FOUND COLLECTIBLE CAMARO They Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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he wants the car going because he's got space to put in another boat or a Motorhome here alright so once again successful buyer will sign this when you check out we'll have you sign it and John will sign it and this will be your bill of sale stating how you bought it today hallo George that sunroof looks amazing on your skin it looks amazing on you too so we're back at the auctions as a matter of fact we're headed to two auctions today what are we looking for today George it's not Caravan though right no these are two completely separate auction okay first location that we're in has eight units units gonna have second locations gonna have 22 22 units and it's 45 minutes away from here so hopefully we can score a great unit and show you the treasures there are seven delinquent or abandoned storage units sold here today we're going to cut the locks we're going to roll the door open you're going to be able to not touch anything don't go inside do not touch anything do not go inside we'll give you five seven minutes form a line give everybody a chance to look around then we'll sell the unit terms are cash only today cash only there is a $50 deposit per unit and what that $50 means is when the unit is cleaned out you get that $50 deposit back but the unit has to be cleaned out once you buy a unit we'll write down your bidder number we're using a bidder number system after we get through with today's sale of seven units the Camaro a snowblower and also a push lawnmower we'll go up front and you'll settle out up front where you got your bid numbers with Jan or myself once again Michael Mooney local right here in John's pound and sell a lot of faces from last night's estate auction I hadn't DeMars option so I hope hope you show back up for that all right this first unit is lot number 24 unit number 20 for this is a ten-by-ten now what this unit consists of John just told me this is leftover stuff from the years here that they've convinced to this Bob you want to roll that door open this would also be called a manager's manager special shelving you see the shelving over the warehouse Wow look at all the water bottles [Music] give me $5 started shoving you to hear $5 they're gonna be five now seven a half I get two five seven half I get two five seven fifty five six 6 seven 7 eight 8 dollar now 8 9 - $9 no $9 million $10 mountain give 11 eleven dollar bid 11 12 12 cover now 13 go to the back 13 14 14 now 1,500 M 15 1600 L $17 no $17 mid now 17 18 now 19 now 20 now 20 would you give 25 save me some breath 20 25 now 30 25 30 25 30 35 32 35 30 da to 35 35 gentleman you're out in the back row I can have a 30-30 pi into five five five eighty to 35 drought yes no last minute last call 35 I got 30 you got to be 35 now $40 $40 now 45 1445 DB five five good you did by getting them five no no thanks but you had 40 45 five sold it $40 bidder number ten $40 number ten nice you hear that good cadence there from Mike Mooney we love that option air put your own locks on if you want to close them down and put your own blocks on him you may do so yeah there's a bunch of stuff in here [Applause] the moldy leather couches giant flat-screen TVs all the things you never want to see this thing is packed with sports memorabilia pokemons all kinds of collectibles we're taking this one holding right hand in the middle by two hundred two hundred two and a quarter right now 15 to 50 now 75 now $300 now free for you the quarter dollar bid 325 300 three and a quarter I got 300 bid three in the corner guys right here ladies I go to the three or 325 300 300 at three your own right there at 300 three and a quarter I got 300 now 25 you move back in or not three and a quarter don't bid back 25 last bid last column three and a quarter go now now 75 403 404 and a quarter 450 475 505 of the court at five and a half 75 606 and a quarter George now 650 now 75 now 700 700 725 725 is over 700 $1,900 bid 725 707 25 725 got a bit of a guillotine mkorinek quarter-to-quarter last bid last call 707 a quarter yes no soli $700 watch me over 15 the money is probably in there and the collectibles but we can't see and we don't fit on my we can't see ya at this number 55 are see it's usually a good sign remote control we're looking for Jordan I've seen but do you notice something about this unit the leather actually matches the other unit this is the sister unit it's just a sister unit to the other one George just bit on um just found out it's the same unit rather tenant of the last unit we just sold right and get him in a bag give 300 get 200 however give $100 bid $100 100 hundred quarter hundred quarter other half southern half 100 half hundred seventy-five 175 I got one to be bid one seventy-five I got a hundred fifty five seventy-five 150 bid 170 550 175 last minute last call hundred fifty hundred seventy-five Donna buck 75 now to now quarter now