Building SUPER SKETCHY planes to try and escape the planet! Trailmakers!

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hello fellow engineers i thought we'd have a little go and trail makers again it's been a while since i've played this i can't really remember how to play this i remember what happened though i was stranded in space yes we're back we've got a weird little monster truck thing oh god what's control there you go so this is like a building game like you build vehicles and stuff and basically you're all stuck on this planet and you've got to collect like well parts essentially and bring them back to like that thing the like blue light thing that's just behind me basically every like item that you bring back gives you like something else you can add to your vehicles it's like these big wheels the spoiler on the back which is definitely doing something i'm an american and i've started using the term bung yes in work conversations because of you i'm glad i'm spreading stupid words to everyone it's a good word bung in my opinion all right so can you see over there there's like a shiny yellow thing that's what i gotta bring to places is this one going on youtube probably not liar uh right oh okay where are we oh god the map's big where do we go where do we go i think we'll try and get that one so it's sort of behind me to the right it's over that way oh my god that's a big tree look how big that tree is why is my camera so close it's gonna be around here somewhere there it is all right so i've got like a magnet thing on the back so i can just press space and it shits out like a laser cannon thing and that clunk puts things in so then i've got to find so i've got to go back to there it's not the most interesting part this one it looks like just a little rounded thing come on up the hill up the hill okay nsm a rounded one by two uh right so where to next we've done this whole area the spike wood we i guess we should probably head over to this one i think i've got like a boat vehicle can you remember how you like swap cars pretty quick is it like ah oh no oh god oh i've got it top left i got all the controls top left matt what are you doing this is my weird little snake boat thing it's an amphibious so i can drive about when i'm not on the water as well it doesn't have a butt magnet though it has a front magnet and there's a oh god it's muddy here bit sideways there's a blob up here i can get oh that's a money blob not all blobs are blobs don't quote me on that i'm there i need to go like behind me well up there i'm gonna guess that's a ramp oh god i'm stuck in the mud i'm stuck in the mud i'm gonna go back to my number two because this can do mud ah don't sink don't sink oh no it's muddy it's muddy everywhere it might be dry over here here we go dry land dry land oh look up there so the red cloud that's one of the blob collectors that's currently unlocked no currently locked can you see up there there's like a fly carrying a blob so this is they don't they don't attack you but you need like a weapon to shoot it out i believe one of these i stuck a gun on top but i might have taken it off i think i took it off so i'm gonna do i'm gonna press b to build i did have a gun somewhere it's definitely not an ornament so there's the gun so i can wang a gun on here but at the moment that's the other thing in this game you can only have like a certain number of powered things so i've got engines engines i got underwater engines propellers i guess you call them oh propellers i got the magnet thing so i'm going to have to take something off so i'll probably just take off that and now i've got space for my cannon oh that's not going to shoot a lot is it matt you oh what oh god believe it or not i have played this game before all right so i need to shove my gun on there so now we should be good and then space is shoot so i can try and get lined up right fire oh i think the creature might be too big like you need a bigger gun like a cannon one later on or something oh no i did get him i got him all right so now i've sort of unlocked that but i don't have a blob collector what is what's the actual name a recovery drone anywhere nearby i think he's just got money actually not a thing yeah all right i'm going to go back oh god oh god turning circle turning circle reset i thank you i'm going to grab the part that i just knocked out of his hands this is not the best vic why am i driving a snake blob collector is better name all right we'll call it blob collector all right so it looks like there's a steep ass hill i've gotta get up so what i might do actually is drop that and swap to one of my other vehicles paddy makes better content bro paddy hasn't even got opposable thumbs that's harsh i'm glad you're enjoying the paddy videos i'm going to try and jump oh i can't jump up it's a dead end ah oh balls well that went well the perception change what it all look like find even ground to repair and am i literally stuck isn't there like a reset is there a reset backspace there we go phew all right good news is there's gonna be another way up oh bad news as well when you reset it resets where your blobs are so that blob i had has gone all the way back which isn't great where it's up there isn't so i think i'll go all the way around all right i'm going to go back and get that blob and then we will try and get up to the blob collector oh crap oh come on land it land it land it definitely landed it screw you bug oh god my car just exploded oh crap right this might not be the best vehicle for this i'm gonna swap to my monster truck i think with the butt laser it's a bit slow at swapping between forward and backwards but that's fine oh he's a bit slow in general oh well slowly but surely wins a race there doesn't seem to be much of a challenge yeah but that was a very square hole did you see that why is there such a square hole there it's like perfectly square so each blob sort of is in a different spot like there's a crapload like