#6 SLANG: Learn English

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hello everyone and welcome to today's English lesson here with me Anna English on English like and native I hope that you're all well I hope you can all hear me and see me alright and I'm very much looking forward to today's lesson in slang so today we are covering the slang words beginning with F F so we're talking about words like flab flog faff faffing around Fanny fart what do all these words mean and we are going to find out right now so as always I have made my lesson notes and you can see them just here quite a few F words to cover here and if you are interested in getting a copy of these notes then they will be available to anyone who drops a super chat's donation towards the community to help the community grow but also in the future I'm going to be making all of these notes available to buy from British English procom they will be very reasonably priced but that is somewhere to look out for these notes appearing in the future I also have my patrons here in the patron room sending me pictures of driving andreas do not be watching youtube videos while you're driving your car you naughty patron I don't want you crashing I'm not going to be responsible for anyone crashing their car so please concentrate on the road andreas alright hello everyone let's jump straight into this slang lesson because slang is important to help you understand what natives are actually talking about so the first word we're going to cover here is the word fab fab now fab I use this word all the time it's short for fabulous it's fabulous so I just say it's fab it's fab you are fab it is fab they are fab we can use it to describe anything that you think is fabulous wonderful okay so I'm saying that I'm feeling fab so I don't just feel good I feel fabulous I feel fabulous I feel wonderful fabulous who else is feeling fabulous if you are feeling fabulous today wherever you are in the world whatever you're doing I want you to let me know in the comments that you are feeling fabulous and why you're feeling fabulous I am feeling fabulous because I'm here with you guys and already we have a hundred people in watching what if you want to help me get some more people in watching then simply just press that share button and let's make this a really fab slang lesson okay so the next word we're going to look at is the word faff now this word I actually use a lot as well faff - faff - faff is to differ or to waste time if you differ it means you can't make a decision you can't focus your dithering have you ever had it when you walk into a room and you go oh what was I doing I had something important to do when I caught all there's a pen I'll do something here oh look there's a pair of headphones I'll do something else oh I'll take my phone and I'll start looking on Facebook I am dithering I'm unfocused and I'm not being able to do the things I want to do because I'm differing I'm faffing I'm faffing - faff and the example sentence I've given here is Tracy don't faff we need you to focus and work efficiently Tracy don't faff we need you to focus and work efficiently okay I think that's quite easy to understand hello everyone Zayn's a nice feeling fab just because you're watching me Thank You Zenzi that's very kind I'm glad you are feeling fab is anybody faffing so some of you are feeling faff some of you are feeling fab but is anybody faffing is anyone laughing I'm always laughing I'm always faffing around but are you faffing right now do you have me on in the background while your faffing around with other things okay the next word we're going to cat is the word fancy ooh fancy now fancy has the meaning of being extravagant and so if I look fancy it means I have my fancy jewelry on maybe I have fancy nail varnish maybe I have my hair in a bow I look fancy but you can use fancy to mean desire to fancy something or someone so you could say I fancy something to eat or you could say I fancy a person and it means you desire that person or you desire that food or you fancy doing something so I could say to you do you fancy going to the coffee shop and spending some time with me and you say yeah I do fancy that it means you desire it you would like to do it would you fancy having a coffee with me sometime yes I do fancy having a coffee with you sometime do you fancy fish and chips for dinner tonight yes I do fancy fish and chips thank you do you fancy David who works at the paper shop yes I do fancy David who works at the paper shop and that means you desire them you like them like them like them like them like them like you want them to be your boyfriend or girlfriend perhaps you fancy them ok so the example sentence I've given here is do you fancy a little piece of carrot cake I love carrot cake Daniel made it and I know you fancy him ok so fancy really simple let's have a look see what my patrons are saying here Andrea says I'm sitting in the car watching the live stream ok that's fine as long as you're not driving I don't mind as long as you're not driving you are says you're gonna have to tell me how to pronounce your name because I always feel like I pronounce it wrong you were you were you are what does it mean I'm participating from my car to participate is to take part if you participate you take part you are involved from my car just means that's the place where you are I'm from my car I'm participating while I'm in my car okay let's go back to you guys here on YouTube we have 