Professional Engineer plays Minecraft FOR THE FIRST TIME!!

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32 years ago i was born at around the age of five i saw my first ever game boy and my mind was blown a year or two later i got my hands on the n64 and played my first ever 3d game in fact the first ever 3d game super mario 64. ever since then i've considered myself a hardcore gamer i love games any type of games i'll play them however one game has always eluded me and that is minecraft yes we're finally in minecraft i'm 32 and i've never played the most popular game ever created and to be honest we nearly didn't get this far i tried to buy the game and bloody hell that was confusing what's all these different versions java bedrock windows and then once i thought i'd install the game i got this bloody error before finally i got to select my name and my name's taken hmm how about real civil engineer not available fine i'll add a 69 because i'm cool like that nope too long has to be 16 characters or less fine architect suckers nope it's offensive okay rce underscore official oops we could not fetch please try again later this is meant to be the most popular game in the world why why am i having this much difficulty i'm a professional engineer anyway with a bit of help from my discord server we are in now and i'm ready to tackle minecraft oh this is gonna be so painful for a lot of you i can tell all right we're gonna create a new world so the new world will be called engiotopia of course we're gonna be playing survival i assume that's normal everything else yep all good i don't understand yep a lot of buttons so i'm just gonna leave everything standard and play the game as intended let's create our world oh look at it go look at it go what is that it's a load of squares oh look we're in i'm minecrafting move jump oh wow this actually looks a lot better than i was expecting gravity feels a bit heavy though i'm a bit like all right mr tutorial thing in the top corner where have you gone i've i've wasted and i've jumped now what do i do what are they they like flat-faced cows do i get hurt if i drop ow yes i lost some heartage but it seems to come back up oh destroy the tree uh which tree the one i'm stood on right let me just do a let me do a 360. [Music] nice oh new recipes unlocked check your recipe book okay dokali is that e hey hang on i'm being attacked by a sheep they're not flat-faced cows they're sheep can i ride you what is that face what is that is this what minecraft is okay okay we can't ride sheep so i'm going to press e oh look i've got to change that someone actually made me a custom skin i need to work out how to get that in the game at the moment i feel like i'm looking a little bit female nothing wrong with that of course it just doesn't seem to suit my voice anyway we're gonna look down to here i think this is the recipe book and we're gonna search i don't know what do you want a sword sword nothing okay never mind so i guess i'm going to put axe so i can destroy a tree uh nope completely empty showing craftable maybe that isn't the book i'm after anyway let's destroy this tree without an axe do i just punch it oh look am i doing anything oh what the i thought that was resting on my head then oh we've unlocked some new recipes i think because we picked up wood okay let's let's have a look then let's have a look oh look we can make oak planks and oak wood we can make wood out of wood cool uh do i just keep destroying more trees this is cool you can just destroy upwards without the consequences of physics or gravity and i don't know if you noticed there i was actually bashing that with wood so i can now use my wood to create wood and this is a different type of wood so it looks it looks like a bit birchie or something but now i've got two woods so now i can make oak planks can i am i making them am i making them do i need to like drag them hang on hang on birch log birch planks i don't want them have i made them oh yeah i got a stack of eight oh okay so now i've made some planks now we've got more stuff we can make a stick or a table button oh god okay oh look this tree has spontaneously combusted oh i can kill grass as well okay can i like hit the wall does that do anything oh it takes so long come on birchwood block hmm about this one right so if i make a crafting table maybe i'll then be able to craft something good i'm i guess i probably need to make a base somewhere do i is down here like a good idea by a bit of water do i need to drink at some point oh look okay so i've crafted the table now i can make loads of stuff i can make a boat to go in that lake ah so i think i need five yeah so so i've got more woods now so now i can make a boat and do i just deploy it like with right click yes now i've got a bite i'm in a bite i'm on a boat i'm on a boat cool well i feel like i've achieved already today a bit concerned i got like a food bar down there so i assume i've got it at some point oh god that's deep i assume at some point i've gotta find some food to eat to try and survive oh is this a cave oh it's a cave it is dark down there i'm gonna go back to my crafting table and just see if i can make any good stuff so i'm sort of thinking i need an axe or some torches maybe i could deforest somewhere else first maybe we need a bit more wood if we go muller these trees up there it's very blocky this minecraft i feel like n64 actually looked a bit better it had more curves now people speed run minecraft don't they that dream dude there must be like an end game to it i'm surprised the game really doesn't tell you like anything to do so yeah yeah you'll figure it out i'll be fine no oh no where's the sun oh god the sun's setting am i gonna get attacked at night that's usually what happens in these games right right back to here we can make a trap door maybe that would save me i'm a bit worried i'm gonna get mulled come night time like why can you place some different places do they like oh look look did you see that that's a stick because i've made a stick what if i do that sheep i'm trying to make wood i'm trying to make wood oh god oh god it's