Advanced English Vidcast LIVE #2: Snow Leopards, Riddles, Shakespeare & Doris Day

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good morning everyone and welcome to today's advanced English vidcast episode number two I hope that you're ready for today's live lesson we're streaming a little earlier that we normally do but hopefully you are all awake and ready to improve your English so this vidcast is a little bit different to my normal lessons very soon I will be removing the video giving you a still static picture so that you can listen and really take in the English that I'll be teaching you will be learning idioms we'll be looking at some riddles and jokes we'll be looking at poetry news articles and a little sing song at the end and this is all a way of improving your English and taking you to the next level so that you can achieve fluent English speaking in a more interesting way hopefully so if you are here hello please feel free to comment and ask questions I will respond to some comments towards the end of the session if you're a patron then as you know the patreon room is open so feel free to say hello and ask your questions there otherwise I hope you are all sitting comfortably and if you do enjoy this lesson then please show me that you're enjoying it by giving it a thumb up and perhaps help me to improve the viewership here by clicking the share button if you click the share button and let me know in the comments that you have shared then I will try my best to give you a shout out so without further adieu we have a great lesson today let's improve and become advanced English speakers so here we go oh I've jumped ahead let me go all the way back to the top here we go so today we're going to start the vidcast with a word of the day and the word of the day is the word brazen brazen do you already know this word let me know in the comments if this is a new word for you that I want to set you a challenge I want you to try and use this word at least three times today so the word brazen it's an adjective and it means to be excessively bold and without shame so it's not necessarily a good thing to be brazen so excessively bold and without shame and here I've given you an example of how you could use it Jim made no secret of his intentions to run for president and his oh dear let me take out this and his brazen behavior hadn't gone unnoticed Jim made no secret of his intentions to run for president and his brazen behavior hadn't gone unnoticed so basically Jim is parading around the office telling everybody that he is going to run for president that he is probably going to win the race and he's being very brazen about it and everybody else in the office has noticed and they're not very happy about it because it's not a good way to conduct yourself in the office so without shame shame he is shameful he's shameful okay so try to use the word brazen three times today if you can alright so now I'm going to set a riddle and a riddle is something to be worked out it's usually playing on words I'll do this one every time and what will happen is I'll set the riddle at the beginning and then I'll give you the answer to the riddle at the end so the question is I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old what am i I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old what am i fantastic so if you think you know you can let me know in the comments or just hold on to the end and I will let you know so next we have the weather you know that we brits absolutely love talking about the weather we can't get enough of weather chat I think in fact every conversation that I ever have with a new person someone who walks into the door we generally at some point will mention the weather hello good morning how are you it's a bit cold today isn't it or hello how are you terrible weather today or isn't it nice outside oh I love the Sun so every conversation I think I have always starts with some comment on the weather and it's just the way us Brits are so that weather today in London we have scattered showers are forecast perhaps frequent and heavy later with risk of thunder oh it's gonna be stormy feeling cold in showers and moderate northwesterly winds sorry feeling cool in the showers and moderate northwesterly winds the temperature highs of 15 degrees Celsius so it's not very warm at all it's quite chilly similar to where you are I can see lots of you are writing your answers to the riddle in the comments box or are you right we'll have to find out at the end fantastic so regarding the weather as it's going to be very wet with these showers some of them are going to be heavy showers with thunder I thought today's idiom should be based on water because there's obviously going to be a lot of water and so today's idiom is it's water under the bridge it's water under the bridge now this actually comes from a proverb but now we just use it as an idiom and water under the bridge means a problem or an issue that occurred in the past which cannot be undone or changed and therefore it's no longer important so perhaps it was something that upset you in the past perhaps an argument or in some form of betrayal or an accident or an incident something bad that happened or even anything that involves strong emotions anything that involves strong emotions that was turbulent at the time but because it's in the past and you can't change it you can't do anything about it you now you don't worry about it anymore at the time it was important to you at the