133 people in now wonderful great lovely to have you here so we've had fancy faff and fab the next word is the word Fanny oh now this word has to be used with extreme caution American English and British English are different when it comes to this word in English a Fanny is generally the term for a lady's private parts a lady's genitals in other words a vagina okay that's a funny all right so people might if they're talking with their part them maybe would say I I fell in gymnastics I slipped on the beam and banged my fanny it's not a very common thing to actually talk about because it's it's private so we don't really talk about it very often I know in America they refer to their bottoms as their fanny so you might tap someone on the fanny if you tap someone's bottom and they also have something called a fanny pack which is like a bag that goes around your waist and it's got a zip at the front we call it a bum bag a bum bag but in America they call it a fanny pack or a fanny bag or something if there's any Americans in please do clear that up for us but I'm I remember laughing a lot when I was younger and I spoke to an American and they talked about their fanny pack and I was like I know what Fanny means ha okay so be very careful using the word fanny now we do sometimes actually refer to a person as a funny so I might call you a funny but again you have to be careful it's a gentle word it's a gentle insult but it's calling someone we or calling someone if someone is being frightened they're behaving like they're scared of something for example if I ask you to jump across a river I jump across the river I don't fall in and you stop and you say no I can't do it I can't I don't want to and I say don't be a Fanny come on I would only do it with my friends maybe someone I I knew very very well in fact I wouldn't use the word personally but if you are going to use it in formal only please don't use it with someone that you are working with yes just be very very careful so funny there you go oh Harrison's in hello Harrison you're American what are you saying actually we don't use the term Fanny to mean your butt okay we just use it we just call it a bum or an ass oh okay so Fanny in American doesn't mean bottom but Harrison do tell me fanny pack or Fanny back and that's an American term right let me know okay so the next word is Fanny around now this is a time when you can use funny and it's okay isn't English bizarre if you say Fanny around that's much better if you hear Fanny around that's much better than someone just using the word fanny so to Fanny around is to procrastinate it's almost the same as puffing about if you faff your fannying around to funny around and the example I've given here is Helen we need to go stop fannying around and get in the car get into the car Helen we need to go stop fannying around and get into the car come on okay so funny around procrastinate taking your time not being focused okay that's fine to use that one you know you're saying my name is pronounced like the word ever our our ever ever with a V or the w I find name so fascinating I always struggle to pronounce them as okay so moving on from the word fanny oh yes Harrison said it is called a fanny pack and so a the bag that goes around your middle it's a bag that goes here like this and you zip it up and put money in it and it sits here in America in America it's called a fanny pack in England we call it a bum bag a bum bag good one to remember anastasiya but going back to the word fancy you'd say fancy doing something rather than fancy to do something we don't use it like that we say fancy doing something okay let's move on the next word is the word fart now you'll know from some of my recent videos the word fart means to release gas it is a bodily function a bodily function and it means to release gas to Trump is the other word that we use for this and obviously it's not a very polite thing to do but we all do it it's a human bodily function and so an example would be hey who's farted it stinks in here okay the next one is the word or the phrase fat cat to call someone a fat cat if you're a fat cat it means you're like the rich company director or someone who works as a board member so someone very high up in a company a decision maker someone with lots of money would potentially be called a fat cat a fat cat and the example sentence I've given here is nobody trusts the fat cats nobody trusts the fat cats all right the next word is something that I used a lot when I was a child is the word fib fib to tell a fib fib means lie to tell a lie you tell a fib but fib is more of a childish expression so to tell fibs what you would say to a child don't tell fibs and that's exactly what example centers I've given don't tell me fibs don't tell me lies okay Harris's just asking about the word fart and you've said correct me if I'm wrong but up north they say Trump instead of fart in fact Trump if you said Trump to anybody in the UK we would know it means fart I am from the north so for me Trump is very common but I wouldn't say it's necessarily a northern word I think Trump is just an British English word Trump - Trump - Trump is to fart okay and actually Trump is more what you'd hear from that from a child so a child always will say Trump and less likely to say fart okay so the next expression I like this one is the expression fiddlesticks Oh fiddlesticks and this is it's nonsense basically it's nonsense it doesn't mean anything but it's a polite