I caught my mother having an affair on my dad

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My son, below five at the time, told me his mom was with a man while I was on a work trip. I filed shortly after. Shame for a child at any age to witness this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thefudmaster 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh fuck this,there is nothing on this planet that could make me get married and have kids after listening to that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MRMRising 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
I caught my mom who I thought was an angel having an affair on my dad now I can't stand her and see her for the sociopath she is I grew up loving my mother dearly as most sons do she was protective kind beautiful successful and smart and was someone I strove to be like when I was young however I wasn't seeing the sight of her that is at a core and within the past three years I have come to despise her she is selfish manipulative two-faced and an overall bad human which is a tough pill to swallow when I adored her for 25 years it's weird how you don't really know your parents until you become an adult this will be long and if just one person gets through it then it was worth writing I just need to get this off my chest my parents are in their late 50s my dad is very successful owner of his own business and is an all-around good guy great father to my sisters and I and is a way better husband than my mom deserves they've been together since they were in high school when in their sophomore year my mom literally pulled the girl out of his Jeep and got in because she wanted to be with him red-flag he is more passive and my mom is aggressive obviously any honey-do list he got he did it anything my mother wanted she got his brother and even I always get him for being so whipped they went into over $90,000 in debt when I was 13 because my mom wanted a big house Merced's and other crap they couldn't afford at the time we went on expensive vacations that she planned we ate a nice restaurants we couldn't afford and the only thing my dad ever stood his ground on was that he gets to deer hunt with the guys three weekends a year which my mom still bitched about being left out of she has always had to be the center of whatever he does in life no exceptions but that isn't what made me see her for who she was four years ago my now wife and I were soon to be married my mom suggested we all take a motorcycle trip one weekend dad and I ride together often with our old cow Walker we'll call him James she explained he was going through a tough time with his ex-wife and needed to get away we go and have a good time for a weekend but it just felt weird it was my mom dad my now wife and James the dynamic and overall vibe of being around my mom's old friend was strange he was a nice enough guy he was tall handsome rich and brawny he had an ex-wife and two kids around my age and he loved taking pictures of my mom and net which creeped me out anyways nothing of importance happened on this trip but my mom starts acting strange afterwards and my dad and older sister are the ones who noticed it at this time I lived with my finger on the other side of the city but mild a sister was living with my parents because she was in grad school and was recently divorced after one year of marriage found out he was an addict and spent all their money one night a few weeks after our motorcycle trip my fee and kay sister mom and I went to an incubus concerns my mom was acting weird wanting to smoke downing beers this isn't like her at all and just being weird in general it was like she was a whole different person all of a sudden after being there for 10 minutes she said I'm going to grab a beer and gets up and is disappears for an hour I went looking for her after she had been gone for 45 minutes as I was concerned for her safety and when I came back with no luck I asked my sister if she's been able to get a hold of her she rolls her eyes endures I didn't bother calling she's probably calling James WTF she then drops a bomb and tells me she and dad suspect she is having an affair with him she goes on to explain how sketchy she has been acting doing things like changing her phone and iPad password stepping out for phone calls and whispering even putting a jar of rocks on her phone while she slept so she would be woken up if anyone touched it I'm assuming we don't know ducking weird my dad managed to look in her phone before she changed her password and quickly skimmed through her texts James and saw some suspicious cryptic dialogue my mom finally gets back to us at the concert and at this point I'm be and devastated all at once I asked her what took so long she didn't even have the beer she left to get and she says oh I ran into some old friends from mild job at immediately sensing nonsense what are the chances her fifty plus year old friends also went to see Incubus so I asked who she didn't expect this follow-up question but smiley responds with you don't know them I then asked well what are their names she's feeling the pressure and stutters before managing to make up some nonsense names my wife and sister are listening to my interrogation very intently while Brandon Boyd is killing it in the background singing pardon me I get sick of her BS and drop it I'm livid and crushed and thinking of my dad my sister had already gotten to the point of disgust I was at so she didn't say anything and we all kind of ignored it until the next day after this concert incident my sister tells my dad what happened and he finally approaches my mom about everything he demanded to see her call history and Caesar forty-five minutes call to James at the time of the concert along with many others he demands to know wTF is going on and