time it upset you or it made you feel very disappointed but now you don't care anymore because it was such a long time ago you hold no grudges and the example sentence for this particular idiom is she betrayed me many years ago but it's water under the bridge now she betrayed me many years ago but it's water under the bridge now I don't care anymore okay so Alexia Alexia has raised a very very good question and said what's the difference between a proverb and an idiom a proverb as far as I understand it a proverb is a story so it's a story that teaches immoral or teaches acceptable behavior whereas an idiom is a standalone phrase that has a completely different meaning so what it's saying so water under the bridge if I say it's water under the bridge it's got nothing to do with water or bridges it's to do with emotions and time being passed but we say water under the bridge to mean problems and no longer problems because of time whereas a proverb is a complete story that teaches you a lesson I hope I've explained that clearly for you okay wonderful so the next section in our vidcast for advanced English speakers like us I'm going to be brazen about this there you go number one - okay so the next section here is the news do-do-do-do-do-do to do this extract is taken from the BBC website and rather than taking some bad news because the news is always full of bad news I thought I find an interesting more uplifting story and I found this one about the snow leopards the snow leopards take note of the pronunciation of this word leopard Leopard snow leopards are no longer endangered endangered if if a species is endangered it means that they are risk of becoming extinct there are low numbers of these creatures and they are at risk of becoming extinct no longer existing ever so snow leopards are no longer endangered wonderful has the chilling threat of extinction worn off at last for long endangered snow leopard question mark now whenever we ask a question we have a rising intonation at the end the long and danger snow leopard and my intonation goes up because I'm asking a question here I've highlighted words and phrases that I think you should be aware of and so here we have worn off if something wears off or has worn off it means it's no longer an issue usually if you're talking about a headache perhaps if you have a terrible headache and then after you take some tablets and drink some water your headache might wear off and I will ask you how's your headache worn off has it gone away has it dulled down and you would say yes it has worn off thank you so I'm asking the question has the chilling threat of extinction worn off at last for the long endangered Snow Leopard not exactly but the iconic big cats conservation status has been improved from endangered to vulnerable not exactly but the iconic big cats conservation status has been improved from endangered to vulnerable the decision was announced by the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN the global standard for assessing extinction risks extension her extinction risk that's a tongue twister okay moving on experts have warned that the species still faces serious threats from poaching and habitat destruction experts have warned that the species still faces serious threats from poaching and habitat destruction and here have highlighted the word poaching if you're not familiar with this poach to poach can mean a number of different things depending on depending on the context but in this scenario and we're talking about endangered animals poaching means to hunt an animal without permission so obviously in some places hunting is fine it's okay some people agree with it some people don't but it happens some people hunt but in some cases you're not allowed to hunt usually in conservation areas or with certain types of animals if the animals are endangered then you must not hunt them because you could you could wipe out an entire and species so in those cases or if the animals are owned by a grounds keeper then obviously you're not allowed to hunt those animals if you do then hunt those animals when you're not allowed it's called poaching so experts have warned that are still are serious threats from poaching and habitat destruction now the word habitat just refers to your natural environment what is your natural habitat and here they're talking about habitat destruction their natural environment being destroyed okay let's move on the elegant yet illusive creatures which live in the mountains of Central Asia were first listed as endangered by the IUCN in 1972 give me a shout out if you in Central Asia and have you ever seen a snow leopard have you ever been lucky enough to see a snow leopard so here I've highlighted this word for you elusive elusive if you are elusive it could mean that you are difficult to you're difficult to see you're difficult to find you're difficult to understand perhaps so someone who keeps themselves to themselves they'll turn up to a party but they leave very quickly you didn't see them leave or someone that you can't really get a grip on they're elusive they keep secrets and the Snow Leopard is very elusive very hard to track very hard to find so if you have seen the Snow Leopard in the wild you are very lucky ok so there you go a few words that perhaps you don't know elusive habitat poaching worn off and endangered let's carry on the status change followed a three-year assessment process by five international experts dr. Tom McCarthy who runs the Snow Leopard