ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs In Use: The Complete List - #7 | LIVE English Lesson

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got the guys on YouTube hello everyone I'm doing the dual stream today so I've got my focus is split so hello Facebook and hello YouTube welcome to another lesson with me Anna English here on English like a native now this is going to be an interactive class as it has been for the last few sessions I'm going to be helping you with your English writing so Facebook if you want to get involved then you need to come and view on the YouTube page and the link for the YouTube page is in the description of this video so just click that and join me over on YouTube YouTube you know what to do if you're a patron then the Skype room for you is now open so I can see you there and if you're not a patron and then just use the chat room and if you're watching this later on as a pre-recorded video just put your practice sentences in the comments and as soon as I get a moment I will try to help you with your sentence structure and just correcting any mistakes that I see so today as always we're covering the list of phrasal verbs so we're doing another 10 phrasal verbs today just as we did last week now we are up to number 61 we are rattling through it so without further ado let's get on into it so the first phrasal verb were looking at is to be cut up to be cut up if you are cut up it doesn't mean you're physically cut into lots of little pieces it means I'm emotionally cut up so it means that you're upset so I am very cut up about something I am cut up so so it's three parts to this be cut and up I am cut up you are cut up they were cut up I might be cut up if you do something to upset me okay so the example sentence I have given for to be cut up is the couple were cut up about their baby's illness but the doctors assured them that everything would be okay the couple were cut up about their babies illness but the doctors assured them that everything would be okay so hopefully that's quite clear for you to be cuss up is to be emotionally upset injured hurt so I'd like you now to try writing a sentence using be cut up so you could say I am or I was in the past I was cut up you could talk about someone else they were she was he was my friend was cut up about something so keeping those all together try to now place it within a sentence and as you're doing that I'll move on to the next one so the next one is to be down to be down now if you are down and this could be in one or two things it could mean that you're depressed so we use this often to say I'm feeling very sad or I'm feeling quite depressed I'm feeling quite down today I am down you are or you seem to be down the example sentence I've given for this one is I am NOT myself at the moment I have been very down since I arrived home from my trip to Moscow I'm not myself at the moment I don't feel normal I'm not myself at the moment I have been very down I've been very depressed since I arrived home from my trip to Moscow in fact we have a phrase for this when you go on holiday and you come home sometimes you feel down you feel depressed because you've had a nice time and now it's back to normal life to work and it's not so happy and exciting and so we would call this the holiday blues so you could say I've got the holiday blues I certainly had the holiday blues when I arrived home from Egypt because I had such a wonderful time with the wildlife and with the people and the culture and then suddenly I was just back to normal life but only for a few days because then we had Christmas and that was lovely too so I had the holiday blues I felt down for a few days there is another way to use down to be down could be something is Ridge Joost or it's less than it previously was so the example sentence I've given for this is about sales shop sales so I've said this year this year sales are down by twenty five percent compared to last year this year sales are down by twenty five percent compared to last year now it doesn't mean that sales are feeling depressed it means that sales are reduced they're less we've made less sales this year than we did last year by twenty five percent that's quite that's quite a difference okay so now let's have a look at some of your example sentences coming through so this is only for YouTube so guys if you're watching and you want to be involved and have your writing corrected come over to YouTube let's start with my lovely patron Alexander Alexander who said I was completely cut up and overcome with disgust and dread oh what's wrong Alexander but that's great that's perfect I was completely cut up and overcome with disgust and dread very good Lady Gaga was cut up about her failure in the concert very good so imagining Lady Gaga a professional singer she steps on stage and makes a mistake she might be very upset so you could say she was cut up she was cut up about her failure in the concert very good and the bad performance leo messi oh sorry the bad performance cut leo messi up terribly and like what you've done there Alexander you've put the phrasal verb you've separated it and put the object in the middle the bad performance cut Leo Messi up terribly very good and the final one from you the price of milk in Ukraine should be down should be down next week so the price of milk in Ukraine it should be down next week good yes it should be down yes very good so it should be reduced okay let me have a look at the YouTube chat room so you guys I'm all saying hello how many if we got in oh we got 198 lovely nice to see you all our med has said I