religious you can still enjoy going to church and listening to a Christmas carol service or you may enjoy going to this local school and listening to the children doing they're doing their Christmas concert whether you believe in Jesus or God or if you believe in nothing at all you can still enjoy hearing people sing and singing along with them so if you are working in the UK and then and despite your religious beliefs again most workplaces will organize some sort of Christmas party so a lot of places will have a break over Christmas normally for a whole week but if if it's a company that needs to keep working like a bank for example they will still have a couple of days off over the Christmas period Christmas Day and Boxing Day typically are bank holidays days that we don't work and so on the run-up to Christmas most places will organize a staff Christmas party or a special dinner and then also you'll find that friends tend to get together in the run-up to the big day so I haven't actually gone out for Christmas dealing with anyone this year because I work here by myself I don't have a Christmas party this is my Christmas party with you guys yay but when I have worked in offices then normally around the 20th of December we'd have maybe an afternoon out or an evening out or we'd have a special long Christmas lunch where maybe the company paid for the lunch and maybe they have mince pies and music and then we might oh I'm getting a phone call how rude did they not know I'm live having read Christmas party just turn that off sorry about that so then we also do something called Secret Santa in most workplaces and Secret Santa is basically everyone's name goes into a hat and everyone closes their eyes and picks out a name and you might not know this person at work but you might sit next to them but that's the person you have to buy a Christmas present for and normally a budget will be set for that Christmas present so it might be that you have to spend five pounds on a Christmas present for this person and then you all on the day that's be arranged for the Christmas party will give your Secret Santa sometimes you tell them who bought your present and sometimes you don't it's a secret the whole time and usually these are silly little gifts things that will make you laugh nothing too serious just to have fun Christmas cards are a very big part of Christmas here in the UK lots of people will spend a fortune on stamps in order to send Christmas cards to all of their family friends colleagues and acquaintances and the purpose is to let people know that you're thinking about them and that you wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and that is what you will normally see written in a Christmas card so here is an example of a Christmas card this is a little dog Christmas card and he's put oh what fun he obviously looks miserable so it's being sarcastic and it says inside have a very Merry Christmas and normally you write the name to whoever to Grandma have a very Merry Christmas lots of love from Anna from Anna English Merry Christmas so Christmas cards feature very heavily and we normally send Christmas cards out quite early in December and people will display them till a few days after Christmas or until whenever they take down their Christmas decorations very tickly today that's better okay so outdoors in many towns you'll see outdoor markets popping up in cities towns and they sell homemade gifts food and mulled wine now these markets as far as I know a originated in Germany their German style markets and mulled wine if you don't know is a warm wine it's usually very has a little spice to it and it's quite fruity maybe a bit of cinnamon lovely and these have become more and more popular I didn't notice them so much when I was a child but recently they're much more popular okay so moving on what is Christmas actually about for us well Christmas for us is focused on family time and celebrating with those who are closest to you so the people that you love and a lot of time goes into thinking about and buying or making gifts for the ones that you love and the gifts are then wrapped in wrapping paper oh dear I hope I'm not getting a cold this is wrapping paper this is what's left of my wrapping paper it's just thin thin paper that's decorated in a nice way and although it has a W at the beginning it's it started with an R sound or wrapping paper wrapping paper okay so we wrap our gifts in wrapping paper some people might use ribbons and bows to make them extra special and you would normally put a gift tag on them to write who the gift is for and who it is from so people are not confused okay all right what is Zell am saying there aren't many people in the Skype chat room or maybe there are but they're very quiet I know I don't know what's happening today in the patrons Skype room all very quiet and maybe people are busy doing their Christmas shopping okay so so yeah Christmas is all about family time and gift-giving is the big part of Christmas we like to give gifts to the people that we care about I'm definitely much more of a giver than a receiver I like to give gifts I don't care so much about receiving gifts excuse me but yes I definitely like watching people's faces when I've gotten them a special present I'm very very clean do apologize okay so the Christmas stocking I mentioned that earlier the Christmas stocking or in my case the pillowcase is placed out near the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve along with a carrot for Rudolph and a treat for son the claws so on Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is the night that Santa Claus arrives and so it's a very special night a night when children get very excited about what presents Santa is going to bring for them so they leave out a Christmas stocking or I