My mum is jealous towards my sister

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[Music] the guy my mom is dating is acting really creepy towards my sister this has caused my mum to a queerly jealous towards my sister what can we do to make my sister feel safer and make him stop creepin on her and for our mum to stop acting this way towards her okay so this is one big overall issue but it's actually two different problems that are directly linked this guy acting really creepy towards my sister be my mum acting jealous towards my sister I think as a result a bit of background my sister was conceived when my parents were still pretty young 18 and they got married as a result I always used to tease my sister back when I was a horrible kid about how she was the accident and I was a planned one after they got married they had a son me alas their marriage was not meant to last and while I think they did truly come to love each other and care for each other through the sharing of two kids they were ultimately two different people who wanted two different things from life my mum wanted to settle down in classic suburbia and have a classic life my dad was more of an adventurer into travelling across the world and skydiving and whatnot they got divorced while we were quite young and while it was difficult initially for the pair of us to understand we never felt unloved and our that was always there in a life he was never neglectful or anything while our mother was our primary custodian our dad used to come by quite often and help about so while they were divorced they still had a pretty good relationship sometimes it was almost like they were dating and I think they did enjoy each other's company but ultimately they were two very different people to be tied down to one another permanently and how so my mum's dating this guy I think he's about the same age as my mum more or less that she's actually known for quite some time as an acquaintance she knows him from work but they've never been that close and started dating not that long ago maybe around Christmas last year and how she seems quite infatuated with him but from the start something seemed weird about him I don't know if you've ever seen the movie American Psycho but sister and I love that movie and we both think this guy's pretty much Patrick Bateman outwardly he's the perfect chiseled accomplished business guy he's charming the light almost too charming as a son I might just be naturally suspicious because he's dating my mum but he always gave me the serial killer II vibe right from the start not saying he's one of but let's just say it wouldn't be the biggest surprise if I found out he was something just seems unnatural about him like almost everything he does wears says is fake and is perfectly calculated to give off the image he wants of himself I suppose that's how you have to be to succeed in the business world that I never liked him he never struck me as a genuine person in a how my mum seemed to be quite infatuated with him and she seemed really happy with him from the start he expressed affection to her quite often and I think she really appreciated that it made her feel youthful if I had to guess now to get to the root of the issue this guy started doing some seriously creepy stuff towards my sister at first we didn't say anything but only my sister and I noticed the biggest one was one morning when we were all having breakfast at the table he was there sitting across from me having his cereal and my sister was bending over to pick up something and I saw him look like right at her butt crack and then he looked at me and smiled and nodded his head towards her like a giving off a super creepy smile my mind was thinking like what the duck but I just ignored it cause I didn't want to make a scene or anything I told my sister about it as soon as I had the chance and she agreed he was really creepy she told me sometimes she feels him staring at her especially from behind she told me of a bunch of times he made her feel really uncomfortable like one time she was brushing her hair in the bathroom and he just came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulder and started having a long conversation with her which included telling her how nice she smelled she told me she'd never felt more uncomfortable in her life she said sometimes when she's sitting on the couch watching a movie or TV he'd come and sit by her an edge closer and his arm around her and she'd feel really uncomfortable this was in addition to all the times she caught him trying to sneak glances at her I also started noticing this like at the breakfast table when she was walking past or whatever he'd start taking quick glances at her from the corner of his eye sometimes when my sister and I are up in her bedroom and watching something on her laptop together or listening to music together he'd come up and be like hey kids what a year up to and just sit besides her and put his arm around her and watch whatever we are watching and like not leave at all sometimes I feel like he acts super extra nice to her more than to me or my mum he's way more touchy with her and tries to sit as close to her as he can taking dances and peaks here and there needless to say we both felt very uncomfortable my first suggestion is that we have to tell mum about this my sister insisted no she wouldn't understand she'd get mad at us for suggesting we can't tell her I