might be cut up when I miss one of your lessons that's a very good arm at all I would say is make sure you use cups a capital letter whenever you say I i referring to yourself not i as in your eyeball but I myself is always a capital letter there is no exception to that rule it's always a capital letter so I might be cut up when I miss one of your lessons now because you're using might I might be cut up when I miss one of your lessons I would say I would use if it feels odd to use might and then when I might be cut up when I miss one of your lessons you could use it but it seems it seems like you're saying it should be if if I miss one of your lessons I I might feel upset about it so I might be cut up if I miss one of your lessons okay Daniel has said I was cut up when I have got rejection from my investor all right let's have a look at this because it's not quite right so let's have a look at this together so I'm showing this on the YouTube screen on Facebook you won't be able to see it but you've everything like you've used a capital letter at beginning that's fine I was cut up good I was cut up we don't need this I was cut up so take away the comma I was cut up when I have got rejection from my investor now I have got rejection so you're saying was so it's in the past I was when I have got this isn't this doesn't work in that tense I have got because that means something you've got right now it's a continuous thing I have got many students it's a continuous thing I have got a picture in the back but if something's in the past I had or when I received a rejection letter you could say when I when I receipt when I was rejected so you could put this when I was rejected by my investor yeah I would use that one I was cut up when I was rejected by my Wester yeah that works nicely I was cut up when I was rejected I changed that rejected by my investor so I hope that makes sense but that's the way it works all right so let's move on so we've got cut up to be upset down to be down is to be depressed or to reduce something or make something less alright so the next one is to be fed up and I hope that none of you do feel fed up or down and fed up is is to be upset like to be down but it can also mean to be sick of something so in the first instance I might say when I got back from my holiday I felt fed up so in the exact same way I talked about being down Jews I could use fed up I was fed up when I came home for my holiday I didn't want to go to work I felt fed up but you can also use it to say you're bored so imagine you take everything out of this room I have no phone nothing to do and you leave me in this room all day on my own by the time someone comes in and says Anna how are you I say well I was really fed up but now I'm happy so I was bored but now I'm happy and you could use it to say that you're sick of something so imagine you're in an aeroplane and the young person behind you keeps kicking the chair for an entire five hour flight they're kicking your chair and you're just getting pushed around and eventually you feel like you're going to explode or you're fed up you just you just fed up with it yeah ah I am fed up with you kicking my chair I'm sick of it I cannot deal with it anymore I don't like it please stop you want them to stop so you're fed up of something I hope that makes sense so let's now try writing a practice sentence and the example sentence I use was oh I don't know what I've done here oh okay I see so the example sentence I've given is ignore your brother he isn't an annoyed with you he's just fed up with his job so imagine that I am your mum and your brother is in a very bad mood and your brother is being quite rude to you perhaps or being unusually miserable and you think he's upset with you you think you've done something wrong and you say to me mum what's what have I done why why he's why is he being off with me why is he being strange why is he being why does he seem agitated have I done something to upset him and I would say to you ignore your brother he isn't annoyed with you he is just fed up with his job he's just fed up he is sick of his job he is annoyed with it he's sick of it he's sick of his job so don't worry ignore your brother he isn't annoyed with you he is just fed up with his job ok ok so hopefully that makes sense have any of you managed to provide me with an example sentence here let's have a look mm-hmm ok so I've got one here from Louie let's have a look Louie has written this sentence if you are fed up to the back teeth you should ignore the situation so this is so this is an extension to the phrase to be fed up to be fed up you could say I'm I'm fed up to the back teeth of this it's a very strange phrase but we do say that sometimes I'm fed up to the back teeth yeah I've not heard that for a very long time but I'm fed up to the back of your teeth so you wouldn't use that so let's have a look you've written so this actually be if you are fed up to the back teeth with something then you should ignore it I would write it like that and then a full stop at the end of your sentence to signify the end ok if you're fed up to the back teeth or something then you should ignore it good very good do I have any more any from my patrons yes I do so my patron alexander has said I don't know why but sometimes I feel so fed up without any reason yeah that's good I don't know why but sometimes I feel so fed up you could just lose any and you could just put without reason I don't know why but sometimes I feel so fed up without reason or a native would most likely say for no reason I feel so fed up for no reason okay good okay so have