The End - English Like A Native

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hello everyone and welcome to the very end of 2018 this is my last broadcast now I know yesterday when I made the announcement some of you were like what what do you mean the last live broadcast I meant the last live broadcast of 2018 because I will be taking a week off to spend some time with my family for the Christmas holidays and I hope that you'll be doing the same thing as well and so you won't be seeing any more live broadcast from me until 2019 gosh where has this year gone it's been crazy now of course this has been a big year for me I have lots of highlights that I can look back on and say actually this is probably the best year of my life I want to know about your highlights of 2018 a highlight is a special moment that stands up above other moments for example if you're watching sports at the end of a football match perhaps they might go back and show you the highlight the special moments what are the highlights for you of this year for me I had a baby of course and I moved into my lovely new home and so these were some big highlights in my in my year and lots of you joining me Wow hello hi hello everyone I've got real English learning I've got Joe I've got LeMay and Hanif and Khaled hello everyone it's lovely to have you here for this very last broadcast so as always these are especially for you to improve your English so today I thought we'd do something slightly different and look at vocabulary that we use when talking about the end of things and then this threw up and a little problem between the words end and finish ends and finish are interchangeable pretty much but there are rules and Oh ding dong there's the door don't worry my partner's going to get that there are rules as to when you would use end and when you would use finish so I'm going to look at that now so that we can make that nice and clear for everyone now I do have my patron Skype room open so patrons feel free to say hello in the Skype room that's also there for the VIPs as well alright so here we go it's 11 o'clock in the morning for those of you asking actually no it's 20 past 11:00 I'm a little bit late today so let's have a look at these notes shall we let's go straight on into it so end versus finish they both mean to come to a stop for when we're talking about the word end this is commonly used now not always but commonly used when important changes are involved when there's an important change or when stopping something is significant so I've given you some examples here and I want you to write one of your own examples as well so here are some example sentences the war finally ended the war finally ended and we've used it we've used end in this sentence because the end of a war is significant that brings an important change so the war has finally ended now if you said the war has finished everybody would know what you meant but it's just not the commonly used word when what more commonly use end and ended ok so the war finally ended the next sentence I've given you here is after 10 years together we have decided to end our relationship after 10 years together we have decided to end our relationship obviously a relationship it is a big thing in someone's life your relationship with your with your partner your boyfriend your girlfriend your husband your wife or it could be a relationship with a best friend now if you end that relationship it's a big change in your life it's very significant so that is why we're using end instead of finish ok I could say I finished my relationship but it was and a little odd to a native okay so some of you are a little confused I'm not Lucy Lucy is a lot younger than me and blonde I am Anna okay so yeah I'm not Lucy that's weird that you're thinking I'm Lucy yeah okay there's carry on so um end our relationship now the last one I've put here is an example of end that you might see often and it's the word the phrase happy ending so here I said the story had a happy ending they all lived happily ever after the story had a happy ending okay and the end of a story is significant it's a significant thing how does the story end is quite an important thing and that's why we're using end instead of finish okay and just so you know those of you who are sending inappropriate messages no one can see them and I just block them so you're wasting your time if you're being inappropriate that's a nice way to end the year isn't it we've not had any of those for a while okay so I want you to now try and write a sentence using end okay so Daria you said can it be used end about the finishing of university you could say at the end of my time at university at the end of my time at university or at the end of my course and but you normally and this is what I'm going to come onto if it's something you're doing it's an action that you're doing is a continuous then we tend to use we tend to use finish so you say I'm I finished my course I'm finishing my course because it's something that you do okay so I hope that answers your question we're going to come up to finish in a second let's have a look is the is the beginning of the end Pedro this is the beginning of the end that's quite a common phrase actually yes very good beginning of the end so when we things have really changed and we're coming towards the end and you feel that change to come towards the end of something when you say this is the beginning of the end for example if we're on the subject of relationships perhaps something happens perhaps there's one big argument or big disagreement that