SINGLE MOM Storage Unit Owner Tries To Buy Back Her Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars Auction

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my father passed away in 2009 and this is one of the things that you gave me today is a pretty big day George you know what day it is it's auction day caravan auction day George its one-year anniversary from the day that we met at Buffalo Wild Wings our friend over Surrey eating chicken nuggets and cheese curds well he had chicken nuggets I had chicken wings and she and we shared cheese curds now she just eats all the cheese cars I don't like to share we have a couple of units where the customers would like to buy back some of their stuff we'll provide you with that information if you'd like to call them and range 30 yeah 30 how about 44 40 bucks it's all dirty that's how quick it goes being here at public storage reminds me of when we did that huge collab in California where they don't use auctioneers they use the district manager which means you're not going to hear that auctioneer rhythm because he's not a professional auctioneer is a professional district manager public storage brings in their manager to get rid of the units instead of paying an auctioneer ten I wonder why public storage doesn't use an auctioneer any idea well the reality is is they're not in the auctioneering business they're in the storage business and so their business is to actually rent out units and capacity helps their business plans anybody who's a business as a business plan there's this rent it out if it's not getting paid for you got to move it out and get the new renter in and that's how they win as a business so the district manager is responsible for making sure that the facilities are full with renters okay oh there you go I got a 55 inch last night oh this is on video too bad you are so bad looks like garbage looking for 20 where you think George garbage so the key to all of this is you need to know where you're at how it operates and how it works and you tailor your bidding towards that system that you're in with so we've got a bid quick we've got a bid fast if we're gonna get something that we can flip quick and fast because we want to make that I was gonna say cash kind of round there's no Jeremy this is another unit where the they wanted back and the Patriots would like 30 anybody 40 okay you got it you're not a Steelers fan at all who are you a fan oh alright mr. commander Mike what's going on my boys clean Browns fan not about the Steelers at all which you can see on this key chain mattresses galore bags falling out rolling out got some Jordans multiple pairs lead lines now fathers Jordans in there there's so much garbage that it's not worth the time effort labor to make the money you lose money based on all the garbage disposal time labor which is why nobody's bidding you see all the Jordans that was absolutely incredible George never seen anything like it before no facility manager has ever provided that type of information you see what happened as we went to the auction the the manager Vanessa and district manager Mike actually told us that there were individuals that had already called in and requested stuff back from their units such as death certificates and diplomas and things along those lines which you know what we're all about we're all about so if there's any personal paperwork there's any photographs and other memories that we can give back that we can't resell absolutely we'll restore it to love and and then some so we bought how many units today we bought a total of four units where the previous owner owners all wanted to buy some of their things back so about $500 and we're gonna have the opportunity to restored the love we're not just gonna get back to things they want we're gonna give it all back all back and if you want to give public storage here in Ohio some love as well one of the things you can do is you can go on google give them a review five stars make sure it's 5 stars come a five star review for the Akron area for Bedford Heights for broad yeah Broadview Heights five stars Cleveland Medina five stars and restores the love along with us that's exactly how you can help with resource the love remotely we're at location number two ten units here I need everything out by 9:00 p.m. on Sunday you need a game we'll get you one that'll give you access 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. make sure if you have the winning bid you immediately place a lock on the unit make sure that when you do empty it you're taking absolutely everything with you cannot leave anything in behind you cannot use our dumpsters can take it all with you more mattresses it is a BMW it sure is it is it's a BMW yeah about 25 Mike's looking for 50 100 right now done hundred dollars yes yes yes who brought the most money Camero it's a red Camaro I'm ready it's a red Camaro share with us why you can't sell it we have to verify that there's not a stolen or a lien on it so that's why in the state of Ohio or other states that you can't actually bid on a vehicle that would have a title only this Camaro misread we could only hope indoor climate controlled there was that small BMW [Music] I think I think I wanted that Camaro yeah that Camaro that was off that was a hot car five by ten you know 500 what do you think about the garbage can scrap metal barrel dollar we got it you did say doll hair right yeah doll hair one doll hair we got it for one dollar we actually we just want the barrel for scrap metal yeah this is what George just bought oh there's always pills yeah yeah I swear we could open a pharmacy who's gonna get a surprise