Engineering LASER TURRETS to defend against huge hordes!

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the year is still 21.69 despite my best efforts using stronger shaped base building principles the martian architects still attack me on a daily basis i'm worried all hopeful mars is lost that curved walls and glass floors will be the future for this planet but i must continue to fight for engineering yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to hostile mars we'll be continuing where we left off last time which is one of these why why are there three save files oh yes this is the base that you all know and love right we're in the right place let's just kill these pesky architects oh i got the shotgun equipped back to the pistol i think you guys don't deserve a shotgun but before we head back what what is this is this a new resource dolomite node let's harvest some of that we'll give it a boosh and we got the standard mars rock and as before all those rocks go straight into our ass our very very muscular ass and then we've also got a basalt node which i think just gives us basalt which again goes into our ass so we can also loot everything that's about i think these regen i feel like i've been here before maybe after every save they regen which is cool but anyway we'll slide back down to our base but first a massive thank you to apex gaming pcs for sponsoring today's video we've teamed up to bring my own custom line of pcs that i actually helped to create now won't lie these pre-built do cost more than building your own pc but it takes all the hassle out of it and you know it's been set up properly the reason i've always chosen pre-built myself so if you're thinking of joining the pc master race consider checking out my line at the link below and if you use code engineer you'll get a 5 discount thanks apex for supporting the channel but let's get back to some destruction and this is where we got to last time so we're in the recycler we can take things like the spring shove them in here and then that turns them into useful materials that we can build with and then in our tech tree we can unlock various things so i think we're gonna do some automation at the start of this so let's unlock the scrap rock harvester that's oh no that's going to take 24 red blobs you've only got 15 and the only way to get red blobs is to come into here and we've got a we got to start an enemy wave so that is started and coming from up there there are enemies so we've got to defend these we've got some laser turrets here that are pretty much useless i need to try and upgrade them uh let's use my shotgun to boosh wow that that worked pretty well yeah let's try let's wait for these guys to group up i don't want to waste my ammo nice there we go there we go get back get back architects gum and then we'll just destroy these balls around here and the wave is complete meaning we can pick up all of these resources including the red bulls that we need and then in the top left oh we've only we've only got 21. we need to we need to do more oh no i lied oh so when you click on the home base everything up here all your balls up there they go into your machine so we've actually got 36 so we can unlock that now so scrap rock harvester you are unlocked meaning if we come around to here to our craft bench we can now craft the scrap rock harvester we just need 4 iron bars and some resource oh i don't know do i know how to make an iron bar yet so over here in this machine we can turn mars rock into iron ore i wonder can i put iron ore up there no we need to try and work out how to make iron ore ah i guess it's probably the blast furnace right aha look we need the blast furnace too that allows us to make iron and magnesium bars that needs 80 red blobs oh man that is a lot because that means we need to survive more waves which probably means i'm better off investing in some defenses so let's see what a scrap launcher turret is that costs eight blobs to unlock and in order to craft that we need five scrap metals one electromagnet and one wire well we can craft an electromagnet out of four scrap metals and two wires so let's build two of those i guess and then we've got all our resources to build the scrap launcher turret so let's build two of those and then holy this is huge what is this all right let's come up here and then i want it facing out there i guess or perhaps i could do them like one there and one there so if they come into my base they're gonna get blasted in the face oh that was a rhyme oh look and we can upgrade these it's a 50 scrap metal and 50 energy thing oh can i does that mean i can upgrade these i'd love to upgrade this scrap laser turret it is pretty useless oh it doesn't have it doesn't have an upgrade button anyway we've got to add ammo i've just added 50 scrap metal pellets to each of those and i'm gonna move my turrets forward so we got those like that let's see what these do actually that's my shotgun look bottom right i've got zero ammo how do i make shotgun ammo shotgun ammo we need scrap metal pellets scrap metal oh we need weak explosive powder oh to make that we need scrap metal and magnesium or i don't think we've i don't think we've found magnesium yet have we unless if i were to process my