Justin Wilson's Looking Back Episode 1: Chicken Jambalaya!

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sought their in wine that needs just a little bit of salt you got didn't hit that trillion oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing yeah looking good behind one boy [Music] hello there I'm Justin Wilson and I'm a Cajun cook me I've got a cooking show on television and this is how it happened I was sitting in a little restaurant in Denham Springs Louisiana right outside of Baton Rouge when a young man walked up to me and said mr. Wilson my name is Bob rollin and I would Mississippi ETV I said Bob that don't spell a doggone thing he said no but stand for Mississippi educational TV and we would like for you to do a cooking show for us I said that was 1971 I told him you must be crazy to think I can cook on television he said I might be but I believe we could have a good show and I hope we did it had to be the first Cajun cooking show on television it's now the silver anniversary of the creation of my first TV cooking series since then I made more than 100 TV shows but you are looking at the very first one right here hope you enjoy looking back at them as much as I enjoyed cooking for them I guarantee I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee this is jambalaya it's something we're gonna make today people always wonder just what it looked like I'll just give you another little brief look another little brief look so you'll know just what it looks like I'll show it to you but first we're gonna make another little dish you gotta be braid the name of dishes after yourself I'll guarantee and it took me a long time to work up enough nerve and then my dish you have to myself I'm still a little chicken then that's the name of the dish chicken ala Justin or as we say down home chicken allows you Stan to make a chicken dish first you got to have a chicken there's chicken you notice that chicken is fat underneath the skin you want to be sure the chicken is cleaned well and that there's fat on that chicken because that fat is the flavor but you got to have a chicken guarantee now I've got two fries already cut up write down everything already don't that nice man guarantee first we're gonna salt and pepper this chicken but before we do that we're gonna put some olive oil on this pan we put that on there and people ask me great deal yeah how come you use olive oil well first thing I like it that's one reason another thing it's good its healthy it's not as greasy as some other oils that you might use and we put that in there and now we're gonna put this chicken in there that's the easiest way to salt and pepper I think we kind of had maybe in this one right here these are small fries those are pretty and I always put that dumb those kids are where I can find that because I like that myself and for my wife Sarah I got to put that live aware and find it but she liked that he's hardly put in there because I like doing myself too salt and pepper with red pepper and black pepper a little black pepper there we go don't make me sneeze there's a red pepper cayenne cayenne pepper oh yeah guarantee there's hot but not too hot no not too hot then we saw that I better not do that a bit of salt that like this but just playing our nails salt on that chicken yeah it's gonna be good yeah now we're going to put on this four cups of onions that are already chopped up I think that find it already chopped up guarantee mmm now that loam you scientists up I guarantee you that man yeah oh boy hmm go shop so nice and then we're gonna put about a cup of shallot or green onion you know that's the same felon benedita invented twin beds guarantee yeah and then we're gonna put one cup of chopped celery whoo-whee that's gonna be good yeah now one chopped bell pepper not too big but they're not over a cup you don't want to put over a cup and about 2 cups of parsley most people think that pasta is something just to garnish something with but that ain't the way it is no parsley is a very fine seasoning value and you chopped parsley up you chop the leaf and the stem too because the stem has a little different flavor and the leaf and it's absolutely delicious as far as season and it's healthy to hate like the devil to tell anybody that they may not want to use it but it's really good for you but well it's being a beautiful beautiful garnishment get that cleaned off down as I go along this is per meter this per meter is uh stripped and make things look pretty we're also also - it's got some seasoning value to it it's a pepper a permitted nuttin in the world but a certain type of temple and looks so pretty but also it has a fine fine seasoning value we just good enough to eat right now for we're cooking us girl made in guru mall we don't care about hunting looks so good the taste is really what count but when you're gonna serve a lot of company you want things to look pretty and this this does look pretty now I got four cup of Sauternes I don't think I can get it all on there but I'm gonna try in the recipe calls for three or four cup so we use four and that always remind me of a story I can't help but talk about a story I got a friend would live in bunkie Louisiana now bunkie for the benefits of you people's what don't know it's just south of Alexandria Louisiana 35 miles Alexander right in the dead center of the state in writing all the pumpkin run the Dixon in Mason line anything Nora Dale's Cajun think that's a Yankee I'll guarantee you one Sunday night discipline with me was in a barroom saloon cocktail lounge in there and he would drink a lot of them old master whiskey and chase that would gear and he fall drunk and bad in fact he's so drunk II don't know it wholesale from his retailer and that's bad I guarantee and he walk out of that place that took himself home and it's been rain for for three days you know and he got to took himself home he walked out there he supposed to took a right hand and took himself home but he don't did that he took a left hand it's been raining for poetry digit like I'm told he walk into a graveyard Cemetery he don't know they didn't haul off then Diggy brand-new fresh grave out there left it wide open and he walked any slick and slide over them headstone tombstone gravestone and marker and more sodium and blue before I did that open grave well he tried to get out but like I'm told you it's been raining it's Slick Rick and he's drunk too and that don't help was a dawn sorry Keane did it holla help me I'm cold whoo boy help me I'm cold help me uncle when he leave a friend at barroom saloon cocktail lounge he brought himself out that it took himself home and he's in the same shape just like him and here that night he dropped to near that noise Oh like all those kidney got a big curious he go see what's going on in them graveyard cemetery he walking and he's thinking splattered and same tombstone headstone gravestone marker and my sodium he got but at nor die more closely get them all out and get help me I'm cold