Engineering the PERFECT AUTOMATED CITY in Dream Engines Nomad Cities!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to dream engines nomad cities this is a cool little automated city builder i think it's similar to factorio but uh it's literally come out nowhere i had no idea this was coming a few of my friends have played it and said absolutely brilliant you've got to get on it so let's have a go so there are a few different tribes and stuff but we've only got the junk loads unlocked so we'll start with those and of course we'll call our city and zootopia so this is the start of the city quite a simple little just a city core but notice there's this platform thing now at any point in this game we can choose to take off like literally the city flies and everything on this platform comes with us everything outside stays behind this is our character it's called tiny he's got a little punching arm and a crossbow arm so we do get attacked by the residents of course like any automation game we go in and we destroy the natural habitat and all the natural presence uh anyway let's let's get building so if we press space there's sort of two modes there's the the combat mode i was in and this is the building mode so we start off with houses this surprisingly gives us new residents so built four houses i then come to this thing and this is this is called a rail and it's it's just like what you know from factorio it's just convey about and you can say because we've gone from our main hub we can say what what do we want to send these houses we want to send them food the type of fuel that powers people uh that's that's technically correct yeah and then off the conveyor belt we just got to drag like that and that says the food that's coming along here will go into that building so now we have four houses nice and now it's probably worth doing a little bit of exploring so you can see these red plants that means we we can't go down there we can only stay on the grave at a footpath yeah but oh god we've got enemies straight away so we could i love how they're the enemies like technically i'm the enemy they're literally just living there all happy and peaceful and i've come along and destroyed them all right so we killed those now we got these little things which we can just punch and that gives us a bit of resource can you see down there we've got wood and some purple stuff oh then if we go in the build mode next to this this is a bloodwood node so we can click on that and say build a gatherer so now we've got a massive circular saw going through it beautiful so we can go into our build mode and just do a conveyor belt from that and say come into our city all right so we got the blood wood coming along our conveyor belt we then need to build a wood walker and this turns wood into planks of course so we'll build three of those in a line like that and then with our rails we'll come along the front of them and make sure they all go in so now you can see the wood is traveling along the conveyor belt into all of those and then exactly the same at the back so we'll see come along here come out there so you can see the wood goes into the wood warper and then planks come out and the planks go into our city core nice and also it looks like there's another one here excellent so we'll just kill these enemies quickly sorry local residents destroy all these little things thankfully these little purple ones are like weird slug things they only do melee damage so you can just melee them you can just absolutely annihilate them without moving really so they don't they don't really pose a threat these little bird things over here oh there's another node as well blimey oh god there's so many of them they actually shoot so you've got to be a bit more careful with those you can see that what you nearly got me ah so like a stingy tail i think all right nice then we'll build a gatherer on there take the conveyor belts from this down to there and we'll build another gatherer on this one and then again conveyor belt from this onto the same conveyor and then i'm going to put all of these onto this conveyor belt so this should properly stack up now which it already is pretty fast so i could build more wood warpers down here now they do seem a bit slow but for now we've got other things to focus on we we need more food so obviously the more people you have the more food you eat um we have no food currently so i'm going to go into the gatherer tab and we can build potato farms and you can see as we build here we've got we've got these red squares so we can't build in the red but we can build in the others as i said before if we build here these buildings will come with us if we build here the buildings will stay there when we take off and basically the longer you stay in one place you start getting attacked by the current inhabitants and you sort of take off when when you can't hack it anymore basically i think we'll build these potato farms on the outside and then we need to go into production and build a food plant and i will build that inside our base just because it costs a bit more so i think the actual farms are quite cheap but the plant is quite expensive so now all the potatoes have come into this food plant and then that comes down it's there so now you can see food is going out of our food plant into our core and then after the core to our houses it's the cycle of life we also need power so power is quite important you can see here we're actually using up power so reduced we're making 15 consumed is 21.5 so that is what we will build now going to the power tab we've got power generators and these can sort of go anywhere again probably best to take them with us so i'll plop one there and now we're just about positive so we'll do another one and if you see you can't put power generators next to each other it sort of creates a red