today we've got some family things in here passed on from the generation so we're gonna load it up as quick as possible and we're gonna take it straight on over to Ashley's house [Music] hi is this Ashley Ashley this is Jeremy and it just so happens that I was at a storage auction this morning and I bought your unit and here's the thing I bought it with the intentions of giving it all back to you and so I'm 100% serious I am being a hundred percent serious one of the things vanessa announced beforehand that there were some items that you wanted from the unit so i bid on the unit and one the unit so I could give everything back to you and I have a trailer with me and I can load the unit up and I can bring it to you today if that's if that's good with your scheduling if you've got 100 percent serious and it I don't want any money from you whatsoever [Music] we made it are you ready never all right you ready let's see if she's home she should be [Music] hi Ashley Ashley Jeremy we have it all on the trailers so if you want to come out and take a look at what we have you can have it all for the price of we're gonna give it all back to you this is so amazing I really can my father passed away in 2009 are you serious yeah and it's like the first thing that rolled out is well that looks like an authentic Cleveland Browns helmet is it there's like there's like an autograph in here so if you guys can see in here number 89 McNeal right back in there now we haven't it we didn't check it out yet but I would strongly encourage you to figure out I think that is a headache Cleveland Browns helmet no Ashley we found this too yeah okay my friend Jeffrey when I was 17 [Music] yeah I just can't believe this is happening well it's real you're getting it all back I mean none of the supplements anything you know and that's why you're here [Music] nobody deserves to lose everything in their life we've been there and we don't want anybody else to have to walk that road that's why we're all about restoring love to pay for it because you know I'm a single mom I have two small boys and you just got tight and so this is really amazing I can't even believe this I got on my 16th birthday [Music] okay so which which one are you here in this picture which one all right there so this is a progression of you growing up yes baby there's my father so this and that's this is like one of the only full rules that I have when I was a baby you know what I mean you got it you got it your hold on to it and it's a good way to to recognize him and remember him this is a blessing I feel like wait let's have something to do with him up there you know sure my dad actually gave me this as well he was a mover your dad was a professional mover it was called Akron's best movers and he would get you know tons of stuff from random places and this is one of the dolls that he actually [Music] Wow are you a professional bowler now - no but I used to well now you can go get that 300 game again all your name is right on them isn't it it's engraved on it Ashley how cool is that I'm so thankful for this you guys have no idea like this is so amazing I literally was like every time I had to think about letting this go you know it really hurt me so bad my dance that right there at the jacket you probably have some money right there in that to money you didn't even know that you had my dad died we lost our house [Music] so you know I took everything from there and [Music] and I don't have to [Music] you're more than welcome the blessing is all ours it's just so amazing that you're doing this I can't believe that you're doing it's unreal these are all the family photos the airforce your brother did he's serving now Wow [Music] this was my apples that was really yeah [Music] look at that George Jones rocking with the pasta nice [Music] wait wait that sounded like money did you just find money in your own unit look at my family our poker players of mine of that or not you know I can't replace [Music] you are more than welcome so I had totally forgot about the input my son my firstborn son when he was born was in the newspaper so he's actually in here this from 2011 really oh wow crazy I've totally forgot about this and you've got two boys now right Wow yeah you can't replace that yeah and this is from my dad this is my dad shirt he was he owned his own business was here you know he passed away these things are replaceable you know [Music] I'm so grateful for this this is amazing that your guys let you guys are out doing closure and this was my baby blanket pearl she made this you know my first son was the baby and these things I just I'm so blown away I don't even know what to say about that you know this is just so amazing that you guys are doing this this is from when you this time [Music] all that we ask is some day when you have the opportunity you restored the love as well unless the term that we use and you you pay it forward to that's all we ask all right we got everything in the garage for Ashley it's all here got all bad pay it forward in some way shape [Music] if you want to continue to be part of restoring the love with us what can they do join make sure you guys subscribe give us a thumbs up leave a comment and share the video because the more you share the quicker we could spread the movement of three storage below and we're storage in the love this time around isn't over yet that's just one of the four units that we purchased to restored the love stay tuned you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 139,299
Rating: 4.9519763 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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