LIVE: Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson | Today's News - Hot Off The Press: 25.05.18

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hello everyone and welcome to another lesson here with me Anna English on English like a native and I'll just turn my sound off make sure my phone is off so we can concentrate on today's class so we're here today at 11 a.m. a little bit earlier than normal and today we're doing something a little bit different we're checking what's hot off the press now if you watched my recent video hot idioms then you'll know that hot off the press means news just in so it's fresh news so what we're doing today is learning some advanced vocabulary by looking at some extracts from the news so this is a chance to hear some advanced vocabulary spoken in journalism so we're looking at journalism newspaper articles so this will be a little bit more technical a little bit more advanced than what we're used to working with if you do find it difficult don't worry just stick with it in nursing yourself into a higher level than you're used to is a great way to advance quite quickly so I would encourage you to stay with us if nothing else you will learn a handful of advanced words because I will pick out some particular words and give you the meanings for those words so even if you find this tough do stick with it okay so lots of you joining me already it's lovely to see you if you are new here please do press the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future uploads any future live lessons and do give this video a thumb up all right so let's jump straight in to those notes here we go you let me bring you back could you hear me when the notes were on I'm not sure if you could let me try that again okay let me go over to them technically you local issues and I'm not quite sure why so just bear with me one second why is that not saving like that let me try that one and let me try it one more time can you hear me now fantastic woohoo yes we are on brilliant okay oh that was stressful so who the first article were looking at it's a very short extract from an article which is all about the war on plastic straws so what I'm going to do for you is I'm going to read it once through without stopping then I will pick out the vocabulary which I feel you may not be familiar with I will go back and read it again once you're familiar with that vocabulary if there's anything you don't understand please do write it in the notes and if I can help you with it I will do all right here we go so war on plastic straws McDonald's shareholders have rejected a proposal asking the firm to report on its use of plastic straws the latest part of a campaign pressing the firm to ban the items the idea which was backed by activist group some of us won less than 8% of the vote at the company's annual meeting McDonald's has recommended against the measure saying it was unnecessary and redundant some of us said the vote was not surprising some of us has been pressing McDonald's to end its use and I think there should be enough there to end its use of plastic straws due to the impact of the environment on the environment and Wildlife an online position on the issue has attracted nearly 500,000 signatures the proposal argued that McDonald's could face a customer a consumer backlash on environmental grounds okay so that's the extract now I've picked out a handful of words here for us so the first one is the word activist so the group that we're talking about some of us is an activist group and the word activist means a person or it could be a group who campaigns to bring about political or social change so do we have any activists here among us this is an activist group that we're talking about they're trying to make a change in the world okay the next word that I thought was quite an interesting word is the word redundant it's a great word redundant and redundant means not or no longer needed or useful it's it's not useful anymore it's superfluous which is another wonderful word that I love superfluous so there's two words for you in one redundant and superfluous now the word redundant is often used when talking about employment if you are in a job and the company makes some changes and feels like your job is no longer needed and perhaps you make cars and you do things by hand and then they decide to use robots to do your job your job is no longer necessary you're no longer needed so you are made redundant lots of people unfortunately are made redundant as industries progress has anyone here ever been made redundant I hope not and if you have been made redundant I hope that you are able to find another job quite quickly so the word redundant a good one to remember and superfluous is just a fun one I love it it actually quite a lot okay so let's go back to those notes what else do we have we have petition you may not have come across this word before but a petition is a formal written request typically one that's been signed by many people appealing to Authority in respect of a particular cause so often people will sign petitions I see them going around on Facebook all the time please sign this petition it's usually for a cause a good cause normally maybe they're trying to stop the closure of something in this case they're trying to stop the use of plastic straws and they're asking the government to ban plastic straws so they've sent around a petition they want lots of people to sign it to say they support it and then the petition will be sent to the authority the government whoever's in charge to say look lots of people want this to happen you must consider it okay so then we have the word backlash and that's the last one before we go into the next article the word backlash you may not have heard before but it's often used especially in the news and it means a strong negative reaction by a large number of people especially to a social or political development so if you are not happy about something perhaps you live in the countryside you have beautiful rolling hills lots of trees lots of wildlife and then I come along with my builders my bulldozers and my diggers and I say I am going to build a huge Airport right here I'm going to cover everything in concrete we're going to knock down all the trees we're going to cut down all the trees and build and it will be very different you might be very upset about that in fact everyone in the area will probably be very upset about it so there will be a negative reaction which we refer to as a backlash there will be a huge backlash okay so let me know if any of these words are completely new to you and obviously I'm just making assumptions as to what you may not be familiar with but do let me know and which ones you are unfamiliar with so we have backlash petition redundant and activist now we're going