boundary uh so i'll do another one there you can see again that's got a red boundary and that should be fine for now we've got power we've got wood we've got food another resource we need is stone so let's have a little wonder i feel like we've gone that way so let's have a look down this way a little bit i think the actual story behind i'm saying like inhabitants you should feel sorry for them and all that stuff i think these are actually like dream worlds hence the name of the game i think these are actually like nightmares so think of all the kids we're saving we're doing it for the children oh here we go we got our first raid as we look on the map up here they're plotting a raid against us so i can build defenses by my base but i think because it's so early in the game i might just go attacking myself like sodom i'm not scared of them like weird little slug things how can we scared of you like what even are you you look like the needler out of halo which ironically is quite a scary looking gun i'm going to knock all these things over on my weight because that gives us a load of extra resource oh god no there they are there they are oh god oh god all right i think i've sort of done it it looks i think they're still on the map so maybe they're still gonna attack and that wasn't the raid party yeah so yeah i'm pretty sure they'll still attack at some point then oh there they are there they are that is the raid you see on the map they're moving now nice well they were dealt with pretty quickly yeah but the raids do get stronger and stronger and that's when you need to consider taking off when you can't deal with them anymore quite like the aesthetic of this game it's quite it's kind of sort of like very dark looking very tim burton that sort of thing i'm gonna i really want to find some stone oh there you go can you see there's stone there that's silver stuff that's the other resource that we need oh god there's loads of them punch all right my health is quite low so if i go into the craft menu i can build a makeshift repair kit so obviously because i'm a robot i don't have health kits the normal first aid i have repair kits so we'll build a few of those maybe five for now and then if we come in here i can assign that to one and then when i press one on the keyboard i regain health lovely all right so now we're at this stone node the featherstone node we can build another gather it so this is being mined out so now we can build another rail we can send that straight to our base and then within this boundary because i want it to come with us when we take off i'm gonna build a stone worker and as before i'll probably build a couple of these so one two three but i'm out of workers so i need to quickly just build some more housing and the reason i put the conveyor in the middle means i can put houses both sides like that and then with the rails just tell them food off into each of you but you can see our power's gone down so i'm gonna have to build another power thing so let's build another power generator and we'll bomb this one up there shall it i don't know yeah we'll bung this one there just out of range hopefully that will go positive now will it oh it's still negative now we still need more workers as well so i think we can upgrade these buildings and we have everything we need apart from this material so this is a research one so we haven't done any sort of research yet so this is a research lab so if we plonk that down on this corner it requires star stock tar so we can build a tar extractor so i think we'll build these up oh no we can't we don't have enough resources what do we need we need the stone so yeah let's carry on with our stone because we do actually have enough workers now if we say go in there and go in there and then as before we want them to come out the back and then into our city like that so hopefully yeah you can see the stone is being turned into a refined stone material straight into our city court so we should be able to build our tar extractors down here so we've got 13 out of 15 crushed featherstone so very shortly we'll be able to build that okay 15 out of 15 we'll build that oh god we still don't have enough workers can i squeeze any more houses in i could put some houses down this end uh the only trouble is they won't come with us oh no and i can't they're actually out of range so i can increase this range if we go into power and use this tesla tower we can bung that there and now when i try to build oh no houses can only be built in the city our bollocks that was a waste all right let's delete that tesla tower we don't need it so i massively underestimated the housing unfortunately right however we can power our research you can see this is our tar extractor it's going into the research so if we press r we can we can research this star word then we can also stack up what to research next so we'll do all of those but essentially starwood first so we can upgrade our houses right so that's all good let's go see can we find some more materials well i gotta be careful as well there's gonna be a raid coming from the north east so maybe i should head up that way and just sort of start clearing things out actually right screw that we'll do that in a bit we've just unlocked the starwood research so you can see all my little my little inhabitants as well don't they look happy they're not very scared that i'm just a massive ass robot not only that one's wearing a top hat no oh god right sir so this under attack we're on attack so the raid is happening oh look they're down there get back get back so unfortunately you have no defenses it looks like they just took out a house though there's another raid coming in let's kill these you bastards right people are dying you can see there and that's because we don't have enough housing because our house just got destroyed so let's