Engineering the ULTIMATE CURSED TANK in Sprocket!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to sprocket and this is a tank building game that i first saw on dre's channel and now after having a look at the trailer it's like a super customizable tank builder so let's i don't know let's go into scenarios and we'll try the top one i guess okay so we we are on a battlefield you see this is our tank it's not it's not quite built yet that's what we've got to do and over there that's our objective destroy 75 of artillery from what i've seen in the trailers you can literally just click bits oh yes the cube no one can defeat the cube so i feel like this might be a game where we find out why tanks are designed as they are so yeah we can we can drag bits and bobs about we've got all of these different sorts of things yeah why aren't tanks all at the back like it looks like a cobra but then there's also this armor tab and that looks like yeah the redder it is the thicker it is so we should probably make the front very thick 40 millimeters all round now the sides we're not gonna get flanked with the cube and the rear now the rear will be fine okay so we got a massive weak point at the back sides not great the thing is as we as we're like messing with these you can see the weight here our total mass 20 tons all right so i'm gonna guess like the heavier we are the slower we're gonna be and stuff right so that's sort of our hole done just for now just for now all right so that's the hole you can see here we've also got turret button on this one you can actually see as we as we change things you can see the speed the traverse rate i think that's how quickly we can like spin around oh look can we we can move it forwards and backwards so yeah this is like super customizable look we can even offset it we want it to poke out the side we can and you can even watch it rotate that's cool okay so that's all good next mobility so we can we can literally move these tracks like wherever we want because why is that a thing we're going to keep it somewhat sensible we can raise them up and down oh we can change diameters that's cool oh we can change the track width oh we can be a big boy look at that we should probably increase the width of our wheels as well you can actually add more wheels as well so i'm gonna do that just to sort of make sure our tracks are somewhat structural and then like there's engines we want i don't know heavy engine do we oh my god there's so much stuff in here there's torque you can change the rpm the power the fuel usage we can add vendors i don't i don't know why we can make them really thin as well we've just got sticks poking out and then the good bit firepower so you can select all different types of mantels you can shove stuff like that on if i want to go with a cannon i want to go with a big boy one i assume that's going to be the biggest is that does it say anywhere okay so shove that on there you can then change the cannon type okay dotted is good we got heat dispersal the gunner's sight can go at the front like a belly button and of course we can we can change our gun we can we can make the barrel long pick me oh we can make it shorter whoop whoop we can increase the caliber which is very exciting the shell length oh wow you can make it even longer and then finally we've got on our essentials list we need a driver's port so i'm guessing if we go into crew we can go to a viewport and then somewhere at the front shove that one like that all right now all of our essentials are done you can sort of see as well like the space that each port takes up so that's to allow like your crew inside i'm pretty sure if you were to move that it will like up at some point oh no the turret is overfilled what does that mean or is it because it's not big enough okay i think we might have to make this bigger maybe increase size or remove armor in case this turret if we make it bigger okay so yeah you can see up here that's like the internal space so at the moment we haven't got enough eternal space so if we make that bigger it goes goes orange so basically the gun doesn't work until it's that big okay so how about now design must be under 75 tons oh we're 86 tons okay where can we where can we lose some some weight i reckon we can probably although it's meant to be a cube it's probably not the most practical i think you sort of want angles to maybe like deflect shells so what if we whoa whoa what if we lose some armor pretty sure the sides can come down oh yeah that's better that's better and there we go we're it's not very conventional looking but uh the idea is obviously this is our weak spot and this this front will just it's not going to work at all is it i don't know let's just test all right we're missing we're missing a commander's copula oh god hang on we're taking it how do i go back return to design we need a commander's copula whatever that is so crew commanders oh is that so people can actually get oh my god it's huge and shove it on top maybe yeah sweet okay now we're good now we're good okay so this is our oh god we're being shot already where's that coming from oh we me oh no we're stuck in the mud it's because of my bloody front fenders can you see the like wedged in the ground oh i want to shoot this thing anyway actually i think i think