Engineering FIRE TORNADOS to destroy entire cities... Unnatural Disaster!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to the news you're watching city news our top story tonight reports of unexplained disasters are popping up across the region some are speculating there may be a connection between these disasters and unchecked city growth could this be nature fighting back now we go to our field reporter for more ignore me as i run through the field uh we're here on site here's what we know about the disasters so far uh we reckon there might be an earthquake and any building nearby is vulnerable to collapse so yes hello fellow engineers excuse the cringe intro i was being a news reporter but this game is actually completely different this a sort of a city builder but you don't do much building let's put it that way so as you can see the bottom select disaster we have an earthquake available so we can click the earthquake and we can aim this for everyone so if we if we want an earthquake in the middle of this vibrant city earthquake buildings being destroyed see as it says here trees appear to have some connection with the disasters so in the bottom left we have trees we can select a tree we can plant them anywhere as we plant the tree look at this bar on the middle it goes up so we're sort of we are mother nature in this game it's a mother nature simulator so by planting trees we get all this all this energy and we just don't know what to do with it but then we do know what to do with that we select meteors and we say die and you can see our meat is coming in oh man it's all falling down look at that it's all coming down and then we can we can plant some more trees get that energy back up so mother nature wants us to destroy a very narrow tool building which is probably an architect's firm so i can completely get on board with that let's send the meteor their direction which i went through the corner of that one as well incredible oh it's splitting off we've received reports that some disasters like tornadoes oh my god i'm gonna love this game i influenced my wind direction okay so we can see in the bottom right we've got the wind direction and we got these little lines floating back you see the other line there heading that direction it wants us to destroy those two i think they're more architectural firms so let's just plant some more trees and as the wind is going that direction we'll we'll put it in the water i wonder if we'll get a little whirlpool oh no my tornado aiming skills are useless all right there we go you can see buildings destroyed everyone knows when a building gets destroyed it goes bright red alright so now we've unlocked the lightning however you'll see this yellow pole that's been placed on a very very important building this is an engineering firm and if i try and lightning this the lightning rod it protects the building and all the ones surrounding it so we're not going to be able to get that with our lightning very easily but over here these buildings designed by architects ready and now they're on fire so we can we can build some more trees of course we'll just we'll just wildfire everywhere but now being mother nature i don't want to burn everything so i've decided to go for some rain so if we select this rain we can pick an area to flood basically so if we go over here we go i'm sorry engineering firm but you're gonna get flooded there you go if you go by the water you can see now two buildings destroyed oh and the lightning rod fell over all right so now we can go live back to the studio for some breaking news you can tell by the fireworks nature wins who's lighting fireworks i've just like partially destroyed a city and there's fireworks everywhere right let's continue so we're on our second map this time we've got all of the options available to us but we also have a timer so we've got to be sort of quick so let's send a meter or two in there lovely oh wow that did some major damage you can see this one over here there's a flame above it that's because it wants to be satellite yeah don't ask don't ask but a simple striker lightning will uh will help us with that uh i want to send a tornado through the city and see what it does nice the fire is destroying everything i think look they're rebuilding they're rebuilding i will not stand for that meteor coming in story construction workers oh and we got some breaking news we've destroyed the city well part of it some of it's still burning and now we can move on to a new level oak water as our man says we're not seeing any particular weaknesses so they're going to try and grow the city and you can see okay so this bar on the right that's how much the city is growing and the taller this skyscraper gets the more the city's growing and we've got to keep it down i think we win the game if we get it below the green line i lose the game if it gets over the red line so mother nature is going to have to do some good stuff here so first off we'll plant trees and then we're going to earthquake right in the middle oh yes that did some damage oh look at the skyscraper coming down on the right and meanwhile meteors just straight through the middle and always planting trees getting our next level up oh the meteor was basically it missed everything i'm going for another earthquake that was insane look at that they're all coming down they're all coming down again two earthquakes and nature prevail there is no beating nature and you'll have noticed we've been slowly gaining stars and we can use these in the upgrade shopping network so let's go now it's literally a shopping network oh so we can get an extra strike we can fast plant trees or we can change the wind oh here we go and tip earn more stars by winning with fewer disasters okay so i don't want to use all of them i i kind of thought i did but uh maybe not uh we're gonna go with an extra strike oh we actually phoning up to buy this uh yes i would like to buy the ex strike for six stars thank you your order is on its way sweet yeah hey look how happy we are oh and you can upgrade them multiple times interesting okay let's head back oh look with our upgrade we can get to now so word on the street is the city has employed new defense oh look at this oh oh bastards so if we fire a meteor look they've got they got defenses to shoot it down okay so we're gonna have to do something about that and i'm gonna strike you with lightning you cannot shoot lightning out of the air boost you're on fire it's on fire but can we not destroy the defenses oh there you go there you go it's burning now it is burning all right i think it's down yes it's blown up and there goes our meteor we've destroyed the