This submarine is so fast it BREAKS REALITY!! Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to trail makers and we've had some great fun in this game setting all sorts of records but one thing that hit me the other day we've broken the land speed record the air speed the boat speed and last time we even did the slowest ever plane but i realized the other day we haven't done the fastest submarine so below water can we get a sonic boom how fast can we go so let's head into single player i think we want to go to the danger zone the danger zone because yes this has a load of c we've even started in it why is it where is it all green but to start off let's go into the build menu and i guess build a submarine now for the cockpit most people would start with a diving bell and so imt but you didn't see that one coming so first things first is i want to check what thrust options i have so in propulsion engines are going to be no good these the underwater propeller unless there's something clever we could do i don't know let's try this for now so underwater propeller right so let's plunk this somewhere sensible if we turn on aerodynamics we can see where it's poking out the front so i assume we're gonna have to go up one that's completely shielded by the front now so if we do another one next to it okay that's slightly annoying so four of these is the exact same size as the cockpit which means we're not going to be able to connect them actually if we grab that one and we rotate so the blobbers are on the outside see that i think we can use where were they these flat connectors yes we've linked the cockpit with the engine so we'll do the same on this side so flat connector go between there oh this is looking very lightweight already and the same on that side look it looks like the strongest shape as well if you sort of angle your head sideways here and we've got the opportunity to improve the front by using super aerodynamic blocks but let's just see how this works first i know we're not going to be able to steer by the way but it does move oh and it's pretty quick it's not that bad okay so in order to get like vertical movement what options do we have so i want to try a few things i know i can like sort of attach something to make like a joint in the middle so the engines pivot from the main thing lift and drag it's got to be on here oh even better there you go we've got paddles if we were to rotate that yeah like that you can see they connect on that end so we need to think of a way where we can attach that to the rest so i'm thinking if we shove a flat connector say that and another one on this side and what movement options do we have i'm thinking if we grab a hinge and put it there then we can connect that if we just use some i don't know some lightweight blocks so i've shoved some lightweight blocks there and then we've got the steering hinge i should probably make it even just in terms of balance and then i just need to configure them so that this red arrow so if i want it to move up i want the button to be s i think and then to go the other way that will be w so configure that for both of those let's see will it work oh no because i've i've configured accelerate to s and w as well whoa look at that okay so spaces to go forwards to go backwards can be i don't know e we're not going to be going backwards i hope oh look and it does it oh god oh god all right so going in this direction we can sort of go up and down it's quite hard to go up it's very easy to go down but look we are moving oh god oh god so what is our max speed at the moment it's about 72 miles an hour so as fast as you can drive on a motorway that's how fast we're going underwater which is pretty crazy can we do a dolphin jump oh perfectly that was awesome ow that wasn't awesome right that worked i do just wonder if i were to copy all of that stuff if we just go down like is it going to be more balanced now no it still very much wants to go down i thought maybe because the fin was like above the center of mass no annoyingly that sort of like that angle of fin is keeping us upright just because the weight i think but oh we can also we can we can turn oh that's cool that changes everything okay so we can actually turn with this somehow i'm guessing like when we turn our bloke in the little dome maybe leans a bit and moves the weight all right so let's see if we add some more thrust like some more underwater propellers is that going to affect our steering i assume the more weights we add the harder it will be to move up and down let's just grab that and move it to the right loads see you later mate bye all right and then we'll copy those and everything yep everything's lined up perfectly okay so we'll just do that a few times until we catch up with the front there we go perfect now we've got a bit of an underwater snake going on right we are wait holy we are moving fast so without touching anything 225 miles an hour but as you can see as i raise the flap it slows us down and it doesn't actually lift us up so flaps at the back not gonna oh well that lifts our rear end up though what if we go back whoa if we go backwards it works all right let's try that again so if we go backwards which is e then oh this okay we're in the air we are in the all right let's get some speed up 200 miles an hour now let's go up oh god we did flip man it's so sensitive let's just go up a little bit oh there's no little in this game where are we going a tiny tap of the front can you see i'm just giving it a little tap a little double oh those two straight up into the air and we're flipping like anything forwards or backwards i don't think that works so unfortunately flaps you're gone however if we were to split this in the middle let's say everything left of there that goes that way we'll come down to here we'll grab all of that all right so that's all lined up we'll copy these grid blocks about now you can see our hinges are attached to those so then if we just copy these that's all connected