we're loading i think that's what the timer is all right a few design flaws at the moment right so stupidly because i put my little viewport down here i can't really look where my gun's aiming i'm guessing we've reloaded now that number's gone to zero so what if we just shoot what happens holy okay okay okay okay we got this we got this all right so where are the fenders again they're all mobility vendors let's make them a lot more sensible like that nice and where where was that gun was it that one that's a driver's port is that the gunner's sight i want to shove it there i'm going to lift that bit up maybe that was getting stuck in the mud okay we've lost a wheel width so we're a bit narrower than the tracks that should be fine actually fine right so now can we can we climb down damn it what is going on maybe we need more power the engine we can change the cylinders should we give us more torque more more power when's that ever been a bad thing right i think if you come into basic it says here now we're slow we were underpowered before i ramped everything up and we've now got a 24 liter v6 uh so hopefully now we should have the power to actually move damn it i should have stuck to bridges i fiddled with the gears is that any better no all i can think we got to make it lighter we've got to make it lighter all right we'll sort it we don't need to move we don't need to move we'll just wait for them to come to us and look how slow your turret turns we're being shot my guys are firing back though that's good the question is where are they all right i saw someone can you see anyone they're over that hill mother i can't even see them right 25 seconds until we can shoot why did i get such a big gun all right somewhere over there ready fire all right stop this i'm making a tank that can drive back to the truth all right this looks pretty good but i think we can increase the firepower definitely so the cannon boring the thickness oh yes ready so that's the base of the gun the actual barrel wob oh look how thick it is caliber yes please all right so that's all good apart from now our internal spaces need a bit of upgrading so i'm thinking the whole should i just make it a little bit higher it's not too bad and then the turret i feel like the turret's high enough we can probably go wider though that's quite a wide boy now oh god and the weight the weight is insane how the crap do i fit this gun in maybe there's a reason why we don't have the biggest oh hello so the tank's about to give you a massive hug and it really did not take me long to mess this tank up it was the perfect thing until i started fiddling with things all right so that's the biggest caliber i can sort of fit which is pretty good 189 mil uh we can always make her longer though i don't know why he wouldn't want a thick one either our shelves are a meter long but nice we're in and presumably this can actually get off yes we're moving oh look we are like a little laser pointer as well sweet we're actually tanking around the graphics on this are really nice actually but i also put the gunner sight right on top of the barrel which does sort of block our view a bit but it's not too what what are we destroying again there's artillery over here immobilized why are we on fire what happened did our engine overheat i can see our engine is hurting is that because it's like underpowered this is so complex so mobility engine i think we just want everything as high as it will go so now it's average let's try that no engine engine is still yellow now it's red oh god and now some move lights why am i so bad at this let's just shoot and see if we leave a crater no because we don't have exhausts and vents let's shove those light they've got to help surely well you got big boy exhaust now no still yellow bollocks all right let's start again on the fields and i want to try and make the tallest narrowest tank i can because i feel like that way we can sort of dodge the shells that are coming in length can be long to try and get the uh height we're probably gonna have to go high just to get the the volume we need mobility can we make our tracks narrower oh yeah but that doesn't really help does it maybe it does if we can make our wheels thinner yes nice we are looking at streamlined now so if we improve our front armor it's really it's like a poly bridge tank it's really narrow right so the cannon will go as high a caliber as we can which isn't very high at all nice okay and then we just need a driver's port a gunner's port the gunner's sights that can go right in the middle and then the commander hole thing that can go in the top like there the driver's viewport can go in the front there we're going to make this a nice snowy camouflage i think so we just we just blend into the sky like from a distance you can't even see us unless you're from that side from the front you won't even see us coming we're gonna try and make our turret a bit narrower as well so the whip come in as much as we can alright here we go oh nice look at that bloody turret oh it's so cool yeah but we should probably try and stay now oh god there's shells flying everywhere we're doing flanks do we need to go right i think we've been flanked oh no no over there straight ahead ow wow i can see them on the hill on the hill we're gonna head straight