I got any more let me just quickly check before I move on hope it's clear I'm fed up because my boyfriend always falls out with me so Sylvia I can imagine you would get fed up with that yes and that's very well-structured sentence all correct well done Paluxy Oh has said I am fed up with airport delays very good and aren't we all um Breen has said I'm just fed up with my low speed internet connection I completely understand where you're coming from internet connections being slow can be an nightmare and it always seems to hit us at the most inappropriate moment but very good sentence well done JIT true true has said I'm really fed up make sure there's no II at the end of fed because you've written fade so it's f e d fe D I'm really I am so you also need to either I am really fed up at you just an example yeah you could say and you'd say with you not at you I'm fed up with you so if you're annoyed with someone or you're you're bored of them doing something someone's annoying you just say I'm just fed up with you I'm fed up to the back teeth with you and you and your moods your bad moods I'm fed up with it so you're fed up with you're not fed up at I hope that makes sense okay good let's move on so okay so the next one on the list is if I can find it yes it is to be in to be in so if you're in if you say I am in then it means your presence you're at work or you home so if you if you live with me we live together and you call me from somewhere else you're at work and you don't know if I'm home yet so you call me and I say hello and you say ah you're home I just called to see if you were in I just called to see if you were in and I'd say well I am in I'm going to make dinner I'll see you later okay so to be to be presence at home or at work or wherever you're expected to be and it could also mean that something has arrived or it needs to be submitted by so for example if I'm your teacher and I set you an essay to write then I could say that it has to be in by a certain time but let's have a look at the example sentences oh not that one this is what I've written so to be in asked to be at home or to be at work to be present somewhere I've written could you please hello could you please tell me if mr. Bell is in I would like to speak to him about an important matter could you please tell me if mr. Bell is in I would like to speak to him about an important matter and I would say I'm sorry he's not in until this afternoon should I tell him when he's in that you called yes as soon as he's in please tell him to call me okay or when talking about something being in as in submitted or to say it should arrive at a certain time I've written my essay has to be in by the end of the week otherwise I will fail my essay has to be in by the end of the week otherwise I will fail okay okay let's have a look at some example sentences so I've got one here Alexander going back to the last one says I just I'm just fed up to the back teeth of working 90 hours a week very well-written sentence and for the latest one you've written I said I'm sorry mama as I got in so late last night very good very good indeed and for some of you guys on the chat I found one from Louisa Louisa has written this sentence I'm just gonna put it on the notes for you so you can all see it Louisa has written this whoops I knew you were in because the lights were on perfect you could see from a distance through the window the lights were on so I knew you were in because the lights were on perfect Fabricio has put this sentence and this is for the previous example I'm fed up with cold weather I just want summer time to arrive as soon as possible and that also needs a full stop at the end I'm fed up with and we need the I'm fed up with the cold weather okay so that should be the and we're fed up with the cold weather so am i absolutely I'm really really fed up with the cold weather and I've fed up with the dark days as well I want more light in my day it makes me feel happy when it's light so I'm fed up with the cold weather I just want summer time to arrive as soon as possible perfect really nice do I have any more for be in any more examples okay so when I'm in she is always nagging at me yes very good I have been in home all the time I have been in home so here's a good example one we'll have a quick look at who's written this um thick face face I'm sorry for mispronounced that I'm sure I have has written this sentence I have been in home all the time so you don't need the word home because when you're using the phrase over being in we would assume that whoever you're talking to knows what this place is so you don't need to say in home you never say in home I've been in home you could say I've been at home but that changes the phrasal verb I've been at home all the time I was at home the whole time but when we're using the phrasal verb being in it's assumed that we know where we're talking about so I've been in all the time so it's like if you come to my house right now I'm in my house you know it's my house you come to my house and you say where were you this morning and because so you know I'm talking about my home because you're at my home right now okay hope that's clear all right let's move on to the next one so let's get rid of those so the next one is to be in on so to be in on so if we add that extra little word it completely changed the meaning if you're in on something it means you know something I know something that maybe you didn't know or maybe other people don't know so it's usually used when we're when someone has a secret or a surprise if you're planning something that not many people are aware