really puts distance between the two people in the relationship you could say that argument was the beginning of the end of their relationship that argument was the beginning of the end okay what else have we got is this the end of your lessons that's a good sentence using end of course I'm going to continue to provide lessons for you and I will also be providing live lessons but this is the last live lesson of 2018 so how to use end in sports well you could talk about the end of someone's career couldn't you so you could say David Beckham had a wonderful career but he ended his career on a high he ended his career on a high anyone else with any here we go Daria I decided to end the contract with my boss can I say it like that yes you can end your contract I decided to end my contract that's um was a perfect sentence I decided to end my contract can you pronounce this phrase for me nailed it nailed it I nailed it okay let's carry on and have a look at finish the word finish so as I mentioned earlier we commonly use finish um sorry you can hear Jake you're crying in the background we commonly use finish when you stop something you're doing so we use it when the following verb has an ing ending now you can't use end if the following verb has an ing ending okay so it has to be finished finish an ING and also with finish it would never be followed with - and the infinitive of a verb okay so you can't say I finished to write a letter I finished to write a letter oh dear Jacob is distracting me little baby okay so the example sentences are given here are let me finish writing this letter and then I will help you let me finish writing this letter and then I will help you I hope he's not distracting you guys he's been very fussy recently I think he's going through a growth spurt um okay so we used to finish there instead of ends because the following verb has an ing ending let me finish writing this letter the next sentence is have you finished eating your breakfast have you finished eating your breakfast okay so I've used finished because the next verb is an ing ending have you finished eating your breakfast and then the next sentence we've got is he finished decorating the bathroom yesterday he finished decorating the bathroom yesterday okay the baby is crying I'm not sure why daddy's dealing with him he's definitely not hungry because he's just had a lot of food he's probably tired so please don't worry he's absolutely fine daddy has him under control okay so let's carry on so here we have a little competition or a little quiz for you to try and figure out which is the best one to use and or finish okay so here we go I want you to see if you can figure it out here we go we need to something making this cake we need to something making this cake so which one do we use here do we use end or do we use finish let me know do you use end we need to end making this cake or do we use finish we need to finish making this cake and the answer is anyone got it we need to finish we need to finish making this cake okay and it's finished because the following word ends in IMG okay in the following one lots of you getting that right well done nice and easy so the next one here is he was searching for uh-oh hang on I've made a typo who is searching for he was searching for answers it was supposed to be the 13 for answers towards the something of his life he was searching for answers towards the end of his life or he was searching for answers towards the finish of his life which one yeah lots of you got it towards the end of his life because the end of his life when his life comes to a close it's a very significant thing and it will very much change for him when his life ends so he use end of life rather than finish of life okay and yes lots of you quite distressed if I she could crying me too it really upsets me when he cries but he is with daddy and daddy soothing him so please don't worry about Jeff as well-being he's absolutely fine and I think he just gets upset when he doesn't have mommies at full attention I was definitely the same when I was a kid always wanting my mom's full attention okay so the next one let's see if we can get this one is the show will something at 9:45 the show will something at 9:45 will it end or will it finish the show will the show will so I would find this one difficult because as a native I'd say actually the show will end at 9:45 the show will finish at 9:45 both of them both of them feel natural to me and actually both would be accepted both we're going by the rules that we've learnt then you would say the show will end the show will end would you the show will finish the show has been going on I think for that one when you we could use both now there is another thing we're using when we're using when we're using specific times so this is another additional rule when we're using specific times it's more likely for us to use finish ok so actually my my feeling is to go with the show we'll finish at 9:45 but as our native if you said the show will end a 945 or the show will finish at 9:45 both would be perfectly acceptable but I think actually the natural answer be oh that baby crying has made my brain go crazy the show will finish at 9:45 so we use finish and more often when using specific times okay all right the next one let's have a look at the something of the day we will all meet up at the something of the day we will all meet up at the end of the day we will all meet up or at the finish of the day we will all meet up which one do you think it is anyone yeah you've got it at the end of the day at the end of the day