quarter now quarter two hundred two and a quarter I got 200 zone now $25 better blanket email soon out quarter I got 200 225 200 202 quarter the quarter Nicole her daughter bids two minute corner sold it $200 number 15 got them both coming on a great job great job [Applause] my worst nightmare unit exercise equipment I'm allergic I'm allergic to exercise high five ten you can go in the weightlifting business right and get a better bite there give 25 $25 with a maggot if a 25 into 25 give $10 $10 with a baguette if a 10 10 10 give 5 bucks 5 bucks 5 bucks all right hey we're going to be 5 5 5 into 5 give $2 get it started there 2 3 I can have it to 300 out $3 now to 300 the blanket of you now to you now for you bit of a maggot now for now 5 you get your element now six now $6 man I get to divide six seven seven dollar minute now e $8 now eight nine nine gunner now nine nine nine nine ten ten gunner down ten now 11 11 government 10 11 10 11 done a minute back now $11 now 10 11 I got 10 you up here now 11 Andy you're out ten eleven dollar now 12 now 12 now 12 11 12 now 13 13 dollars now $14 better back 14 $14 thanks Vince idiot I going to be 13 14 I get up to 13 14 got him in the back huh $14 all sold it $13 number 5 $13 number 5 [Music] all right the one dollar question what's in the cry what is in the crate because it's probably gonna only go for a dollar find out what's in that crate you may be thinking Jeremy why won't you buy that one because you see the saran wrap it's already been taken off the tops been taken off as well I think it's an aquarium he's guessing be my guy he's guessing aquarium I'm guessing empty that's my guess when you buy unit and you find personal paperwork tax forms stuff like that pictures if you would kindly put them in a box and you can contact with John Nyberg or later time I know you guys don't want the personal stuff you want the stuff to you can use and sell and and make money with you don't need the personal any personal information if you would happen to find any put into a box and we'll the mystery unit unit number 86 a 10 by 15 right here who get fifty little mystery box in here 15 not a bit of I'm 50 how much 10 15 10 15 I attend got it now $15 all I get to $10 gonna buy an out 15 got ten sir folk singer 15 I get it to 10 $15 hello Huggett of 10 15 down him in the back now $15 all at ten fifteen ten fifteen 10:15 last minute last Hogan if it noggin if you don't katene dollar but I buying it it is no $15 you bought it 10 bucks what's your number sir I'll give you a dollar if you let me go in and see what's in the box can we see what's in the box I'll give you $10 I'll pay for the unit so you can walk both sides I will tell you the next two units then informed owned by the same tenant I have to go peek on the other side this looks like merchandise looks like they were shipping it from there okay somebody it was definitely shipping merchandise love to have that bubble wrap in boxes there's a paint sprayer something yeah somebody was shipping from here curious to see how much this goes for [Music] this is a double unit it's 98 on the other side 123 it is a 10 by 30 a 10 by 30 right here get a bit of I here give $1,000 and hit Brian hey we get even sound get 500 500 tell you going to be 5 5 into 5 5 will be 100 I got a hundred 100 a half 100 half two hundred two hundred two and a half three hundred three and a half four honey boy you are a promising 5a I'd wanna look up on these days for 77 half $800 now eight 800 l7 half 800 800 850 850 800 eight half I get $850 minute back $50 all 800 now $50 day at a day and a half I have 800 there 850 850 850 850 esto 800 now $50 minify yes no gotta go 850 last minute last all day sold it $800 common owner has the last one smaller one back this one goes all the way through Soho sell it from the other side just like the last one we're gonna auction from the other side we've give them a chance to look here and then we'll Bob's got the lock off on the other end the other side is a better place to work nothing but boxes or on the other side now so I got prime choice see all these boxes you'd want to Google all this and then that way you would know what to actually did but inventory upon inventory upon inventory here the nice thing with eBay if it's all the same thing you just click sell similar self-similar self-similar it literally you sell the item with one click it takes a second to sell the next item and the next item and the next item 75 50 75 I got $50 now $75 and I get 215 you have in the back now 75 I got 50 Sol's $75 a minute back 75 money's up I'm gonna be 50 now 75 I got 50 now 75 yes no I gotta go it's the last roll-up unit today 50 75 at 50 minutes nope you already own 50 now you start a minute father oh now hundred now quarter I didn't seem bid you thank you hundred and quarter now quarter now quarter have one hundred a half 175 175 175 175 150 175 now 75 Jeff now $200 now 202 quarter two and a quarter two and a quarter 200 now $25 bill yes no now 50 