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hello everyone and welcome to this live English lesson with me Anna English on English like a native today we are going to do the most disgusting English lesson that we've ever done before I'm not very well you might be able to hear I have this very husky slightly sexy voice it's because I have a cold and a cough and so I'm terribly sorry if my voice isn't as truthful as it normally is and if I'm not as energetic as I normally am I'm going to try my very best to give you the lesson in the same way that I normally do with lots of energy and smiles so if you are here well done for being brave enough to venture into this disgusting lesson what exactly are we doing though well I wanted to discuss with you things that we find disgusting and how we articulate and communicate our feelings about things that revolt us so firstly I would very much like to hear what is the one thing that you find absolutely disgusting what makes you feel unwell because you find it so disgusting is it an animal is it a smell is it a type of food is it a taste what makes you feel disgusted and while you are writing that down I'm going to say a very quick hello to everybody Ella hello Ella straight away has dropped a super chalice you thank you super chats are like tips to the community and tips to the channel they help the tail to grow either you're very sweet you say get well soon of Liana thank you very much I'm taking lots of paracetamol and drinking lots of orange juice and coffee so hopefully a few days and I will be back to my full healthy self thank you darling and hello everyone from all over the world who's join you're all very busy talking away in the chat room I can see that thank you for being here and hello to my lovely patrons lots of messages of get well thank you very much Alexia has come straighten us as the thing that makes you feel really ill and really disgusted is blood blood is quite a big one lots of people feel unwell when they see blood some people are saying cockroaches you don't like insects particularly cockroaches when you the sound of someone eating makes you feel disgusted or interesting so yes when people eat with a lot of noise make sure you feel quite and well I agree with you actually I agree with you on that one a couple of you saying roaches cockroaches interesting okay so let's jump straight into the lesson and let's get started with different words that we use to describe disgust how else can we say it's disgusting without just using the word disgusting well one of the big words that we use over here it's very common here and it's also common in American English as well I'm just pouring my coffee by the way is the word gross gross and just so you can see the pronunciation of this gross Oh gross it's gross oh that's gross you can tell someone to not be gross don't be gross that's disgusting don't be gross okay so something can be gross or someone can be gross you need to say it's gross yuck some people would say it's grossing me out it's a very weird sentence but people say it regularly oh it really grossed me out in the past yesterday I saw someone eating I don't know something disgusting and it really grossed me out it grossed me out or I could say to you please stop doing that grossing me out I don't like it it's grossing me out and it's just written here for you so you can see how it's written okay okay so we obviously have the word disgusting we all know that hopefully we can also use some of these other words which I love revolting revolting to revolt someone or it makes them sit back it's revolting normally you would describe food as being revolting or someone's behavior could be revolting but I would normally imagine revolting being used when we're discussing something that you put in your mouth it's revolting is disgusting like something that you would taste revolting and we could use the word sickening sickening can be used for all sorts of different scenarios so you could say that news is sickening you could say that a person's behavior is sickening we can use it for a food as well but normally it would be used for behavior or someone's conduct it's sickening it's sickening Julia bless you thank you so much Julia has also dropped a super chat and contribution to this community Thank You Julia and you said thanks for your lessons that's very sweet thank you for your support okay so we can also use the word odious odious as a big diff long at the beginning odious now odious makes me think of odor which is a smell you can have a pleasant odour or an unpleasant odor but usually when we talk about odor we think about an unpleasant smell so if you say someone is odious it's like that it doesn't mean that they're smelly it just means that they're unpleasant it's an odious person it makes you crinkle up your nose and go yeah as if they did smell but it doesn't always necessarily mean that they smell they're just odious if someone is a horrible person they are an odious person okay those of you just joining yes I'm unwell I'm sure you can hear it I'm not very well myself but stick with me okay so we have the word foul foul obviously foul is used in lots of different circumstances if you play football and you kick another player or push another player that is a foul but also you can talk about if you take a dog for a walk and the dog poos on the floor as a dog does the dog poos because the dog needs to go to the toilet the dog