program at big cat charity pan Theory er was one of them to be considered endangered there must be fewer than 2,500 mature snow leopards and they must be experiencing a high rate of decline he explained so here i've highlighted the word mature if you don't know the word mature and when we're talking about living creatures or people being mature we're talking about them being adults if they are mature they are adults although you can refer to a child being mature say she's quite mature for her age it means she's quite grown up she has um she has a sense about her she has a manner or a behavior that's quite grown-up that's above her years she's quite mature and equally many adults can be quite immature Cantlie many adults can behave like children sometimes I think all of us are guilty of sometimes being a little bit immature so the other word I highlighted here is the word decline decline basically means to go down it's in decline is reducing okay Wow some of you have actually said that you have seen a Snow Leopard so as your vet has seen a Snow Leopard and Neri man Neri man is from Central Asia fantastic you guys are very lucky okay let's move on so mature and decline to new words hopefully for your vocabulary list both are now considered extremely unlikely which is the good news but it does not mean that snow leopards are safe all that now is a time to celebrate the species still faces a high risk of extinction in the wild and is likely to still and is likely still declining just not at the rate previously thought well that is good news like they've said it's not a time to celebrate because of course the snow leopards are still in decline but it is good news that they are no longer endangered all right so what is next Oh put your hands up if you like Shakespeare oh no don't panic most people hear the word Shakespeare and they run for the hills they go ah Shakespeare is so scary in the UK we all have to study Shakespeare at some point during our education and I can guarantee you every single English native who hears the words right class today we're going to be doing some Shakespeare we all run we scream and run and go ah Shakespeare is so hard the thing with Shakespeare is there are a few words which are from that time there are no longer used are no longer relevant and in some cases the words are no longer even in the dictionary so yes in some cases there are words that are almost impossible to understand but generally Shakespeare Shakespeare had such a rich vocabulary so once you get used to the format of Shakespeare then Shakespeare can be a wonderful way to increase your vocabulary as well as the fact that Shakespeare is just a beautiful a beautiful author and his work is fantastic so hmm I'm not I'm going to be very brazen about my love for Shakespeare I love Shakespeare I could read chicks there all day long there you go brazen King number two all right so the Shakespeare piece that I'm going to do with you now is relatively easy and it's it's called the seven ages of men and this is from the play as you like it I think okay so stay with me don't panic let's enjoy this together all the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players they have their exits and entrant n they have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts his acts being seven ages okay so that's the that's the introduction are we okay with the introduction do we all understand the introduction if you're finding that a little bit of a shock and you're not quite sure what I've just read I'm just gonna make it very simple for you basically it's saying the world is is a stage like a play so the world is like a play imagine you go to the theater and you watch a play and that is what the world is and every person that's alive are merely the actors in Shakespeare's day the word players means actors so all the men and women that are alive on the world are the actors and we're just acting in a Drama they have their exits and their entrances this means they die and and they are born so people come and go and one man in his time plays many parts so throughout one person's life this doesn't mean just a man it's a man or a woman they use man to refer to like human and one man in his time plays many parts his acts so his part on on the stage of life has seven ages so Shakespeare says that in your life you will go through seven stages basically and this is what the poem is all about it's explaining those seven stages from when you're born to when you die and that's what the whole poem is about and that's what we're going to do okay so here we go into the rest of the piece at first the infant the baby mewling and puking in the nurses arms mewling means to cry then so number two then the whining schoolboy with his satchel and shining morning face the whining is to moan and notice that's a silent H whine whining then the whining schoolboy with his satchel and shining morning face creeping like a snail unwillingly to school I think we all know that feeling don't we to creep unwillingly to school I don't want to go to school I certainly I used to feel like that about work I don't want to go to work today and you go so slowly because you just don't want to get there okay next we have and then the lover who sighing like furnace with a woeful ballad made to his mistress's eyebrow so that's the next one when you become a teenager and you fall in love for the first time you'll be the young lover oh I fall in love with everybody sighing like a furnace so like you got a burning