WISH & HOPE What's the Difference | Live English Lesson Writing Practice

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hello everyone and welcome to another lesson with me Anna English here on English like and native I hope that you are all well and ready for another quick English lesson so today I'm going to be doing some more writing practice with you and we're going to be looking specifically at the words wish and hope so I hope that you are all going to join me in this quick English practice lesson if you are new here fantastic welcome I hope you enjoy your time here and if you are only here for a short time then make sure you press that subscribe button and the Bell notification button before you leave so you don't miss any future lessons alright so wonderful the words wish and hope I'm going to start off looking at the word wish and make sure with the SH we are doing a nice fricative sound Shh I wish I wish I wish I wish I have a wish patrons I have your skype room open so say hello in that Skype room and if you want to do some of the writing practice patrons then be sure to do it in the Skype room so that I don't miss your comments right so the word wish the word wish can be used in a variety of ways so there's three ways we can use it now the first is to express a desire that something was the case even though you know it is impossible so to express a desire that things were different but you know it's impossible for that to be the case so you could say I wish I wish it was sunny even though I know there's no possible chance of bit of it being sunny right now I'm expressing a desire for something that's impossible I wish it was sunny I wish I always lay on a beach right now it's impossible for me to lie on a beach right now because I'm here teaching a lesson to you so what I want you to do is to express a desire for something that is impossible using the word wish so write a sentence now and I will try to correct it for you okay and while you are writing your sentence let's have a look at some examples so we have I wish you were I wish you were here there's something we say often if a loved one is abroad and we miss them we might say oh I wish you were here or if we are on an adventure somewhere we're seeing some wonderful things we might say to our loved ones back home I wish you were here another sentence she wished that she hadn't shouted at her child she wished that she hadn't shouted at her child so she's wishing that something in the past were different obviously you can't change the past it's impossible so that's why she uses the word wish instead of hope I wish that she wished that she hadn't shouted at her child okay the next one is I wish I had spent more time with my granddad before he died I wish I had spent more time with my granddad before he died of course there's no possible way for me to spend any more time with my granddad because he's no longer with us but it's a desire that I have wishing that things were different here is another one we wish you didn't have to go to work today we want you to stay at home with us we wish you didn't have to go to work today we want you to stay at home with us all right so it's impossible well not impossible but it's very unlikely that whoever we're asking to stay home will be able to because they have to work so we use the word wish we wish you didn't have to go we know you do have to go but we wish you didn't have to and then I wish I had known it was going to rain tonight I wish I had known it was going to rain tonight I wish I had foresight because if I knew it was going to rain I would brought an umbrella so hopefully that makes sense and I hope by now that some of you have given me some example sentences yes okay so sky has written I wish I'm in London now so this is what sky has written I wish I'm in London now but you would say not I'm but I wish I was oh gosh now this is one of those confusing things is it was or is it work I don't know which one it is I wish I were I wish I was think it's I wish I was both of them sound right to me but I know grammatically one of them is wrong so I wish I was in London now I think is the correct way to put that I wish I was okay who else do we have what are those example sentences do we have here I wish you were here for a private lesson says dr. Harrison price very good doctor very good I wish you were here for a private lesson that's perfectly formed well done and hello those of you chatting in the Skype room if you want to practice this sentence then please go ahead and write it here and just so you know patrons I will be sharing these notes with you so after the lesson just look on the homepage of the patreon site and I'll post these notes to all patrons so that you can all benefit from these examples and those of you who are watching in YouTube who aren't patrons then you're more than welcome to join the patreon team we definitely need more supporters patrons are people who can donate even a small amount towards the channel to help me to make more and better quality lessons for you and in return you get lots of rewards and you can check out all the details of that by clicking on the link in the description box below of course if you're not able to become patron anyone who drops a super chat will also get a copy of the notes ok so here're will take your example sentence here we move on and you've written I wish that I learned to say no to people whom I don't admire much but I feel like it's impossible so I wish that I learn to say no so you could say this isn't quite correct so you'd say I wish that I could I wish that I could learn to say no I wish that I could learn to say no or simply I wish I could say no so perhaps just remove this I wish I I wish I could say no to people whom I don't admire much but I feel it's impossible it's needs an apostrophe because it is it is it stands for but I feel like it is impossible ok very good all right let's move on so wish used for something we desire but we know that's not likely to happen we can also use the word wish if we are wanting to express hope that good fortune will come to someone in a future event so for example if it's your birthday then I will wish you a happy birthday because I want you'd have good fortune on your birthday so I wish you a happy birthday or if you celebrate Christmas I might wish you a happy Christmas and of course we have the song to remember this particular way of using wish we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ok so wish for someone you wish someone good fortune when it's a specific event coming up so you might wish someone good look it could look good luck when it's a job interview perhaps or when they have an exam you would wish them good luck