re it's really dark now uh game what is that you're right me wait oh hang on hang on he doesn't sound happy what was that he showed me the crossbow am i just gonna slap him i'm gonna hit you with an oak plank get back i'm warning you i am warning you now get back get down the hole see ya there's another one i don't i don't like this this is scary those guys have crossbows these are just like zombies there's another crossbow one bloody out right now these are you guys gonna save me all right i killed a lamb i killed a lamb i'm a bad person but i could see my hunger disappearing oh god ah zombies what is that how it's an arrow it's an arrow now i mean shot up right can i just eat mutton i can it regain food but no health how the do i get health what the hell is that thing now what the hell is that it looks like a knob why does it look like a knob now i got a half a help i died this game's hard it literally tells you nothing all right so we're gonna start again the sun is rising it's a new day well there's so many animals there's like a little chickeny thing ah look at all these horses i've got a horse i just right-clicked a horse wait let me ride you stop kicking me off i think he's trying to kick me off i'm gonna tame this wild beast or do i need like a saddle or something i'm gonna guess i need a saddle can i ride you no you're just looking at me like you are quackers mate oh these are actually cows and there's a baby cow a calf you shouldn't go no calves actually because the adult cows get mad at you are you mad at me can't seem to ride cows either right i feel like this could be quite a nice area because i feel like the zombies might get distracted by those guys literally no trees about we have to wander over to these trees but i know what i'm doing now just punch trees get wood makes perfect sense man look how many flowers there are this place is pretty there's a big all right mate the wildlife here is insane look there's like bees and stuff there's a bee there is that a beehive i'm not gonna i'm not gonna hit that i don't i feel bad like destroying the trees here now maybe i'll destroy these lesser ones like on the edge excuse me piggy oh look we've got another little lake and it's got like a little water cave thing this is cool oh god i'm sinking i'm sinking swim for the surface oh man imagine if i drowned imagine if i drowned right okay i'm gonna i'm gonna climb this mountain and i think we're gonna bung our base up here i sort of i can imagine me building like a big overhanging cliff resort with cantilevered beams and all sorts so i definitely don't want a tree up here get away tree all right so first off i'm gonna build oops not that how do i oh do i really have to oh god damn i just planted a tree trunk all right so we're going to go into here we're going to build some oak oh we can literally build oakwood oh that's no glog okay so i've built an oak wood and some planks okie dokie i understand that all right more planks let's build a crafting table and i guess we want to build a bit of everything maybe not buttons and pressure plates that seems a bit complex for now we'll build a stick ah stick stick got us some new stuff i think yeah so if we bung our crafting table down i don't see why that's not a good place oh my goodness i've unlocked stuff okay so first things first probably protection so i want a sword oh it's because i got the stick so a stick on top of some planks makes a sword right so a shovel one blob on top of two sticks yeah makes sense uh wooden axe definitely so i can chop trees down quicker and a wooden pickaxe so i can mine now we are ready to crack on with it i think so i assume we want to find some sort of gray like stony stuff so what if we give this a bit of a dig we've advanced to the stone age so this is like stone i guess can i build like a hole all the way through because this wasn't too thick was it oh daylight nice okay so now we can just go back up to our crafting table thing and now we can use stone oh we can make stone stuff now anything else oh what's with this oh we can make walls die on a furnace right furnace that's got to be top of the list yes i'm i'm liking this game i am really liking this now right i'm starting to see why people play minecraft now quite addictive in it i'm already like i want to build everything right so there's my furnace so i can now click on that and i assume i can make more stuff so yeah charcoal i can bung wood up the top do i need to put wood underneath yeah okay so i'm fueling the fire and i'm gonna make some charcoal okay charcoal i can also make stone out of the cobblestone that i have i assume so we may as well do that see if that unlocks anything yes it does all right we'll get back in here oh we can make stone stuff just for a bit of protection as it is now night time okay this is far too exciting oh my goodness there's a moon the moon can we get to the moon oh look the sun testing that side that's pretty cool actually all right so health and food i assume now i can go and kill an animal tea and then cook it in the old furnace who's this oh no ow he's got a crossbow piss off me this is my mountain see ya out freaking out all right so i might have to head down and get some food because the health situation isn't great what do we fancy a bit of bacon some sausages sorry piggy it's the greater good oh there you go i got some more recipes now i i'm sorry mate i do feel really bad you're actually quite cute oh freak me it's like a spider get back all right i'm now a monster hunter the game has recognized my monster killing potential and has labeled me a monster hunter i am getting the hell out of here back up to safety what i hope is safety i don't i don't really know let's cook some food so furnace we can make some cooked pork chops oh lovely i actually haven't eaten pork chop in literal years i can't remember the last time i had pork chop all right it's got pork chop we'll have a little munch on that oh and here you go my health's recovering it's just going up did it go up by two no i think i think it's still going up i got loads of flowers i don't know if i really want these we've got some