poos we would call that dog foul the dog is fouling so you'll see in the parks in the UK a sign saying no dog fouling or no fouling on the grass and it means don't allow your dog to poo on the grass so foul can be a bad thing in football bad behavior foul can mean poo when we're talking about dogs and animals but you can also say that something is foul it's unpleasant that was a foul thing to do or she's a foul woman it just means unpleasant okay so foul it almost sounds like it has a W in it but it doesn't foul foul foul you could say that something is off-putting it's off-putting normally I would tell someone to stop doing something because it is off-putting off-putting directly relates to something that puts you off I'm actually going to write that on the notes equals it puts me off it puts me off Oh typo please do tell me if you spot a typo or a spelling mistake it's important that you tell me so that I can correct it while everyone can see okay so it puts me off means if I'm eating my dinner and I see something I find disgusting like a dog pooing it might make me not want to eat my food anymore I might go oh I don't feel like eating my food anymore because watching the dog poo put me off it put me off so to put be put off means you just don't want to do it anymore another example of off-putting if I'm trying to do a live broadcast and somebody walks into the room Bernhard walks into the room and says Hannah can I speak to you and they might have to say to him Bernard please stop talking to me while I'm trying to broadcast it's very off-putting oh sorry bye okay so it's very off-putting if someone is doing something that's distracting you from what you are trying to do is off-putting it puts me off okay all right so I'm gonna have a quick sip of my coffee I'm on coffee today and not tea because coffee helps to keep me awake when I feel drowsy because I have a cold all right so another one we could use another great word is repulsive or this is a good word repulsive it's repulsive you are a repulsive person that was a repulsive thing to say it repulses me to repulse like a pulse you push them away it makes you go oh I'm repulsed so repulsive repulsive great descriptive word you could also say that something is distasteful distasteful I would tend to use distasteful not to talk about food as you would imagine but actually to talk about behavior so if somebody wears if somebody wears fancy dress to a funeral that could be deemed as distasteful some of the things that perhaps a leader would say could be distasteful for example Donald Trump has said some distasteful things during his campaigns before he became president he said some very distasteful things about how he behaves towards women so distasteful is used when talking about behavior more often than food okay it's very distasteful you could say something is unsavory again I would use this with behavior is unsavory you could say something is repelling it repels you it makes you step away repelling you could say something is horrid or horrendous horrid or horrendous this is another good word and it really does describe being disgusted if something is rancid I find it rancid rancid I think literally means rotten so when something rots I think when meat rots it becomes rancid so rot rotten and rancid a really good descriptive words okay we also at the moment it's quite common to use the word nasty she's a nasty person that's a nasty thing to say it looks nasty in some cases I know people use nasty to mean something nice oh that's nasty but I think that's probably what the young very young kids are saying it not the adults we still say nasty meaning unpleasant okay repugnant is another word that's just come up from Jefferson repugnant great word I'm actually going to add that onto the list repugnant what a great word Rep Nantucket if anybody ever described me as repugnant I would be horrified it is such a great word but it has such weight repugnant really good word I love words okay so another good word here is the word vile vile it's a very very strong word she was vile it was vile their behavior was vile another word come through from Ammar a great word abhorrent okay so we've got some great words here now this one is a little bit slangy so I'm just gonna say this is slang Oh yuck yucky and this is more what a young child would say they go yak-yak I don't like it I don't like the taste of it yuck and so they might describe a food as yucky it was yucky it was yucky okay all right I'm gonna take a few questions now before I move further on can you use the word devastating devastating is a verb that means to devastate that could be used in all sorts of different ways I wouldn't think that that would be used to mean something as disgusting okay and it could be devastating means that you're terribly upset about something but it wouldn't mean you're disgusted okay minging great word minging is very much a northern English word it's not really used in the South of England but I will add it to the list I wonder if it's gotten eaten it minging can someone just check the spelling of minging because I'm not sure how it's supposed to be spelt so cuz I want to check it for me but that is very much a slang word meaning disgusting and it's synonymous with the north of England law of England but yes I am from the north of England so for me that's a very common word that's minging okay so one of my patrons saying my pictures thinking about the fact that