towards him to confuse him out we've been hit we've been hit we're immobilized am i ready boosh oh a little bit higher a little bit higher direct it oh god we're we've gone down a hill oh no we don't have the power oh no our tracks have come off well so the damage in this is pretty realistic is it all right we go again all right let's do this proper tank style we like we poke up to where we will go for this one all right he's moving he's on the move ready oh i think i think we died we've been immobilized damn it right so on the horizon i can see everyone then we've got to take this dude out bollocks out there go we hit some oh defeat oh no that's never a good sign this should work this should be the best tank ever i think we just need to face this guy right over there over there a little bit higher he's a bit further than i thought ready oh a little bit higher again bloody hell now he hits us dead on okay we're dead right okay this time we're gonna head towards the hill to sort of get a bit of cover and we're gonna take that guy out ready boosh that'd look like a good shot nearly now we're getting shot who's over there i can't even see that all right sorry take out this guy oh no so short that's a big ass tank all right we hit him we hear some that's a good sign tank warfare it's generally a good thing if you hit the other tank oh god that one he's shot over our head sod off i'm trying to kill your mate oh he's a bit short that time i think this i'm gonna move oh look he blew up oh we hit him we hit this guy oh someone to my left sold it come on oh god that sounded like it deflected off my head oh look he's backing off he's scared and yes i'm aware i'm backing off but i am also scared oh i can literally hear the guy to my left oh he killed me look if we head over this way i'm pretty sure i've got like a squadron of me sized tanks helping so that one's straight ahead of me i think it's my tank but controlled by ai i put my bloody turret in our stupid place right i feel like the narrow tank wasn't the wisest i'd love to try and make the strongest shaped tank so i feel like the front is fine what can we can we move the back what if we go we're on hole we go to the rear so we'll try a low flat design i think so height we want to go way down so turret we want you to be wide if i just make the angles crazy yes like that yes we can angle it everywhere okay so where's the front angle front angle like that nice yeah that's looking that's looking pretty what i'm after i think uh now we're just gonna max out the gun i reckon i'm gonna make it really green to sort of blend in with the grass well that is actually quite well camouflaged oh but red is also cool solid we're going red i think it's a carpet you'll never see us coming all right then it's just a case of upping the caliber i don't know what our limit is 100 tons on this one okay so we can go up to a 220 mil caliber gun i think i've done it people i think we've made a strongest tank look at this thing eric can we just head over this hill assuming we have the oh how do they do that i don't think my gun can aim off or down so maybe we need a different different mount maybe it doesn't want to be down there actually hang on i don't don't even have ammo i can't even shoot my gun what's going on oh god they are peppering me oh god i reckon this is a wicked tank though look we're taking hits like no one's business oh right so for my final trick we're gonna be going with the wedge all right that looks kind of cursed it also looks kind of sci-fi all right there we go got a long barrel now as well it's so stupid oh literally i can't see a thing i might need to move the placement of my gunner's seat thing so that we don't need that we can name by eye i seem to be on wearing this bollocks i gotta head straight on to these guys there's one there's one oh no we are surrounded big time damn it all right stop this i'm just loading up the panther and we're just gonna give it a massive gun right here we go we have improved so this is a proper tank oh we've been a mobile oh no we've lost our tracks already this tank sucks mine was literally better i just want to survive long enough to shoot my gun is that too much to ask i'm going to try and hide all right 30 seconds you got to look there are so many tanks if i just keep moving we might be okay we are we've lost oh god our wheels are cocked right we are bollocks all right how do we survive how do we survive i think we just try and hide behind this hill like okay all right so basically i think i'm really good at tank designing the tanks i created were actually ingenious they all lasted longer than this legit one i'm just a terrible tank driver so i guess we'll leave that there right cheers guys peace love and cursed tanks bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 465,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coneofarc, sprocket game, sprocket tank design, sprocket tank game, sprocket gameplay, sprocket tank design game, sprocket tank design review, sprocket review, is sprocket worth it, you need to get this new tank design game! | sprocket review, sprocket, cursed by design tanks, cursed by design cone of arc, cursed by design
Id: 4eOhfr1kaYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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