of but I know about it if I know about it I'm in on it I've been in on this the whole time I knew about it from the beginning so the example sentence I've given is regarding a birthday and for the birthday they're planning to buy a car and this sentence is seems like and actually to help you guys out I should right it seems like just check entire family was in on the plan to buy me a car for my birthday it seems like the entire family was in on the plan to buy me a car for my birthday so as my birthday my family bought me a car and lots of people in my family knew about it but I didn't so that my entire family was in on the plan to buy me a car for my birthday oh I wish someone would buy me a car for my birthday my Fiat Panda has seen better days that means it's not working very well it has seen better days not today today is not a good day for my panda okay so just a quick question from Louisa Louisa says cheesed off is like fed up yes if you're cheesed off you're annoyed with something you could it could be used in the same way as fed up of course fed up can also mean to be bored of something but if you're using it saying I'm annoyed with something I'm fed up with it you can also use it in the same way as cheesed off I'm fed up with it I'm cheesed off about it okay all right let's have a quick look at the patrons Skype room so I'm not quite sure how I pronounce this is it easy huh uh-huh you said if you make a party next Saturday I'm in now here's an important thing so they can have these two words are regularly mixed up so a party is something you have you don't make it you have a party in in English we have a party so even if you've even if you organize it and you you might even create the decorations and make all the food and and and the cocktails and things like that you might create stuff but hopefully I haven't just lost Facebook because I had a phone call good okay um you you might make stuff but the party is something you experience you have it you have a party like you have a birthday okay so you'd say if you have a party next Saturday I'm in and that would be the right sentence okay if you have a party next Saturday I'm in so that means I'm gonna be there I'll arrive all right very good Rami says I have a question about down please correct me if I'm wrong a conversation between two guys guy one says do you want to join me for coffee and guy two says yes I'm down yeah that's slang I'm down for that that slang it's like put it's like put write it down on a list put my name down on the list I want to do it that's kind of where it comes from I'm down for that so yes that is correct but it's slang everybody but me are in on the practical joke I suffered so everyone but me you wouldn't be you wouldn't use our because if it was a practical joke that you suffered you suffered it in the past then we need to use the past of the verb so it would be everyone but me everyone everyone but me everybody but me everybody but me was in on so it should be was everybody but me was in on the practical joke that I suffered I would puts a little that in there as well and Alexander I'm sorry I have to leave now thank you very much for lesson you're very welcome Alexander thank you for joining us okay so I think we're all with it so far you're all finding it very easy which is great so let's move on to the next phrasal verb number 66 and that is to be not on to be not on now if I use this phrase a verb what I mean is it's unacceptable if something is not on then it's not acceptable so usually we use this when talking about a certain type of behavior so let's imagine you are let's imagine when you're at school and I am your teacher and you are disturbing the other students during exam or times when they need to study and concentrate you're singing very loudly you're not doing your work you're not you're not handing in homework maybe you're throwing things at people you're just behaving very badly and then I pull you to one side and I say look this kind of behavior is not on it's not on it's not acceptable and if you carry on I will call your mother ah don't don't earn so here it's written if you can't see it on Facebook it's because the notes on YouTube so if you want to interact and see the notes then please jump over to YouTube the link is in the description of the Facebook video here so I've written this kind of behavior is not on and if you carry on I will call your mother to carry on means to continue if you carry on I will call your mother alright so off you go please feel free to write your example sentences using not on it is not on it was not on it isn't on hmm yes you could do it like that you couldn't contract it it isn't on but more often than not we say it is not on because we're angry so we want to articulate our words it is not on okay alright so the next one is to be off to be off now this can be used in a couple of ways you can use it to describe fruit or not fruit food sorry anything edible so if something is edible and then it's left for a very long time and it perishes and it's no longer it's no longer edible you can no longer eat it because it's rotten then you would say it's off its off and so the example sentence I've given for this is the meat smells strange maybe it is off let's cook something else so I'm cooking up a storm in the kitchen I'm doing lots of wonderful things I take the meat out of the fridge I'm about to cook the meat and I go through the meat smells strange maybe it is off me oh I do I probably say it's I'd contract it maybe it's off let's cook something else okay so to be rotten and we can also use it to mean to leave or depart