didn't have a stocking when I was a child so I just left out a pillar an empty pillowcase and during the night Santa comes down the chimney and fills the stocking with little gifts for the good children so Santa apparently has a list for good children and a list of bad children bad children don't get any presents but good children do and so when the children wake up in the morning on Christmas morning they'll see a stocking full of little gifts and in my case when I was a child it was things like coloring pens maybe a coloring book maybe some nice little slippers maybe an orange and maybe some chocolate so just little gifts and so we'd have that in the mornings we'd wake up very very early and have crazy crazy crazy Christmas time and then the parents would get out we'd have breakfast and we'd wait until everyone was up and ready before we did the proper presence the big presence so I've just written Christmas morning is a present opening frenzy mmm then that should be then so I wrote this in a hurry then the sights turned to the Christmas dinner now the Christmas dinner is a very important part of Christmas day this is traditionally a roast dinner with all the trimmings most piece people stuff themselves silly that means they eat a lot they stuff themselves silly and do not need a third meal that day so a Christmas dinner will normally be a roast meat it'll be like a joint of Turkey or it'll be roast beef it might even be pork or lamb or anything but you'll have the main part of the dinner which will be meat normally if you're a vegetarian it might be a nut roast or like a pastry like cheese wrapped in a pastry and cranberry and stuff like that and then you have all the trimmings so you have to have roast potatoes you have carrots and sprouts bus Brussels sprouts whether you like them or not Brussels sprouts are a big part of Christmas dinner you have gravy you have stuffing you have pigs in blankets which are sausages wrapped in bacon and these are very important parts of Christmas dinner when we refer to these as the trimmings the extra bits of the dinner so you have the main meat and then the trimmings so all the extra vegetables and things and then you might have some form of pudding although you've probably eaten a lot everyone tends to eat too much on Christmas Day and so normally there are leftovers and the leftovers will be eaten for dinner or they'll be eaten the following day as lunch maybe you have a turkey sandwich with what's left over from the meat from the Christmas dinner and normally with Christmas dinner you'll have crackers on the table now crackers I didn't I didn't buy any crackers this year and so I don't have any show you but a cracker is it's like a toilet roll hot um you know the inside of a toilet roll and then it's wrapped up and it has a little banging stick inside it you each take an end of the cracker and you pull it and it rips open it makes a bang sound and inside the cracker you'll have a paper hat a little gift or a toy and a very bad joke and people people read the joke and everyone goes oh terrible joke and you play with the toy for a little while while you're waiting for everyone to finish eating their dinner and you wear your silly hats and everyone looks silly and it's just the fun of crackers it's it's tradition we don't have crackers at any other time of the year but for some reason we like to have them at Christmas even though most of it just goes in the bin anyway Oh bless strong weight has sent a Merry Christmas and a message and a 20 euro super chat thank you so much that's very very kind of you and happy Christmas to you too Marcel says I need subtitles I can't right subtitles because I'm talking right now I don't know what I'm going to say but subtitles will eventually automatically upload after this video has been up for a while okay so what else have I mentioned the Queen's speech so I'm do apologize about my coughing the Queen's speech is every Christmas day we have the Queen's speech and some households I think it's important and some people don't care I am part of the group that care about the Queen's speech I like the royal family I'm a fan of the Queen and I love to hear what she has to say on Christmas Day she's normally giving a very positive message about the future and talking about having to you know build a stronger society and sticking together and all this positive stuff which I really like and I usually agree with and so three o'clock normally is the time when the Queen's speech is on and so I always try to make sure that I'm in front of the television to hear what the Queen has to stay just to stay has to say oh I think I'm a little bit jet-lagged okay so in terms of my notes that is as far as I've got oh and it looks like people at home so so guys I'm gonna say thank you so much for for being with me I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas if you do celebrate and I will be releasing videos over the Christmas period so do stick with me if you're not already subscribed please do subscribe if you haven't already then do give this a thumb up otherwise I will see you in the new year I'll be live again on a regular basis in the new year but until next time take care happy Christmas and good bye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 16,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, english, English speaking, british accent, british, Anna English, british english, what is the difference, english lesson, grammar, learn english, British christmas, christmas, how the brits celebrate christmas, celebrate christmas, british christmas traditions, christmas traditions, what do the british do on christmas day, english christmas, xmas traditions
Id: Dg5VeRoGoGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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