Ended mother's in law career after she ruined our lives

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[Music] ended mothers-in-law career after she ruined our lives context I posted a bit about my fiance's adoptive mother Susan in the last couple weeks mostly on just normal where I might cross post distal ater but for anyone unfamiliar with Susan she was my lecturer when I was at University Susan hated that I was dating her adopted son biological nephew since she found out about us when we first told her we were dating she tried to kill me via allergy another story for another day and after she found out I was pregnant she stalked us impersonated me and broke into our flat and that's just the tip of the iceberg she made the lives hell to the extent where we no longer felt safe in our own home and my fiance and I had to move across the country to escape her we've been living in our new place for a little under a week the baby is due in a couple of months and everything is mostly ready with the activated our social media created new emails and changed our numbers only a few friends and relatives from the town she lives in which we left have our new numbers we had to leave our entire lives and everyone we knew and loved behind while I was seven months pregnant because we couldn't trust her around our baby revenge on Monday an email was sent from the Dean to Susan's graduating students saying Susan was being considered for a promotion from lecturer to head of department and they wanted to hear from her students first the aim of this was to receive glowing recommendations to give to the board this was not the result as I changed my nao I hadn't seen this one of my friends who had my new number and was on the course with me did see the email and on Tuesday he gave my new number to the Dean saying that he would only give her the number in person on paper and only if she agreed to ring when she was alone and throw out the paper and erase it from the logs after if she was calling from a university phone then the number would go on the cool logs that were accessible by all members of staff but he assured her that this was something she'd want to hear before promoting Susan so I got this call from the Dean on Tuesday she told me what was going on my friend hadn't had time to get in touch before she rang and she asked me why my friend thought I should speak to her I told her everything I started two years ago when I met Susan's son the man who would become my fiancee in the father of my child I told her about Susan poisoning me virology after finding out about me and her son and the EP pen incidents I told her about the outside of class harassment I received post pregnancy announcements impersonating me crash in GP appointments breaking in ect I told her about the in-class harassment telling me to break up with my fiancee stopping lectures until I left throwing out my food and drink trying to Rochelle Exum's and more I told her about the last time I saw Susan in person when she tried to age me while I was seven months pregnant with her grandchild I told her about having to move away I was careful not to give a location or distance and filing a restraining order to escape Susan I thought the unis were made aware of the robot apparently not fiance then arrived home from work and when I told him what was happening he was all too eager to chime in with stuff I forgot copying keys punching the landlord canceling orders going through our things he also told the Dean about the abuse he got from her growing up we also gave the Dean the names of people willing to support our story as well as some dates times and locations of on-campus incidents I'd made a note of a few of them so she could pull CCTV from the campus security recordings fiance also told her the story of one of his cousins Susan's Bo kid who got close with a guy on Susan's course but the guy was told to break up with her by Susan with a thinly veiled threat against his academic career we also told the Dean about Susan telling me to break up with my fiance and vice-versa so she could better maintain professionalism the Dean was horrified she had me and my fiance record a video where we said everything all over again from the top we made sure the video had nothing to identify a location and we were assured Susan would never see it we also sent her all the proof we had alongside it this was all forwarded to the board on Wednesday and Thursday she asked my friend for the number again and just called me for the second time telling me that the board unanimously agreed this was grounds for Susan's dismissal they said that while the outside of uni events weren't really their business they go towards her character and the fact that is department head she would represent the department whether she was on the clock or not they said even without this the events that happened inside of uni alone stopping lectures telling me to dump my fiancee telling that other guy to leave her daughter alone throwing out my staff seeking special treatment on grounds of nepotism were all abuses of power and enough to justify Susan's dismissal they asked me why I hadn't filed charges and I said all I'd gain from filing charges is Susan staying away from me and the RO and moving away has the same effect plus as its exome season my tutor work is really taking off and I don't have the time to go through a whole court case and I'll have even less time once the baby arrives the baby is due in about eight weeks and susan has already caused me enough stress tomorrow in the meeting where Susan is fully expecting to be told she got her promotion the Dean is now going to give her a week to hand in her resignation if she refuses she will be fired if she does not hand in her resignation she will be fired she will not be getting a reference the only reason she is being given the option to resign is that she has worked at this University for nearly a decade but if she so much as raises her voice in the meeting tomorrow she will be fired security will be present for the meeting in case she tries anything meanwhile the friends we left behind aren't hesitating to tell anyone who will listen all about what Susan did during the course of mine and my fiance's relationship there's not a single cell left in that town who trusts her or will take her side if she tries to fight back not even her husband who told us that now their kids are over 18 he we'll be initiating divorce proceedings I don't feel even a little bit bad I know there's a chance I went too far but I didn't lie or embellish anything I just gave the Dean the facts as they are everything is 100% true and while it was me who told the Dean I see this as Susan's actions having consequences susan has more than enough money to pay for herself for the foreseeable future she owns her home her husband's name is not on the deed and she bought it before they got married so she will get the house in the divorces it's not technically a shared asset or one acquired during their marriage she will have a roof over her head and money in her bank account and if she wanted to she could get another job just probably not one as a lecturer facts what is Susan and fiance's relationship exactly biologically there aren't a nephew fiance's parents were in and out of his life a lot growing up and when they were out of