Engineering an EPIC UNDERWATER CAR in Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers i'm continuing the campaign today stranded in space we need to engineer your way off a stranded planet by collecting parts that are scattered all about the place but first a massive thank you to today's sponsor eve online now you've probably heard of eve online but if you haven't it's basically a huge sci-fi universe where all the players are online at the same time and it is possible for them to interact with each other because they're all on the same server which is just mind-boggling now evesof does quarterly updates so four times a year there's massive updates to the game called quadrants packed with exciting events game features balance updates all sorts each quadrant has a unique theme focused on a specific aspect of eve online now this next quadrant is called gateway and it will open the door to the eve universe for many new pilots so if you're looking to get into eve now's the best time to get into it the launch of gateway also introduces a brand new story driven training experience for rookie pilots and eve online which sort of like trains you up it teaches you all the basics but it's not just tutorials it's a really immersive experience with dynamic visuals and an improved ui all aiming to help new players take the first steps in eve the launch of gateway also introduces brand new skill plans and these will sort of streamline new players advancement so basically they help you set goals in the early parts of the game and now they're simpler to use and look great and you can even get recommendations on what to train for and eve with these updates signaling a new dawn on the horizon for new eden there's never been a better time to start continue or return to playing eve so if this sounds of interest to you register through the link below and save almost three weeks of training time by guessing a million skill points and jumping straight into the action it'll be launching on the epic game store on the 23rd of september thanks once again evil online for sponsoring but let's get back to trail makers uh right i think i need to look at the map don't i i could try and do these underwater ones i could build like a little submarine and then yeah there's a lot of underwater ones shall we do that should we build a sub can i build like in the water is that a good idea i've got to get back to land haven't i actually yeah i'll start with this car and i'll turn it into a sub i think so i remembered last time i unlocked like uh oh no i don't have an underwater seat does a does a cockpit allow me to go underwater okay let's let's open the map so people that know this game where do i get the diving see how do i move maybe right tell me where to go chat i believe you the diamond bell is on an island on the left side of the map oh could be there four meters i'm going to go over to that one i think because this is pretty close stop pressing escape mat you tip so on this silence let's have a look oh god i forgot this acts like a dolphin it starts going underwater a bit and if we go to underwater we uh we fall out the car until we get this seat am i on the right island oh yes okay so it's to my right where the hell is it hiding oh it's in a whole diving bell that's what we want that's what we want good work lads good work great let's turn my magnet on and try and scoop it out of there bollocks all right we're gonna have to build something to get it out oh crap i'm stuck as well okay okay what can we do here i reckon we can build a sort of a crane i haven't used the pistons yet so we'll have a cut that shall we what i reckon i think move this to the back somewhere we'll just let it float there for now i'm gonna build a little bit of a what do we want we want like frame just some blocks we'll keep it lego starly yeah that should be okay and then what do the pistons look like then so is it gadgets is it gadget oh of course i can just throw a metal crater or concrete wall i don't i really don't understand why they will ever be useful maybe maybe i'll find out in the future aerodynamic mechanic has got to be that piston there we go so we got i think we got like two ways we could do like a steering hinge we could like stick it on the back pointing down and as we turn it could flick up i'll try that i think that could be a bit of a cheeky way of doing it so i think i want to want to move that under there i want it nice and low to the ground sweet and then hopefully i can just wang this on the back of it okay so right makes it go down so reverse up turn the thing on right there you go now go left yes look at that it's down and now it's up yeah hey we did it and to be fair we can probably just keep it like that because it doesn't really matter if it spins about i don't think uh where are you taking it back over there nice oh god it's a bit heavy it's a bit ass heavy steering's a bit difficult for some reason we're trying to drift go left go left sorted now we can be a submarine nice oh there's a blueprint should i just use that i should probably just use the blueprint and i keep it simple like uh right so auto build no activate clear build yes delete everything auto build oh look at it go so that's how they've decided to do a submarine okay the only downside i can see is we can't then put it on land it's not amphibious i just want to know like