JAG CAR FOUND IN STORAGE UNIT / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found A Car / Storage Wars

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the original owner he had died she looks pretty good in the driver's seat but let's admit it she looks good in any driver seat Hales Lowe from Newton Falls Ohio we are at a brand new location we've never been here before and the word on the street is what George going up for auction what kind of jag Oh baby blue jag made the classic jag and we came equipped to haul it in our trailer Oh let's find out how jaga licious we can do today Oh items are sold as is where is highest bidder bison owns it a $50 deposit is required for each unit bought if anything is left in the dumpster or unit the deposit is forfeited deposits will be returned you have 48 hours after the sale to empty the unit but if you need a little bit more time they're generally pretty good if you want to rent the union you can probably do that as well maybe you'd be happy to do that the Jags gonna sell after the units and we're gonna start way out back them buddy has any questions no what's your name my name is Michael Coren oh very good guys all right we're gonna walk in the back 196 I like the looks of unit number one already yeah there's a hunt of a car in there sure is that is a really cool bargain there's a lathe in the back this one's drawing some attention for sure and it's the very first one 194 it's a ten-by-ten nice-looking unit how many dollars what do you give you free get free get 300 give 200 2000 hundred bucks your start at 100 100 hundred give 150 bucks and start this unit guys fifty got 1500 hundred when you go 150 here now hundred 100 a half hundred a half hundred a half hundred year 100 half 100 a half an hour and a half hundred a quarter when you got 140 150 175 175 175 I think I would 175 would he go 175 150 175 175 175 175 160 170 180 180 190 190 was that yes 190 200 200 we go to 190 here now - where'd he go - to go 200 200 190 now - would he go - all in all done go to - 210 210 when you go 210 210 210 when you go to ten - ten 222-2222 10 here now - 20 will you go to 20 sold - ten - the number 21 very good guys unit number two envelope of Kotori mattresses and box springs on the claimed abandoned luggage I've been wantin to get into those options but we hear they're only in Texas particle board furniture never a good sign two pieces side by side do you see what's on the floor George do you see them sorbus and tarish somebody got this or Walker number 196 how many dollars what do you give give to give to give 100 give 100 get 50 50 and start at 50 50 50 would he go 50 $25 to start at 25 not 50 wouldn't go 50 $50 25 here not 50 50 50 75 75 hundred seventy-five 50 now 75 and 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 here now 75 when you go 75 all in all done 50 now 75 75 100 100 would he go 100 175 now 100 100 $100 give 100 hundred for this unit guys 175 now $175 number 25 thank you sir [Music] never a good sign for us cats do damage look there's a cedar chest ten by ten how many dogs will you give get to give to give $100 give 50 to start in fifty one who has fifty fifty wanna go fifteen twenty-five is yeah that's why five twenty-five fifty fifty seventy-five seventy-five seventy-five where you go 75 75 to go 75 75 55 66 6 60 65 70 71 to 75 75 were to go 75 70 here now 75 we go 75 75 75 seven here now 75 but he goes 75 75 are all in all done 35 70 now 75 sold 70 dollars to number that get 6 9 9 had it turned upside down very good do you charge it to 6 if you want to crowd has taken longer than normal to look so something must be good and it's a big one pretty deep one looks like a typical household typical household stuff this would be garaged of stuff for us from what I can see but out on the other hand sorry 100 150 50 would go 5050 to start this unit here guys $50 if see the dust along the laptop somebody gotta go and move that the laptop has been moved could anybody 540 140 140 150 hunter pick those are signs you wanna 170 they go 100 1,700 1,700 770 160 here now 170 170 172 anybody else want to bid 170 nice looking unit 170 160 here now 170 170 all in all done 170 sold 160 fire number 1 very good Locker number 1 4 5 is around the corner [Music] there's a treasure chest there's a trunk John Doerr I always get the corners bunch of mowers Blake's tools ladders [Music] you gonna bid on this one so I can bid all right that sounds good how many dollars what do you give gift free gift 300 give 300 300 300 one two one here now - would he go - two three three four four four when you go for four for 350 for four for where to go for four 450 450 we go 450 450 5 to go 5 5 550 550 with no 550 550 550 550 550 550 500 five and a quarter five and a four or five 56 575 575 600 600 600 or six torch was bidding 75 bill don't jump back 707 order seven four seven four seven four seven seven two four 750 I can 775 775 800 800 800 order eight and a quarter he built a co2 gun order 800 here now eight in the quarter eight and a quarter eight and a quarter eight and a quarter 850 850 875 sir each 35 875 850 here 875 875 Mike's Locker folks 875 all in all done 875 875 sold 850 to number 23 George didn't get it [Applause] that one's a big one so I got a couple of gazebos I can get an animal cage she can never get sign for us animal cages in here Walker number 71 it is a 10 by 26 it's one of our last big ones we have two more units after this folks nice EMT unit looks like how many dollars what do you give give three give 300 get 300 give 200 give two to 100 now two one here now to when you go to 200 