his life they'd leave him at Susan's place and when he was 14 they left for good at which point Susan said she'd adopted him fiance has never seen proof of this but she refers to herself as his mother and to him as her son what is the e P pen poisoning accident I'm severely allergic to pepper corn as in salt and pepper and shortly after Susan found out we were dating and asked us to break up she then invited us to dinner to apologize I offered to cook as I had my pepper allergy to work around and she insisted on cooking fiance also reminded her of the pepper allergy as did his uncle her husband she cooked pepper crusted turkey Susan insisted it was a palette issue and I needed to stop being fussy I didn't eat it but due to my proximity to a giant lump of cracked and cooked pepper combined with the severity of my allergy I was sat at the table with a turkey right in front of me I wound up inhaling enough that I began to violently coffin felt like they did fiancee when to get me water while I went for my EP pen I couldn't open it and Susan took it off me I pointed to where she should administer it and instead of doing that she asked me if I was sure about not breaking up with fiance uncle arrived saw what was happening called fiance into the room and between them they got my EP pen administered it and drove me to her and II to this day Susan insists that no one is allergic to pepper I'm just fussy and even though I should have pressed charges at the time not only was she still my lecturer but law enforcement says that being stupid isn't a crime what the hell is going on with the faculty at my uni there are visiting part-time lecturers referred to as junior lecturers then there's full-time lecturers who are referred to as senior lecturers then there's the head of department this is not a rotating position each position comes with a pay bump and the head of department runs the compulsory module each year the head of department once appointed is the head of department until they resign are fired or retire why was the Dean so transparent from what the Dean told us it's a health and safety issue as well as a legal one susan has proved to us that she's a threat to our safety in welding we proved that to the Dean with testimony and evidence and now if the Dean gets rid of Susan Susan could go after us the Dean needs to keep us in the loop in case this happens so the Uni isn't liable in case Susan comes after us how was this all done so quickly I think they wanted it sorted quickly and quietly they need to announce the new head of department soon and they had a few options but Susan was the front runner the ml I didn't see sounds like it extended to all candidates so if former students had any thoughts on the other two options they were free to wear mad about them too but when my friend saw that Susan was an option he took matters into his own hands as he knew about everything she'd done I will admit to guessing and filling in the blanks here and with the other uni staff but the Dean didn't explain everything to us so a lot of stuff me and fiance are trying to fill in the gaps between us why no police the same reasons we listed above between the baby the move and the new job we have no free time we think that the row and moving will be enough to keep her away but if she comes near us again we've agreed to contact the police and see through the court case but with all the [ __ ] going on we don't have time we were also told when we were first asked about court that if she fought us her lawyer would have the right to cross-examine us and for that to happen we would need to be in the courtroom whether this happens before or after the baby is born we don't want to even be in the same town as her right now let alone in the same courtroom regardless of security we wouldn't feel safe won't susan blame you for all this she'd blame us for this even if we had nothing to do with it we are preparing as if she's going to knock on our front door any second and ask where we went and because of this we have no less than four separate backup plans in case something does happen when I said she had money to support herself she does but she doesn't have pie money or money to travel all over the place searching for us any therapy fiancee is in therapy because of their RN tried to get her in therapy but she didn't want to she went for one session with my fiancee as a mother-son thing and never again what's the security situation at your new place we haven't are in the process of installing one of those doorbells with video feed and CCTV we replaced the short screws in the doors with longer ones our place has a high metal fence with a locked metal gate on the front and we are looking into if it's possible to fit a keypad or something similar so we'd have a code on it our new hospital has had some issues with the maternity ward in the last couple years so they up security in a big way and now all visitors have to wear passes and sign in with photo ID and they have a system where once the person signing in puts in their name they type it into a computer and the computer will alert them if this person is banned like Susan YZ and in that case she will not get a visitor pass and therefore not be able to access the ward can't she track you via social media whether raised everything from our social media deactivated our accounts never mentioned anything about the place we move to online or viral fiancee works in it and he's in the process of erasing all our accounts what about this road it'll count it's a throwaway account being updated from mild funvar mobile data I have my new phone and number now it's how my friend can't acted me but the old phone is still in service so I'm updating violet and once I'm done with this whole saga this account is also going to be gone for good final update the Dean said the firing was happening last week she said that if Susan didn't present as a danger to us to her egg if Susan lost her call and yelled something like this is all her fault then the Dean couldn't break confidentiality and as we've not heard from her since we can only assume that she took it well or as well as possible we've read your comments replied and we are talked and done some thinking and we've agreed to look into legal options we are still not totally sure about pursuing a court case but we realize that Susan isn't just going to let this go and she won't be willing to just leave us alone we also weren't informed that the RO would have our address and my fiance was also hesitant because despite her actions Susan did for the most part raise him we looked into it and it doesn't look like she actually adopted him so that's something we are gathering all the evidence we have against her plus anything the Dean landlord or anyone else still has and we are meeting a lawyer later this week as we agree that our personal safety and the safety of our child should come first [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 111,133
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Keywords: reddit mil, reddit girl, reddit mother in law, reddit, r/askreddit, justnomil, mil, askreddit mil, askreddit girl, askreddit mother in law, askreddit, r/, r/ girl, r/ mil, r/ mother in law
Id: rhgHCQaU7n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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