I'm eating a dead corpse when I eat meat makes me feel sick ah interesting Ella so Ella feels unwell when she eats meat if she thinks about it being flesh like a dead thing does that mean you're a vegetarian Ella or do you just try to not think about what you're eating when you eat meat okay so minging is spelt em ing ing meaning minging million wonderful thank you for checking that now sometimes you'll hear people say in the phrases it's not for the light for the faint-hearted or sorry for the light hearted there's two different ways of putting it oh no no for the faint-hearted or for the light hearted it's not for the faint-hearted it's not for the light hearted it literally just means if you find things disgusting easily if you are easily disgusted oh then don't watch it if you're brave if things don't disgust you easily then you are not faint-hearted and you are not light hearted so not for the faint-hearted not for the light hearted just means anyone who just likes things to be nice shouldn't watch this or shouldn't be involved okay you can also say and look away now oh I'm going to I'm going to give you an injection look away now if you don't like injections look away my doctor when I give blood or have injections will always say I'm going to do the injection now you might want to look away so that's if you were a doctor or you're involved in that kind of thing that is something you can say look away now it's just not for the faint-hearted okay so what kind of things actually do we find disgusting what things make feel disgusted or repulsed what do we find repugnant well the first thing I'm going to talk about is bad smells bad smells make us feel ill if you have anything you want to add to this list then please do put the comments down in the comments box and I will add them in so what bad smells make you feel ill so I know a lot of people struggle with a smell of poo so particularly for example picking up dog poo so like when you're out walking your dog and you have to pick up the dog poo pick up dog poo picking up dog poo it will usually make people sick I used to walk dogs for a living for two months also I walked dogs as a job and I I used to find it very hard to pick up poo all day while I was walking with dogs and eventually I got used to it it wasn't too bad but initially I found the smell sometimes was so strong it would gross me out and make me feel quite sick yes ever long as saying and cat cow poo the word is a bad word a swear word so just be aware of that if you didn't already know I do have some younger viewers here so I will refrain from using that word but poo is the more family-friendly word so cow poo yes cow poo can smell quite bad what else do we find is a horrible smell let's see what have we got on the list we have the smell of urine so the smell of we smell of we sometimes it can be quite strong and it can make us feel unwell and equally like the smell of poo if a person farts sometimes it can be so bad that it makes us feel ill okay so farts can be a horrible smell to deal with rotten food this is one that I have trouble with rotten food particularly chicken so I'm a vegetarian of course but I live with a meat eater and sometimes when the chicken in the fridge has gone off so rotten food or let's say gone off food we use the word the phrase gone off regularly just means rotten it's gone off or it's out of date out-of-date food but when chicken has gone off it has such a strong smell and when I'm trying to work out what smells bad in the fridge if I put my nose close to the meat and smell the rotten chicken it makes me want to throw up instantly it makes me retch this is a word I'm going to come to later it makes me rich but or heave is another word but we'll come to that so ah a good one has just come through that I hadn't thought of bad breath bad breath can be breath like that bad breath can be really horrible or if someone has awful burps sometimes some just the sound of someone burping or belching how'd you spell it belch belch no like that belching a burp or a belch can be horrid and sometimes they smell very badly okay so we also would call bad breath going back to this one um oh I don't know how to spell this halitosis halitosis there we go halitosis thank you autocorrect halitosis is the medical term for bad breath halitosis halitosis okay so if someone has halitosis they have very smelly breath it can be really horrid can take and make you feel disgusted when I was talking to you and they got really bad smelling breath well they have halitosis so yes burping and belching can be horrible rotten or gone off food fish sometimes people find fish quite bad I know that when I go sometimes very early in the morning to the fish market I mean I haven't done that for a very long time but there's a famous fish market in London that I've been to a few times for five in the morning and the smell of all the fish around you at five o'clock in the morning can make you feel quite disgusted so fish does anyone here work on a fish market if so how do you deal with the smell of fish it can be horrid and also some people suffer when it comes to the smell of feet so some people have very smelly feet and it's not very nice when you have to deal with somebody else's smelly feet they take off their shoes and you're like whoa what is that smell that stinks so to have stinky feet or smelly feet so if something does smell you can also say that it is stinky bad smells or stinks