now 75 275 now 300 three and a quarter three and a quarter 300 damn quarter dollar be a 25-degree now quarter down today at 303 in a quarter yes no 300 300 300 yes though I got 300 mil 325 get it even been buying it even a quarter three three and a quarter yes no three and a quarter sold it $300 $300 and your buyers number fifteen fifteen this guy's did great today as did really well all right we're back to this unit where the mystery crate was in the back go ahead I'll let you do the honors [Music] air-conditioning parts yeah so two boxes oh my how much did you get this unit for again $10 Wow you made out yeah and it's gonna be easy to load and can you tell the viewers how the best way to get rid of how you sell a lot of your stuff I sell them on an online auction locally and it's called Washington home auction Ohio dot-com do they need to register is there a fee to bid yeah it's a to put inventory on uh yeah to sell on there I think there's a franchise fee okay that's bid anybody can bid all they have to do is register their name and they send a better number everything starts at $1 nice never heard of that one before so that's auction Ohio calm guys go check it out 675 on this unit you tapped out these guys got a ton of great units today so did you see did you see the Pokemon cards over here all right should we peek and see if they're real see that right there that's one of the things we were looking at if that's if that's real he's got a gold mine here there are all kinds of cards here again most of you guys probably know you got to have the right year on the car [Applause] World Series baseball yeah baseball you got more trading cards down here oh you got Superman just trading cards everywhere yeah tops magic magic football okay oh you got you got the gun locks cards cards cards go get this man nice job nice job now one of the things that box right there do I don't show it don't show it because on YouTube we can't show it but can you tell them what's in there in that damn entire box is filled with upper deck cards sealed and then the rest of it is good I guess you can't show that on YouTube that's adult cards in that box golf balls you're gonna be more than but this is I want to know about the money right there those are originals or not nice nice score this is great it's some diecast some helmets let's hope this entire box is filled with pokemons original special cards I've never seen those ones before this guy was definitely a collector oh look at this okay we got a little bit of a peek it's not all pokemons but there are some really cool stuff in there I saw Fievel goes west I saw the Flintstones I saw scooby-doo they're not the cards through the videos no no the rest of the unit is amazing [Applause] yeah you got the authenticity certificate right there too you know you're gonna have a lot of sweet collectibles in here guys this is a great one nice job the Camaro looks really cool but way too much work for us there's absolutely nothing we'd be able to put time into this right now but it's gonna be sold as parts as is no title whatsoever we just bought an abandoned truck we can't buy an abandoned Camaro today this car if you are they successful better on this car I'm going to give you a sheet to sign it says the purchaser and the sellers Liberty Mini Storage LLC agree that the above pictured vehicle which is the front of this car from the front view is sold for parts only there is no transfer of title vehicle owner ship involved in this transaction you are buying it 100% parts only there is no title being transferred what you see is what you get once again if you need arrangements to get it out after Monday if you need somebody with the rollback or something John will work with you but he wants the car gone because he's got space to put in another boat or motor home here alright so once again successful fire will sign this when you check out will have you sign it and John will sign it and this will be your bill of sale stating how you bought it today I once again i standed don't know the year I'm just totally guessing on the on the year right here and get a bit of my tear who'll give 500 you have $300 now three three $200 bit to 200 l to give $100 $100 bid on the car hundred dollar in there hunter now hundred a hundred times $100 I get $50 $50 $50 $50 give 25 25 thank you now 50 25 get up at five fifty dollars all hug it up at 25 gonna be numb 50 gonna be a 25 to be 25 to see part solely I get have a 25 1500 am I getting enough to do dollar 25 a to the pie adeno $15 date of 25 50 at 25 15 other last minute last targeted $50 $50 you bought it $25 number nine Wow $25 $25 for the Camaro that's a hails of a deal after what we spent yesterday for the truck [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 68,375
Rating: 4.9180393 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, found camaro, found car, camaro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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