she says he is just going through a hard time with his ex who is apparently debilitated from alcoholism and she was just helping him get through it as a friend anyways to keep any readers interested I'm going to skip past the Sh that could make this the longest read ever basically the sketchiness goes on for months and at the time of my wedding my dad has a tracker in her goddamn car has requested call logs from the phone company and is looking at hiring a private investigator I still remember dancing with her at my wedding she looked at me adoringly and I couldn't look back at her little did my dad or I know me and my love for my kayaking would soon give him everything he needed a month or so after my wedding I go to stay with my old college roommate for a weekend of kayaking and fishing he lived by my grandparents lake house my mom's parents and I was going to pick up my kayak their house that day my dad randomly calls me just to say hi and probably tell me about whatever sketchy BS my mom had been up to though probably not healthy he is my best friend and this had been knockin voss lately I tell him that I'm headed to the lake house and he responds I doubt she would be this bold but your mom said she was at the lake house with her girlfriends this weekend and I want you to be prepared if that isn't the case if it isn't let me know I knew what he meant I didn't give my mom a heads-up that I was coming on purpose and as I Drive up I'm relieved to see just her car and another jury looking car in the driveway I call my dad before going in and tell him my initial assessment is that nothing sketchy is going on from what I see just looks like her and her friends are here he's as relieved I am I woke up knock on the door and it's silent the back patio door is unlocked so I walk in the first thing I see is a leather motorcycle jacket hanging on one of the barstools and immediately recognized it as James my heart starts pounding and my adrenaline is pumping as my vision gets a weird and my ears start burning a million questions went through my head in a second like other hair do they know I'm here should I announce myself god damn it mom you duckin cheating age I act fast assuming they aren't there but could be pulling up any minute I take a picture of the jacket I go to the garage and sure enough James motorcycle is there I take a picture of that and then run back in and see cell phone stack where they are charging in the kitchen I grab a phone I don't recognize it didn't have a lock on it so immediately go to the pictures first one is of two people I don't recognize as well as my mom and James and they're kissing each other on the lips I scroll a little and more of the st. my heart is pumping out of my chest at this point and I take a few quick pictures of the photos in the phone and run out of the house not even remembering or caring what I had originally been there for something I should add here when I was 7 my mom left my dad for a doctor who just wanted to use her and drop her like a bad habit and my dad reluctantly took her back after she begged and pleaded she blamed the doctor at the time saying he drugged her awesome nonsense my dad later told me that at the time he told himself he was doing it for the kids and had planned on leaving her after we graduated high school but they did so well in between there and our graduations that he eventually forgave her and was happy in their relationship I remember them being separated that I didn't know the details until I recently okay so anyways I peel out of the driveway at the lake house and drive to a secluded street in the neighborhood as I try and figure out WTF to do I let my heart rate slow a bit so I could think more clearly and then called my little sister trying to decide if I tell my dad and if so how up to this point everyone just had their suspicions with no solid proof my little sister who is the sweetheart of the family agrees that I needed to call dad and tell him immediately because he deserves to know despite how bad it will hurt him I then called my wife and she agreed but we were both worried what he would do I hesitate for a bit but eventually I call my dad to tell him his wife of 25 years is cheating on him when he answers I just blurt it out James is here I have proof and mom is cheating on you I didn't know how to put it delicately so I just gave him the facts he was in shock like me he kept saying the same phrase over and over no ducking way god damn it insert my mum's name goddamnit well son of a B god dammit after the initial shock wears off he apologizes that I had to be the one to see it and then says he's on his way it's a three-hour drive and that he will meet up with me at my roommate's I immediately call my uncle my dad's identical twin and my another best friend and tell him what's going on I tell him I'm afraid my dad is going to do something stupid he said he'll make sure he doesn't they end up coming down together and meet me at my roommates house we talk for a couple hours and come up with a plan they switch trucks with my rumor to go incognito because he must see it for himself my dad promises he won't do anything stupid despite what he may see he sneaks up there after dark parks far away and walks a mile through the woods with his brother and a pair of binoculars he hides behind some trees when he got in place and sees them on the patio with another couple drinking wine they are cuddling and kissing like they are an old married couple and like what they are doing is not beyond duct up it took every ounce of self-control for my dad not to run over there and go insane on them instead he did the smart thing thankfully and just took pictures of them and left the next morning he cleared out their bank account sent her the pictures he and I took along with a text that said I know everything