string oh bollocks piss off mate do you have to mate i'm trying to i'm trying to do some stuff here you can't get close to me and he's dead all right so now i'm thinking i want to build my awesome cliff side man does the sun always rise in the same direction because if it does then i sort of want to build it off this side that's what i might do i might start leveling this i assume dirt it's quicker to use this shovel and then when i get to like rock and stuff i'm probably gonna have to swap to like a stone to the older pickaxe so i'm out of shovel now if i use a pickaxe that's no good for that yeah i definitely feel much safer up here i wonder how does can i just place that dirt down all right so i've got loads of dirt here so i can place it like that can i oh my gosh i can build with dirt oh okay here we are then i thought i'd have to do like some crazy construction stuff i want to build on the edge but i'm scared of falling off oh there you go i can't yes that's close all right that's good though so i can i can build a little overhang mansion plaza already look that that guy's on fire over there i'm quite concerned if i fall off i'm dead oh god thankfully there is river below me so this might be a good like edge for it so maybe this back wall i actually want to make it a wall and that's basically saying to me matt don't fall off that edge but this edge is fine oh oh god how do i swim up how do i swim up oh space space oh god oh no look there's zombies over there are they mummies whatever they are oh god oh no they're like they're like pirates of the caribbean ones they can just walk underwater oh look let's see if we can get a bit of this black stuff that's new yes is this coal this could be coal i need to keep an eye on that zombie oh what happened there i like fell down all right i'm in a current help i'm being pushed into the wall come on swim faster oh man that's proper like gushing down there there's a cave i really want to see what's down then but it's pretty scary it's like a water slide i'm i'm gonna build a water slide through this mountain as long as my pickaxe doesn't run out no i know the water's stopped can i go down one oh no the water does just stop no that's weird all right let's grab some coal while we're here all right and we're out we've got some more coal and stuff up there ow now they can swim with bollocks run away oh this game is really scary for a game aimed at kids i'm surprised how difficult it is that was nearly death that was nearly death let's get out of here oh there's loads of coal and is this a different rock it's like a light one yeah it is oh and maybe is this a different one as well yes so without getting me yep new recipes we've got this like this weird colored one it's like there's strawberries in the rook oh it's a bit of a beast to destroy oh nothing came out of that one i wonder if it's like quite a lot of these games where you need like a specific like material pickaxe to be able to do it otherwise you don't get the material you probably need like a stone one or something we can probably build a stone one actually we get back up to our thing here can we now build a stone pickaxe yes we can we just need some sticks i think if we build a stick or two we can build a stone pickaxe to replace our wooden one advancement made getting an upgrade nice oh look we can make smooth stone now i'm gonna shove my wooden pickaxe in there just as the fuel i'm also gonna make a door so i just need a bit more oak for that so we've got a door maybe i could do with making can i make a campfire what do i need so oak logs what was it rope okay so i can make a campfire as well um i'm also thinking maybe i should make a bed i swear i saw bed was a thing somewhere right okay so we're gonna head over to our bit of safety so that's our staircase up so if i grab my door and shove it there and then this might be secure i know i think they probably can drop in on top of me but uh if i want a campfire down maybe on that brown spot nice oh god there's embers coming out of it so i don't know if the campfire does anything proper spraying some heat about yeah but yeah the sun is setting but yeah if you guys are enjoying minecraft and you want to see more of my journey probably not this is probably like the most cringey thing you've ever watched a blip isn't and you are enjoying it uh please be sure to boost your like button and let me know in the comments any suggestions any tips but i feel like i'm somewhat secure now i just need to work out how to build a bed and then i can start like actually making this a bit more habitable because i'm not entirely sure what keeps the monsters out at the moment i should probably shut the door shut see i would have thought they can just all over the top but you never know maybe not i could also put a roof on this thing hello i wanna i wanna make it like out of wood and stuff and make it bit a bit nicer looking a bit more like a tree house oh god there's a big old spider down there and i think i'm doing okay i think i've survived a little bit of minecraft i'm going to eat a pork chop and watch the sunset but yeah we're going to leave that there for today guys let me know if you want to see more boosh the old like button uh peace love and i can't believe this minecraft i've actually played minecraft yeah i'll catch you guys next time i cannot wait to build like a bridge or something awesome in this game yeah see you guys bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 2,059,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professionals play games, experts play, minecraft, funny, moments, first time, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, game, lets play, pc, pc game, minecraft funny, minecraft part 1, new series, never played before, minecraft new, minecraft survival, minecraft house, minecraft lets play, gameplay, diamonds, gaming, survival, real civil engineer, mine craft real engineer, real civil engineer minecraft, first time minecraft, mine craft, minecraft first time 2021
Id: fF66nafj2Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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