no that's not with that letter say stinky this so smelly or stinky there we go stinky a descriptive word for something smelly those of you who've dropped me soup chats Ella and Julia of course you will receive these notes if you want them so those of you who drop super chats do feel free to send me an email asking for the notes and I will send them to you as a thank you for contributing ok so moving on from bad smells I don't think any others have come through any others offer dioxide that's the technical term for what to remind me I can't remember exactly cheese the smell of cheese oh yes actually the smell of cheese can be in some cases horrid can't it it can be a bit too strong so some people might find this on the cheese a bit too much and some people are saying things like melting plastic that's quite unusual ammonia yes ammonia yes that's sometimes when fish goes off it smells like ammonia okay cigarettes the smell of cigarettes yes I find that quite horrible as well cigarette how do I smell cigarette cigarette to smoke or ashtrays ashtrays are worse I think ashtrays smell horrid but of course everyone finds different things disgusting some people don't mind some people really do okay let's move on so some people find smell disgusting other people have problems with touching certain things so the things I've listed here are slimy things slimy things and that's sly I different slimy slimy when something has that kind of smoothness that wet smoothness it's slimy so a fish is slimy an eyeball can feel slimy and I know some people struggle when they wear contact lenses if they have to take the contact lens out of their eye and they touch their eye some people find that disgusting I don't mind it I've used contact lenses before when I've done my acting work it doesn't bother me but some people find it really tough some people don't like touching reptiles like touching snakes or touching fish even anything that's slightly slimy so yes and I've also written eating unusual things some people struggle watching other people eating unusual things like there was a program called I'm a celebrity get me out of here where they would put people in the jungle and they would make them eat things like bugs and worms and like kangaroo testicles or something crazy and if you watch other people eating something disgusting it might make you feel physically sick okay anne-marie is asking what does ashtray mean an ashtray is where smokers flick their cigarette ash it's where they have their cigarette ash so that's the ashtray and some people are saying wet dogs the smell of wet dogs yes that can be disgusting some people have problems touching touching raw meat yeah so these are the horrible things now the one thing that most people will find disgusting is something to do with the body so we've talked briefly about odor we did say odor that comes from the mouth but we're now going to talk about body odor the general smelly smell that comes from our armpits or that comes from us sweating too much okay so body odor often shortened to Bo Bo so I'll say do I have Bo do I smell of Bo right debasement of Bo we often use that that I can't think we often shortened it to Bo and use that commonly you could also say I've got sweaty pits I'm shortening armpits to pits I've got sweaty pits or just generally say I smell quite sweaty or he smells quite sweaty or someone has terrible body odor I've had to work on a couple of occasions with people who had problems with body odor of course body odor is something we all have we just have to control it and some people are better at controlling their body odor than others so Ellis thinks this is a very funny lesson Thank You Ella these things been talking about because otherwise how do you know what to say already well 217 of you watching that's good abbreviation is the word I was looking for yes thank you very much my brain isn't working properly bo is a common abbreviation for body odor so Bo Bo have you ever worked with someone who has Bo and did it disgust you or did you not mind also and this is something I struggle with personally spitting things to do with saliva actually make me feel quite repulsed so to spit now when you spit you can just spit saliva saliva obviously young people children or adults even when they sleep perhaps but mostly young people dribble dribble young or very old people to dribble is when saliva the wetness in your mouth is saliva and dribble is when the saliva comes down your face like that babies dribble because they have no teeth and they don't know any better and so they wear a bib and the bib catches their dribble and you're always wiping the dribble from the baby's mouth old people very old people dribble sometimes adults dribble sometimes when they sleep yes I have to admit it's true you're learning something new about me I sometimes dribble when I sleep I wake up little pool of dribble or the pool of drool we sometimes call it dribble or drool let me just write that on for you so I'm sure I'm not alone please don't let me be alone someone else tell me that they dribble when they sleep too so I'm not the only one feeling embarrassed by myself but spit in general spit when you kind of that makes me feel ill when someone does a big bit of spit and normally when it's Flemmi so I've written phlegm here but actually it should be like this phlegm that's it it's a funny spelling phlegm phlegm it sounds like this but it's spelt like this phlegm and