so you could say okay it's been lovely to see you today I'm off I am off I'm going or if I come to see you somewhere and I'm a little bit late by the time I arrive I come in and go ah it's so lovely to see you but you're putting your coat on I'd say oh are you off you're not off are you I don't mean you're not you're not rotten are you I'm not I don't mean you smell bad I'm asking you're not going to leave right now are you you're not off are you okay so I'm off I'm departing or I might say to you go and spend some time with your father because we're off in a moment go and spend some time with your father because we're off we're going we're off in a moment okay okay so let's have a look at the example sentence I've written and then you can write your examples so for meaning rotten or bad we saw that I hurt you heard that one the meat sells smells strange maybe it is off let's cook something else and be off meaning we're leaving I've written right I'm off to the pub I'm going I'm leaving to go to the pub I'm off to the pub who's coming with me all right so I'd like you to give this a go just so you know some of you are asking me about the Skype room the Skype room is a special place for patrons only I'm sorry I can't have everyone there but it is a place for patrons to stand out so that I don't miss their messages so if you would like to be involved in the pay in their Skype room the patron Skype room there are also other awards for patrons as well but the whole point of being a patron is to support my mission which is to bring as much free education to as many people around the world as possible no matter whether they can afford lessons or not I'd like everyone to have access to education and of course providing free education is not cheap I still have to pay bills and get equipment and I still have to live and so patrons give a little in order to support what I do to help me try and reach more people with more education and so thank you so much those of you who've supported me as patrons up to now and if you are interested in helping me on my mission mmmm I can't talk properly if you're interested in helping me on my mission then you're more than welcome to have a look and see what patron rewards are available to you and the link is somewhere probably hopefully in the description box below right have you given me some example sentences let's have a look so nazgul says I'm off I'm not up for a party now so he said I'm going I'm not up for a party now very good nazgul that's very good just remember I even if it's contracted into I've I'm you still always put a capital letter so I is always a capital letter Nita has written I'm not off soon I want to watch your lesson now good that's very good and very well written Marcello has said this is off so better buy a pizza yes I would I would write who better buy a piece that's wide right so I better buy a pizza or so you better buy a pizza or we better buy a pizza this is off so we better buy a pizza so always I would put the the object in whoo okay mask says off he goes wearing his coat this comment can't swim it'll just float Oh a poet wonderful very good and this bottle of beer went off after being opened an hour ago I don't think beer does go off does it but very good I think Bo might go flat because it'll lose its the gas but anyway but yes it's good just make sure you put a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and a full stop at the end of the sentence okay and final one from Sarah or Sarah I'm not sure how you pronounce it but you've put the plane is off in a minute yes the plane will depart in a minute the plane is off in a minute very good all right let's move on to the next one so number Oh nearly nearly at the end number 68 fantastic number 68 is there's three meanings to this one and it's the phrasal verb to be on to be on so first of all to be on could mean it is functioning and we use this when talking about machines so for example if I'm talking about my computer if my computer is functioning it's working I'd say it's on if I if I if I switch off the power then it is not on this is quite an easy one so the example sentence I've given for this one is luckily the computer wasn't on when the lightning struck the house luckily the computer wasn't on when the lightning struck the house so it wasn't being powered it wasn't functioning at the time when we had a storm and lightning struck the house which could have blown up the computer ok so luckily the computer wasn't on when the lightning struck the house ok so the next version the next meaning of to be on could mean it takes place so something is taking place at a certain time for example an event or a gig or a show so I like musicals and I am a trained actress so I might be in a show let's say lame is lame miserable er if you know this musical you probably love this musical it's a very good musical and hopefully I'm given a role in Limassol habla and I come on to you all and say hello everyone my show is on it will take place my show is on in London for the next three months then we move to Manchester so my show is on tour around the UK my show is on in London for the next three months then we move to Manchester so that's when it is happening it will take place and then finally to be on something if you and I are taking medication or drugs hopefully not drugs but some people do need medication but if you are on drugs or you are on medication then we use this phrase a verb to be on so the example sentence I've given here is she was on strong painkillers which helped her to manage for a short time she was on strong painkillers which helped