we will all meet up okay fantastic you guys have got this down so like I said these words we can use them interchangeably and a lot of in a lot of examples but if it's something you're doing ing then we use finish usually if it has a specific time within the sentence we use finish if it indicates something significant changing if it's an important change we tend to use end okay all right so let's carry on now beyond end and finish we have some other words that we might use when something stops and stop is one of them so let's have a look when would we use stop so stop is used often and it's used often when we're commanding or requesting something to end or something to finish if I want you to finish doing something instantly it's normally quite an instant thing I would say stop so here are some examples can you stop what you're doing and come with me can you stop or you were doing and come with me and here we have stopped shouting so that's a command stop shouting the baby is asleep stop shouting the baby is asleep okay so stop is more often used when you're commanding or requesting or if something is sudden when something ends suddenly so you might say the show stopped because of the fire alarm or I stopped eating when I heard the news yeah so when something ends suddenly we can use stopped and bless strong what has sent a super chance of 10 euros thank you so much and you said Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family and all of us thank you so much that's very very kind of you and yes anyone who is celebrating Christmas I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and of course I wish everyone a very happy new year so thank you very much okay so that's how I would you stop and then we also have some other phrases for example we have terminate terminate and this makes me think of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator terminate is often used when discussing contracts or transport final destinations so for example I might say to you because you've not done a good job I am going to terminate your contract I'm going to terminate your contract you will no longer work with us I'm going to terminate your contract or we it is used often when you're taking public transport so the trains or the bus for example or the tubes if you're in London or in any major cities that have underground so for example if I'm on the train I would often hear the next stop is London Waterloo where this train will terminate so this train will end its journey ok or if you're on the bus and suddenly something changes they might say everybody off the bus this service it has been terminated the service has been terminated ok let me just jump over very quickly do try and write something using these words and I will if I see them try and help you if if it's incorrect ok hello andreas nice to see you hello Alexandra and when the doorbell rang our teacher stood up and said stop writing please on the way home I stopped to buy some milk at the supermarket perfect eyes under thank you so much for those examples very well done you are very advanced with your English ok anyway stop your kids is crying so kids plural and then you used is kids plural you Jews are your kids are crying and it would be ing something continuous crying ok what else do we have what about hang on and hold your horses really really great examples yes so we often use hang on when we're asking people to wait so it's not a complete stop we're just saying wait so it's slightly different but it will add it on here let me put it on at the end here so hang on hang on equaling wait and then you said hold your horses which again is the same as wait hold your horses or it could be the same as slow down so hold your horses slow yourself so if you're running and you're running off to the shop you're saying I'm gonna go on buy a new computer I've just I've just won some money I'm going to go and buy a new computer and I'd say hold your horses slow down think about it for a minute do you really need a new computer don't you need to fix your leaky roof so hold your horses is more like weight or slow down thank you for that suggestion that's really really helpful by the way these notes will be available for patrons and VIPs and I'll probably put them up and to download from my website as well at some point but you'll have to give me time to sort that out the website is British English procom just in case you're not familiar with that Constantine has said and stop making noise is getting on my nerves perfect so that's the command stop making noise any others did that deter the baby was stopping to cry when his daddy was singing the baby stopped crying so it's something that just happens the baby stopped crying that's continuous stopped crying because it continued he continued to cry and then it just stopped okay the baby stopped crying when his daddy started singing you could say all right let's move on so what else do we have so we just talked about terminate we also had the word cease which I don't hear as off but you might read it in the newspapers or in any kind of articles news reports so for example I might read since the games began all hostilities between the two sides have ceased okay so it's a little bit more a technical word okay so then we have the word complete now this is commonly used for finishing paperwork so you complete your your reports and nothing that's what I've used in the example or you might complete your course complete your PhD you could say I've completed my paperwork or when you finish a big task so here are some examples the builders completed