that's when it's thick and mucousy so I'm poorly right now I'm ill so I have a lot of phlegm so when I cough you can hear the phlegm and if I was to spit that would be phlegm and it's horrible Oh bless okay so I've just had dou de que deus arosa and andreas say thanks the best from Germany and they've dropped a 2 euro it's super chat thank you so much that's very very sweet of you thank you so going back to phlegm when you spit phlegm normally you will cough it up cough it up so if you're ill this is a good lesson if you're ill and you go to the doctor and you say I'm coughing they will say are you coughing anything up is there any phlegm when you cough what color is the phlegm you are coughing up so good phrasal verb to cough it up Koff it up so you cough up phlegm and you spit it now a slang term for people who COFF up spit like do a that kind of noise that's called to hawk it up to hawk it up loudly coughing up or a loud cough up loudly cough up and throat clear that's not good sentences it loudly coffer and clear your throat before spitting so so like I just did there that kind of sound that's to hawk it up and spit yak okay so let's move on sometimes when you eat a little bit of saliva dribble stays on the food and you pull the food away in the dripless the saliva is still attached do you know what I mean it's like a string of saliva and sometimes people find that disgusting and there's this string of saliva still attached to the food I've written it here for you a string of saliva another thing that people find repulsive is when other people spit when they're talking so some people are very articulate and when they speak they spit their words and sometimes you'll be listening to them and a little bit of spit will go from their mouth into your face or into your food or sometimes in your mouth or in your eye and it's horrible then just like oh you just spat on me when you were talking to me and some people are really grossed out by that obviously it's quite disgusting and I'm glad to see that a lot of you are joining me in saying that you also dribble when you sleep yay I'm so pleased I'm not alone okay yes and sky is quite rightly said phlegm is a type of mucus so if you're not sure what I'm talking about phlegm is also known as mucus that might help okay so let's move on to another thing that I find absolutely disgusting and I'm sure many of you also do and that is this thing puffs pass now pass is the white nasty kind of creamy liquid that comes about when you've had an infection so when you're infected your body works hard to clear the infection and creates pus that's the the outcome of fighting infection and so pus will normally be on a sore or a spot so if you have a big spot on your face and it goes white it's called um if it has a white head if you've got whiteheads it's gone white it's full of pus and you squeeze it and it goes like that oh it's horrible so that's called puff the stuff that comes out is pus and sometimes you can have pus in your mouth if you have an infected gum you can have it in a cut if the cut gets infected and then you have pus coming out it's just white horrible liquid okay so um pus now pus makes me feel quite ill some terms that we would use that action that I just did when you have a spot oh not sneezing but squeezing squeezing there we go squeezing spots also could be talked called popping pimples so you either squeeze your spot or you pop your spot a spot is a pimple a spot a spot or a pimple it's basically a blocked pore in the face or in the skin and it becomes infected a pimple is less common spots in English British English more common spots so we squeeze them or we pop them normally someone would say don't pop your spots don't squeeze your spots stop squeezing but unfortunately I have to say if I have a spot that's gone white there's a big piece of pus in the top of my spot I have to squeeze it I cannot come onto the YouTube channel with a big blob of pus on my face so I will always squeeze my spots if they've gone white this is disgusting isn't it I'm so sorry but we're all humans we all have the same problems so blackheads is the other thing you might have a blackhead is a blocked pore but the blockage is just black there's no whiteness there it's kind of thick and compacted and so you normally get blackheads like here around the nose normally where the pores are bigger so blackheads are the black ones and they don't normally get infected but sometimes they do whiteheads are ones full of pus okay and I think people find these things disgusting but in general if you see something that's infected maybe it just looks red and sore and maybe it's weeping a clear liquid to weep is to cry when liquid comes out to weep so if if a cut is weeping and it's red and it looks sore then you might find that just generally disgusting infections disgusting okay so lots of you are enjoying this lots of you finding it disgusting I'm glad that you are here with me some of you are leaving me oh no goodbye if you're leaving me but I hope that those of you who are staying are finding this useful and if you are finding this useful and you're new here and oh now it's working my throws for a moment but its back good so please if you're new here press the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so that you don't miss any future lessons okay and if you are here and you're finding this useful obviously this is quite embarrassing for me so please do show your