replacement for swearing so if you're going to go oh damn or something bad has happened or you're shocked by something ah then you'd say fiddlesticks if you're going to be polite maybe if there's children around or if you just don't like swearing then you might say fiddlesticks instead here the example if you lock your keys in your car then you say Oh fiddlesticks I've locked my keys in my car Victoria has suggested the phrase big cheese to mean fat cap big cheese yes if big cheese is like fat cat but I would think of big cheese being someone someone who's definitely in charge they're the big cheese the person in charge whereas fat cat kind of points more towards the fact they're fat as in they have a lot of money or they're greedy is is the expression that the feeling of the expression to be a fat cat someone who's greedy with lots of money but reasonably similar okay the next phrase is Filch Filch Filch and this means to steal to steal someone filched the children's dinner money so that means someone steeled the steeled rudia ana terrible mistake someone stole her children's dinner money someone stole the children's dinner money someone filched the children's dinner money okay that's a nice easy one I don't use that word myself but I have heard it often sky is saying is Fiddlesticks like codswallop know those of you who saw the slang lesson number three which covered everything beginning with C you'll know that codswallop means rubbish if someone is telling you a story that you don't believe you'd say codswallop that's rubbish fiddlesticks is more of an expression like oh hell oh damn like if you if you bang your head you'd like Oh fiddlesticks oh I just hit my head yes whereas codswallop means you're lying you're making it up I don't believe you okay so they're different if you haven't seen the previous slang terms guys then I do recommend that you take some time to go back to the other lessons because this is number six now and we will be going through the whole alphabet so make sure you do take time to catch up on all the lessons that you've missed alright moving on the next word is a common word and that's the word fit now to be fit is normally used to mean someone who is healthy in their body they're fit they've got strong muscles they've got good stamina they can exercise for a long time without being out of breath they're physically fit and healthy however in modern times we use the word fit also to mean attractive so if you saw my recent video the sex education video then I probably mentioned it there if you're saying that you find someone sexually attractive they're attractive to you to look at they're pretty or they're handsome then you can say they're fit Wow he's fit she's fit so it works for both men and women and the example I've got here is Wow just look up sorry just behind you is the fittest guy I have ever seen he is really hot Wow just behind you is the fittest guy I have ever seen he is really hot I would like to have a date with him okay fabulous okay so the next one is the next one is the word fix fix and this is sounded like a Kay thick and then ice fix to fix something normally if you fix something it means that you correct something that's broken so if I break my phone I can't show it to you cuz it's plugged in if I break my phone and I take it to the shop the shop will fix it and give it to me so it's no longer broken however sometimes we use fix to mean manipulate the outcome perhaps of a race or of some event a boxing match perhaps you could ask one of the boxers to to fall you could ask one of the boxers to take a hit so they lose and that would be a fixed a fixed game a fixed match so a fix to manipulate the outcome and the example I've given here is I'm not surprised you lost your money apparently the race was fixed it was a manipulated outcome so it wasn't fair we also use the word fix to mean when a someone who takes drugs when they take their drugs they are getting their fix it makes them feel better once they fix themselves with their drugs sometimes we do use this expression jokingly when we're talking about addiction to chocolate or to coffee so I might say if I have to have coffee in the morning I might say oh I need my coffee fix before I can sit start the day that's better I've had my coffee fix or I need my chocolate fix but more commonly its known to be about drugs to take drugs to get your fix and the example sentence I've given here is they commit crimes because they need to get their fix they commit crimes because they need to get their fix okay so it's two meanings for the word fix that's beyond just mending something that's broken I hope everyone's alright is everyone good we have 149 people here may I just say if you are new here welcome welcome to the community I do try and provide at least three to five lessons a week so I hope you will join our little band of merry men and click the subscribe button now band of merry men is a phrase of saying it doesn't mean just men it just means the group a happy group a band of merry men and we use it regularly here in UK so if you are looking to learn English please do subscribe and if you are a regular here you know I like a thumb so please do make sure you press that like button alright so the next word is a very fun word and that's the word flab I love this word flab flab it just feels so good in the mouth now the word flab means fat or flesh that hangs so flab if you are flabby it means you're quite fat and you've got loose skin