but we just need to move all of this so if we go like that move right right so now we've sort of split our submarine into two pieces so we got like a front end and a back end so hopefully that will let us steer a bit better i mean i know the other way to do this is add buoyancy but i feel like any weight that isn't producing thrust it's just going to slow us down we're not going to hit that speed that we need so space and then bender upwards oh god oh god whoa we're doing a water jump okay that is fantastic we are on 167 miles an hour and we can we can really steer this up and down shall we try and do a massive jump ready nose dive let's get a perfect diving entry oh look at that no splash no splash whoa triple somersault that's a lot more than triple m that is a lot more than triple so that's good however i've noticed that was like 30 or 40 mile an hour slower than we were before and i think the reason for that is the yellow aerodynamics here and in order to get rid of that we're gonna have to do a bit of jiggery pokery so if we grab all of this and move left quite a lot then we'll come into the aerodynamic blocks here because they make your vehicle wind resistant and faster and we know air like water is just a fluid so for a more aerodynamic will also be more fluid dynamic is that the word aquadynamic fluid dynamic basically we just want to use these the 4x1 wedges because they're extremely aerodynamic so you'll notice as we add these to the front you see now the arrow is super green there so if we just copy a load of these and now we have greenness so copy those underneath we're going to have to put some on the sides i think we'll rotate them so they're sort of that orientation so facing on the inside and then we'll fill the middle with blocks and i think if we go back into frame if we use these ones the grid block one by four yeah that's perfect they actually weigh the same as two normal grid blocks so all i'm saving there are the number of parts and then these flaps on the outside all right so we've got that sort of thing and to be honest now i've said about the grid blocks maybe i should delete those ones in there if i delete that can i replace them with a normal grid block so if we just plonk it over the top and then move down yes we can yep so we've just saved two more parts which means two more engines which is only going to increase our speed right that's good the other aerodynamics to fix is the front of this you can see that's not very good um but i think for now we'll just see how's that improved so what was it like 170 ish all right and now we are away oh god why are we spinning so much let's get off the floor holy crap it's like a bullet but has that made us quicker yes it has 190 miles an hour that's pretty good that all right here we go then 190 miles an hour i think that's way better so if we make the front of this aerodynamic then we can just keep adding engines that hopefully won't fly off when we hit the sound like that so you can see the front it's got loads of green arrows i don't think they're as good as those green arrows because they're a bit brighter a quick test we can do we can just go into our aerodynamic blocks and add an extremely aerodynamic block to the front yes you can see the arrow there it's brighter green it's longer and it's moving faster which i think means it's better so if we add some of those in and actually i'm thinking 0.6 times 4 is 2.4 the weight of that is 2.5 is weight or number of parts more important there might be number of parts so i might actually come back to these ones delete all of those and then shove that on top because then i've just saved four parts well i've saved three parts technically because i have still replaced it with one all right so at the front four by fours are the weight so i'm trying to think what's the best way of attaching these with the fewest parts we've got two connectors at the front there so if we rotate that one and the bottom half is all connected we've just got to connect the top half and we can do that by rotating this one and then just connecting them together using the old flat connector on the side are quite i'm a fan of these flat connectors i've never really used them until the slowest plane and now i'm using them all the time because they have no aerodynamic effect which is brilliant right so now we've got this let's see is it any quicker oh god we're going to fly come on level out level out right okay we're getting speed we're getting speed how far why are we spinning we're doing a big circle why are we spinning this is good i gotta sort of go from the side so i can see how flat we are but that is good 215 ish almost 215 miles an hour let's do a jump it's so cool looking oh god right so this is a good first design i think if we now just max out the number of engines because we're currently using 101 blocks i think we can go to 700-ish was it copy these that direction lock that back in okay that's good it's getting quite hard to see the front of the ship now copy these backwards all right there you go that's 239 parts the waiter shot up massively all right so this is what it looks like pretty good oh god the front just came off we'll get in press repair my god this could this could be good all right ready lean up that's it that's it for the speed 372 ish miles an hour holy crap that's fast as you like let's do a jump oh my god i feel like we could jump like entire countries oh we lost our back end oh my god we're going even faster what the hell 400 miles an hour hang on that can't be right so we've gone faster without the rear end and we're dragging along the bottom now all right let's get in here and just check that's not a glitch so if we were to well firstly let's let's save this the submer speed right so i am going to delete all of that rear end right so i think that's what broke off so this was doing 400 miles an hour before yeah let's have it why did it spawn so far away how fast is this 300 oh i'm wondering is there like a glitch