insisted she has to know that this dude was creeping on her daughter and eventually my sister relented and she agreed we went and told our mum that she just laughed it off and told us we were being paranoid and ignored the whole thing he seems to really have her under his spell however this is where the second problem began we both noticed right after we told her this and we think she started becoming more aware of the way he was acting a weird change in our mother's behavior first of all she started acting almost more possessive of her boyfriend almost like she was trying to claim him not sure what other words to use but that's what it seemed like to me she would suddenly be much more affectionate to him when he was around like trying to kiss him more often giving him hugs being more cuddly with him and smiling around him calling him more pet names almost like she was trying to mark her territory and show that he was hers and she was his it's crazy to think but I think it's cause she was starting to feel almost jealous or threatened by her daughter she was scared of the fact that he might be more interested in her daughter than in her I personally think she was becoming more Bhairava Maxine creepy around my sister and taking stairs and glances at her which is what made her more nervous she was being more loveiy around him trying to bring him closer to her they started going to bed early if you know what I mean and sometimes being disturbingly loud in the bedroom though not that often thank heavens the other thing is she started acting jealous towards my sister and liked policing her behavior and dress for example she started telling my sister off if her pint Jonah saw night work or whatever would too revealing especially if it was a night that her boyfriend was staying the night at our place and she started insisting that my sister wear a bra at home which really really annoyed my sister for some reason she was like no way I never wear a bar at home cause normally she just wears a loose gray jumper or a loose gray shirt when she's at home that isn't even remotely revealing or anything my mum said it's inappropriate that she doesn't wear a bar under her clothes and she was also like you're grown up now you need to wear one but my sister said it was uncomfortable to wear one all the time and sleep in one and she liked to relax when she's at home and not have to worry about that but now it seems that our mom was making her worry about that she was also policing other things she wore like ordinary clothes and told her not wear a towel around the house when she comes out of the shower she was like WTF why and my mum was like we have two males in this house your brother and my boyfriend it's inappropriate which is weird given that I'd lived in this house with them all my life and she'd never had a problem with it before also when like my sister comes and bends over the couch to see what I'm doing my mum would be like dear stand properly or sit properly that's not very ladylike sometimes she'd do it even on nights when her boyfriend wasn't around but it was mostly when her boyfriend was around which indicated that the boyfriend was the real reason she was acting more policy and insecure sometimes the boyfriend wouldn't even be in the vicinity like my sister and I would be upstairs in her bedroom watching something and my mum would come and check on us and see what we are doing then she'd be like sweetie I told you to wear a bra more often needless to say it's been annoying the duck out of my sister she's been getting massively annoyed and distressed by the whole thing it's bad enough to have this total creep creep on her all the time he's over but now her own mother is clamping down on her and acting like a jealous insecure teenaged girl towards her own daughter I can't even begin to imagine how much it's bothering her she's talked to me a lot about it and she's told me how sick she is of all of it and how six years of living in this house she told me she feels like she's not even safe in her own home anymore she feels like she's being watched constantly and she hates being alone with this guy we tried telling our mother about it already but she brushed it off my sister suggested we go live with our dad instead since we are both adults but I told her I don't think it would be too conducive to his lifestyle he seems to like living on his own and having two teenage brats in the way would hamper that I told her nevertheless we should tell him about what's going on and maybe he can help she immediately insisted no no no we shouldn't tell him we shouldn't involve him in this I tried to reason and convince her but she was totally against telling dad now this is the part where I feel bad especially since I might show this post and the replies to her later sorry C's but I did tell dad I had to sorry really sorry I made my dad promise to not let her know that I'd told him but he gave me advice and told me to watch out for this guy he told us to keep our distance and when the time is right he might have a chat with our mother about it he also told me if I ever see him put one inappropriate hand on his daughter in in an appropriate place or anything or try to make a move on her or anything that I immediately tell him he was likely knows these sort of guys guys who think they can easily prey on young and naive girls who are still too scared to properly stick up for themselves I told my dad