building and look did you see that that was that was the strongest shaped fire i kid you not go back the fire was in the strongest shape so we only got one star there so i'm actually gonna replay we're gonna try and do this in one hit so we're gonna we're gonna plant some trees and then we're literally just going earthquake in the middle that's the easiest way to destroy that building i think we should get three stars now oh yeah three stars all right so now we're in clear lake all right so this one we can we can machine gun trees look at this damn all right i know i wanna i wanna try and do a combo on this one we're gonna hit with some lightning to try and get a fire going and once that fire is going we're gonna send our tornado in we're gonna see yes look it's picked up the flames fire nader oh that is insane that is really cool oh no but look oh so although this looks like they've tried to be ecological with a wind turbine it was actually to blow tornados out of the way so i've just i've just hit that with a bloody meteor i don't know if you saw but that that plane is putting out the fires so i'm gonna plant some trees and we're gonna see can we shoot out the sky no it's too quick it's too quick oh no the city thrives as you can tell by the building chopped in half and falling over and just general destruction the city is thriving so we're going to replay and we're just going to go all out mental so machine gun trees and then i think just the double earthquake and more trees oh no okay i understand so this this here this needs a lightning strike so that's a metronome and that's causing all of our earthquakes to do nothing the metronome bit has actually come off so we should be able to hit this place with some earthquakes you can see the plane flying in it's going to drop water on the fire but it's all good we've we've completed the game we're going to go live the city is in ruins it actually looks better than the last time we left that was cool that was cool i quite liking the sort of puzzle element to this now we're gonna go to green town this sounds like nature's sort of town so everything wants to be destroyed by water you can see the water drop over there let's machine gun some trees and what sort of thinking is we flood like that and then we do an earthquake in the water let's try and get a tsunami going oh yes oh she thought about going she did think about it what a free earthquake and then flood oh how about double earthquake oh man i think there's some sort of protection in there yeah what's that thing what is that thing i think basically we're gonna destroy that with an earthquake so screw you mate boosh it's been destroyed and now we're gonna go with our tsunami all right so let's flood and then earthquake ready is the water gonna get through oh not not really what we rain in this little pond and then earthquake in it ready mini tsunami do i just rain on it does raining just do it there you go it's flooding definitely flooding yeah it's gone it is gone it's only one star i think because we used a lot of tsunamis which turned out to do nothing but enough of that we're moving on to mason town construction has begun on our first ever mega structure i'm gonna guess it's this stadium in the background is that baseball stadium once completed it will be indestructible however it draws strength from other nearby buildings okay too many of those fall it's vulnerable all right let's meteor this ready boosh all right it's down so now we can meet her in there plant some more trees get an earthquake at the back plant more trees now it's time to destroy this thing i think we're going to give our batsmen some batting practice and just send some meteorites as we boosh all right three strikes and you're out meet one two right if he can't hear this the batsman he is out of there ready the crowd hates it but mother nature loves it city fails to complete mega structure that's what we love to hear as mother nature all right so in our five day forecast we've completed our first day so let's head to day two and do some day two disasters you're watching city news we begin with a developing story the disastrous wave of disasters we've been reporting on has grown intensely has grown in intensely oh it has grown in intensity words disastrously we go now to our reporter on the scene for more oh look and it is actually oh god he's just we'll check back with them later all right so this one wants some fire i can see the wind is going that direction so if we if we head over here we can plant some trees we can get two things lined up so i'm thinking is we lightening these front buildings get a proper fire going and then we line up our tornado all right the fire is burning tornado away let's get a fire torn it oh no we put it out i'm gonna put the tornado right on it is that better yes yes the flaming nader that looks beautiful yes and we've actually completed it oh look the plane flew into the building all right so we've got two stars on that one we're gonna go to the piner prairie right so this one's a little bit sneaky in that we've got two sorts of targets we've got to deal with so first off we'll plant some trees we're going to destroy the meteor defense system with lightning right so that is burning i'm going to hope that's enough to destroy it and then yeah there you go it's down so we'll go for a meteor down here ready oh no we missed it we missed so we gotta do another meteor and meanwhile a few more trees whether that will stop buildings growing back actually it might be and then we're gonna rain on this because thankfully our meteor destroyed the rain defense system they got flooded sorted i'm guessing better at destroying lives all right we've got a nice three stars then all right so we're back in the shop i think i've got enough stars to get a few upgrades yeah look we got 14 stars so we could get an extra strike that will allow us to do three in one or we can change the wind i think we want another strike let's do it all right so we've got to destroy some wind so this should be reasonably easy i think let's just plant trees and get three things lined up first off i'm gonna meteor this wind turbine i think they can form me into making me believe they're being environmentally friendly but i know i know we're gonna send two tornadoes in it looks like yes there's cranes they're rebuilding oh so we might need to think about this a bit more or we just send in three tornadoes i'm sure that'll also work tornadoes for everyone oh all the buildings around it have fallen but not that one come on yes we got this three tornadoes in a line i don't think that's going to be very high high starring two stars we'll take that we'll