how it turns like can that turn so i'm just gonna just have a little play oh yeah so it does just turn okay that's good to know so i don't need i don't need a snake dog anymore how does it go down space seems to go forward oh q and e to dive e oh there you go oh uh hang on hang on a sec bloody hell this is a bit lumpy bum what the f okay so i think you use space to move oh i'm a dolphin yes belly flop oh man i am can i do a backflip ready ready yes ow no okay i think i sort of know how this works now so i'm gonna i'm gonna build my own i'm gonna go build a better one or sure i just i should probably just build it in the water shouldn't i right so b for build why is it dark we're stuck in the dark now okay so diving bell bell it would be called that one so that's it looks like it connects at the back so let's grab some block to wang that on the back oh no i don't want blocks do i don't want blocks i want bloody floaty things what they called a buoyancy control device convert snake dog to a sub oh i could actually shall i do that because snake dog will still be useful in it oh that was the crazy snake dog with um with a jet engine on the back jet engine not that useful underwater so get rid of that actual engines kind of useful so i think just replace these with the adjustable ones we've got a load of hillary things underneath to get some of these big pineal rectus with inverse capitals i love it gitti mcfeety fast chat said nothing but chat down to me again i love watching your paddy videos he was helped me in the garden earlier he wasn't being a pain at all he's been very good dog [Music] paddy he's ripped a plant out the pot so i need the seat so that seat's got to go can i just hang that on the top should i put out the front i feel like subs should have that at the front then we can see what's going on you're not connected you need to rotate i think that's good i'm gonna see if this floats and stuff so this is sub dog okay it's sort of floating we're going down we're driving on the bottom i think i need to configure the controls a bit oh god look we're going backwards now oh look we're still sneak dogging uh help okay down makes us sink i think i need to move where my man's located i'll get there in no time to be fair this is actually working quite well underground like the ball is sort of steering it nicely right yeah let's rebuild a little front heavy let's move us somewhere in the middle i think okay we're still arse light let's move everything back a bit try that there you go now front heavy so that did quite a lot okay just a bit of trial and error to get something right i could maybe go back there now do you think oh i hold it and they inflate different amounts you know why are we wonky i've put the engines on the wonk hang on hang on a sec here you go down there right that's better right so shall we try and get those sort of semi floating ones i mean they are well they're not floating at all they're on pillars let's try and aim for that so i think we want to hold down oh god no this isn't good back to the surface but do i need like wider ones or something right okay straight down don't touch anything and slow my descent no we're now front light heavy what all right let's move them that way a bit ah there you go that looks pretty spot on the back is slightly light i think that should be doable though right let's get over to there so we're flat let's go down oh not too bad no we're tilting we're tilting why all right i think let's sink and then we'll just do it upside down sold it well i know why would till it's because my things underneath okay we're an upside down stop now let's move forward turn the magnet on oh that's actually that's gonna be perfect oh it's not even a thing it's bloody money goddamn i feel like i need to like move these about so i've got some on the front some on the back if that makes sense put weight under it yeah i think you're right i think you're all right i was trying to keep it car-ish but i don't think amphibious submarine is gonna be possible really is it oh god it's so horrible to steer anyway let's try and get that one over there this is terrible come on snake sub you got this yes no we missed it i gotta go down gotta go down easy nice now inflate oh dear oh we are taking it are we floating i'm not sure how i'm gonna get to land if i'm honest all right ready we're going in reverse we will get there it's just this is terrible what is this i think i need to go bigger go big or go home all that is actually working quite well and we should be able to on a it's a bit low we're not going to be able to do much driving i don't think we might make it we might do just believe just oh there you go easy i can't believe that semi worked drag it in like a caterpillar nice yeah so if you haven't seen this game you basically need to collect like what i just picked up the cube and take it to one of these lighty things you see there's like a load of different ones on the map they're like straight line lights and uh you get different parts so yeah that one was an inverted corner which is very useful said no one but yeah i think we'll just sort of clean up the sea so if you look at that like the box that salvages in like the darker sort of rectangle like if you look in the top right corner there's nothing if you look on this one there's like a little icon that's like a rocket icon and uh the sort