appreciation by giving this video a thumb I'm gonna check how many thumbs up we already have for this disgusting lesson a hundred and forty three people love discussing things right good happy amazing right let's carry on so besides pass another thing that absolutely turns my stomach is snot snot or bogeys that's not how you spell bogey that's how you spell bogey bogey is spell like that I think bogey bogey bogey bogey that bogey is what a child will call it or sometimes not but basically bogeys and snot is the mucus that comes out of your nose a bogey oh and I really hate if you see a child who has a runny nose runny noses when the snot is just running down if you see a child with snot all down their face and they go and it sucks back up oh it makes me feel so ill and so yes that's what I find absolutely gross and disgusting snot or bogeys now some people pick their nose picking your nose is the phrase for when someone sticks their finger up their nose and picks that's picking your nose so you would tell a child stop picking your nose and sometimes sometimes children also eat their bogies so to pick your nose and eat it to pick your nose and eat it's disgusting although I have to say while I was researching today to find how to spell bogey because I'm still not sure that that spoke correctly I body I don't know how to spell it it's such a weird word so I was looking how to spell bogey and there's an article came out a few months ago that says apparently particularly for children while you're developing picking your nose and eating your own bogeys is good for you picking your nose and eating it is good for you what I read two articles I couldn't believe it so apparently you should not tell your child to stop picking and eating their nose like picking their nose and eating it because apparently it's good for their immune system so right we're gonna carry on from picking the nose and but yes it's supposed to be good for you so maybe yeah mind blowing mine too okay so passing wind let's move on to farting now you'll see here I've used the word trumping if you didn't see the lesson on bodily functions then you would have missed the fact that the word trump like donald trump means fart in british english so when we heard that donald trump was made president of the united states of america we thought it was pretty funny because for us a trump is a fart so when you pass wind oh excuse me that is trumping so there you go that's what trump means to us Brits sometimes people find trumping passing wind or farting however you want to call it some people find it quite disgusting particularly if you're trying to eat or if it smells bad or like if you're standing quite close to someone and there's not much fresh air and someone does an awful Trump then you're like oh that's disgusting that's repulsive and other ways to describe a Trump you could say I'm just let one go so oh sorry guys sorry I just let one go or a trump that no one hears but everybody smells because it's really bad you would refer to it as silent but deadly it's silent but deadly so yes nobody hears it but everybody smells it it's silent but deadly and you can also say I'm sorry I've just dropped one like you've dropped a bomb oh sorry gals I've just dropped one it stinks okay time to move on and other things that some people find disgusting are Gore Gore refers to anything that's kind of like it's basically blood and guts it's all the same thing if it if something is full of gore like cuts and people being stabbed and maybe zombies eating flesh then you would say it's full of gore or you'd say it's gory hmm just like II why gory no maybe like this glory like that gory something is gory it's full of blood and guts and as we saw from my patron chatroom lots of people find blood quite horrid and quite difficult to deal with and let's have a look at you patrons what you're saying sulfur is also terrible to smell yes it smells like rotten eggs what a funny lesson and I sometimes dribble to thank you Alexia one day someone who is sitting next to me sneeze oh no and I felt drops on my arm ah that's this gusting I can't imagine anything worse and someone's sneezing in it someone sneezing snot on me that is like the worst thing that would I would probably be sick or something Oh yuck horrid okay so another few things for blood and guts gouged his eye out so when you gauge something when you when you cut into it and you kind of cut it out so you might couch someone's eye out so if I'm waving something pokey around like a a knife I'm waving a knife around in the kitchen and I accidentally stick it in my face and I turn it and pull out my eye I've just gone I I out so to gouge to gouge an eye out it's a good word gouge or sometimes you might cut something off he cut his you can fill in the blank he cut his arm off he cut his leg off he cut his toe off these kind of things some people find disgusting vomit some people find vomit disgusting I must admit if I see someone being sick it makes me feel quite sick too I'm not very good at dealing with sick um sick is obviously vomit it can also be referred to as puke some people call it blowing chunks blowing chunks I guess because the stuff that comes out is chunky and you go it looks like you're blowing and out comes the chunks it's not a phrase I like normally most commonly I use the phrase throw up did you throw up and in the past tense threw up he threw up they threw up I hope you don't throw up