SEARCHING FOR PREVIOUS OWNER C.O.D / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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George what the Hales are we up to today we are on our last and final resource the love unit however for a for this one isn't as easy as we thought it would be no this one's definitely not as easy so stay tuned we're gonna tell you the whole story but don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell's are you waiting for sighs George we got it you're all gloved up George ready alright so we went to the auction this is all clothing just set that aside and Vanessa the manager shared with us that some people wanted to buy stuff that we bought this unit for how much do you remember George now you overshot it by five now do you remember $15 you overshot it by 10 now now do you remember we got it for $5 that's weird and we were told that there's a death certificate in here that somebody wanted but the story taught us four that's for spinning cigarettes the story gets even crazier than that so we got here we got a bunch of tools you want to hook those up that's the drywall cutting salt I actually probably take that home probably so there's some tools we'll go ahead at the auction at the auction Vanessa the manager actually gave George the phone number for the previous owner but the weird thing was it wasn't one phone number how many was it two numbers so you had a main number and then you had what they would call an axillary or alternate a back up number so we called the main number and that was actually part of a dude that was it was in a dude's name so let's just for the sake of protecting the innocent will call him Alan okay how's that sound to hear I'm not very creative I'm sorry and then there was a backup number and we called that number as well more drugs pharmaceuticals so there's some ray-ray ban and lubricant jelly so we attempted to contact we'll call him Alan multiple times that was personal picture and eventually what happened is our number got blocked box number three of clothing it'd be nice if we actually had some good resale items do you want check pockets we started to call the alternative the alternative number and we couldn't get an answer there either so once we figured out we were blocked on the main number we figured out something was up and come to find out she left him she went to a halfway house everything is in his name and she's the one that actually wants the death certificate if we can find it would you find so we're gonna look through everything and see if we can find this so we can restored the love after millions and millions of calls we think we can finally get something back to somebody George you know a death certificate looks like yeah Aaron maybe well especially with you working in health care I I just don't find them so you're probably gonna have to you're probably gonna come back to me a corner just looks like an official state document yeah okay are they a certain color okay it's a Mickey Mouse I can't get the gift I was hoping maybe candy I have a feeling that's a weight for a balloon not a not a snack some number-two pencils besides love it's like we've got a bag of love baggie okay George was going through you can't see when she's backwards I'm flipping this over for you nothing at all all right nothing in this maybe this suitcase and these totes since we've had such difficulty getting a phone back phone call back oh you might have something right there this might be something to what we're gonna do is we're just gonna head back to Akron and we're gonna get the paperwork straight to the office and we're gonna let Vanessa take care of it because Vanessa is so good with their customers this might be something what kind of court paperwork is it what I think it is this is pork paperwork as well non-payment of rent our alan friend there so we got a non-payment of rent what we do know is the female ended up in a halfway house well there might be something under here mold x mold oh look at that george look at that good that connive look at you all about the canal actually in good condition what kind is it but it's it's personalized all right we got a toad looks like a toe filled with shoes did they tell you who the death certificate was for can you even remember can you remember the last time we even found a death certificate it's not something final this is all shoes we might have something here maybe not this looks like all kitchen yeah I don't think we're gonna score on them this giant duffel bag looks promising outdoor products kind of like a waterproof vinyl more clothes but it could be in here with you with you being in healthcare where do people usually put that kind of thing whoa everywhere okay I think these might be my size and one is it a 13 double wide it's faded well we'll have to give it a try we'll have to clean it up and give it a try where do you hide your saran wrap you don't want where do they hide the certificate here's a here's a charger and I walk I'm not sure what an I walk is more clothes well we found something mom a dime founded on I don't know there's there's a nice shiny that's your favorite shiny quarters this unit was mostly clothing and you know apparently a few odds and ends we just have to figure out where the odds and ends are although we found some nice little nuggets and if we got some good concert t-shirts again more like my favorite team my favorite team here's the here's the Lake Erie Monsters if you don't know you all know about Beth our excuse me Nessie the Loch Ness monster this is Bessie the Lake Erie good monster go ahead and do a google search on that there's actually live cams to try and touch Bessie I saw Bessie when I was just a wee lad up on Kelly's island where you see George and I frequent often huh not too much there I'll take this side if you take that side what's it like coming back to work after all those personal days one person stays for a month all right let's seal that back up I don't know if you guys can see the bugs everywhere but we don't need to have anything to do with that okay we got rid of the McNasty looks like we got we got a palm we got staplers heavy duty stapler suddenly oh look at that babe we should start doing videos on the old school way if that old school feeling been finding a lot of yeah we have there's one right there sure half as people look what I just come here I just found you a Sheffield tonight let's take everything out sooo back here this was the bag that was next to it looks like looks like this is supposed to be a son seat yeah that's the pose here's a note there's baby pictures well just sit down what do you think George is it in there let me just dump this one out here we go dumping it out there was a birdhouse in there this is the kind of nastiness you get we show you the glamour and too often we don't show you the nasty long hours the sweat the grit the dirt the layers and layers that you feel like you still have on you after the shower death certificate typically we wouldn't bid on a unit like this because we know that the profit margin would be very there is no profit margin that costs you more to dispose of everything in a unit like this then you could never make a profit but when we found out that the previous owner wanted the death certificate we wanted to help out and restore it to low water thank you sure yes okay bottoms up George what I see in those peek holes what I think it is is that dinner don't even think about it dinner that's that's not what you said when we were over at Jebus and family and they found ravioli you're like you just pulled out a full Akari if you people only knew that it was George's idea for me to actually you start eating this stuff and she's the one that encourages it what Jebus will back me up on this I know you will okay you got well but we got I've got a crack pipe be careful no death certificate we got a crack pipe we got a putty knife rather than sorry and we got George trying to get me on camera yeah coffee pot or some coffee but you don't want me to brew you anything on this yeah are you sure all right babe here's the perps connect that up here try checking it out on camera there you go vertically challenged huh there's a bunch of junk there's some home decor all busted up this is silac home George says it's a xylophone let us know know it's one of those hermit 9 now she's trying to say it's a harmonica it's a xylophone and a harmonica you don't remember she's she's Egyptian she's not used to our heavenly choir of you know don't tell her don't tell her that I told you guys what it is there's no how I feel about this unit right now alright there's a whole nother bag down here and you know what's in it I think it's just clothing don't you let's just we'll get to the next thing I gotta flip it open baby see a wire there you go and this thing the lock/unlock oh you know what this is I think this is a lighter which is cut all right check that oh here it is remember I told you I could see I could tell by the corner and the paper was like a light blue right there in the Bible this is it it's in rough condition but this is it can you tell us is it what can you tell us how old can you tell us we don't want to know the person we want to know just the story this date of death was back in the date was cut either mm mm yes 2013 maybe a mother so older person yeah okay so we did find it they can restores that love and it was in the pages of the Bible which is why we always changes fake grills my brothers told me what a tool swag okay paperwork yeah there it is there is the best find of the entire unit right there fine right there that's it right there that and we can use this golden bucket card to get discounts anywhere we go shopping oh there you go just find you some coffee from some more staples baby I've found some scented lavender refills hate it lavender smells so bad I like cinnamon which leads us to ask the question what's your favorite smell oh here's two more phones let us know in the comments what your favorite smell is hearts a bunch of junk I think I have another connive Jared ooh there's a Smith Smith & Wesson yep the key fell out and for that they catch up and for the people what else do you need I think that's a no drugs an empty ketchup at the year [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 51,697
Rating: 4.8740516 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: UWwGtu9n7wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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