Over-engineering the ULTIMATE WAR MACHINE in Instruments of Destruction!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to instruments of destruction so the dev of this got in contact with me and said do you want to check it out it's not out yet there's a demo coming around october and i think the early access release is sort of early next year but my god it's absolutely incredible okay so let's get into it so none of this stuff is set in stone yet but there's a lot of different levels so we'll just start on the easy ones libra another moment there's sort of two different ways to play each level there's normal mode which gives you some sort of objectives you've got to complete and there's just sandbox mode i will just do normal to start just just get a little taste of what this game is about right so essentially you start off with this you've got the island that we could see before you can see there's a building in front of us and then top left there's a few objectives but essentially as you probably guessed from the name of the game we've got to build something to completely annihilate this place so to start off we've got this this is just our little cab that allows us to drive now then we've got all sorts of different pieces we've got wheels we've got tracks we've got thrusters frames moving parts the fun stuff they're even more fun stuff and even rope which i'm super excited about not enough building games have rope in them yeah okay right let's get started so what do we want to start with we got to start cab i think we want to build something pretty heavy so we'll start with the frame split these are like sort of different sort of connectors so we probably want to go with the the six-way heavy just sort of like a cube i guess or even the four-way shield maybe we can put that on the back and once you attach that you can see up here there's all different ways you can rotate it so this cycle one this is which way round it's connected we probably want it like that and then the angle is good for that you can also change colors of these maybe our color scheme we want it rather than orange we want to go with red with a yellow hat yeah a nice bit of red alright that's probably long enough for the body i probably want to make it a little bit wider actually so i'll use these four-way parts to do that so you can only sort of move the camera this direction so if you want to build underneath you come up here you can just flip i hope there's no one in that because uh that's quite a vicious flip oh yeah so we can build underneath so we'll probably do that all right so we've got a fairly sturdy base now so let's think about adding some movements we can come onto the wheels and as we're trying to use four or fewer parts from the category wheel we're not gonna use actual wheels we're gonna come over here so these are treads we've got a small tread a normal tread and a giant tread so we're going giant on this so that looks pretty sweet so you can see we got the arrow there to tell us what we're going to move so one on either side this is looking pretty good already right and now for the destruction part i'm very intrigued by the wrecking ball so what i'm thinking we look at these moving parts so this one here this one so we've got okay so let's try a fast swivel i want to bung that on the top so i'm actually going to replace this piece with a six layer now you can see we've got a node on the top right so now we've got our sort of base ready i've sort of smoothed out all the sides and stuff so we've just got this node poking out the top you can see it's a node because it's like it's got a color on it and when you hover over you can see where your next part is going to go we're going to come into this one the motion we're going to use a fast swivel so the arrow tells you what direction it goes and you can change the controls we want left and right on our keyboard to spin that around you can also play about different modes you got normal you can toggle it you can have it slide up and down or just keep on normal for now alright so then on top of this we're going to use this sort of piece just called a beam i'm going to make this a gray color i like that you can like group different color combinations so if you want like a multi-tone you see our main color scheme sort of red and yellow which is this one but for this arm we're going to make it gray before we get too far i want another joint there so i think i want this one a power arm that sounds like exactly what we need we're going to set that to up and down so that will bend 90 degrees i think either direction not entirely sure let's just check yeah that bends 90 degrees awesome so on here we're gonna add our beams we don't want too many just three i think and then we're going to add a chain so yes this game has a chain which is absolutely incredible and then on the end of our chain you guessed it we're putting the wrecking ball oh baby right so we haven't quite beaten our bonus requirements we've used more than 30 parts but i think it's going to be good all right so my thinking here is we just spin this around oh god i don't think it's got enough weight all right so i'm thinking here as we drive towards the building we gotta smash through the fence but then we wind this up right wait for it ready oh not enough power it destroys the trees okay all right so i did a bit of tweaking because that was a disaster now we've got this which proper allows a bit of a boosh into the ground look at the speed we can get spinning this around all right so we're just gonna keep that going and we're gonna head towards the building and get ready for some insane physics ready oh yes oh look at it shatter and if