the Palace renovation in record time so that's a big task that has finally been completed otherwise you might use finish would be the other good option because it's something that's ongoing they were renovating so they finished renovating and then we have I hope to complete my report first thing in the morning I hope to complete my report first thing in the morning ok so those ones are nice and easy ok have I gotten examples for those ones so how do you use cease fire can you tell me you'd say there there is a current cease fire they've agreed to a ceasefire I hope that answers your question I completed my master's degree in 2010 said Nazi yes well done perfect sentence I'll bless you Massimo thank you very much for your for your super chats a donation that's very kind of you anyone dropping a super chat if you're not a patron or a VIP but you'd like a copy of the notes as a thank-you for your super chat please drop me an email and I will send you the notes over so yes thank you very much for that she never ceases to amaze me says rooks ah that's a really good sentence because actually that's a phrase we use often it never ceases to amaze me or he never ceases to amaze me so if you're shocked by something in a good way or a bad way you could use a sentence like his bad behavior never ceases to amaze me I cannot believe he's so naughty his bad behavior never ceases to amaze me or if someone just bought you a wonderful gift and surprised you you never cease to amaze me literally I'm always amazed by you so that's a really good one to bring up thank you very much okay Daria has used to terminate you said he terminated him with cruelty can it be used to describe murder if you were playing computer games then perhaps you would terminate someone it sounds more robotic to be honest and you can say his life was terminated and with most of these phrases if you interchange them everyone would understand what you mean but it's a bit odd it doesn't feel very natural to talk about murder you'd use the word end he ended his life you'd say rather than terminated terminated is very very it's like switching off a machine so perhaps if someone is on life support you might terminate them but again it sounds it sounds weird so I'd say no don't use that one for end-of-life may I ask the difference between how I learnt English and how did I learn how am i letting is how did I learn they are completely different they are completely different I'm not gonna go into that now because it's come it is off topic okay so I'm just gonna stick to the topic and Thomas when you're talking about Mortal Kombat the game you said finish him yes yes you're often if your opponent is on their last legs then you might get the the big flashing words on screen saying furnish em and that's when you you terminate that person she got frustrated and terminated the relationship again terminated feels a lot more clinical and more mechanical when it comes to feelings I would use end or finish she ended the relationship it's more significant that's why we'd use end or you could use finish the relationship and that wouldn't be so bad but terminated the relationship just is wrong okay let's move on let's move on so we add it in those suggestions didn't we the hang on and hold your horses or when I've just got a few examples here from Andreas you've said there has been a second battle there has been a second battle in Spain which terminated in favor of king charles yeah Terminator feels weird in this in this scenario it's not incorrect it just feels odd the train will terminate at course eval that's perfect I completed the course with success perfect or you could say I successfully completed the course that would work even better okay let's jump onto the nose so we've added these two in and now we're going to look at some of the phrases and what I use all the time and people always ask me about is to wrap up to wrap up now you would use wrap up imagine if you have a cake you've made the cake it's perfect and then you're gonna take it somewhere you need to wrap it up to keep it safe and give it over so it's the same when you're doing a presentation of some sort giving a speech at the end of the speech you're going to say a few things that just wrap it all up so you can finish it off so when I'm doing a presentation I will often say from doing a lesson okay guys it's time to wrap up I'm going to wrap up this presentation I'm gonna wrap up this speech by saying happy Christmas okay so wrap up you can use often to end a presentation you'll also hear on a film set when they finish filming they'll say that's a wrap they've wrapped it up that's a wrap but you'd only use that's a wrap at the end of a film set and at the end of filming on a film set don't use it anywhere else okay so wrap up we also have the phrase polish off now I love this phrase this is often used when talking about food and drink so if you finish your drink and a usually it's if you do it faster you could say I've polished it off or I might say to you polish off that drink then just you know quickly drink it and let's finish it or if I'm very hungry I might polish off all the food so I eat it's like you've polished the plate you've polished the plate by cleaning it of all the food so it means to eat something in entirety or to drink something in entirety so I polished off all the drink in the house I've polished off all the food in the fridge okay I hope I hope that makes sense okay so movie disk has said Oh coffee is nice coffee is a nice idea I end my coffee - okay so when you're when you have a coffee you're drinking