to read this again but this time we're going to do it together so what's going to happen is I'm going to read one line and then I'm going to say your turn and you read it okay I want you to try and copy the way in which I say it so I may not go to the end of the sentence I'll go to the end of what is a natural phrase alright are you ready let's do this so me first then your turn here we go McDonald's shareholders have rejected a proposal your turn asking the firm to report on its use of plastic straws the latest part of a campaign pressing the firm to ban the items your turn the idea which was backed by activist group some of us your turn one less than 8 percent of the vote are the company's annual meeting your turn McDonald's had read McDonald's had recommended against the measure saying it was unnecessary and redundant your turn some of us said the vote was not surprising your turn some of us has been pressing McDonald's to end its use of let me add that in let me go again some of us has been pressing McDonald's to end its use of plastic straws your turn due to the impact on the environment and wildlife good an online petition on the issue has attracted nearly 500,000 signatures your turn the proposal argued that McDonald's could face a consumer backlash on environmental grounds yotan fantastic really good I hope you're finding this helpful so we've learnt how many four forwards there activist redundant lots of you are saying you weren't familiar before with redundant I'm glad I've been able to introduce something to you petition and backlash so now we're moving on to a more political based article of course the big news at the moment is that Donald Trump has canceled his meeting with Kim Young and this is a big shock to the world because it was going to be a fantastic step forward in the peace process but obviously it's all now come to an end and so we're going to just read a small section from the article these articles are taken from the BBC website there is a link down in the description box below if you're interested in reading news from the BBC where you can find the full articles there as well but this is just an extract from the end of the article and again I've picked out some words for you so what I'm going to do is attempt to give you a clean reading now I will then introduce you to the words that I've picked out for you and then we'll go back and do it together okay fantastic if you are finding this helpful guys then please do let me know in the comments and also give me a thumb up I'm always trying different things it's hard for me to know what works for you and what doesn't so the only way I know is if you're vocal and tell me this does work this doesn't work I can take criticism I just need to know what's helpful otherwise I'm redundant and I don't want to be redundant I want to help you so here we go let's do this together so I have Trump abruptly cancels meeting with Kim Jong mmm South Korean president moon jae-in said he was very perplexed and that it was very regrettable that the summit was not going ahead he was not informed of the decision before mr. Trump's announcement reports say reports said it was South Korean officials who first informed the u.s. earlier this year that mr. kim was prepared to discuss potential nuclear disarmament in April the leaders of both Koreas had an had a historic meeting at the border promising to end hostilities and work towards the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula UN Secretary General Antonio guitarist's and Qataris not sure how to pronounce his name Guterres I will go with said the u.s. and North Korea should not give up saying nerves of steel were required in the u.s. Republican Senator Tom cotton praised President Trump for seeing through Kim jong-un's fraud but Democratic senator Brian Schatz said the move was what happened when amateurs are combined with warmongers gosh so lots of angry talk there lots of angry talk indeed so the vocabulary I brought out for you are perplexed I love this word it's such a great word to say perplexed I'm perplexed and I want you to try and use this word more often it means confused basically so it means completely baffled or very puzzled I simply say confused a lot of people say I'm confused so in future try to say I'm perplexed it will make you sound very clever then we have disarmament disarmament and disarmament is the reduction or the withdrawal of military forces and weapons so if I have a huge gun and lots of grenades behind me I'm ready to fight but we're talking about disarmament then I might agree to disarmament by pushing away my gun selling my grenades or destroying my grenades so I have no I have no weapons I have been disarmed yes I mean disarmed that is disarmament okay so disarmament disarmament and perplexed we don't pronounce the letter R perplexed perplexed beautiful word okay so the next word on the list is hostilities comes from hostile if you are hostile it means that you are unfriendly or you're opposed to something you're hostile I'm sure we've all in our lives experienced hostile behavior perhaps you've been hostile towards someone sometimes I've been hostile if I felt uncomfortable or if I felt defensive I can be a little hostile not often but sometimes so we're generally talking about hostilities hostilities and just so you can see it written here hostile behavior unfriendliness or opposition hostilities one that you'll probably see in the news a lot especially at the moment is denuclearization I have to say it very slowly it's a it's a bit of a mouthful denuclearization to remove nuclear weapons from a place it's very simple to remove nuclear weapons from a place denuclearization okay then the word amateurs I thought this is quite an interesting word so an amateur let me take the S off there and amateur is a person who engages in something a pursuit perhaps singing or golf or motor car racing we usually use amateur and professionals when we're talking about sports but an amateur does it on an unpaid basis or perhaps their untrained their non professionals so I could say to you yes I play squash but I'm an amateur squash player I play in the leagues even I attend competitions but I'm an amateur I'm not professional it's not my job I don't get paid to do it I just enjoy it I'm also an amateur gymnast gymnast gymnast I always do that overcorrect I'm an amateur gymnast I enjoy dim mastics I compete in competitions I train but I don't do it as my job I don't get paid I'm an amateur so what do you do what hobbies do you have that you could say I am an amateur what I'm an amateur painter I'm an amateur writer I'm an amateur video maker I'm an animator singer so what do you do that you enjoy that you don't do for money okay so that's the word amateur and the opposite of amateur is a professional and then the final word