her to manage for a short time ok I've just seen on Facebook Andre says Brazil loves you and I love Brazil and I'm going to go there one day perhaps soon definitely within the next two years I've been talking to my friend about it today so Brazil I'm coming for you so you just wait ok so let's have a look at your example sentences so eva has written this Dada Dada I like the name Eva my niece is called Eva it was written why is the TV on nobody is watching it why is the TV on nobody is watching it yes my mother used to say that all the time and that is a well-written sentence just know that actually putting double or triple question marks or exclamation marks if you're being grammatically correct and using the correct punctuation we would never put a double or a triple people do when talking on like text or in a informal way to emphasize the question but normally in a formal way you'd never do that so it's just something to be aware of what else have I got the pager is on the blink well that's a good one my pager is on the blink should I buy a new one this is how it looks my pager I don't think anyone really uses pages anymore perhaps doctors or pilots maybe tell me if you use a pager then let me know I'd love to know so you said my pager is on the blink now if something is on the blink it means that it's not working very well so you've got my pager is on the blink now you've used is on which is fine but actually I would argue that this is actually a slang phrase ought to be on the blink to be on the blink so this whole thing is a slang phrase my pager is on the blink is not working very well I should buy a new one and I would separate that okay two clauses all right so what else have I got okay one more I've left the oven on tell my husband Oh left I left the oven on hang on let me let me get this over so I can read it and everyone can read it with me and this is from Sal Salim Salaam Salaam Salaam I'm sorry if I mispronounced that I've left on the oven I've left on the oven left my house and accidentally set it on fire okay I've left the oven on left my house and accidentally set on fire that's fine okay um just make sure I've got an extra space there no that's fine okay come right let's move on to the very last one oh no the penultimate one this was a fun one so to be on about to be on about now if you're on about something it means that you are going talking a lot about something I'm have a minute okay so if you are going on about something it means that you're talking a lot about something but if I say to you what are you on about I'm asking what do you mean or what are you trying to say what do you want about what do you mean I have made it very clear so I'm gonna change this what is your meaning let me show you the notes so you can see them so to be on about what is your meaning what are you trying to say so here's the example sentence I couldn't understand what I couldn't understand what he was on about it sounded like gobbledygook to me I couldn't understand what he was on about I couldn't understand what his meaning was I couldn't understand what he was trying to say it sounded like gobbledygook to me now if you don't know what gobbledygook means then that means that you missed out on some of my slang lessons so I did the A to Z of slang words so I did lots of lessons on different slang words commonly used in the UK and gob gobbledygook features on the letter G and slang words slang was beginning with G so if you don't know what gobbledygook means I'll tell you now it means nonsense means nonsense but if you didn't know then I encourage you to go back and watch the slang word videos there's lots of other words there for you to learn okay I couldn't understand what he was meaning what he meant what he was on about it sounded like gobbledygook to me so let's have a look at your example sentences he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed his mind is half on his mind is half on Icee I would so Vlad you're saying his mind is half switched on half switched off in that sentence I would use his mind is half off because that makes more sense if you say his mind is half on I'm expecting you to say something else his mind is half on I don't know cartoons his mind is half on the PlayStation but if you say his mind is half off then that completes that sentence and I understand straight away what you're trying to say Bruno has just said what are you on about there good and we say that a lot if we don't understand what someone's talking about we'd say hey what do you want about but I wouldn't ask that question to someone at work especially if they're senior so that feels very informal and my boss if I said that's my boss what are you on about they might think I was being rude so be careful with that one what you want about if your boss says something to you and you don't understand you say I'm sorry I'm not I don't follow you I don't follow you I don't follow you could say that or you'd say I'm sorry I don't understand what what do you mean that sounds more polite okay Mohammed on Facebook saying Ana it's the first time I'm live with you I'm very happy I'm live every Monday at the moment it might change but every Monday definitely on YouTube at four o'clock which is now it's 4:45 in the UK so four o'clock every Monday at least for the next few weeks on YouTube for sure okay so if you don't normally see me live that's how you know now you know where to go and when to go there to find me live so I've got I've been on antibiotics and that's why I avoided to drink any alcohol drink so I've been on yes okay let's have a look at this because you're