can you see up there there's like some in the air cause i bought those those four different vehicles i made them myself you don't just have them it would explain why they keep breaking you cheeky so gotta like make vehicles that allow you to get the different blobs once we get like to the next bit it should make a bit more sense but yeah the ones you've seen so far pretty easy but easy's good because it means i can rechat at the same time this is so slow i love all the sparks that are coming out the back as well oh god lava lava uh i wonder how you drive across lava other like lava wheels or something this is not where i wanted to go it's all break break me what is that is that the sun it's really purpley i don't know where i meant to go i could try jumping the lava but i know it's just gonna end in tears can i drive up this yeah no i thought that was going well for a sec i don't know where to go then sometimes i like to cover my whole naked body and butter lie down on the cold stone floor squirm around and pretend i'm a slug don't wheel me don't wheel right why is it so dark as well whoa we're going underwater we're an underwater snake dog dog where did the word dog come from right here we go another ramp this is what we were after before it's really dark can't we be daytime please oh what is that whoa the moon look how bright it is whoa look at my shadow it's so long oh crap two wheels there you go oh no other two wheels recover recover yes the snake vehicle lives again aha so we're here now oh no that's exactly where it was although we can't let's just go up this way this is exactly where i just was that was a waste of time ah out night oh snake yes see that's the advantage of having a snake vehicle you can span gaps whoa the mega blob look how blobby it is it's like a sun whoa the snake will not be able to move that oh look we're like looking at it with our torch oh it's a tail fin getting me ready for flight oh look i'm gonna have to jump over there i think that's how you get across right so i don't know how this is gonna work but essentially i'm gonna have to do a jump and try and glide i've got wings so let's change into i'm gonna go with the fast car see and i've got headlights on this lovely but uh i'm gonna go over that jump straight ahead but i'm gonna have to add some wings so i can glide i think i think i can add more engines which is always a good thing because in this game the more engines you add the faster you go so oh no that's not oh that's that's quite in the air matt there you go another i might actually because i'm gonna glide i'm going to even it up all right so that's good now i need some wings so i can glide yeah a small modular wing if i drag that all right so now i've got a wing i think it's pointing in the right direction i may be able to add like another one on the side is that a thing oh i don't know if that's dangerous i'm gonna try it i don't know if this is white that's quite a lot of wingage so this vehicle is going to be fighting the laws of physics we've got our wings trying to give us lift and we've got a spoiler trying to stick us to the ground i turn on aerodynamics so ideally we'd need a bit of coneage come up with all these words to like get better aerodynamics over those but i think that should be fine that's not enough wings more wings where can i put more wings as in longer surely not longer the longer the wings the better oh god okay i don't want to go longer i might add them like there somewhere because then i'm really countering the spoiler so we've essentially made a biplane glider f1 car imagine if f1 they look like that i reckon that's good i reckon that might work stop this hurts my eyes i'm glad you're all behind me on this guys the back wings don't line up yeah they do oh no they don't oh right i have a feeling i might just backflip but let's see what happens straight over that jump oh god oh god see i knew this would happen oh no we got speed we got speed ready ready no no stop all right we're going to do a shorter run-up ready ready yes glide no [Laughter] i died i actually died more wings yeah i think i'm with you guys you asked for this people you asked for this all right we're coming to the edge of the map so i'm going to go back over that and i thought you were an engineer that's f that just looks like a proper glider gliders have really long wings that should be good make your vehicle longer that sounds like a lot of effort when i could just do this i reckon this will work trust me oh no we don't have the power oh god what's going on what's going on we're oh we're stuck on a rock right might be a bit too wide they're they're quite sturdy those wings aren't they they're literally holding up the entire vehicle right i'm gonna get back to the build i'm gonna slightly shrink those all right there we go there we go we are sort of okay power power yes pull up oh right i reckon the wings are too long hey we're flying backwards oh god we're literally flying backwards oh right someone made me put too many wings on wasn't my idea all right ready slowly accelerate oh no you're no good we've drifted oh crap fine we're gonna have to make it longer i don't want to do this oh the snake dog i could have yeah i could have done the snake dog then we could fly around corners in the air right i think that might be better it looks a bit more even but we shall see i love that the guy's head like tilts forward every time i press accelerate well in reverse right come on the sun's rising we spent all night on this power why are we taking off no oh oh dear right go go go come on yes no we backflipped we backflipped everyone's saying put a jet engine yeah unfortunately i don't have a jet engine i wish i could see like my center of mass that would be useful but we'll trial and error it anyway oh we're going fast come on i'm literally thinking just get rid of the ones at the back to be fair to me it wasn't my idea to do by wing sort of thing it might be a bit too far forward but solid