where however many engines you have if you then knock them off the game sort of thinks you're still going at that speed like say this was like a mile long of engines and then i knocked them all off and only had two remaining does the game think you've still got all those engines attached in terms of your overall power i don't know if you do know what the hell that's all about let me know in the comments but we are gonna go back to our submar speed and uh we're gonna keep extending so let's grab all of that by front of ship it was nice knowing you can copy this way a few times all right that's the front done i've got to head to the back and i can't see it at all copy it backwards maybe once more for luck right so we're getting close to our max number of parts we're around 575 out of 700 so there's still opportunity to make this longer but let's see how fast is this oh no i'm trapped underneath i'm trapped underneath i can't get out i can't get out ow holy crap this is really long i literally can't see a thing right okay so we're facing that way we're facing away from the island so let's go and try and lean up there's not enough power in the joint i literally can't lean up at all uh 580 miles an hour though oh there we go there we go we're in the air we're in the air oh god we popped out we popped out 600 oh we lost the front big this gun the front has gone seem to max out at sort of 600-ish miles an hour so i'm gonna i'm gonna max out the parts so we've got 29 more parts to do i think we'll just add those to the end if we can get that now i don't know how many parts that is i think it's just eight is it yeah so eight every length of engine we wanna add so that's as far as we can go unless you wanna go a little bit crazy and just do like that we've literally we're literally at the limit now 699 out of 700. yeah let's have a go and see how this works so back into the vehicle hit repair just in case and then we are off i honestly don't know how to raise this thing up i'm trying my best it's very blurry as well 650 miles an hour so no nowhere near sonic boom time although i assume sonic boom underwater will need a faster speed because water's like a lot heavier than water like a lot more viscous right here we go we're in the middle of the ocean now we're no longer on the floor 675 miles an hour pull up oh god i can't even do a jump if i wanted to so 670 and a lot of death we want to get a normal sonic boom we've got to be at about 750 miles an hour under waterloo let me just do a little bit of research ah so apparently to get a sonic boom underwater was right you'd have to go a lot faster 3316 miles an hour to get an underwater sonic boom which is four and a half times faster so i don't think we're gonna achieve that today um i do want to try though if we go back into the builder what if we were to get rid of this turny bit in the middle because although we won't be able to steer i think how the game works is that it counts like this aerodynamics although it's green it counts as worse than like just these ones that have no aerodynamics because they're so they're so close there's like no gap in between them that doesn't produce any negative effect like on the speed because of the air resistance or water resistance in this case but i think that is actually negative so if we were to just delete all of that right and then try to although i'm really far out i can't really see what i'm doing connect those up all right so i've done a bit of that now we're all connected up we've actually gained some complexity so if we go to the rear of this thing let's delete those end ones and then we can just copy all of those one two three four five six oh but they're not connected balls all right let's try that again oh god what happened there there we go that's better that's better all right so there we are we're maxed out let's get back into our thing oh thankfully we spawned at the front i did not fancy that swim so let's get in here this is as long as it's ever been but we have no steering now let's see 750 i wonder oh we're gonna do it oh the game's done it underwater sonic boom holy crap that was way faster all right so let's get as big a run-up as we can so we're right by the island come on max speed we know we're gonna hit the sonic boom which isn't realistic but we'll take it it looks good it's very blue uh 870 880 890 can we at 900 come on yes 900 miles an hour underwater 903 miles an hour that is a very very fast submarine yeah and it's dead oh look at it it's beautiful and i think what happened there was that glitch again so where we sort of started in the air let's quickly go to b for build right and then when we fall i think we'll lose some at the back oh god oh god we're just left with this now right there is there is a method to this i know what i'm doing now i've got to get in this we're going to go to the edge of the map so it respawns us back at the base but at the surface level all right ready we're holding down space so now hopefully when we hit the ground the back end will sort of smash off i've already hit the sonic boom oh no okay oh look we're gonna jump we're gonna do an 850 mile an hour jump whoa oh no oh dear where are we are we underwater where are we oh dear what is going on we may have broken the game well i was trying to use a glitch and i think we achieved that oh god it's going mental it looks like if i don't use my mouse wheel it gets faster and faster right well guys that was the underwater speed test is that hypnotizing you into hitting the subscribe and like buttons maybe hopefully oh no we've spawned another one well this isn't how i expect the video to end but uh thanks for joining guys we've broken another game yet again peace love and super sonic submarines and i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 389,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, slowest takeoff speed
Id: dhq9Kv_xwqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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