we whip up and then down look at it destroy it is wicked i really like the like sword tilt shift graphics as well you can you can actually turn these off i saw but we are leaving them on for sure look at this all right so we've done pretty well we've got 67 you can see the the bonus objectives there are some barrels to destroy i think that's one over there in red so we'll head towards it try and flatten it ready oh okay okay we'll move we'll move forward slightly right ready boosh i love the explosions and then we've got a few more buildings down this end of the island we'll uh wind her up oh no careful kev okay i found out if you fall in the sea it's game over so you've got to be a bit careful here oh night night come on balls but on the plus side it means we get to watch it again it's ready let's wind her up oh yes and look at the building coming down oh smashing the hell out of it the one in the background's coming down oh annihilated into the sea just utter carnage all right let's let's try and get the barrow again ready oh i just missed it all right we'll smash the barrel ready boosh love it then we'll just wind this up again oh trees got destroyed all right well that was a lot of fun let's go to the next level so this time we're gonna head to orion which is a medium map so the game starts with your previous vehicle on there so we're gonna use this but we're gonna we're gonna change it up a bit so i think we're going to delete all of that carnage on top and this time we're going to try out some of these other things we've got a chainsaw and a circular saw i think we'll we'll go for the circular saws first it sort of feels like robot wars like making the most insane robots you can you might have to try a hypno disc later but let's try that so e to turn on the blades and we just drive towards these walls i don't know if the swords will do anything they're sort of grinding away they're a bit useless maybe once we're through the walls yeah it's doing some damage it is doing some damage working its way through oh look at that straight in there love it can sort of see it working its way through oh the buildings come down on top of me oh wow i'm literally moving a building on top of me there's so much carnage all right let's head over to this other building i feel like i probably should have mounted these horizontally there seems to be lots of like vertical beams all right ready the final bit it's on top of my head right that was a bit terrible i'm sort of thinking what if we get rid of these what if we rotate them that way so that's that and i sort of want to try out what is this a charge launcher we put charge launchers there and this one is a cannon right i am intrigued to see what that does right so let's try out the cannons oh not bad not bad what about the charge cannons oh oh okay so they're quite heavy but they seem to do a lot of damage so let's move in and then we'll sort of fire oh wow you can really go to town oh holy yes whoa okay so we're heading to dolph venus now so it looks like there's a bit more sort of terrain in the way there's like it's a bit of sea there's like a mountain over there we start on this hill so our current vehicle is not gonna work we literally cannot even move okay oh and if you actually look at the objectives it's not a destruction one we've got to reach the marker without destroying everything ah okay it's looking up there we've got like a little narrow path we're gonna have to build something a little bit narrow okay all right so this i've possibly made the cutest vehicle you can make in here it's just a tiny little tiny little track thing and i i gave it a giant um one of those so we'll head down here i don't really know where we're going but this thing's got some speed so through the gap it loves the drift right we gotta try and avoid ruins oops oh god come on we can fit through it we can fit through there we go there we go and then if we can fit through here without destroying yes oh no he's coming down he's coming down we destroyed it behind us let's quickly go onto the next level before it says we failed all right and now we're on to hercules it's a hard island so you'll destroy 60 of the building but it looks like there's mines everywhere and ruins to not destroy all right so let's go scout out the level so we got this bit oh then we got a bridge nice gotta love a bridge and then we got some uphill and a couple of buildings surrounded by mines and another bridge and then we got to get up here which even my little even my poor little cute guy is struggling with right okay all right so this is one of the showcase vehicles basically they're just a load of like remade vehicles by the dev already it looks really cool i think firepower might be a bit weak though we're just going to see can i actually make it up these hills it should do because it's got tracks yeah the old quad tank is nice indeed and then i assume here we can just absolutely lace the place however i think we can improve on this with the power of engineering yeah this should do nicely this should do nicely let's add a load of cannons yeah this is how you make a tank this is how you make a tank all right let's try this out now do we still have the movement i know we're gonna be a bit heavier just a little bit heavier but uh hopefully the bridge will still hold us yep looking good bridge was designed by proper engineer good work all right so we'll get up to this ledge yep we can spin this around oh yes right ready this could be a disaster [Music] oh let's destroy this one over here oh beautiful the building has come down a little hut is destroyed the recoil has sort of moved my tank off the ledge but that's fine that's fine oh