quickly build a house to remedy that make sure it's getting food there you go all good oh good whew right so to create starwood we can click on one of these wood warpers we can use this drop down and say i want you to make some starwood but we do need to upgrade our wood warper first so if we go back we can click on upgrade we've got everything we need to upgrade just wood and the purple stuff so that's now upgraded so we'll say make some starwood all right so if we watch this building hopefully what will come out of there will be some sort of purpley plank i know it needs it needs it needs something what does it need oh it needs tar damn it it's never that easy right in which case then i'm gonna do a bit of jiggery pokery so i can actually move these about so i can move that to there so swap them i'll just connect them all back up so this is our upgraded one so i can come to where was our tar place it was for the research wasn't it so down here so i can do i can take some of this tart and say go into our city center thing so now you can see at this junction some target is left some targo is up oh it's good because it's gonna the research can only use a certain amount so now we've got tar coming into our city center i can then have to go a bit of a roundabout way but i can come through here and say export tar now you can see the tar is coming out the city center along here and it should go into this and then the bucket has disappeared beautiful and now hopefully along this conveyor belt there you go the purple planks nice once you have enough of those we can upgrade our houses uh we need to select some more research we've researched everything so oh god there's so much like this there's so much this game like look how big this bloody tech tree is uh but let's let's do some efficiency maybe i think we'll just stack all these i don't really know what what i want next i haven't played the game long enough but a bit of researching everything can't be a bad thing uh power is low so i'm gonna build another power plant i'm gonna bung that there yeah i think that should be fine there you go positive everything we've got five spare workers all is good time to do some more exploring i think i know the resource has been depleted okay so we need big time we need to try and find another stone deposit oh god there's a lot of enemies our threat level is two and the higher that goes up yeah the more difficult enemies become oh god yeah thankfully not too scared of these slug things because i can just literally punch them like anything and they don't really do anything so oh god look my help my heart's going down ah all right let's heal quickly i'm not seeing any resource nodes i think all the levels are randomly generated as well so it really is luck of the draw as to what you're gonna get i've got some more wood up here i don't really think i need any more wood i feel like the wood situation is doing all right do we have any stone about oh more wood there's wood for days all right so soda decided to uh mine those two bits of wood so we got that we are under attack boat so i gotta go save my city there they are there they are easy bastards no they're destroying my mining stuff get back damn raids they destroyed all that stuff yeah here's the other ones oh god they're quite strong now they're all big they're big slugs okay so gotta build all their stuff again we got gatherer tell it to export onto the conveyor belt and the stone workers insufficient workers god damn although i should be able to upgrade my houses now all right that's all repaired i'll just quickly finish what i was doing down here with the wood so the wood goes into there wood comes out let's upgrade a house or two so upgrade and basically as you sort of go on you can see this this is our take off button to when we do want to take off and leave this place we've got to be careful i think our launch will use five fuel and we've got 80 in total so that's fine now i'll wait 55 wait to play with we're currently using up 48 so if we go over that we won't be able to take off so upgrading is a good way to watch the weight yes can we upgrade our power plant yes we can what we need for that whatever that is i think that's the crystal thing that we were researching yeah so if we take one of these stone workers we can upgrade it to create feather crystal but we need as well as the raw featherstone we need a crystal now where we find crystals not entirely sure at the moment yes maybe crystal is a resource that we have to find but i definitely haven't found any around here it might be we need to travel to a new area that has different resources i am worried on the power side though maybe i should build more power look we got more stone over here yeah big slug big slug and let's destroy these little things just to get a load of resources all right let's build one of these gatherers and start the conveyor belt from it and if we head this way it should head towards our other one oh god oh god enemies what a surprise there's more bloody wood all right there's another raid coming right if we can quickly finish this and connect it into that there goes this should join the other ones yeah there you go that's all coming this way so that's good so now we can prepare for the next read and this one i'm actually going to build some defenses so my my plan is to build a tesla thing bung it there and then defenses we're gonna build a wooden turret two of those and put a wall in front of it so that should protect them and look on the map yeah there you go we'll help them out we can do a bit of range attacks all right there's the next ones if we can lure them to our turrets beautiful sweet we survived the raid easily so our turrets are actually really good they have used up some power though so we definitely need to think about adding another power plant next until we find crystals