tomorrow okay so um you might use the phrases when talking about sick you were sick as a dog sick as a dog I don't know why we use dog dogs aren't sick any more than any other animal but we say stick as a dog if you have been vomiting a lot you know I'm sick as a dog you could projectile vomit projectile vomits written here projectile vomited I projectile vomited this means when sick kind of comes out like rah like that like a projectile missile I haven't projectile-vomited ever actually but oh maybe once when I was a teenager and I got food poisoning and it just I didn't expect it and it just happened I was in my wardrobe I was in my wardrobe getting some clothes out and I went and I'm vomited into my wardrobe how horrendous all my clothes covered in vomit anyway put it to her vomiting now when you are doing the motion of being sick but you don't actually have anything come out when nothing comes out but you're just doing what this is called retching retching it's written here for you retching some people call it heaving heaving so retching or heaving but some people do that when they see something disgusting they'll rectal they'll heave all those smells of oh I can't believe I'm teaching this yes so retching or heaving horrid okay so remember is projectile vomiting not project vomiting we never use to shorten it like that we keep always say projectile projectile um some people will stick their fingers down their throat perhaps if you feel like you want to be sick but you can't be sick someone might say to you look try sticking your fingers down your throat or they might tell you stop sticking your fingers down your throat you'll be sick yeah so to stick your fingers down your throat okay so other things that make people heave we've talked about briefly before but feces or poo also known as a turd now some people are disgusted when they go to the toilet and they see skid marks or if they cease to get marked perhaps in a pair of pants skid marks are is a run of poo if you took a turd if you took a turd and you rubbed it against something you would leave a skid mark so is it a skid of poo normally is left in the bottom of the toilet when you go for a poo afterward there is a skid mark left in the toilet and you should clean it if you leave a skid mark you should clean it with a toilet brush but some people don't and some people who see skid marks find it quite disgusting or they might be disgusted when they go to the toilet and find a floater a floater a floater is a poo that is floating in the toilet waiting to say hello when you go to the bathroom so a floater is how we refer to it yes a lot of you are saying omg omg omg yes it's just one of those lessons it's just one of those disgusting oMG lessons other things that make people feel sick hair in food yeah of course if you find a piece of hair in your food it's quite disgusting right you don't know where it came from especially if it looks like a pubic hair a pubic hair is hair that comes from the pubic area so you're you know you're naughty bits pubic hair some people are disgusted by feet so I know some people if they look at bare feet they don't like it they find it disgusting other people find sex quite disgusting or public displays of affection so if some people if you see people snogging snogging is like intense kissing like that kiss kiss kiss knocks knocks knocks knocks nog like oh guys please do it in your own room in your own space I don't want to see it some people are disgusted by PDAs public displays of affection okay and some people are disgusted by sex by perhaps the thought of their parents having sex what yeah it's disgusting right you think about parents having sex or your grandparents is disgusting so some people find that quite revolting to see god forbid to see - here - no of or to even just entertain the idea of their parents or their grandparents or someone like that having sex makes them feel disgusted okay so time to move on very very quickly some people are disgusted by creepy crawlies or reptiles so creepy crawlies are things like bugs and spiders reptiles would include snakes and lizards some people just find it horrid and finally I do have to finish very quickly because I have a lesson in ten minutes of private lesson but the way the way these things make us feel Oh sorry does not the mic there hope it didn't scare anyone squeamish is a great word if it makes you feel squeamish normally it would be squeamish you would be squeamish if it was something gory blood and guts maybe if you watch someone having a needle put in them or someone having an operation and being cut open you may be look oh I can't watch it I feel squeamish so it's just me if you just don't like it it makes you feel funny when you see something gory you are squeamish so you could say to someone I'm quite squeamish I don't want to watch this procedure I'm squeamish so if you don't like the sight of blood guts or gore you're squeamish Squa squeamish great word you might also faint or feel faint like you're about to faint you might feel light-headed if you see something disgusting normally I guess blood could make people feel faint all I headed oh and your face okay to lose consciousness is to faint sometimes these things can make us feel sick which is also nauseous or unwell but you could say and this is a great term it turns my stomach it turns my stomach okay this means it makes you feel sick watching those bears kissing it turns my stomach just