on the list is the word warmonger a warmonger I like this word obviously it represents something negative but it's quite a strong word and it means a person who encourages or advocates that means they agree with aggression towards another country or a group so it's someone who tries to stir things up and cause trouble like fight come on fight there's lots of war mongers aren't there we can all think of a war monger or two in politics so yes war monger as I'll show you it written down just in case you're unsure of the spelling there we go war mongers okay so these words war mongers amateur the nuclearization who are mouthful hostilities disarmament and perplexed love that word so much Neelam's asking is is a mature and negative word not at all not at all it can be used in a negative way so if you're doing something if you're doing a job if you're actually being paid for something perhaps you're a designer and you make packaging for products and you're designing the packaging and I look at your work and go oh you're such an amateur I'm basically saying you're not very good you're not very professional so you can use it as an insult but as a word as a as an idea being an amateur is not a bad thing many people are amateurs at something we all have to start as amateurs before we become professionals if you want to take it that far yes absolutely nothing wrong with being an amateur it's just where people begin or what people do for fun okay so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go back and we're going to read that article again bearing in mind these words that we've just looked at we're going to do it together once more I'll read a sentence I'll highlight the part I'm going to read once I've read it then you read it okay out loud to practice your speaking try to do it in the same way that I've done it so the same intonation the same flow alright here we go so South Korean president moon jae-in said he was very perplexed and that it was very regrettable that the summit was not going ahead he was not informed of the decision before mr. Trump's announcement reports said oops it was South Korean officials who first informed the u.s. earlier this year that mr. Kim was prepared to discuss potential nuclear disarmament in April the leaders of both Koreas had a historic meeting at the border promising to end hostilities and work towards the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula UN Secretary Dan UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres said the US and North Korea should not give up saying nerves of steel were required in the u.s. Republican Senator Tom cotton praised President Trump for seeing through Kim Jong Un's fraud but Democratic senator Brian Schatz said the move was what happened when amateurs are combined with warmongers fantastic wonderful guys well I do hope that you found that helpful I hope that you were able to read along and that the gap I left for you was just enough not too long but not too short it's very hard to judge when I can't see or hear any of you so like I said do let me know in the comment section below whether or not you found this helpful if you if you found some parts of it helpful but not not others then let me know is only through your feedback I can improve these live sessions that I do for you now a few little notices next Monday I will not be live I have notified quite a few of you already but in case you missed it I won't be doing a live lesson on Monday but there will be a new video lesson it's already ready to go and share with you and schedule for a release midday on Monday so that's gonna be a nice helpful lesson for you good for your pronunciation so look out for that one and then there will be a live lesson again next Friday this time at the slightly later time the normal time around midday so I will announce exactly what time to expect me and the subject of the lesson on Facebook and possibly on Twitter and here on YouTube so make sure that you are subscribed and that you're following me on my social media platforms there's lots of links in the description box below now if you're really keen to improve your English and you feel you already are at an advanced level then I do recommend the audible book by Stephen Fry which is Sherlock Holmes is very rich in vocabulary Stephen Fry has a wonderful accent a very clear narration narrating voice he's fantastic I listened to his version of Sherlock Holmes and I just love him to bits he also did Harry Potter which if you're not really advanced then perhaps Harry Potter is a better level for you if you haven't heard of audible before it's it's just a place where you can download audiobooks it's really handy I think listening to English on a regular basis will really help you you can get a free trial for 30 days that's what I did I now pay for my subscription because I love old audiobooks but if you haven't tried it give it a try it's a free trial the links down in the description box below and that that hopefully is something you'll find very helpful otherwise do go out to the BBC website check out their news articles you can watch videos they're just constantly familiarize yourself with native speakers and just constantly surround yourself in the language by doing that without even realising you'll be picking up more and more vocabulary you'll be understanding without realising you'll be understanding grammar and yes you'll also pick up the natural flow and pronunciation so BBC website I think I'm sure I've linked it below audible is also a good way to go otherwise guys it's a bank holiday weekend in the UK if you're here in the UK I hope you have a fabulous time whatever you're doing I'm going to be going on a few adventures myself so I'll be sharing those on my other YouTube channel and there's big adventure so if you're interested in camping and hiking and all sorts of different things that's the place to be and there's big adventure so you can share with me the adventures that you're going on and see what the adventures I'm going on alright my darlings I will stay in the chatroom just have a quick chat with you via text for the next 5-10 minutes or so otherwise have a lovely time and I will see you live again next Friday but don't forget the video on Monday okay so take care lots of love from London and bye you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 12,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, english, british, english accent, british accent, listening, english listening, advanced english, advanced english vocabulary, live english news, english vocabulary live, vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, news, hot off the press, News reading, english listening practice, trump, Plastic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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