200 200 everybody go 200 here now - two - we go to two two three three three 300 300 two here now three what he goes three 300 300 300 300 three 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 275 without healthy at 275 275 275 275 she beat you there 300 three and a quarter three and a quarter three and a quarter three and a quarter three and a quarter three here now three and a quarter 350 350 windows 350 350 three and a quarter here now 350 350 350 350 would go 350 350 on all done 350 cheap you know guys three and a quarter now 350 350 sold three and a quarter number what's your number 15 there's got a worry when it's these things like this set out gonna lock their nests sunglasses set out instead of toolbox the toolbox oh wow old Westinghouse actually pretty decent looking Locker how many dollars what do you give give three give three one hundred here now 150 150 would go 150 one here now 150 would go 150 150 150 cheap unit hundred here now 150 would go 150 150 now 175 175 160 170 180 190 200 210 210 220 220 230 230 230 230 230 will go to 30 - 40 - 40 - 50 - 50 we go 250 250 250 when I go 250 250 260 260 260 260 270 270 is that a yes - 70 - 80 - 80 - 80 - 80 100 - 80 to 70 now - 82 82 82 82 82 82 79 to 80 guys - 80 where'd he go - 80 all done - 82 79 to 80 - 80 sold - 70 number thirty nine to five by ten Ryder snowblower some other miscellaneous in here how many dogs what do you give what do you give give to give to to give a hundred dollars and started guys hundred bucks for a rider hundred dollars we go 100 50 bucks 50 bucks 50 75 75 100 honey where'd he go 100 100 100 100 100 100 400 400 400 450 on her 50 150 under 35 135 135 think I was 135 150 here now 135 175 175 175 175 159 135 and I want to miss anybody 160 160 160 161 160 150 now 160 160 170 180 180 180 20 80 170 here now 180 all in all done 180 sold 170 number 14 George found the jack and she found it with the keys are in it it's a classic 1988 so there's the maintenance book looks pretty clean sunroof sounds good yeah it sounds very pretty she looks pretty good in the driver's seat but let's admit it she looks good in any driver seat cool classic would I even fit in this car I'm not sure I would even fit wow that door handle is so small oh wow well you look good thanks I appreciate it I look good because she looks good let's see what's in the glove box she usually can tell a lot about somebody I thought this was the only I thought you only found this in abandoned storage units not abandoned Jaguars this Jags got the straight six they had the straight six in these old gangs the original owner he had died and the family did not charge the battery they guess at the miles they wrote 188 oh four zero so on the title we're gonna have to write 188 go for zero even though 184 181 a showing and that is actual miles there's a brand new water pump fuel pump brakes tires rotors nice clean car it does sell with confirmation so does anybody have any questions about the car no questions how many dollars what do you give give give mm give to to to give a thousand give a thousand and go guys give a thousand give a thousand give a thousand to get 500 and go guys five hundred five six now six we go six six hundred go 600 five now see there's over 1500 Justin parts later on the car not counting the car five now six when he goes six six hundred were to go six six hundred six now seven eight eight where you go eight 8 nine 9 13 14 14 14 13 here now 14 14 13 here now 14 where to go 14 14 14 14 13 here now 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 guys it will sell guys it will sell 13 not 1442 14 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 here now 1350 1350 sold 1300 - number can we go 6 again or should I say 9 it's actually 9 I'm looking at it at the right way this time it's number 9 that that completes the auction anybody that bought a locker please stop in and pay your bill once you pay your bill you'll receive the keys for the unit that you received there is that $50 deposit once you clean out a fiat and give the keys back do not you lose those keys because that's part of your closet they'll give your deposit back to you thank you folks we're back at the unit that we got first $70 and one of the biggest reasons why we bid on this is because we saw two trunks so we're gonna load this up really quick we have to make it to the bank to get the title of the car notarized so if you want to see the unboxing of this unit stay tuned because we have videos coming up for that can we show them a quick peek yeah okay open it up let's show them a quick peek it's 11 o'clock we have to get this thing completely loaded and the Jag in the trailer and then get to the bank to get the title notarized because we're nowhere near home or near the Pennsylvania border so this right here is what we really want know what's inside and I have no doubt they do as well don't they George how's she gonna get at home your guess is as good as mine she's got a nice historical vehicle there I don't know where she's going with her new jag guys she might be abandoning me once and for all oh wait nope she's not abandoning me she is taking the Jag into the trailer George decided instead of hauling it in the trailer she wanted to ride in style home she's driving the Jag an hour-and-a-half home [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 122,888
Rating: 4.9224181 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage unit, abandoned storage units, storage unit auctions
Id: kNBy-wnZaKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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