inside and you're going oh woe is me I'm in love with her I'm in love with him and you're constantly talking like Romeo about this person you're in love oh Justin Bieber or whoever it is Oh Beyonce Leonardo DiCaprio and then after the lover after being the young teenager in love you become the soldier full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard jealous in honor sudden and quick in quarrel seeking the bubble reputation even in the cannons mouth oh that's a long one isn't it so the soldier full of strange oaths so when you become a young adult then we tend to become full of fight and vigour and we want to write the world's injustice and and you become a fighter for life and yes and you go out and say I don't think we should eat meat or I don't think we should drink wine or I don't think we should wear colorful nail varnish or whatever your thing is that you believe in and we become very impassioned and we're full of strangers I promise I will not rest until these kind of nails are worldwide and bearded like the pard jealous in honor and sudden and quick to quarrel quarrels a good word quarrel means argue to argue with someone but if you can use the word quarrel it sounds quite cool to quarrel even in the cannons mouth and that's talking about being an actual soldier and going to war ok so then what comes next and then the justice in fair round belly with good Capon lined with fish with sari with eyes severe and beard a formal cut full of wise saws and modern instances Wow and so he plays his part so this one is once you once you've gotten past being a soldier a fighter you start to get a bit fat with round belly it talks about round belly with good Capon lined a Capon is a chicken a chicken who has his testicles to cut off so that he tastes better apparently and that's a Capon and so you become fat you eat a lot and you enjoy food and wine mmm and you become a bit more serious with eyes severe and your beard is in a formal cut and you're full of wise you're full of wisdom basically you've got you think yes I've been there I've done that I know that you shouldn't behave like that so you become the wise older man or older woman hopefully we'd not with a beard the sixth age shifts into the lean and slippered Pantaloon with spectacles on nose and pouch on side his youthful hose well saved a world too wide for his shrunk shank and his big manly voice turning again to watch childish treble pipes and whistles in his sound now this basically talks about when you become you go from being a stronger older person to being feeble when you your back starts to bend you need glasses to see you can't hear very well your voice talk talks about the big manly voice turns to childish treble huh goes like that pipes and whistles hole could I have some food please okay and then finally the last scene of all last scene of all that ends this strange eventful history is the second childishness and more mere oblivion sans teeth sans eyes sans taste sans everything and this kind of talks about that very last moment in your life second childishness when you're like a baby again and you are oblivious to be oblivious is to be unaware to have no knowledge you're just like I don't know anything to be completely oblivious and you have no teeth so Songz isn't actually an English word I don't think is it French if anyone speaks French then please let me so it's saying without teeth sounds eyes no eyes you can't see without taste you can't taste anything I saw answer everything you have nothing you've lost you've lost your mind you lost your bodily functions you've lost everything and eventually you do lose everything when you when you lie down to rest and that is the seven ages of man isn't Shakespeare wonderful I hope you enjoyed that I certainly do the products CEO says yes sands means without in French yes I thought it was French thank you very much for just correcting me they're not correcting me but backing me up okay um lots going on over here in the patron skite room hello patrons ah when I say don't or okay fast I missed the pronunciation of Oh should I speak more slowly so you don't need say more when you're saying slowly just say should I speak slower would be the best way should I speak slower question mark um I I would always suggest that everyone speaks a little slower even natives because that way people can really enjoy the sound of your voice there will be no mistakes and also it gives you more authority if you speak very fast then you lose your status it makes you it also makes you more likely to trip up and make a mistake so I would suggest you slow down don't okay okay don't okay there you go hi Leila how are you finally I'm in a live lesson woo hello you recognized to meet you oh that's nice you guys greeting each other one question people persons plural is people but I've never seen people's but I've seen people's a few days ago is that correct people's people's could only have an S as far as I know could only have an S if it's possessive so you can say the people's hero for example the the hero of the people the people's hero but only with that apostrophe but otherwise no people is plural and there for you don't need an S to make it plural because it already is okay so only possessive s thank you already so you know what comes next everybody it's the singsong time now I cannot emphasize enough how special music can be in your learning process music can make a huge difference to your learning process so if you are seriously trying to take