no we flipped over he flipped over right let's keep shooting and get back all right ready ready yes we're back up we're back up now we've only destroyed 13 of the road there's so much carnage here i know we're tangled in the power lines oh we literally destroyed it does that count as a ruin i don't think it does wow we really made a mess oh look the bridge actually has a hole in it thankfully with our tracks we were easily able to traverse look at all the ammunition that's just lying around everywhere oh that over there that needs destroying [Music] our bollocks right back on our feet and we just got the last building to destroy which is up there trouble is now i sort of want to find out is there a limit to how many cannons we can put on a tank all right and i think we'll find out on the last level scorpius so my idea here is sort of just to stay where we are and completely lace the place all right so up here there's this mirror option and this allows you to sort of mirror everything uh very very useful if you want to start building some big mirrored vehicles ah so we've got maximum parts reached it's not unlimited dev you've got to fix that i want to stress my computer alright so this is about as big as you can get for a tank let's press fire and see how far we actually go flying [Music] all right can we do some damage from here oh right we are teetering we might have to use our tank power to move us let's just spin around this was the old gta trick well look we're flying straight into the building okay that was actually wicked i love that trying to turn now is just a track spinning on top this time we'll move first rather than trying to go over the edge we'll get to high ground nice right now building in front of me you have committed the sin of architecture so yep goodbye oh one hit kill there's another building way in the top corner i wonder if we can actually reach that from here probably not let's see nah not really okay so we've got to get closer means we've got to use a bridge i'm going to try and keep this balanced i probably need to move the old lamppost out the way okay right across the bridge which is very strong i like it and i think once again sorry building you have committed architecture oh no no i had too much power i destroyed my bridge this time we'll go across the bridge and then we'll destroy that building uh easier said than done okay this time i want to go with something a little bit more sensible i wanted to try and see if i could build some sort of artillery so we've got two options i think we've got like we can use these pivots which should give us some adjustable movement or to be honest we could just use these ones which give us like a 45 degree all right so now we got that sort of thing let's shove on the front all of our cannons so they're all sort of pointing up now look at that it looks wicked right the only trouble is if i shoot too far um well we shoot too far i cannot see where that goes at all let's just lace the entire level and we'll see if anything gets destroyed oh something did oh yeah we did a bit of damage to that building uh trouble is can't zoom out far enough to see all right so we're back in this first level we're gonna completely start over we're gonna check out another one of the showcase vehicles i think we're gonna try out the ultra magnet just because it's ultra why wouldn't you okay we got that looks pretty standard it's got four tracks a little thing on the front and then a big old arm with a chain on top okay oh i didn't mean to flip it up what what is going on down there it doesn't like that let's flip back over okay ultra magnet what do you do so we can move that forward and backwards left and right okay what does g and f do oh oh what the hell that's really cool actually so not only does the arm get longer the tracks get wider we're staying at full length right so the question is what does the magnet do oh whoa whoa so if i hold if i press e it turns the magnet on if i press it again it drops everything oh god and it's dropped a building okay so i've turned the magnet on again we can raise it up oh wow all right now we've got everything attached let's frickin launch it into this building wow it made a mess it sure did make a mess all right let's spin this around then it doesn't quite go fast enough in my opinion oh smack it oh it got destroyed i love that it's trying to pick up even more of it i've just launched that okay mag magnet's pretty fun not gonna lie i want to try playing with the rope like we saw at the start so we've got a bungee base a cable base a rope base and a wire base wow let's load my original thing and we'll we'll start with this i sort of want to like build a frame and maybe fling my vehicle is that even a thing all right so free mirror from here on what if we do that how wide do we need to go another one and then we want a bend like that one and let's flip this because it's easier to build like that so we'll go up i am very intrigued as to how this is gonna work all right so we got that there so if we then make this wider a bit worried i'm running out of parts now as well i may have to make the actual vehicle bit smaller and then can we build these to join i assume we can some games it gets a bit annoying right that's good that is excellent sweet we are nearly out of parts though there we go so we're gonna have to go and delete some of these i don't think i actually want like a big old vehicle in there so i'm gonna delete a lot of that right let's carry on building right first off let's flip that again and let's just see does it hold because i'm not convinced oh my god it does it does yes okay so i need i need a sort of pivot there so is is there i