oh vertical fin i do have a one of those did i unlock it i think i did we did backflip straight away should i try and move the wings to the middle we'll go sort of there whoosh come on oh that was looking so good right rather move the wings i could just move some weight to the front so let's sort of move these engines okay okay we're getting there we're getting there power yes yes yes don't die don't die oh shut up all right we're doing that again ready fly oh that's a good jump yes yes yes we did it we're now like across i'm promoting christianity for some reason i'm literally not doing anything what what are you doing me i'm quite intrigued to see how long this is going to last but i don't want to fall off oh there's a ramp down there straight ahead no there isn't it's just a cliff it's a cliff so we'll try going back this way that might have been all for nothing there's could be nothing up here that would be a shame oh really we've got another jump we've got another jump you know what that means come on yes oh beautiful beauty foul all right what is at the end of this then hey another one the blob collector and a big blob it's a power core so that lets you add more engines and good stuff like stuff that uses power oh yeah and the the whole sort of thing in this game is to collect all the power cores and other bits and bobs so you can make a spacecraft and escape the planet because we're stranded here oh tank cannon ah crap no what's going on what's going on no no no no no no no no please i don't know what happened there no it doesn't like being picked up because this magnet's a bit higher it might be able to grab it yes no rc can you send me your steam login so i can play games out and spend money no in a word we're like a ant with a big butt oh no like spider like if spiders had wheels and only four legs this is what would look like uh this is going to take a while so i've got a tank cannon so i think i can knock those like flying creatures up here a bit easier now uh right so no other things around here and down there is a lava we might be able to fly over the lava now i reckon oh look you can see the name of this vehicle and it's from the stream last time chat doubted me again so no lava area is over there should i just go for it let's just go have a little look just see what we want to aim for oh we only need to get down there i could probably jump that without the wings but i think i'll just die send it everyone wants me oh look there's a cave though do i check the cave first cave or jump cave or jump so we're going in the caves oh god it's really dark ooh it's grassy oh upper level we oh there's trees and stuff is there a blob collector nearby that's what i want to know oh like a big one right this is the perfect opportunity to test out my tank cannon so if i swap to the snake dog that's not the snake dog weapon there nice okay right let's line this gun up like that boosh blimey oh crap it's not even noticed hey what mother it didn't do any damage or have they got health come on snake dog boosh boosh am i really gonna have to build something to make it shoot higher no i got scared can i really be asked with this i might sort of snake my way to him where there you go this is a bit uphill ready oh no isn't it not at all i can get behind him and then i'm shooting downhill that's using your noggin die die oh he's going back to the start all right i'm just going to try it one more time because i was excited for my tank cannon and it's crap that's not fair i'm gonna i'm gonna raise it up i wanna be guaranteed of a hit raise that up you raise me up oh the cannon doesn't have a use in the campaign oh until now boosh boosh fish fish boosh boosh i reckon you can't shoot them right so i've basically just got a cane it and try and catch him so power i'm gonna go slightly left oh mother that was brutal where do babies come from uh babies how far along do you know already do i need to start early in the story like birds and the bees when a man loves a woman nah no no no no no no no no he's gone somewhere else now they're cheeky bastard all right i know he's going to trick me but sod it die oh so close come on night oh god speed oh i dropped all the money oh that's now i've got all the money oh grand fair play that was worth doing then so i think you can buy good stuff for the grant there's a smoke thing oh my god we've got to get the plane out sorry lads i want to explore this place but there's just no time power yes oh no oh no pull back spammer i repaired but it didn't repair balls oh do i have a new i might have an extra engine now yes i do have an extra engine that could help oh careful wings careful wings believe oh no that was way worse oh god oh god no it's sinking oh god it's it's gone it's gone backspin our backspace thank you thank you chat we're back up here oh we're very precariously spawned there cheers game okay literally stuck snake dog dragon yes always rely on snake dog well there's one up oh mind the tree map why in the tree uh this is really really hard to stare it's very ass heavy at the moment i literally feel like an ant like in a little ant hill right so there's another ball over here i think these might all be balls so i might be able to knock them all off and they just route route roll down there themselves ready give it a little nudge and that should find its own way go cartwheel ah go cartwheel nice i think there's another one up here yep and it's spherical which is good to know oh it's a bit precariously it's a bit on the edge what the hell is that whoa the sky city it's eclipsing the moon what i literally didn't touch that but that's an even quicker way down that's all right i guess i don't like how quick the moon is it's scary all right we will glide down if i can dodge the trees i'm actually doing full speed it might not look like it oh god the wheels are saving me though ah spoke too soon we've got it we've got it we've got it i'm gonna have to glide safety first can't go wrong with a bit