that next step in your in your learning I would suggest that you employ music as a tool to take you further so whether that's listening to listening to your favorite bands your favorite singers but in English so you have to get some new favorites or whether that's creating your own music if you are musical if you sing if you play the piano guitar or any kind of instrument if you play the spoons even start using that music to help you learn your vocabulary your sentence structures your grammar it really makes a huge huge difference to how how things go into your brain how long it stays in your brain as well and it can be it can be incredibly effective so before we start singing I'm going to ask you for one quick favor if you're brand new here please press the subscribe button is absolutely free and it will mean that you will be on a journey with us and that you will be notified if you press the little bell after subscribe as well you'll be notified every time I'm live and every time I upload a new lesson if you play proper play if you press subscribe and the Bell notification button that will happen so I want you to join us so make sure you do that and if you are enjoying this please make sure you have given it a thumb up so I know what's working for you for future decisions on what to do and finally if all of you write ii could just click that little share button just just take your finger the pad of the end of your finger just take it and and touch it on share and then decide if you're going to share it on Facebook Twitter Google+ what's that wherever you're going to share it just to share it right now and once you've done that um then we'll all sing together are you feeling in good voice are you ready to sing a little bit of Doris Day I'm sure most of you are too young and you don't know who Doris Day is but I know Doris Day Doris Day actually was before my time but she was an incredible singer and one of my favorites and this song is one that I'm always singing to myself in the car and I hope that you will sing it with me so here we go this is a song called que sera sera now que sera is not actually English but everything else that goes around it is so let's sing this together shall we hmm que sera by Doris Day it goes when I was just a little girl I asked my mother what will I be will I be pretty will I be rich here's what she said to me que sera sera whatever will be will be the futures not ours to see que sera sera what will be will be there we go so there's the first one now that's the tune let me know in the comments if you know this already are you familiar with this tune hmm now que sera sera if I'm not mistaken means what will be will be that's why she repeats it there so it just means don't worry about stuff that you can't change it's like the water under the bridge thing it's already part you can't do anything about it if you have no control over what's happening now or in the future don't worry about it que sera whatever will be will be so in this case the children are asking their parents will I be pretty when I grow up will I be rich when I grow up and the mother is saying look it doesn't there's nothing you do now you certainly can't change whether you'll be pretty or not and whether you'll be successful or not right now it doesn't matter whatever will be so don't worry I think that's a good a good standard for today and for the weekend don't worry about things let's all just chill out and accept the world we should definitely be accepting this is a fabulous community for acceptance because you're all so wonderful and accepting of each other so are you gonna sing with me we're gonna do the second verse here we go when I grew up and fell in love I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead will we have rainbows day after day here's what my sweetheart said que sera sera whatever will be will be the futures not ours to see que sera sera what will be will be did you sing it with me did you sing it I hope so alright we have I'm not going to I'm not going to talk to you with my voice too much longer we have one more verse and just so you know this isn't about me singing to you this is about encouraging you to sing with me okay I want you to even if you think that you've got a horrible voice I want you to enjoy singing because it really helps you to remember stuff and then if you can end up singing this song to yourself as you're going about your business today that will be a triumph because you'll be singing English which will help you to remember the words that you're singing and the sentence structure this is why music is so good okay so third third third verse I want you to sing it with me okay all together no matter where you are let's wake up those neighbors if they're sleeping let's disturb everybody out there on the streets let's let everyone know that we're learning English and we're singing Doris Day here we go now I have children of my own they asked the mother what will they be will I be handsome will I be rich I tell them tenderly que sera sera whatever will be will be the futures not ours to see que sera sera what will be will be did you sing amazing I want you to see if you can remember and sing this later on maybe when you're in the car when you're traveling somewhere or when you're taking a bath or a shower and wait to see if you can remember this song and just at least sing at the chorus okay fabulous amazing so Eureka has pointed out something very interesting she said you sound American when you sing