of mission in this thing is to collect all the rocket parts and then you can build a rocket you can escape into space basically i'm stranded on a planet and at doom i believe it's called and uh you can see on the left my progress i've got 68 of the spaceship part so yeah where we head and we're going directly left come on snake sub oh god now it's sort of working like a really agitated fish speed oh god we've gone under i didn't mean to go under yet oh we're doing i am just a whale at this stage all right so where is it i think i can see it it's under that rock how the shits are going to get over there i do not know i don't know the death count this might surprise you but it's actually zero look i'm doing this intentionally so i'm doing a flip down and then we drive forward oh crap oh crap it was going so well people were falling for my skills right this might look like i don't know what i'm doing but actually it's all part of the plan i'm just snaking my way to hang on where was it where was it let's have a look on the map first above me so i'm gonna float up a bit like a good floater we'll try and see where i don't know if it's in that cave it might be in the cave rather than way up oh yeah i think i think i could see it oh how the hell am i going to get through those cats i mean i mean this is all part of the plan i'm just lining her up oh it's a power cord that's a good one so power cores they allow you to have like either engines or other cool stuff like the magnets they allow you to add more of them so if i want more power which why wouldn't i want more power this is what i need and i should probably repair first so i've got all my things ah we're floating we're floating go down go down all right magnet on see i'm literally driving underwater this vehicle is genius right now float wait that one's float we're going up we're not going up we're doing a oh god okay now we go this way it's okay i know what i'm doing speed run strats what way am i trying to go i think this way not too much this way i'm actually pointing the other direction to this i'm pointing in that direction so i want to go rightish so i think i think it's that block of light over there there you go we may all wrong direction i want to go right which is actually left uh i haven't thought this bit through i need to spin around come on you got this man come on power yes yes come on snake sub just wiggle okay what if i repair get it get it get it get it quick oh bollocks oh i could i can probably drive out from here yes yes yes the snakes up does it again wiggle power now it's a wet dog it probably smells off that is true wet dog stink i even paddy he's like the nicest smelling dog i've ever smelled and i've smelled a lot of dogs but when he gets wet stinking uh i've got three unused power cores i can make this so much quicker oh wait i can't just drive underwater i can just drive underwater i don't need to float this is way better i'm going to get that one first i think so to my right ish so over there i think over there all right so as usual we'll just head upside down because that's the most efficient way to travel for any vehicle that's not just because i've designed this poorly okay just heading down to the bottom nice this is peak engineering if you don't understand what i'm doing that's fine you just haven't obviously got your engineering qualifications yet how about you get the ones in the cluster so i'll show you those in a sec once you get a bit closer it's where we're trying to go what am i doing oh bollocks has a wall so if we look on the map so these ones can you see the altitude 950 meters so they're like way in the sky i need to get like a flying thing so i think it's up here i reckon maybe around the back of it balls there's nothing up there or can i squeeze through i've squeezed through i don't know if i'm meant to oh no that wasn't a death no that wasn't a dead that was a glitch it was a glitch all right oh god i'm miles away it's like way behind me what ways forwards all right we might have to go through this cave thing now let's let's repair deflate let's try it let's drive around the bottom i reckon it might be up here oh there it is it's a power core then i'll have four unused power cords all right i assume i got to go back the way i came in oh god we're gonna have to jump jump huh yes no reverse that's it you can get out yes no we lost a pod we've lost another pawn too the sea is like huge this is the first time i've been underwater look it's nemo i found nemo ah he's gone should i repeat i'm gonna repair crap right sink sink sink no that's fail that's a fail repair sink all right quick we gotta get after it we've gotta get after it it's rolling away it's fine it's fine never in doubt right now inflate here we go and then help him out and as usual i'll do the forward flip backflip maneuver to get to the surface it's the opposite of a falling leaf very efficient for submarines you'll see actual submarines like all the new nuclear ones they all do this that's actually annoying me now come on come on there we go we're almost at the surface here we go here we go the falling loop just like snowboarding yes quite right although for snowboarding it's more of like a beginner's technique whereas for submarining it's like exceptional pro it's like beyond pro it's a very very advanced technique the rising leaf yes quite right right so