of safety glide [Music] oh we're drifting we're drifting oh apparently that's surviving wow that's so that was so violent all right so we got the big one the go-kart wheel that could be fun not sure what the advantage would be maybe quicker we got a cylinder oh cylinder and a metal crate just what not this again we had like a concrete barrier dispenser last time it's the most pointless thing i've ever seen until this all right so i kind of want to see what that does so let's go in the build mode let's swap my ass magnet for an ass metal crate dispenser of course now we're going to out metal crates just what you want why wouldn't you want that ready wow that went really really far okay that's quite fun can i make a metal crate road i'm thinking maybe i could save myself from the lava boosh what happens when it touches the lava oh it if i do this long enough okay it is actually shooting me forward but i could cover the lava oh no there's a limit there's a limit anyway we are back here so shall we try and land oh i'm never gonna make that that's really far and maybe i could shoot metal crates behind me as well do they actually give momentum ready oh no it doesn't launch me i thought it might launch me oh downward firing yes now we're talking okay so technically we might be able to play oh it doesn't work i wonder if once i do a jump it will don't really have the speeds to jump but power come on yeah no didn't work will you be my uncle not sure that's how it works all right we are gliding we are gliding people ready i need everyone to believe just believe believe too much belief unbelief someone unbelievable oh god oh look we don't die instantly our tire melted whoa that's quite cool we've uh we've gone religious again i want to stop falling off okay so ah and then one snake dog to the rescue i freaking love this thing right so i went slightly too fast so what if i start about here i need to aim left a bit more right everyone believe but not as much as last time yes yes yes perfect amount of belief ah bollocks right please do the same amount of belief but slight one person don't believe please and then we should be able to make the turn ready oh yes that's good lovely beautiful never in doubt not even in the slightest right we're gonna stay as the glider for some reason so much lava about quite a big turning circle that mind your wing tips matt yes the blob collector is mine believe it or not i'm gonna switch vehicles so i can get up that hill the trusty monster truck thing this looks like a rc car used to have i like could drive upside down did anyone have that does anyone know what i'm on about probably not i don't know why i've chosen to go this way but we are thin line oh it's quite a long way back oh hover block yes that's just what i need oh god this does not handle well back end oh god oh it's a bit sketch but it might be okay right we're reversing out of this all right i think we're good i think we're good i saved it i saved it was never in doubt to be fair boy looks thank god that's not round i am very happy that that is square no no no where's it going mental i think the physics was having a funny five minutes then right come on we got this we got this we got this this should not be this difficult so now we can fly wherever we want to i don't think it works like that we should be able to go over the lava bay i reckon if i get enough speed my tires will pop but then i'll carry on hovering i don't know why this would ever be useful but oh wait my tyres oh no there you go again my tires are cocked but i'm still going no i'm not because i'm not a motorbike ignore that oh no don't start me here you stupid game quick ah okay fair enough i need like propellers or jets or something right any other blocks about that aren't in the lava ready we're going straight off with it i'm going to use it to break my fool oh sweet that worked quite well attached nice oh no it's going mental again it's got weird physics i think because the wheels getting involved crap oh bollocks see ya i think it's because the block was going through my wheel oh large cannon i don't want cannons they're pointless that is a hell of a jump i think i've got zero percent oh screwy bug oh no i hit it i did actually hit it oh death nothing but death okay okay i reckon i reckon then we can just drive off this with a monster truck grab the blobbage try and of style swap to the plane why not just to do this jump oh god nice and then we might be able to get up to the blob collector by going this way nice and we can even take this one to it i think another power core always good you're really good at this thanks no sarcasm intended i'm sure all right what is this suspension finally we might be able to land some of our jumps now where did you get your degree uh ebay mate two for a fiver do you reckon we can make the c or the river whatever that is i'm going to say yes oh no it was not no no no oh we're going we did a 180 suspension didn't help i could hit the water if i go that way though come on keep it flat keep it flat come on come on land yes suspension the power of engineering just ignore that i have a plane underwater but yeah cheers guys i'm gonna leave that there but i hope you enjoyed uh that was trail makers let me know if you want me to play this game again yeah i'm kind of keen to like finish this campaign it's quite fun but yeah bye guys have a good evening day afternoon morning whatever it is peace love and bridges bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 413,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers alpha, trailmakers campaign, scrap mechanic, trailmakers stranded in space, vehicle building, trailmakers game, trail makers, trailmakers 1.0, terra tech, rce, real civil engineer, trailmakers real engineer, real civil engineer trailmakers, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers fails
Id: wLnspzUHueg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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