it so it's something that you're doing you're drinking and when you've ended your drink it's finished okay so you'd say I finished my drink I finished my coffee because it was something you were drinking it was something you were doing remember the rule if you're doing something we use finish instead of end so I understand what you mean when you say I end I've ended my coffee but it sounds really odd you'd say I finished my coffee okay ray stunning glad one has said we will polish off our Christmas dinners for sure yes yes we will be definitely will okay I will eat like a horse sorry I will eat like a horse and polished off the burger so I will each are talking him in the future and then polished off you're talking in the past so that that sentence is a little odd it's got conflicting tenses and you say you could say I will eat like a horse and polish off the burger so that's all in the same tense that works or you could say I ate like a horse and polished off the burger okay I hope that makes sense okay let's have a quick look at what's alexandra has just posted what's this perhaps we could try and something our little misunderstanding of last week work out polish off clear up we're off Oh does anyone know the answer to that perhaps we could try and work out a little misunderstanding of last week perhaps if we try and polish off our little understanding of last week mmm I wouldn't say polish off would work perhaps we're trying to clear up our little misunderstanding last week or perhaps we could try and wear off our little misunderstanding last week so we're off definitely doesn't work on polish off doesn't work perhaps we could try and work out our little misunderstanding mmm you'd work out your differences so I would say see perhaps we could try and clear up so to clear something up is to sort something out to clear it up you could also say clear up for cleaning but you can clear up a misunderstanding this often used clear up a misunderstanding so I would say see Alexander thank you for sharing that yes Andreas I agree with you well done and lots of you saying clear up good really nice thanks for showing that that was good okay we're coming to the end now we're about to wrap up so sometimes you say all done and this is something I say actually to Jacob a lot because Jacob gets upset when I'm changing his nappy so when his nappy has been changed I say well done no need to cry anymore all done it's the same as saying it's all finished it's all done I could say have you completed all that paperwork you need to get done you say yep all done all done I'm happy it's all done we could also say to bring something to a close what to bring something to an end it's similar to wrap up so you could say at the end of a presentation okay guys I'm gonna bring this lesson to a close by saying happy Christmas and have a wonderful new year so to bring something to a close or to bring something to an end more commonly I'd say with presentations yeah now this is a fun one it's not over until the fat lady sings it's not over till the fat lady sings and this basically means nothing is set in stone nothing is irreversible yep it can be changed until the very final moment so there's still chance is what you're saying there's still a chance to change things it's not over and that's what this same means it's not over till the fat lady sings now there's a lot of discussion about where this phrase comes from some people say it comes from opera when the diva comes out at the end and does the big final song where she dies normally in opera someone will die at the end some people say it comes from film some people yeah there's lots of different arguments about where this comes from your you can go and research it if you're really interested but you might hear this phrase in a film it's not over till the fat lady sings let's keep trying to make a difference and similar to that you could say it's not over till it's over it's not over till it's over it just means it's not over yet there's still time so this year it's not over till it's over for example at the beginning of this year I wanted to hit 500,000 subscribers on this channel it's not likely that that's going to happen since we're only at about 370 subscribers at the moment so it's not likely to happen but you might say to me Ana is not over till it's over it's not till the fat lady sings and you're telling me there is still a chance for me to achieve something that seems unachievable okay and then we've got three more sayings here we've got happy when it's over now I wrote this because a lot of people will say I'll see on Facebook at this time of year I'll be happy when this year is over I'll be happy when it's over and I think it's quite self-explanatory it's just suggesting that you're relieved that something has come to an end and many people I feel like the start of a new year is a chance for them to begin again to refresh everything to to to analyze and refocus and and so a lot of them say I'm happy when it's over I will be happy when it's over or stunning life has just brought up another good one you might hear I'm going to put it up here similar to bring to a close draw to a close draw to a close the word draw it's interesting it's not it's not the same as when you put pen to paper to draw some some uses of the word draw means like to bring together for example or hmm how do I explain this you can draw the curtains which means bring them together if something draws to a close it means it comes to a close you can also although I think this is quite old-fashioned draw a bath which means you run a bath