I'm leaving you I can only imagine what their reaction was like I rest assured that the rest of their little jet away was quite stressful the next year was a nightmare for everyone and my mum's reaction to this solidified my disdain for her she dragged everyone into her nonsense and made their lives a living hell my dad and I caught her red-handed he just wanted her to go to James and let him live in peace but instead she dropped James and begged my dad to take her back my dad agreed to pay her alimony if she granted him a divorce without lawyers that world drained them both financially she reluctantly agreed after the divorce my mom cried every day for a year she moved in with my little sister in an apartment she couldn't afford she got on antidepressants and went into a downward spiral that because we loved her no matter what took us all with her all the lycée had told for a year began to surface more and more thinking back on that motorcycle trip where I spent a weekend with this prick made my stomach turn I even bought that richer a whisky and coke though I despised who she was and what she had done I was still very concerned for my mom and would listen to her sob on the phone and in front of me she cried to my wife a lot which I hated this was my wife's first year in the family and my mum was calling her bawling about how cruel my dad was being to her my mum blamed my dad's twin brother for almost everything saying he had stolen him away from her on guy hunting trips and he was the reason their marriage fell apart she was truly manic my mom's parents and brother were disgusted with her because they loved my dad so much and they refused to talk to her about it so my wife sisters dad and I were the ones who got the brunt of it she tried manipulating everyone to make us think she was the victim here it made me sick she tried to make it seem like she was the battered wife and my dad had treated her badly we all knew the truth and I found myself despising her more and more as person my dad on the other hand went full-blown frat boy with his newly found freedom he's a handsome guy with money and though my mom's reaction was taking a toll on him in every way he distracted himself by getting on bumble and be a bunch of 30 to 40 something year old women hunted every weekend and went on Harley rides during the week to escape it all my mom still doesn't know about the women and honestly after being with the same woman for 30 years being cheated on twice and having every aspect of his life controlled he deserved it and needed to get it out of his system anyways getting us more towards the present my wife and I became pregnant with our first child and the joy of it was completely overshadowed by my mom's constant meltdowns I couldn't even get them in the same room to tell all my family that they were going to have a new nice granddaughter for 10 months she relentlessly berated my dad for not being able to forgive her and used my unborn child their first grandchild as a pawn to get him back she told him that it would be his fault if their grandchild grew up with divorced grandparents it made my blood boil after a while and against me and my sisters encouragement for my dad to stay strong my dad caved and slowly started to get back with her they sold their house and now lived together in a town home my daughter is 17 months old now and my parents have fallen back into their relationship of my mom dominating his life despite him trying to set strong ground rules this time it's been light whenever Lane gets their power back after losing them she went from weak and broken to manipulating everyone to her will she has always done my wife is shy caring and always worried to offend my family in any way and my mom uses this to try and boss her around when it comes to our daughter until I step in she will constantly play the guilt card about how my wife's parents see our daughter more when they live four hours away oh yeah you ducking psycho they are good people when I talk to my mom now there is never love in my voice I don't want to hate her but her flaws are sooo apparent she's a sociopath who has to be in control everyone we all love her despite this but I'm the only one who calls her out on her nonsense my older sister barely speaks to her my daughter is obsessed with her and it makes me happy and furious at the same time she doesn't deserve my dad and she doesn't deserve our forgiveness especially since this is twice now that we know about that she cheated on my dad not sure how to end this just wish my mom wasn't such bag I guess I'm thankful these events and my realization didn't happen sooner otherwise I wouldn't know that there are good women out there and instead I'd probably have a hard time trusting them if you made it this far thanks for reading edit just want to thank you guys I read through must the comments and messages that ranged from this is fake to your mom is a to something sincere and relative all I tried to write it in a way that wouldn't bore people to death I know everyone says this but I wrote this expecting no more than a handful of people to read it at most sorry it was so long I did not expect it to be on the front page thanks for letting me vent and for responding with your own stories and thoughts on it felt good to get it off my chest you'll are awesome [Music]
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 82,716
Rating: 4.8847198 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit mother, reddit parents, reddit family, reddit affair, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit girl, askreddit mother, askreddit parents, askreddit family, askreddit, r/ girl, r/ mother, r/ parents, r/ family, r/ affair, r/
Id: xhc97oELgNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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