makes me feel sick I don't like watching bears getting it on so turns your stomach okay or stomach churning its stomach churning um you could say it makes me feel funny it's made me feel funny but not funny ha ha funny like oh it made me feel funny in my tummy I don't like it made me feel funny I have to sit down it might also make you lose your appetite so you might have a loss of appetite some people who are eating their dinner and watching television if they see a medical program and something horrid happens like a someone falls over and breaks their leg and their leg is flapping around or they cut themselves open excuse me sorry if they cut themselves open they might lose their appetite to lose your appetite means you no longer feel hungry or able to eat so you say oh I'm sorry I've just lost my appetite so you lose your appetite bless leandro has just sent a super chat thank you so much that's very sweet of you I've got such a tickle in my throat now Lily they're nearly there okay I've got 8 minutes for my lesson I must hurry okay so lots of upper types a good one to remember so some things you might ask somebody before subjecting them to something disgusting is you might say are you brave enough are you brave enough can you stomach it can you stomach it that means will you feel sick or not you know can you stomach it do you have a strong stomach for gore and blood and guts you might just say can you stand it if you can't stand it this is the phrase we use it means that you just don't like it I can't watch it I can't stand it ah I can't stand it stop making the horrible noise some people find the noise of nails on a chalkboard quite disgusting is that you do you find the sound of nails down a chalkboard quite disgust it doesn't bother me but some people it really makes them feel sick okay so I'm feeling awful but I have had fun I hope that you have found this helpful if you have please I beg you please make sure you've pressed that subscribe button give the video a thumb up and if you know anyone who would find this channel this lesson helpful then please do share it we are so close now to 50,000 subscribers and I'm really keen to do a celebration Q&A video when we hit 50,000 subscribers and I'm hoping it's gonna be today or tomorrow it's probably going to be tomorrow now because I still need to find 500 subscribers to get there but if you know anyone who would find this helpful then please do send them our way and let's make this community much bigger and therefore much better because more heads as part of a community will help thank you so much to my patrons I'm going to give you a quick visit now hello patrons and what are you saying and I was explaining what skidmarks and flow so I can't stop laughing Thank You Ella I'm glad you found that helpful and entertaining and we almost hit 2,200 likes brilliant thank you so much for giving me a thumb up it really does help to get this video out and shared when you get involved so I'm gonna have to love you and leave you guys I have got a lesson to prepare for in a few minutes time thank you so much for joining me if you do want to do anything for this channel then you could potentially think about becoming a patron lots of rewards for patrons the link for patrons is in the description box below so you can go and check out what's on offer for patrons and if you can't afford to contribute to the channel then that's absolutely fine I completely I want everything to be free for as many of you as possible it's just the patrons get a little extra love that's all but if you have time that you can give then perhaps you would consider doing some translations for me because I'd like my videos to be in your language I've got lots of videos so I'm very short some very long some somewhere in the middle if you could translate a title a description or even do subtitles that would be amazing the link for translations it's also in the description box below or you simply visit a video that you want to translate click more and there you'll see the option to translate that video thank you so much for joining me I'm hoping I'm going to feel better in the next couple of days now tomorrow I am at YouTube filming all day now the signal there hasn't always been strong enough to do a continuous livestream so I'm nervous about going live tomorrow I might go live on Facebook just to say a quick hello so if you're not already following me on Facebook or Instagram then make sure you are the description the links for those are in the description box below but I won't be live on YouTube tomorrow because I don't want to have a broken feed so I will do a lesson on Wednesday for you guys and probably in the afternoon but I do hope you'll join me I will announce exactly what it's going to be about on Facebook and Instagram so another good reason to join me there all right guys um um I someone asking me about astrology what star sign am i I'm in Libra is what I am I am balance I'm Libra alright guys lots of love I do have to go take care love from London my love from Berlin and Benjamin take care lots of love give
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 31,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, disgusting, disgust in english, Disgusting english, Gross, horrid
Id: qcg19c_L9zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 13sec (3673 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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