so that's quite an interesting one thank you stunning glad for that then we have this one this isn't very nice you'd be glad to see the back of them or something or someone so if you really don't like someone and they finally leave if you like oh I'm glad to see the back of them or you could say I'm glad to see the back of 2018 so when someone leaves you see their back and that's what you're saying I'm glad to see the back of them because they're going is ending it's over well who okay so a lot of people say I'm glad to see the back of 20 and they just say I'm glad it's over okay and then the final one which I've got on this list is good riddance good riddance this is just an expression to say goodbye I'm happy you're gone perhaps sometimes it's used in a sarcastic way so if you have let's imagine you're in a bad relationship and you finally dump someone you get rid of them if you get rid of them you might say good riddance meaning I'm glad I have rid myself of you good riddance you might say 2018 good riddance I'm glad to see the back of you okay so I hope that makes sense it's just you wouldn't really use it in a sentence but it's an expression that you would use on its own good riddance and okay let's have a look at your comments 2018 is good because baby English arrived thank you rain that's very sweet of you yes yes it has been like I said a big highlight for me is this your last class ever is she saying goodbye for good no I'm not saying goodbye for good just goodbye for this year there may be one more video before the close of 2018 but it won't be a live lesson real English learning Anna I want to ask you a question is it gonna be perfect if someone speaks with many accents because I know many accents perfect I so whichever accent you choose to speak with it's completely up to you and it doesn't matter if you choose to speak American English your British English Australian English Canadian English it's completely up to you and there's no right or wrong or perfect accent to have it's the most important thing is being able to communicate clearly and perhaps without distraction there are many people who can speak very clearly and are easily understood but their accents are a little unusual and therefore people are distracted when they talk to you because your accent in a little different and all they can think about is where are you from where is your accent from and they're not really listening to what you're saying they can't they care more about how you sound and so I think choosing the right accent for you to be able to communicate and to fit in to whichever community you're wanting to fit in with whether it's to be taken seriously for work or just to fit in with the local people around you and to feel part of the community so yeah no perfect accent just whichever accent works for you are you from the US no I'm from England I'm living in the outskirts of London what else do we have do you provide private lessons unfortunately you know I don't it's too difficult with my little baby but I do do private live lessons now with my patrons and VIPs so if you're a patron or VIP please make sure that you are on the Skype group because that's where we're running our private lessons and yesterday we did a private lesson and we did some actual one-to-one calls with some of the members which was fun so if you are a VIP or a patron please make sure when you're on the Skype group okay ladies and gentlemen I'm going to bring this lesson to a close I'm going to wrap up it's been wonderful spending this year with you obviously very disrupted I'm hoping next year to have a little bit more structure to the lessons that I release and a little bit more strike to say I'd like to say that I will release on a regular schedule next year but the baby is very difficult to do that but I will do my very best I will be live again in 2019 so please don't worry Florian has said let's call it a day that's a really good one we wouldn't say quality year we'd call this a day to call it a day is to say let's finish it let's call it a day you're suggesting let's end things okay so thank you very much if you are interested in finding out more about what I'm getting up to about this wonderful home that I've moved into and you can be nosy and look into all the stuff by following me on Anna's big adventure which is my personal channel and you can also follow us on Instagram I have all my links to all my social media down in the description box below I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas so until next year please look after yourselves look after your families thank you so much for being here don't forget to leave for that giving this video a thumbs up make sure you're subscribed and turn on that notification bell so you know when I next release a video who knows I know it will be ok guys thank you to all my VIPs all my patrons everyone who's dropped us got a super chat and everyone who has followed any of my lessons take care lots of love
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 42,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English like a native, Anna English, english lesson, Live english lesson, learn english, english, british, live lesson, Live lesson, live english lesson, learn english live, end vs finish, english vocabulary, how to use end, wrap up, cease, it's not over till the fat lady sings, its not over till its over, english live stream, end or finish, english listening, english grammar, vocabulary
Id: xjCdYU4zcfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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