dolomite would that make magnesium i've got to upgrade this in order to do that so i need 100 scrap metal and 100 energy cells i've got 110 scrap metal i've only got i've only got 70 energy cells so i guess what i could do we could go for a little wonder let's try and see what's about so i need i need energy cells there's some nice so we're just going to do lots of looting a little bit of shooting watch these guys break oh the recoil of their gun makes them go flying it's hilarious we can even do a little bit of booshing on these piles because that sends stuff straight into our buttocks and that gave us loads of energy cells nice and what do we have over here oh we've got a hut let's head inside this hut oh it doesn't it doesn't have a door okay that's random that is as a product of architecture that's why we're trying to banish them from mars and we're up here we've got a few more things you got some gun stuff got some poles some scrap computers oh and we've got more evidence of architecture look they've literally they've tried to do an overhanging cantilever without any engineering so the floor's all fallen through are you responsible for this it was you wasn't it it was you i mean look at it man all the exposed cables and anyway i think we got a fair amount of loot once we dig this up so we'll head back to our base and remember we got double jump we unlocked that last time so we can jump into our base nice and we finally have the resources to upgrade this the material processor so oh that is nice and upgraded now meaning we can put dolomite in and what does that give us please be magnesium yes we've got magnesium oil so it will take all 14 of those build the max amount of weak explosive powder which means we can then select the shotgun ammo and build the max amount of that so now we've got 168 shotgun shells which means we can start the next enemy wave oh it's it's wave 10. i wonder if anything interesting will happen i'm very intrigued to see how these guys are going to work as well let's just let this guy come in oh he's not coming in he's not coming in oh yes they're working they are working i haven't even shot my gun yet i didn't even need my ammo boosh get back oh no we've lost some wool we've lost some wool oh we've lost a lot of wool where did you guys come from oh wow okay i thought i thought our walls were invincible where did you come from you bully bastard all right that is the wave complete man we need to be careful i assume they attacked us from this direction somewhere we have to pay attention next time we are no longer safe though thankfully lots of red bulls and other resources for us to pick up unfortunately we must rebuild our walls so let's recycle all the resources we just got let's also unlock some ammo regen a paragon bot manual which apparently is a field manual containing information about the parts and pieces used to construct paragon bots i don't know what peregrine bot is but i think i want one oh and when we get two more red blobs we need 25 we only got 23. we can unlock a makeshift projectile turret so what i might do i might invest in like the scrap spikes the clash of clans spring traps then if i build my walls back and perhaps move one of these scrap launchers over to here then i think any enemies that come from this way i assume they came from up there i'll have to keep an eye out but that should mean hopefully our walls won't get destroyed as much maybe potentially we'll see what happens all right then i want to craft some spike traps which means i need a couple of electromagnets so we'll craft a few of those and then for the spring trap it seems we do actually need to keep the springs so i have been recycling those perhaps now is the time where we can actually build with some of our scrap okay anyway i'm going to build some spikes over here oh look they go into the ground if we do two there we'll do a couple over here as well and we'll take on the next enemy wave all right so i'm gonna try and defend from up the top just to keep these guys back a bit get back oh the shotgun is so good i love the shotgun and then oh no there's enemies they've got straight in how did you get in get back get back i think my spike traps are springing them over the top yellow they're just bouncing them up so i think the balls that hit my spike traps they literally just got flung into my base so perhaps we have to move them oh that was a fail right i'm gonna start filling my storage crate with these parts because i think we can build with them now so we don't want to scrap everything we've got anymore we'll head up here to collect all the resources of the dead rebuild our walls pick up these spike traps well actually perhaps now this is a bit of engineering perhaps this will work so if we shove four spike traps there and then we build walls around that that would allow us to build a platform up there because look in this game it's it's literally engineering like you can't just build that there there's nothing supporting it so what i'm thinking if i do that and yes i realize i've just made my first bridge in the game wow hopefully as things come in here they'll get spike trapped into the ceiling and they might like go don't know we'll have to see what happens we can now unlock the projectile