we cannot upgrade them so maybe we'll just shove that there oh god we're threat level four now as well we're low on workers so we'll upgrade a few more houses upgrade oh oh we need more flux oh so if you look in the top left flux is that purple one we're only making 0.8 so now might be the perfect time to build the flux vat so if we shove one of these in maybe just there for now oh no we're overweight however that should give us some flux once we have workers can we upgrade a house i need to upgrade a house no we need 50 all right we're gonna have to wait for that number to go up to 50. come on come on oh it's so close ready right house upgraded so now this has workers i don't know i don't know if blocks is actually a visible thing yeah i don't think it does so i can actually delete those and to be honest i might just move it outside of my walls so now we're back underweight oh yeah so in here this is this is our current landing area the blightlands starting area and the resources are just logs and featherstone so when i was looking for crystals i'm not gonna find them so maybe we should think about launching taking off and getting on christmas we're also not researching anything which is a bit silly let's research everything i don't know how many we can stack up let's just keep researching there you've got 15 bits of research now sorted i should probably start thinking about upgrading everything just so it works quicker we've got a lot of wood stacked up i probably want to mine all that before we go oh god we're on hype out we need we need more power we've got 13 power left so let's build another one down there i guess oh we're just on the weight still phew shame we can't upgrade them that would be useful where are they attacking from so this direction so i could build defenses or i could expand with a tesla i actually need some more food can i upgrade these i need a hundred oh god all right we're under attack from the raid we got nothing to help us this is all going to be me this could end in tears they're hitting off be production bad oh no we've lost one bit of food oh no i've done a bad thing i've done a bad thing there's so many of them come on take them down focus on these ones don't lose that building blog off there's only a few left there's only a few left you bastard slug all right and that's the job trying to work out what did we lose i think we lost all of our food production and our houses oh god we had some upgraded houses as well this is not good this is really not good all right let's rebuild our houses connect them up with food do we build more food or shall we just say sod it let's get out of here i think let's get out of here let's take off so we can hit this take off button boosh and then we've we've got a little timer so we can actually go around and delete everything so if we delete everything we built yeah we actually get a load of resources back you see on the bottom right we need to make sure we're on our platform though before we leave so that is the only risky business about doing this yeah let's head back let's head back so we can actually delete these from the safety of our platform all right and then we're taking off look at this this is our city going up so we leave those buildings behind that we couldn't fit on the platform now this is cool isn't it that's a really cool idea so this is our destination map so you can pick any of these to choose from if we don't like them we can fly elsewhere i'm sort of thinking maybe we go for this one it's got double the enemy which isn't great but it has two new resources capitus which is a meaty fruit and the crystal that we really want or we could play a bit safer and go to this one it's only got the starting threat is only level zero this one is level four which is pretty mental actually uh this has feather stone and crystals and we do still need featherstone or we could go to this one which has all three it's really cool so each so each of these like areas they're in different places so the desert ones have different bonuses you can see because it's a desert the potatoes they grow a third slower than usual yeah but stone production is 25 faster now whereas the blightlands the tar is 50 quicker and the featherstone is 20 slower so quite a lot too there's quite quite a lot of things to think about really cool really really cool i think we'll go to this one because it's got all three resources that we need and the starting threat level is zero so we'll land here all right here we are we've landed so this is our base one that took off previously but of course everything outside of it is completely new uh which is a little bit annoying because i'm gonna have things like the wood chopper things probably on the wrong side of the actual resources thankfully we can move everything about so we can sort everything oh yeah i'm going to leave that there for today guys hope you've enjoyed this little game very very cool little game now i say little game there's it's not little at all it's really really complex a lot to it let me know if you want for me to carry on this series uh leave a comment and like the video that lets me know that you guys are enjoying this otherwise i just hope you've enjoyed it anyway peace love and flying cities and i'll catch you next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 273,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream engines, dream engines gameplay, dream engines nomad cities gameplay, dream engines nomad cities, dream engines nomad cities release date, dream engines nomad cities ep 1, dream engines steam, base building games, base building, base, flying ship, junk lords, real civil engineer, real civil enginer, real civil inginer, rce, dream engines: nomad cities
Id: oVjeIFN0V34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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