saying you're using the phrasal verb to be on meaning to use medication so let's sum like this I've been on antibiotics and that's that's why I avoided to drink any alcohol drink so what you need to do here is say I've been on antibiotics that's why I avoided drinking that's why I avoided drinking and you can just right alcohol that's why I avoided drinking alcohol we rarely actually say alcoholic drink so when alcohol is enough I've been on antibiotics I would either put a comma here or say and I've been on antibiotics and that's why I avoided drinking alcohol okay hopefully that makes sense for you and what else do I have do I have any patrons who want to try this one just let me know in the Skype room yellow 7:30 has said I didn't understand what my maths teacher was on about at all now I am down very good that's a very well-structured and I'm you've done everything correctly with punctuation in capital letters well done Silvia I'm absent-minded so most of the times just take off the S we always say most of the time we don't need most of the times so take off the S oh I think you've done it I'm absent-minded so much at the time I have to ask what they were on about I'm absent-minded so most of the time I have to ask what they were on about perfect Silvia well done Felix I said could I use what are you on about when I when I when just joined a chat with my friends and don't know what's going on I would you could but normally what you want about is when you haven't understood so if you just joined a chat what you're trying to find out is what's been going on it's not that you've misunderstood anything you just don't know what's happening so it's not quite right to use what's what are you on about if you listen to the conversation a little for a little while and still don't understand what's been said then you might say hey guys what you want about but if you've just joined a chat and you want to know what's previously being said or talked about then you say what's going on or what's happening and then they would fill you in too fiddly win means they would let you know what's been going on to bring you up to speed okay so miss ferry has said is there a difference between being in and being into something yes if you are in you are present I am in I'm in at the moment I'm in my home I'm in if I'm into something then I'm really keen on something and actually let me see if that's no it's not I think that should be coming up on the is it coming up no it's not so if you're into if you're into something then it means really really like something I think we probably covered it in yet in last week's lesson to be into something I'm really into herbal teas at the moment I'm really into her ball teas I really like herbal teas what are you guys into I'm really into pop music I'm really into musicals I'm really into the theater I'm really into YouTube I love YouTube so that's what I'm really into one of you said what is pager what do you want about a pager is a very old fashioned device that used to send you a little message and say call this number and then you'd call the number and find out what they want you for there's a way of contacting someone and so doctors would have them or patients who are waiting for an emergency operation would have a pager and when the pager went off they'd have to call to find out what was happening okay so we're gonna come on to the next one which is the last one for the lesson and just before I do I'm gonna say two things one if you're not already subscribed on my youtube channel then please do subscribe and make sure you press the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons and to do you like my new outfit hang on let me show you do you like it I was given some vouchers for Christmas to go and buy a new outfit and so this is what I went to buy today with that Christmas voucher so I hope you like it I hope you're into it are you into it I hope so okay so the very last one on the list is to be on to to be on to if you're onto something it means you have a clue about something I'm aware of something I know something is going on I'm on to you so let's go back to the example of the birthday party where everyone had a secret kept from me to organize buying me a car for my birthday everyone was in on it they were in on it I didn't know about it they were in on it now if I start to have a suspicion if I start to suspect that something is going on that I don't know about I don't know exactly what it is but they're acting strange I die there's something not right and I know they're all getting together to organize something big and so I could say I am on to you I know something's going on I don't know what it is but I know something's happening so I'm gonna keep my eye on you I'm on to you so if you are working for the police or you're an investigator and you're trying to solve a crime and there's somebody that you have a suspicion about you have no evidence and you don't know exactly but you know there's something not quite right about them and you're going to keep your eye on them you could say I'm on to you I know some stuff about you and I'm gonna find out and we're gonna get the evidence I'm on to you okay so so let me show you the example I've given is I must be careful what I say I must be careful about I wrote these in a hurry you can tell I must be careful about what I say to you I think the FBI are on to me I think the FBI are on to me so the FBI is the Federal Bureau ha ha I can't say Bureau of Investigation or an investigating branch branch organization the FBI they investigate things they find things out I must be careful