to be flabby flabby fact and flabby and the example sentence I've given here is you I can't wear skinny jeans because my flab hangs over the top I can't wear skinny jeans because my flab hangs over the top okay some clothes do make me feel flabby does anybody else here have that same problem do you have a little bit of flab every now and again do you feel flabby when you wear your skinny jeans I mean I certainly do and I wouldn't say I was fast but I do have a little bit of flab okay Victoria is struggling with the meaning of the word fix I'll come back and double-check it at the end for you my darling some of you are struggling with the sound here I do apologize and there's not much I can do about it maybe just take your volume down a little bit if it's a little bit hissy okay flab is very similar to spare tire yes a spare tire is that extra roll of fat around the middle but you could also say my arms are flabby or my chin is flabby if you have like a an extra bit of loose skin under your chin you've got a flabby chin all right okay let's move on from flap and talk about the word flake if someone calls you a flake they're calling you an unreliable person so it's not something that you want to be called you don't want to be known as a flake so if someone is unreliable they are flaky someone who says they'll do something and then you can't rely on them to actually do it and the example sentence I've given here is she didn't bother inviting Frank because he is such a flake she didn't bother inviting Frank because he is such a flake okay is anybody here guilty of being a little bit flaky I can be flaky Oh sometimes I don't like to be flaky because you know it's important to be reliable but given my chaotic life sometimes I'm a bit of a flake especially with my friends I'll say yes I'll come to your party yes I'll come out and see you and have coffee and have lunch and then I'm always the one who cancels because I'm too busy trying to make videos okay so can you also say that he flaked yeah you can say yeah you can I guess you can say I was going to have coffee with my friend but he flaked oh I probably say I was gonna have coffee with my friend but he's such a flake and that means that he didn't turn up he's such a flake okay so the next word is the word flog I use this one a lot myself the word flog means to sell to sell so quite literally you can just use it as you would use the word sell he flogged all of his stuff on eBay eBay if you don't know is a site where you can sell and buy things it's a website where you sell them buy things do you have eBay in your country it's quite popular here in the UK I've sold a lot of my stuff on eBay especially recently okay the next word that we're going to look at is the word floozy a floozy another word that you would not want to be called you don't want to be described as a floozy floozy is for women mostly but I have heard it used for men as well I have actually called a man a floozy myself so floozy generally talks about a loose woman or a woman with a reputation for sleeping around for having sex with lots of people a floozy and the example sentence I've given here is the club as in the nightclub the club seemed to be full of floozies the club seemed to be full of floozies okay so be careful if you're using that word don't call anyone a floozy yeah just generally I'll call someone a floozy it's not nice although I have used it with my friends like sometimes we do use it softly oh you're such a floozy if say if I'm at a coffee shop and with my best friend and my best friend is laughing and joking with the waiter I might say to her you are such a floozy and I don't mean that she actually sleeps around or that she's a loose woman I'm just I'm just kind of teasing her and that's okay so you can use it in a formal way in an in a gentle way if you're very good friends with someone but do be careful with it okay so the next word and we're getting close to the end now the next word is the word a fluke fluke fluke if something is a fluke it happened by chance so if I if I throw a ball without looking behind me and it lands in that lamp there if I throw it without looking and it lands in the lamp I go whoa that was a fluke I couldn't do it again if I tried it wasn't skill it was chance it just happened by chance it was a fluke okay and the example sentence I've given here is I can't believe I won it really was just a fluke I can't believe I won it really was just a fluke okay nice and easy the next one is the word flutter now flutter normally describes the movement like you flutter your eyelids it's like an a butterfly will flutter its wings or a moth will flutter near you or a bird will flutter so it's that movement that up-and-down movement of flutter but if you have a little flutter to have a little flutter is to make a bet to gamble to gamble okay so you could say I if you're saying I put a bet on the horses I've gambled on the horses you could say I've had I had a little flutter on the horses keep your fingers crossed for me I had a little flutter on the horses keep your fingers crossed for me and fingers crossed for those of you who don't know is a very common term when you're saying fingers crossed it means I hope right so fingers crossed I will get good news today I hope fingers crossed I will I will have five new subscribers from this video today I hope I will have five new subscribers from this video today fingers crossed this lesson will be useful for all of you today so fingers