as usual we'll use our driver's seat to keep us in the right direction can we get in ah can we roll over okay i think we might have to drop that there can we stop it rolling yes repair no we freaking sat on it god damn it sob dog all right under it stick you to my knob knob why did i say that i meant noise knobs on the brain all right we've got four unused power cords i don't know if i want to make this any faster because it's terrifying as it is uh but i'm going to so i'm going to nab those copy i'm just going to rotate it about that way and bring them on the top so i think i want i'm just going to do like two rows or two because then the forces will balance and it'll all be fine yeah cool sorted done that's better definitely so we're gonna go to these two just south of paddy island power it's trying to go upside down again i won't let it i will let it because it's more efficient to go upside down i tell you what i might put my thing on the back because this i gotta i gotta sort this i gotta sort this so i'm thinking do i just shove this there so the untrained eye doesn't look very efficient because you can't really see where you're going but i think it might work better now move these engines to the front all right let's see what that does oh that's quite well balanced actually that's not actually that bad although it does go down why are you facing down all right let's get into this oh frigg me we got some air there right so i think i've spotted one it's on that pillar straight ahead of me so we'll go get that deflate and let's see if we stay balanced bollocks still upside down oh mind that mind that all right we'll get closer i think we might be able to get it i can falling leaf into oh crap no i was way off i was way off all right we need to see the rising leaf again the rising leaf ready this is called the elevator this move so it's like a drive-by and then whoosh to the surface oh god we're going to get some air oh yes nice all right i think we're fully inflated so we've just got to go back oh all right there we go sorted that was actually pretty quick snake dog is the best that wasn't actually too bad like considering i was upside down for most of it pretty good oh look and we made it in yes wiggle ah yes the wiggle the wiggle is extremely powerful wow i went through the map then all right so going back to the same spot let's get the other one so we'll deflate and head down all right we'll do the falling leaf down just a bit more efficient what is that is that my rocket i think that's my spaceship i think i was in a spaceship and it got hit by like a meteor and that's how i ended up here i think it might be under this so we'll falling leaf just to get under there there it is can you see it under there sneaky right so we will repair deflate straight away and then we can just drive another don't turn too fast matt oh no it's a big mofo a beach ball dispenser oh so many useful items in this game trouble is i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to float with that so i might have to rebuild this and just add a few more on so let's look at doing that i think i actually got i've got like giant pontoons yeah ah no we're floating too much yeah on float what's the on float button down oh no they're just pontoons they're not submergible submergible ones [Music] oops i need the submarine ones but oh no it killed me stop stop stop i think i just died to get off greg where's my car this is not good i just need the classic sub dog that's all i need so i'm gonna do i'm gonna drive it out get close to the beach and then do the pontoony stuff we'll grab this we really need the beach ball dispenser to be able to progress anywhere in this game ah you kidding me why how's that a death where's it go oh it's over there now all right pull that out all right inflate i think we're good i think we can get to the surface yes power power right and then we just head back to the thing i don't know what's called the thing we are floating though so i don't need the large pontoons yet i might do when i get close what would you need a beach ball dispenser for ah many things yeah dispense beach balls is the primary purpose i would have thought what kind of architect designed this sub does this look elegant and beautiful this is built for engineering pure efficiency doesn't matter what it looks like all right we are gonna get on land come on power power power bollocks oh no that's good that's good all right repair don't go mental sob dog does it again yes all right and we've got we gotta try the beach ball dispenser we got a double-barreled beach ball dispenser holy sh right hang on a sec hang on a sec fire oh no it didn't work it didn't work ah what a shame at least you got to see the shape right well anyway guys cheers for joining peace love and bridges i nearly forgot to say it peace love bridges bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 253,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers alpha, trailmakers campaign, scrap mechanic, trailmakers stranded in space, vehicle building, trailmakers game, trail makers, trailmakers 1.0, terra tech, rce, real civil engineer, trailmakers real engineer, real civil engineer trailmakers, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers fails
Id: dubgoVbbNKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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