it's a really good point lots of people when they sing British people I'm talking about will sing with an American accent and that's because most of the music we are I was going to say subjected to but that's not the right word that gives that means to be forced to do something most of the music we listen to here or have grown up with comes from American singers or bands and so for example like like Frank Sinatra or the the Rat Pack those kinds of things Elvis is you know when we grew up these were the the songs that were prominent on our radios on our televisions and so we kind of get used to hearing the American accent with music and so when we're singing we sing with an American accent it's interesting isn't it and you can always notice when I'm on a British singer or save like I know there's some very famous Scottish singers or anyone from a regional part of the UK when they have a strong accent and they sing with the accents you really notice it like wow I can hear that accent that's so unusual that they're not singing with a slight America accent for example the Beatles yes the Beatles sang with a slight kind of Scouse twang so yes very interesting where are we oh so we're coming towards the end of our videos I do hope you've enjoyed it but before I leave you I'm going to tell you a little joke because the Brits have a funny kind of humor so I always want to inject a little bit of humor into these vidcasts so you can kind of get to grips with our with our our jokes and our humor it's not very good but here I'll attempt to tell you a joke a mother went to her daughter and asked Phoebe do you think I am a bad mother my name is Joe it's all in the delivery I'm I'm assuming that nobody laughed I was probably just tumbleweed but I thought that was quite a funny joke but again it is all in in the delivery it's all in the telling of the joke but in case you didn't get him is gonna give that one more time a mother went to her daughter and asked Phoebe do you think I am a bad mother my name is Joe okay fabulous well there you go there's a joke you can try out see if you can repeat that to someone later on in the day Oh bless a tiller thank you so much you've just sent a 2-pound super chat thank you you say great lesson thank you and thank you very much for your contribution that's very very much appreciated and of course if you would like the notes that I've written then you are more than welcome to them Atilla for your super chat that is what I give so if you want to drop me an email Attila I will send you those notes okay so at the beginning of the session I sent put out there a riddle now a lot of you were throwing out answers and now I'm going to reveal what the answer is so the riddle let's remind ourselves was I am tall when I'm young and I'm what when I'm old what am I and the answer quite rightly as some of you put is a candle I'm tall when I'm young but I'm short when I'm old I am a candle that's quite an easy one I think but well done if you did get it to be honest when I was looking up riddles yesterday I didn't I didn't know that one so you guys you obviously better at thinking outside the box than I am so well done okay so if you have any questions I am going to stay on for a few minutes and take a few of your questions I'm gonna check my patrons are okay yeah you guys are cool if you have enjoyed this then please do remember to give it a thumb before you leave and if you can share it with any of your friends that would be very much appreciated next week I will try to be live at least three times but I will be hopefully traveling to Italy towards the end of the week so it will mean that the live lessons will kind of slow down over the next couple of weeks however I do intend to keep releasing lots and lots of content for you so make sure that you do keep checking back and also there are over 200 lessons here so do click the video tab and scroll through see what lessons you've missed and catch up with those with the slang lessons that I've been doing for the last three weeks I will be holding a test once I get to the end of the alphabet so if you want to perform well in that test I suggest you revisit some of the old lessons and make sure you caught up on the ones that you missed now if you want to do me a huge favor then I'm looking for translators I'm looking for people just like you who are advanced in your English and feel that you have the time to put your language on any of my videos it could be the live videos it could be the short videos just choose a video on my channel that you would like to translate whether it's the subtitles or the title and description and then below the video there's a little sign that says more or it might say dot dot dot if you click on that you'll see translate and then you can add your language on to my videos which it will help me when you help me it helps you but also it will help your fellow countrymen so people from your country whose English isn't as far advanced as yours you'll be helpful for them so if you can do that that would be very much appreciated remember to try and use the word brazen at least three times today if you can try and sing a little bit of doris day while you're traveling and finally I just want to suggest that if you are really interested in improving your language skills in total then you need to be doing a lot more than just watching a few YouTube videos you need to be taking English into your everyday life at least a couple of hours a day if you really want to hit fluency