crossed me as I hope but if I'm asking you to keep your fingers crossed for me then I'm asking you to hope that I will have good luck or that I will have a good outcome so yeah fingers crossed okay so the next word a common word that you must all take note of because you will need it is the word fortnight fortnight and fortnight means two weeks we use this all the time so for example you could say we go on holiday in a fortnight so we go on holiday in two weeks we go on holiday in a fortnight we will spend a fortnight in Spain we will spend a fortnight in Spain now be aware that in the UK we do say vacation sometimes but more often than not we say holiday instead of vacation vacation is more American and holiday is more of a British term to mean vacation to go away for a rest or for an adventure we go on holiday in a fortnight we will spend a fortnight in Spain okay so that's an important one please remember that if you forget everything else fortnight must stay because you will need it alright then we come onto the subject of football because we often say footy Cutty which is short for football and what we mean when we say football in Britain is soccer when you kick the ball with your feet we don't pick it up at all so it's a game of soccer but we never use soccer we always say football football okay and often short short knits of footy did you see the footy last night or Fred fancy game of footy later do you fancy would you desire a game a football later okay nice and easy so the next one is a freebie a freebie a freebie is just something for free this lesson is a freebie all of the videos on my youtube channels on my youtube channel are freebies when was the last time you got a freebie and was it good I got a a liquid breakfast a Weetabix the liquid breakfast handed to me at the train station recently in fact I got a free bottle of water at the train station recently as well so I got a freebie I could say this morning I got a freebie at the train station I got a bottle of water very useful so Harrison says did you catch any footage over the weekend we don't tend to say games with 40 so you'd say did you catch the footie over the weekend did you catch the footy or did you see any foot this weekend so we wouldn't say footie games we just say footy in the same way that we'd say did you see the football rather than did you see the football game you could say game on its own did you see the game if there was a really big game that everyone knew about like there was a boxing match recently wasn't there with McGregor and Mayweather and that was a big deal it was definitely a big deal iam in the UK I'm imagining it wasn't in the US as well so I could say did you see the match did you see the match and it's the same with football did you see the game or did you see the football or did you see the footy but don't put any of those together all right next one so freebie the example sentence I've put is everyone loves getting a freebie easy the next word is the word fruity now fruity means oh no don't delete it fruity means frisky or sexually suggestive sexually suggestive so I might say what's gotten into your brother that means what's what's happening with him what's going on with him what's gotten into your brother he's really fruity all of a sudden he's really fruity he's being sexually suggestive or he's being frisky okay so fruity sexually suggestive so I don't really know how to give you an example of this but if I if I look if if I say to you would you like to come to my house for a cup of coffee that's not fruity but if I say would you like to come to my house for a cup of coffee I'm saying it in a fruity manner I'm being a little bit suggestive okay so hopefully that works though it's also a video I did with Alistair Cohen a long time ago now it's on my video backlog list that you'll be able to find called fruity idioms fruit based idioms and that video is very fruity so if you're interested in the word fruity then go and check out those fruit based idioms because that was a good video very fruity lots of fun okay we're nearly there guys so the next word is the word fruitcake to call someone a fruitcake are you a fruitcake I'm a bit of a fruitcake and it means a crazy person but it's a nice and nicer insult so it's not too harsh so if I call someone a fruitcake then I'm probably going to say it with a smile on my face you're such a fruitcake she is such a fruitcake nice and easy okay the next couple of words include a swear word the F word the F uck word and if we use it like this and say all for all I don't really want to swear if I can help it but it means nothing it means nothing what do you have I have all I have all shall I call it duck I'm gonna say duck so you know what I'm saying but it's with an F okay so I've done I've got duck all okay quack quack I've got duck all it means nothing the example sentence I've given here is don't shout at me I've done duck whole don't shout at me I've done duck all I don't know why I have a problem with saying that word but it is just not a good word so I don't say it very often I certainly don't like saying it in front of you guys okay so the next one also includes the word duck and it's to duck around to duck around to waste time faffing to waste time basically so I could say to you will you stop ducking around with your laptop and help me when you stop ducking around with your laptop and help me please okay that one's nice and easy and then the last one including this naughty naughty