what are their events I can't think of any other events I wish I have Christmas I wish you have a birthday I wish you were happy new year I wish you good luck so let's have a look at the example sentences I want you to write something down as well using wish in this respect we wish you Merry Christmas very easy I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday she wishes you the best of luck for your exam tomorrow they all wished him a speedy recovery and he wished me all the best in my new job so hoping that someone has a good fortune in the future is a good time to use wish okay so here we go J or otherwise known as Serena now your new English nickname nickname I wish oh hang on let me throw it onto you guys I wish I were but I wish I was has become common nowadays ah okay so all good lovely fantastic so I wish I were is the grammar book rule but I wish I was has become common this is why I get confused okay lovely and Alessandro you're new to the patreon team hello I wish you a nice day at work great I wish you a nice day good well done okay so the next one is the final use of the word wish and that's to use wish as an alternative to want so if you wish to do something you could say you can use it whenever you'd say I want to do something so if you would use I want to and you could use I wish to it seems more polite somehow to say wish to so the examples I've put here are I wish to use your bathroom if that's all right I wish to use your bathroom if that's all right it definitely sounds more polite than I want to use the bathroom yeah okay and then the next one I've put here is I don't wish to be a nuisance but can we talk for a moment I don't wish to be a nuisance I don't want to be in but can we talk for a moment and if you don't know this word I always struggle to spell this word I always have to look it up but it's a great word nuisance nuisance and it means to be a pain really to be someone who gets in the way and is a little bit irritating to be a nuisance I don't want to be a nuisance I don't wish to be a nuisance but can we talk for a moment okay and my father wishes to be present during my graduation next week my father wishes to be present during my graduation next week some of my father wants to be he wants to be present excellent so I'd like you to use the word wish to be an alternative for want to and if you write it in the sentence now we'll do some correcting for you so what have we got okay I'll doesn't let you guys catch up and don't forget patrons that you can use the Skype room so I don't miss your comments Oh Mohamed says I wish to kiss you ah cheeky Tomic says I wish you all the best in your recovery good good boy tom boy Tom I'm sorry if I've mispronounced that I wish I would fluently speak English like you let me copy and paste that one so that's wishing for something yeah so that's a want isn't it so let me put it in this this section here so you put like I want to I want to just treat it that way I wish to I wish to and then that has to be followed by the infinitive so I wish to speak English fluently like you that would be how you do it we don't need to comment I wish to speak English fluently like you that would be the perfect way to form that sentence okay seven let's see if we've got any other sentences here we I wish you a Merry Christmas yes that's very good I wish Anna to read by sentence out yes and I did well done I wish I never missed any of your live lessons I wish I never missed any of your live lessons okay Carol Carolina Carolina that's good but that would suggest that you have missed all my previous life lessons and there will never be any future live lessons so it's talking about everything in the past I wish I'd never missed any of your live lessons in the past but I think what you're trying to express is that you hope to never wish any you hope to never miss any live lessons in the future okay so therefore hope would be the better word to use Hugo Anna I wish I had had more time this week to continue with the lessons but I'm starting a new job I hope to resume in a week or so a great sentence let me write this down I'll show everyone oh that started that's gone bold come out of bold there we go okay let's have a look at this sentence hi Anna I wish I had had more time this week to continue with the lessons but I am starting a new job I hope to resume in a week or so good I know people are going to ask about this it's a difficult one to explain it's to do with tenses and talking about two things in the past it's quite confusing I have I have explained it in a previous lesson where I talked about tenses which you can look up past tenses but stunning light is also in the room and he's very good at this stuff so maybe he can explain had-had if you can stunning lad if you're able to in a short concise under this very difficult so let's have a look Horacio said I wish everyone work in a friendly environment that doesn't quite work as it is I wish everyone worked in a friendly environment we need something else here I wish everyone could I wish everyone would I wish everyone I wish everyone I think could is the best one I wish everyone could work in a friendly environment okay good all right so that's the three uses of the word wish so using it like I want to using it to express good fortune for someone in an in an event and using it to express a desire for something that's probably unlikely to happen or that's impossible to achieve so if we want to express a desire for something that is possible and that we actually intend to achieve so those two words are important it's possible and we intend to achieve it then we use hope okay so let's have a look at these examples so hope refers to desires for the future which you intend to achieve hope can be used with two plus the infinitive for example I hope to be at your house by 8:00 p.m. so I have the desire to be and I intend to be it is possible and it's my intention to be at your house at 8:00 p.m. if they say I wish to be at your house by 8:00 p.m. then that makes it seem like it's an impossible thing like I wish I was going to be there at 8:00 p.m. but I'm not going to be there because lots of things have happened my cooker brutal it blew up and my car is broken so if I say I hope to be at your house by 8:00 p.m. that's telling the person who's that house that I'm likely going to be there at 8 p.m. okay the next one I've put is I hope to see you again soon I hope to see you again soon I hope to see you again soon it's quite easy and I was hoping to catch you before you left but I was too late I was hoping to catch you before you left but I was too late so to catch you means to get to get your attention to bump into you and talk to you perhaps before