turret so let's start that research i then should probably save up for the blast burners too that requires 80. but now we can make a gun turret with a tripod base a hoverbot gun scrap and some wires now i know i've got those two we just need to make a tripod base so if we head back we can actually make that here we just need a scrap bracket and a hover module so in my crate there's a bracket there's a hover module i think we're good so it will make that and then we'll go to the makeshift gun turret we'll make one of those so there it goes we have made the gun turret let's take that and let's shove that up here do you think that's gonna is that gonna move or does it only shoot forwards i don't know so i've just given it a hundred ammo let's take on the next wave i guess i'm quite intrigued to see if this works i hope so so here they come you can see they're coming from that way where do they come from over there oh they do come they come from the ramp as well interesting good to know i'm gonna muller these guys are they're all grouped together that is perfect shotgun stuff quick reload that's it that's it oh god this is quite a big wave this is quite a big wave where did you come from right is my thing working i think it's working there's death there there is death oh man there's so many i think i need to help them a little bit ah there's this is a big wave this is a really big wave it's never ending we are losing walls on this side though yes look at the spike traps love it ow i'm actually getting hurt i'm actually getting hurt get back get back all right anyone left where are you the wave hasn't finished or is it you you you architect boosh all right let's collect all the resources up lots up here nice and as you can see this turret it was actually aiming over there so this this looks directions these ones absolutely useless don't do anything but this one takes ammo these ones don't so i guess it's not all bad anyway let's build another tripod let's build another turret since we did get another gun that time and then this one i might actually shove like over here in this corner add some ammo rebuild some walls then i know i'm saving for the blast furnace but i'm i'm tempted by the electrocution trap it costs 20 red things let's give it a go let's unlock it right so to make this electrocution pole thing we need nine scrap 12 capacitors nine wires and three poles i think i've got all of those except for the scrap so let's just come over to the recycler we'll recycle some stuff that we have excess of and i feel like putting these gun parts in also gets us a good amount of scrap because each one is like 20 or so so i think we'll go up to about that point take all of those put half in this furnace and half in this furnace so that means they're both making our scrap metal at the same time and that means we can build these electrocution poles and then we can head up here and see how they work so it looks like they just use the triangle technology which is sort of it's old-school engineering that we've moved on in the modern era to the strongest shape but since we're still we're still at the start of the game of this i guess that's why it's a triangle still now what i might do i might just put this can i put this on this ramp and that one it's got an electricity symbol does that mean if i put it there oh i think it's too far away i shove it there okay that works oh it says that i've got to add ammo oh why do these take ammo everything takes ammo in this game i thought they'd just use the wireless bluetooth technology we've got going on anyway let's start the next wave my bloke is a bit shaky about that he's not sure but come on mate we got this we got this we'll do a bit of spawn killing as they come down boosh oh look at all that i guess there's quite a lot of them i might have to i'm gonna have to drop back a bit all right okay let's head back let's head back yeah we're about to be attacked from over here so boosh boosh oh the spike traps are doing the business we have my electrical ones oh yeah they're doing they're doing really well get back oh this is actually working okay i think there's these blue robots i think these are a bit stronger than usual ah we've lost a wall we've lost a wall you knob heads thankfully they're all still going the trap way they're not the most intelligent they are architects after all right and that is the wave completed we we actually did pretty well there we lost one wall piece and that's it there's so many resources to collect i think that's a gun one that i don't have space in my inventory for that will allow us to build another turret so let's just shove that into there maybe that one as well then we can go grab that gun and there was another one here yeah nice so we can actually build two more turrets this time let me just replace this wall while we're here oh i need that wall as well damn it anyway look top left we got 57 red blobs for that which means if we put them into our home base we go into the tech tree we've got 99 so i am going to unlock the blast furnace ii because that will allow us to make the bars and then we can use that to automate meanwhile we'll make two tripods use those to make two turrets we'll plonk them over here and over here add some ammo to each