don't remember seeing a joint actually so up here we don't want that just to be a three-way thing we actually want something that can rotate swivel 90 power swivel fast i want something that can swivel like just freely just like a ball joint wait is that what we want a socket could i need two of them next to each other yeah maybe can i put a socket there and there and then put those back i don't i needed like a small oh there you go half beam right so i think that should rotate now oh yes yes okay we are guessing that this is going to be magical so what i want to do i saw down here in flight yes there is flight we got thrusters and blasters i think we're on a thruster okay so it can't go on the back but it can go on the sides instead we'll put them there yeah and strength needs to be full strength we want carnage so that's gonna spin around and then i want to replace that with something to let go i could do back-to-back magnets is that gonna work so let's play and just see what happens oh all right magnets are okay so let's let's restart and we'll turn on the magnet straight away dammit i don't know if two magnets like stick to each other maybe they would repel all right the magnets are on i don't know if they're sticking let's well no they're not sticking turn it off turn up okay what if we lose the magnet on there put a flat cover on there that might be metal does that stick no okay magnet doesn't stick to itself confirmed so we can't use it as a weapon i don't think but let's just see if this works because my original aim was to uh power this on oh crap oh no the hinge doesn't go the whole way around okay the hinge doesn't go the whole way around but i reckon we can fix that oh no we can't i think we can put two but they'll never reset will they see what we could do we could literally just put loads of sockets because that should get us a good few rotations oh it's got it's got a bit of a spring to it these sockets all right ready oh god i think we need a bit more weight to the bottom um but i quite like the idea of using boosters so unfortunately no detaching we're gonna have to go back what we had or actually let's see how the rope works first so if we quickly delete all those i just want to see what the rope does so bungee base rope base white let's let's try bungee so bungee from there to the oh we've made a bungee cord oh wow that's sick yes oh yes i love it it died oh man there is so much potential for this game i could spend like days playing this this is amazing i tell you what i want to do i've decided i have decided what i'm doing all right let's delete all of that delete the bungee rope all right so grab these we'll rotate them that way then we're going to build in this direction just temporarily and we're going to delete the cab oh we can't delete the cab how can we move the cab i want a new cab i want to replace a cab there there you go we've moved it nice all right then we delete all of this stuff down here we don't want that we don't want any of that right and then on the back of here i want a six-way right so we've got that which is pretty good i'm gonna stick that on the edge and then we're gonna get a load of thrust oh no thrusters can't go on the end bollocks okay we just delete we can delete those top ones and delete those bottom ones yeah that's all good still that is all good right so grab the thrusters they will go on there but facing that way now we have a lot of a lot of thrust trouble this is going to bloody move isn't it we might have to wait the bottom of this up i was going to come to the bungee base so that to that yes that's better than that and then we've got 20 parts where we can just make this base a lot heavier all right so we want these the ultra heavies and i think we'll just let you delete everything replace it all with ultra heavy we don't want this to move at all oh this looks bloody awesome right now we've got our 20 parts to try and add some more mass so i'm thinking if we delete that we can replace it with like a six-way heavy that sounds good then ultra heavy blocks across there all right that's the maximum parts the question is can we stretch the bungee far enough to hit the building oh we also need to turn the strength the engines up i nearly forgot that alright ready let's play engines engines oh no oh god whoa uh let's try that again ready and off sorry oh that's amazing all right one other thing if i just delete all of this which is very satisfying in its own little way what if we were to just make a rocket just like that right let's launch this oops i forgot what button it was i forgot what that's it all right and we're off see ya yeah really enjoyed this let me know if you want to see more i sort of want to go like the robot wars route sort of make some really cool a less gun sort of levels more like i quite like the wrecking ball and there's a load of other stuff that we didn't get to try out so if you want to see more of this game please boost your like button but otherwise i'll catch you guys next time peace love and bridges bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 691,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instruments of destruction, demolition video game, demolition game, destruction game, destruction physics, demolition physics, games like teardown, games like besiege, demolition bot, demolition robot, ultimate demolition machine, fun destruction, fun destruction games, demolition fun, instruments of destruction best builds, demolition vehicles, building demolition, building demolition game, instruments of destruction gameplay
Id: vUTOS2ismyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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