you leave I was hoping to catch you to have your attention for a moment so notice in all of these I news hope followed by 2 and the infinitive I hope I was hoping to catch you I hope to see I hope to be nice and simple so let me just check on my patrons here hi patrons Alessandra I wish to type faster but I can't yet good good Anna I wish to has the same meaning and use like I would like to yes very similar to I want to I would like to is almost exactly the same as want to so you're absolutely right okay Eva says I hope you are feeling better today good yes Thomas says I hope to visit USA one day I hope to visit USA one day I hope to visit the USA one day the USA one day I hope to speak like you says walid very good low miss answers I wish I can I wish I can stay for the rest of your lesson but I have to go lomis on if you're still there this sentence should be I wish I could stay for the rest of your lesson but I have to go I wish I can stay for the rest of the lesson yeah you wouldn't use can you'd use could I wish I could but I can't good ok excellent so boom is also helping out here I'm giving some helpful tips in the chat room so do read through some of those okay so when talking about hope there's also another little thing that I actually find quite difficult to understand myself and that's the word that I hope that in the UK we also often use the word that after hope but let me just make this italics but in most cases the sentences work fine with or without this word so for example I could say I hope you feel better now or I could say I hope that you feel better now and both are fine we could say I had hoped you would attend or we could say he had hoped that you would attend we could say she is hoping the doctors will give her some good news or she is hoping that the doctors will give her some good news now I've done a lot of research into this and I can't find any rules or reasons why we do or don't use that so don't be surprised if people use the word that directly after hope and don't be surprised if we miss it out and don't worry about it either so the thing is what I always say with natives a lot of us don't know the rules evidently a lot of us don't know the rules we just know something feels right or wrong and I would love actually if any of you do know the reason a legitimate reason behind why we use that or when to use that and then why we miss it out but to everyone else don't worry rules in English are complicated and in many cases there are lots of exceptions to the rule and it's far better just to try and immerse yourself in the language than worry too much about the rules so I hope that you have found this lesson helpful and I hope that you are going to have a pleasant evening tonight I wish that I could stay longer but I can't because my boyfriend hopes that I will have dinner on the table tonight which I hope I will too and I hope that my boyfriend will enjoy his dinner I wish I had spent more time in the past learning to cook nice of meals but I hope I be of I will be able to learn some nice recipes in the future oh I hope that this is all going in and making sense before I leave you I'm going to just jump in again with my patrons we have a date at 9 p.m. but I hope to arrive earlier perfect Alessandro that works perfectly well done and Elvises no not for me today I understand you but can't see all the comments thanks for being the best teacher however that's very sweet thank you lela lela says I hope that you will be happy for the rest of your life or at least till the next year thank you and that's a very good sentence well done Steve says I hope all kinds of races will stay as they have been ok doesn't quite make sense but ok a me an know says I hope to travel to London see London I when it's a noun especially this concrete noun use the article the or in this case it's specific so it's there I hope one day to travel to London to see the London Eye waleed I hope you had a good time at the party last night perfect good sky I hope I could speak five languages not I hope I could because that's contradicting could suggests that it might not be possible I hope I will speak five languages or I hope to be able to speak five languages in the future but I hope I could isn't right you could say I wish I could speak five languages if you think that it's not possible I wish I could speak five languages would be perfect okay atomic says I can't thank you enough for this lesson you're very welcome you're very welcome oh gosh and I've been on for twenty five minutes well thank you all for being here please do if you have enjoyed this give it a thumb up and it would help enormous ly if you could share this lesson or any of my other lessons that you think are helpful and that you think your friends would find helpful everything is slowing down on my channel and they have a really exciting video to share with you when I hit a hundred thousand subscribers but I can't share it until I hit a hundred thousand so anything you can do to help me to grow would be greatly appreciated I hope that you will help me to grow and I hope that you'll continue to watch my lessons as we move forward if you are interested in contributing there are a number of things you can do besides sharing liking and subscribing you can also help me by contributing your translations so if you think your English is at a good-enough level you could help me by translating some of my videos even into English because most of them are automatically subtitled and the automatic subtitles aren't always correct so if you have the time and you would like to help translate into your language or into English on any of my videos all you have to do is click the 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below also all right guys I'm gonna love you and leave you and go and think about cooking and then edit that video for you guys oh you don't know about it I was talking on Instagram about it I did a video about job interviews which I think you're going to find really helpful but I'll release it very soon okay I'm gonna go lots of love from London Thank You patrons for your constant support thank you everyone else for watching and being here love you lots I hope to see you again tomorrow take care
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 22,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, english, English speaking, british accent, british, Anna English, british english, what is the difference, wish, hope, wish & hope, difference between wish and hope, whats the difference wish hope, english lesson wish, hope english lesson, wish englsih lesson
Id: I0b5up6WnuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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