about my sister wanting to move in with him he was like maybe for one of us but not at least not permanently I told my sister about that she was like she didn't want to leave me alone here she thought if we move out we should both move out together and she felt safer having me around anyway I told her I'd be fine on my own but she was quite insistent she suggested maybe looking for a place where we could both move out to and rent together but I was like nah I'm not too interested in that I kind liked living at home with mum it's comfy as hell and I have someone to look after me she tried insisting she seemed to think it was the only solution to getting out of this environment but I said I'd consider it but honestly I'm not keen on moving out at all I have nothing against her moving out if she wants to though but she seems pretty keen that I move out too so yeah that's the story two main issues mum's boyfriend is creeping on and acting really weird towards my sister making her constantly uncomfortable and unsafe when he's around we've tried telling our mom but she brushed it off what can we do to stop this creeping and make my sister feel safe be mom herself started acted strange and jealous towards my sister policing what she wears and how she acts much more strictly to try to not draw attention to her from her boyfriend it's been really annoying my sister and getting on her nerves how can we get this behavior to stop one last thing my sister doesn't use read it but she knows of it I've considered showing her this post and showing her the replies I get in case they are of any use to her the guys think this is a good idea if so post advice to her as well well it's a month since my first post and the guy's gone thankfully however my sister and I still moved out for a number of reasons it all came to a head a few weeks ago when my mum was out of the house and her boyfriend was hanging about the house I was in my room and I heard my sister scream it came from the bathroom she was freaking out saying he was hitting on her and touching her trying to touch her and she had told him to stop and he wouldn't back off so she screamed at the top of her lungs for me to come he was denying every saying she was making it all up saying she was overreacting I told him he had to leave the house immediately or I was calling the police he wouldn't and I basically pushed him out while my sister called our dad when he heard her calling our dad he finally left the house still insisting we were the crazy ones and he had done nothing I reassured my sister she was in a very shocked State my dad came over and we comforted her and helped her feel better he called mum and she came back and we all explained the situation to her that was the last time we ever saw mums creepy boyfriend he broke up with her shortly afterwards I don't know why but I guess after that situation he didn't want to come back ever and had no interest in our mom I'm really scared that he was maybe just pursuing our mother to get close to seize the entire time and had no real intentions for our mother my sister was kind of traumatized by the whole ordeal and I convinced our dad to sleep with us for a few nights at our place just to be safe and so my sister could feel safe naturally mum was upset by how everything turned but we convinced her it was for the better that he was gone and we finally got her to accept and admit he was a creep all along and should never have been allowed in our house unfortunately family problems didn't end there my sister was way on edge for the next week way more cranky and irritable than usual I didn't blame her she still wanted to move out she said she hated living at home after everything that happened she didn't feel safe I told her that you'd wasn't coming back but she still wanted me to move out with her she said stuff like you don't really love me I knew it I don't love you either stuff like that which was clearly attempting to guilt me and which I felt was extremely childish and immature unfortunately our mom wasn't too helpful either a couple of weeks later she was already dating a completely new boyfriend we didn't see much of this one but from what I did see here and there he seems nice enough and not too creepy unfortunately mum started acting the same way again telling my sister her clothing is too revealing telling her to wear brah telling her to cover up in her own home even when it was just the three of us around I agreed to move out with my sister and I talked the whole situation over with both our parents and told them of our plan my sister and I would borrow some money from mum and some from dad both of which we intended to pay back in fall as soon as we could we stayed a couple of days at dad's place and from there we moved out into our own small place it's small shore but pretty good considering it's within our affordability range things are going good so far and we are moving forward [Music]
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 49,960
Rating: 4.8889952 out of 5
Keywords: reddt girl, reddit jealous, reddit mother, reddit parents, reddit relationship, reddit boyfriend, askreddit girl, askreddit boyfriend, askreddit jealous, askreddit parents, r/askreddit, r/, best of r/, r/ girl, jealous mum, jealous mother, reddit sister, r/ sister, askreddit sister
Id: 4pswLDyIuy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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