oh we can actually turn these scrap segments into the metal pellets and the reason we need to do that is over here these scrap launchers their ammo is the metal pellets so it will stock those back up shove a wall back there and then with twice the number of turrets hopefully we should be good all right hold hold hold fire oh god i've let them get too close i should have shot earlier no we're good we're good we're pushing them back we're pushing them back oh man there are so many there are so many there's so many resources like rolling into me it's it's beautiful all right i really need to go and check on the other side all right let's go let's go over here oh no i'm out i'm out shotgun ammo we're back to the pistol oh man this thing feels so pathetic now oh they definitely take a few hits but that is the wave completed tell you what that worked really really well so let's collect all these resources from up here oh there's so many so many i think some fell off yeah they did grab all those oh we are getting some red blobs now we got 71 that round so i'm gonna research the scrap delivery bot then i'm gonna see what i need to build a blast furnace too or does it just does it just upgrade my furnace oh it just upgrades them okay that's awesome so now i can literally just put some iron ore in there and it will get me the iron bars so insert max iron ore that's creating iron bars then we can make the scrap rock harvester which i assume we can then take this up here these are like a large mars rock node so it looks like it's got an axe on the front so if we rotate it that way put it about there why aren't you doing anything do you need to be on top of it or something oh there we go there we go okay so that is hammering away so if we interact with that i assume this will fill up with rock at some point maybe oh it just it destroyed the rock and now it's run out and i didn't even collect anything what [Music] what have i built what is this machine okay well that's digging that i'm not seeing any resources being produced so unless maybe we need the delivery box first so to build a delivery bot we need scrap metal poles and a frame scrap which we've got all of those so let's build one of those so it's an automatic delivery bot very slow and very low capacity so if i shove you there what oh my goodness it's got propellers for wheels right and now it's just now it's just there i can't even i can't even pick it up i don't how do i make them work that that's just there now okay well that was a waste of time could it be because that's destroyed the rock let's let's move this to another rock right we'll shove it there and then we'll see if that thing moves over here i'm gonna go collect it mate no no okay fair enough all right well i'm gonna research making my turrets better then we'll take on another wave these waves are getting pretty big now it's a little bit frightening oh man there's there's so many coming what are you doing let's go check on our bait our base is getting ruined ah get back get back oh man there's so many they've knocked one of my walls out in knob heads all right that's the wave complete look at all these red balls just rolling down the hill love to see it and we'll collect all the parts out here all the parts that fell off down here and then all the parts up here as well and then i'm gonna think about upgrading these things so if we interact to upgrade we need 50 scrap metals and 50 energy cells so i've got the energy cells we just need some scrap metal now thankfully i have been making that so i've got 53 here let's upgrade this one and see what happens so we can see the damage will go up the tracking will go up the range so oh look at that it's visual our guy is shaking and excitement and the next upgrades are unlocked presumably because they need to be researched and i'm gonna guess that research isn't in here so if we go back you see we're in the scrap age once we get into the iron age yeah we get all sorts we get assemblers and then we get way better turrets beam turrets tesla turrets i'm guessing do we need to unlock everything in the scrap age to get to the iron age maybe but i think that might be one for another time because i need to rebuild this i then need to try and upgrade my other turrets and stuff as well but yeah that's this is fun this is what i feel like it's quite a sort of quite a slow paced game i thought i'd be upgrading faster than this so let me know in the comments what you think perhaps this should move on to like to be like a streaming series rather than a youtube one is it a bit too slow-paced for youtube i don't know let me know but for now i'll say peace love and chonky gun turrets bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 334,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hostile mars gameplay, hostile mars walkthrough, hostile mars playthrough, lets play hostile mars, hostile mars impressions, hostile mars review, hostile mars preview, hostile mars download, hostile mars trailer, hostile mars soundtrack, hostile mars music, hostile mars guide, hostile mars tutorial, hostile mars steam, hostile mars alpha, hostile mars release
Id: DP5Z9IilF6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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