word is to duck up if anyone's just joining joining now the word duck is not what's written you should be saying it with an F oh but I don't like to say it so you're having to put up with me singing duck instead so if you duck up if you duck up it means you make a mistake you make a mistake so the example here is he hired a team to fix his car but he is so nervous that they will duck up I could say they were duck it up they will make a mess of it they will make a mistake with it they will duck it up he hired a team to fix his car but he is so nervous they will they will duck it up okay I hope that makes sense and I hope I haven't confused anyone Harrison has said doesn't sod-all mean the same thing in British English yes so fuck-all is the same as sod-all yeah and Saad also isn't a very nice word I always measure it on whether I would be happy to hear a young person using the word and you wouldn't or you shouldn't hear children saying Saad okay so okay let's carry on so the next phrase is the phrase full monty now some of you may remember a film called The Full Monty and it was about a group of working men in working-class men up in the north of England and they became strippers to make some money because they were also poor and it's about their journey as strippers it's very funny actually and that's called the full monty now the phrase full monty actually means the whole thing and in the case of the film it means taking off all of their clothes so the whole thing it means everything all but we don't just use full monty to mean to get naked we use it to mean just everything so I could say I'm cooking breakfast do you want eggs on toast a bacon and egg or The Full Monty as in do you want everything for your breakfast eggs toast bacon sausage beans mushrooms tomatoes the full monty everything okay I hope that's clear enough to everyone okay so the next phrase is to be full of beans to be full of beans and this means to be excited to be full of energy and a good example of this was at the end of last week I I woke up at 6:00 in the morning I'd only had five hours sleep I get over six every day but I only had five hours sleep so I expected I would be tired but instead I jumped out of bed I turned on the radio I was singing I was dancing I was making breakfast and I was happy I was full of beans full of beans so there's a hopefully a good example for you and you would just say you are full of beans today okay there we go a three left so the phrase fam this is a very modern addition to the slang list fam and it's only used among among a few people in the UK there's not that many people use fam but it means it used to be short for family member it's my fam my family but now it's being used to just mean a close friend so if you call someone fam or he's my fam then you're saying they're a close friend so you might hear someone saying alright fam how's it going alright fam hello fam hello friend how's it going how are you hello friend how are you alright fam how's it going okay but I'd I'd be aware of this one but I wouldn't use it I think it would sound strange for a non-native to use fam it's strange for most natives using fam you have to be part of a certain group of people I think it's kind of very it's very street it's very it's very much what the young people are using if you don't belong to that group of people then I think it sounds strange so I would be aware of what it means but I wouldn't advise using it okay so the next phrase is the word funky now funky music all or fashionable so you could say music is funky or a person is funky or the party was funky it was cool and in the example sentence I've given here I've said that is a funky outfit that is a funky outfit yeah I'm feeling funky when I'm looking at your funky outfit yeah okay and the very last phrase here is the phrase feelers feelers and we always use it like this to put the feelers out to put the feelers out and this means to test to check or to listen out for to test or check listen out for and here's an example Brian needs a job I put the feelers out at my works but there doesn't seem to be anything going so Brian needs a job I go okay I'll put the feelers out and see what I can find I go to work and I say okay don't suppose are any any jobs going I have a friend you needs a job is there any vacancies here does anyone know of any vacancies going at this this company but no one has any vacancies and then I can say I put the feelers out but there's nothing going at the moment I'm sorry so to put the feelers out literally like you're going is there anything there but it's more metaphorical of course okay so that brings us to the end of our session so now is the time guys for you to give me your questions if there was anything that you didn't quite understand then feel free to ask me right now and I will do my best to answer your questions patrons I'm here for you if you need me just drop a message in the Skype room and otherwise let's go straight to the YouTube space so hi Anna what is a loose cannon says VJ a loose it's so
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 13,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, british, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Anna English, slang, learn slang, british slang, slang words, learn english slang, english slang, english slang words, british slang words, common slang
Id: gUrI8oh42i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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