now one of the things you can do is to take up English TV series watch English movies so the things you do to relax just make them part of your English learning as well you can also use audiobooks it's something I've mentioned many times before it's something that I I consume audiobooks not for language learning just for fun but I find as a very busy person I find it very easy when I'm driving or doing the chores or the washing up to stick on an audio book and just listen and then I'm kind of concentrating kind of not but it's always there in my ear and audible are doing a free 30-day trial and the link is down in the description box below if you sign up for that you get 30 days absolutely free if you don't like it after that you can get rid of it but I suggest there are some fantastic narrators narrating some great English books so I would suggest that you take advantage of that while it's still going on and that's all really so what you guys want to know three questions I will take two trying to find a question you're all being very kind in the in the comments box thank you I want you to make lessons we can use when seeing the doctor or now gang coats ooh then coats ooh if search through my previous videos for a video called feeling ill or feeling sick is quite an old one now it's about a year old it was a really good lesson I spent a lot of time on that lesson and that will help you that's exactly what you're asking for it helps you visiting the doctor Eureka says I love your elocution manual Thank You Rica I'm so glad that you do if anyone else is interested in elocution that is the way you speak your accent speaking clearly then I do have manuals and courses available on my website which is listed in the description below it's called W British English procom but Eureka I'm glad you're happy with it Anna could you please say be quiet listen write read or look sing stand up sit down hands up hands down open your books close your books there you go and bless you thank you so I'll Veck or should I call you Erik thank you so much that is very very kind of you something I've done recently with my gold members my gold members are members of my whatsapp group and we are like a little family a very small community and we talk on whatsapp every day and something I did with them recently which was quite good fun was to give them English names because many of them they're from all over the all over the world and many of them have names that you would never see in the UK well not from English people anyway and so I decided it would be fun to do a an alternative name to give everyone their alternative English name and and yes Slovak is one of my gold members and Slovak is now Eric that's his English name Eric like banana man if you don't know who banana man is Google banana man he's an amazing superhero who eats bananas man but yes I think it's fun giving yourself a different name a name related to the country that of the language that you're learning so why don't you try it what would your English name be maybe I should give you all English names okay Anna have you done V you have you done V lesson with the locations and directions I'm not sure what V lesson is a video lesson okay a video lesson with locations and directions hmm maybe not specifically maybe not specifically I've done prepositions for traveling but I can't remember if I've done locations but I will add it to the list thank you very much what else okay one more are you going to start learning a second language not at the moment I'm always kind of dabbling with Spanish I'm always dowling with Spanish but my life I don't have time in my life for learning a new language learning a language takes dedication I know this and I'm dedicated to you guys and I'm also dedicated to my children's channel which is called Bella and beans TV if you have any little children please go and look up Bella and beans TV I think it's listed down below in the description but Bella and beans TV and you guys have my full attention on my 110 percent energy and effort so I don't have any more space for learning another language at the moment okay last question is there a poem you have in mind about someone secretly admiring others nope no can you say necessary or words ending with re necessary I can't think of any other words a statuary I can't think of any other words anything with ry at this point in time okay my darlings I'm waffling on I'm going to let you go and get on with your day and I am going to start filming some fantastic content for you guys while I am away in Italy thank you so so so so so so so much for joining me I hope you've enjoyed it don't forget that next Friday I won't be here so therefore next week podcast podcast vidcast will be on Thursday morning I think let me quickly check my calendar yes it will be on Thursday morning let's say at 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. next Thursday I will do vidcast episode number 3 I hope you'll join me then have a great day guys lots of love take care
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 15,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british, english lesson, english vocabulary, learning english, Anna English, british english, English slang, Live lesson, fluent, vidcast, advanced english, learn advanced english, speak fluent english, english vidcast, improve english, speak english fluently
Id: RyG3FSuZ7U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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