take that oh so this level they've got a new mega structure a tv tower uh interesting i don't see any metronomes so if we just plant a crap ton of trees i sort of wanna i still wanna flood it i really wanna just like tsunami all around oh yes look at that i didn't actually do too much that's quite disappointing but we've knocked out the missile silo so maybe we'll meteor strike the tv tower let's do three in a row oh look at them coming in boosh boosh yes no one survives a triple boosting this game is oddly relaxing all right this one we've got to do a bit of wind and a bit of water so what i'm gonna do here we've got the wind heading that direction so i'm gonna i'm gonna chuck a load of tornadoes in saw this corner i don't want to destroy that building yet but i'll do it now ish i can see the tornadoes are heading towards there you go the water defense system has just been destroyed we got whirlpools oh i didn't know whirlpools were a thing all right well that's two birds one stone then let's flood down here and then we'll send in our tornadoes to destroy that build we might have to destroy the wind turbine let's just meteor that yeah look it's sucking the tornadoes towards them bastards damn humans think they're so clever all right there's a load of tornadoes going towards that building now it's got a crane on top but don't think it can save it yes it's down it is down ooh look there's a globe what does the globe mean what does a globe mean you haven't told me game i'm going to flood in here hopefully i'll take down the wind turbine will it yeah it's down it is down right now we're going to send a tornado through the city that way i don't know what the globe means oh doesn't mean don't destroy it oh no i think it meant don't destroy it that's actually a good tornado shot as well right let's go live let's see what we did key buildings full to wrong damage oh what the hell what's earth damage i don't know what earth is i'm gonna try flooding it no hey what if i just cover it in trees so you can see these little cars they're like doing new roads they're expanding the city that is no good for anyone blocking with trees blocking with trees all right three tornadoes destroy that crappy little building i think two might do it right it's down now i've just got to work out what earth damage is i don't know what it means what's closest to earth earthquake does it mean tsunami it could mean tsunami let's try a tsunami oh look we destroyed the meat oh damn that did some damage well to be fair it could just be earthquake earth quake and earth that they're pretty close right let's restart it and it's it's changed interesting so now it's just a meteor over there so if we can just destroy the middle bit somehow so let's flood and then earthquake and now that's destroyed we can just meteor our target building oh assuming these buildings don't fall onto it oh the meteor mist quick okay we shot a hole through it lovely okay so we completed it we have no idea what the earth symbol means it looks like we've gone across the sea to dear town well dearton d'town right so destroy with fire but it's got a lightning rod on it okay the wind is going that direction so i wonder can we start a fire over here and i'm gonna send three tornadoes that direction oh no i'll fight there gate quick quick there's still a fire we can still get there oh no we as a massive failed quick oh dear oh we can strike the actual yes you can strike the actual tornado with lightning to set it alight now we got fire next door but it bloody it didn't do our actual building so we're just gonna shoot that now the lightning rod is gone and that shows you the importance of lightning rods without them fires everywhere and building vaporizers into ash for this one we've got a cruise ship as the mega structure we've just got to destroy it somehow right my first thoughts can i flood the cruise ship just hit it with loads of rain die cruise ship it's knocking it off course i'm literally just gonna rain everywhere and if a cruise ship gets hit by lightning oh it didn't like that what is it doing i'm going to get rid of the metronome i sort of i want a tsunami the cruise ship just off the level right so that's destroyed now cruise ship time all right see you later cruise ship oh it doesn't like it it went flying it lets you go straight towards those buildings this is awesome i've always wanted to fling cruise ships at skyscrapers with tsunamis oh it went flying there's not many places but trees but we destroyed it oh the lightning rod is going to come smack it on the head i know that was impressive it stayed upright look at it just wiggling the power of engineering in that lightning rod oh no we failed by this time we've taken the defenses out with the power of lightning and i'm just gonna i'm just gonna tornado tornado versus cruise ship all right it's a bit wedged in the corner so we'll we'll tsunami out the way it's it's probably just i will plant some trees around it you are not escaping now let's just hit it with bloody meteors three of them oh we missed but i think we destroyed it yeah look the front came off it sank through the land the city fails to complete mega structure we completed another day we're on to day three oh look we got another globe we've got another globe what does that mean what does it mean what i'm gonna do i'm gonna destroy these with fire all right i think they're done i think that's good now we're gonna rain and then we're gonna earthquake the rain and then rain on the earthquake oh no we failed bloody earth i don't know what the earth means all right i did a cheeky restart and it looks like we're good i like this level because it's like the strongest shape see all right so i'm thinking we meteorite the wind turbine and then we do our wind from this tower hopefully the angle was just about right it was completely wrong maybe my second one would be completely just about right and we can destroy this building yeah look at that lovely and then we can just lightening this building a few times lightning never strikes the same place thrice but i just did and it's all on fire beautiful let's build some trees to spread the fire there you go oh the plane just flew into the building again what are you doing man the other thing i love about this game this is the pausing screen but unfortunately we won't be right back because we're gonna leave the video there for today guys i hope you enjoyed some unnatural disasters but yes peace love and our natural disasters and i'll catch you next time bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 337,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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