about what I say to you I think the FBI are on to me okay so I'm gonna do a few more Corrections and then I will say goodbye so what have I got here hello Ella I'm not relevant for this lesson but I think I shouldn't be in the Skype room anymore just so you know and can remove me later on oh thank you for your honesty Ella and I'll speak to you a little bit later thank you um I was speaking for about half an hour when I realized she was what I realized she wasn't on about okay so in this example so you've not understood someone for that they're talking for half an hour and you don't understand and maybe you don't have the courage to say excuse me what are you on about I don't understand so instead you just sit there listening and then finally you realize ah that's what you're talking about you're talking about the dog ah now it makes sense what you would say is I was I was speaking for about half an hour when I realized when I finally realized what she was on about when I realized what she was on about okay hope that makes sense for you and it's jumpsuit with a pee but thank you very much I'm really glad you like it that's really kind of you hmm okay so Reza has said I must be better because my roommate are onto me now because you used our rather than is that suggests you're roommates with a plural so if it's more than one roommate it needs an S my roommates are onto me but if it's just one roommate that you have you'd say my roommate is onto me because is it's for a single person and are is for they are alarm land well we got I'm sorry that the messages are moving so fast I can't keep up I'm so sorry my family is on to me they must know that I have a secret boyfriend well you have to keep that you definitely have to try and keep that a secret I don't know why but um it sounds exciting my family is on to me my family my family are on to me ah your family are rather than is my family are on to me they must know they must know I think they know that I have a secret boyfriend okay very good did it do they were onto the lad who had killed Baris Baris Burrows I can't pronounce I'm so sorry I'm very bad with names and pronunciation of names I love you that is why I'm on to you that doesn't quite work to be on to something is to have suspicions about something to have an awareness of it I suspect something so I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say with that one okay so guys I'm going to leave it there thank you so much for joining me let's just do a very quick recap of what we have covered to be on to is to have a clue about something we also had to be on about so to understand their meaning what is she on about Oh phrasal verbs that's what she's on about we also had to be on my phone is on its functioning my show my event is on tonight so when is it taking place and I am on antibiotics I am taking this medication I'm on antibiotics then we had to be off this food is off it's rotten or okay guys I'm off I'm leaving and then we had to to be not on so if something is not on it's not acceptable so it's not on to behave badly in my class okay now we had to be in on something to be aware completely aware of a secret or a special arrangement that not everyone knows about it I'm I'm in on it it's okay I'm in on the secret and then we had to be in I am in right now I'm in my home and present in my home I'm in we can also use it at work or I've to submit something or when something is going to arrive my essay will be in on time my essay will be in it will be submitted it will arrive on time excuse me to be fed up so you could mean I'm bored I'm upset why I'm sick of something you say I'm fed up of washing your underwear I'm fed up of watching washing your socks and your pants you can do your own washing from now on and then we had to be down meaning to be depressed or to be low in your mood to feel sad or something's being reduced it is down it's down by 10% good and then we had the final one which was to be cut up and cut up I'm very cut up about the death of my cat my cats I lost both my cats actually around this time last year and at the time I was very cut up so there we go thank you guys for joining me I will stick around in this the patron Skype room for a little while and I'll stick around in the chat room just have a quick chat with you guys thank you so much for joining me on Facebook I'll say goodbye to you guys now you've been awesome and if you did enjoy this then I do have more live lessons every Monday 4 o'clock they won't always be on Facebook but now you know come over to YouTube and there are over 300 lessons all pre-recorded and on YouTube so if you have access to youtube I know not everyone does but if you do then come over English like a native the links in the description and YouTube thank you guys for being so patient and so interactive I hope you found it helpful you guys are awesome and my patreon is you guys are all so awesome thank you so much I will see you very soon take care lots of love you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 15,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, english, English speaking, british accent, british, Anna English, british english, what is the difference, english lesson, grammar, learn english, phrasal verbs, english phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs in use, ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs In Use, list phrasal verbs, complete list phrasal verbs, english verbs list, live english class, english lesson phrasal verbs
Id: uh3s5E9GHc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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