whoo boy help me I'm cold help me I'm cold to get right on the edge I'm grieving look now now that occasionally I'd be able to both hand behind it head and look straight up Mahalo help me I'm cold you look down say of course you cold you don't kick all you dirt off of you [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] we take this wine now and we put them well we got to put a - I - you that Louisiana Hot Sauce this is Cayenne hot sauce not Tabasco hot sauce made from the cayenne pepper - one two three - that's good yeah then we get some Worcestershire sauce like I say they make a pine bar tastes good guaranteed we put two tablespoon 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire on this good salt turn man smell like a Bloody Mary I'll guarantee move this out of my wing and we started up good and we pour it on now I'll hear something cooking over here yep we put this on this chicken I lies you stand and you salt this to taste I don't think I can get all this wine on it don't that a shame huh hop there auntie I'm on try I've got a smaller casserole it just won't get it but I'd add just later if I want to put a little more salt on it because know the vegitables need a little more salt they need a little salt they ain't no to weigh about in there that's pretty handy now we're gonna put that on oven 365 degrees we put the neck uncovered or covered if you put on there uncovered you got the bases more often naturally put that in there and we leave that in the oven for about hour and a half or two hour and if your oven don't work like sometimes they don't like mine wasn't working today well then you got the haul off there and leave it a little longer now I showed you some jambalaya while ago but I never forgot I want to tell you this before I go to that jambalaya several years ago my wife said our we're making this dish for just six people and that's about what this will serve about six people maybe a little more depend on how hungry they are and if they are gourmet to go wrong and we had this all fixed in an oven cooking and up comes a normo being loaded now and eight more people's and we just did not have enough to go around for some reason we didn't cook more than we usually do you'd look up a lot more and we sat down talked in they smell that stuff oh that's good man and I say guarantee they sat there for over three hours and it's been cooking for two hours that's when we found out it along with this cook the batter it is out again our own peanut it is oh yeah that jambalaya let me get on that oh let me see here that is I'm gonna you know jambalaya I'm gonna chop this chicken up here like we do for jambalaya first to show you how we do it we chopped chicken with a meat cleaver for jambalaya because we want more pieces and that's all tie in a leg then forgetting that kidding with me we were in a restaurant we have not in Shreveport you know a cute little female lady waitress women came then and had said all the chicken you can eat for a dollar on a hat and he called over there and he said would you bring me another tie in a wing huh she said what you said see would you bring me another tie in a wing and she turned to me see what's she talking about he said I said he wants you to tie in a wing that's all you see I make four pieces out of that instead of two that's how we chop our chicken up for jambalaya disappear there we go there this chicken you chopped up for jambalaya put it there salted and peppered but we don't have the time to go through all this like we're supposed to so what we have in here let me see if I can find you a daddy oh yeah we've got some chicken already Brown throw that around a little bit we're gonna put 6 medium onion chopped up in the jambalaya you know if we use a lot of onions okay you'd like to do that there's n down job dad is just getting that stirred up real good we got to do that we cook these onions until they are clear what we call Korea or it was so Tim until they tell it's the same thing added onions but one tablespoon full of bell pepper so you don't want to change that taste and one tablespoon full of searing good old series I stir this up then we cook it all till it's clear hmm that smells good already our gear on t right now I'm gonna change this pot so I can show you another phase it is to be sure that you learn how to make jambalaya in this pot we got the onion in bell pepper and celery all cook till is clear we're gonna haul off here in add some sausage that we usually Brown we usually Brown this in with the chicken we'll add this in here and stir it up - you don't have to edit that the chicken jambalaya but we like it in there and it just adds a little flavor to it that's all we've got three cups of long grain rice we let this cook about 15 to 20 minutes cook down real good this is uncooked long green right now these people they make this jambalaya with rice that's already cooked but that ain't fast I think that it did that you disqualified in the World Championship if you did something like that I guarantee I didn't cook in that champions the first one but I judge did it there was salt and pepper this - you got to put a little more salt and pepper in this because you got you've added things to it you know that so I'm putting in the more salt I'm gonna put two teaspoon full that 1 teaspoon a two teaspoon exactly bet money on it in a little more red pepper now this chickens already been salted and peppered that's real good hot pepper I guarantee we cook this on us on a low heat and this is supposed to cook about 15 minutes well let this cook 15 minutes now to pass the time I'm gonna told you a story and never forgot this is a true story it happened in Crowley Louisiana there was a felon of barbering shop and the attainability barber chair back there years ago when you got everything you didn't go to had dresses and things like that you got it alright then one spot haircut and shave and shoeshine and everything else neatly and a black covered up with him sheet would they cover them with and then they haul up then put this towel on his face and cover that up real good too you know neither the end of their half asleep and somebody run a nanogram about arm and say Boudreaux Boudreaux wake yourself up your houses Manav right down the street there man he jump up here on down the street but that long sheet trailing behind him about three block and finally came to a dead stare he said what's wrong with me in the first place I ain't got no house in the second place my name is Boudreaux - you see how fat that time Gohan that fifteen-minute done up here at now I'm gonna put full cup of water on that hmm let's pull cup of water already measure on that you can put that in now I'm gonna start that real good to our guarantee and I'm also will put some garlic on that got to put some garlic and there it is the secret not after you eat it guarantee the rear now wait to put that garlic in there because if you don't wait if you put the girl in there with other stuff that gets hard lose its seasoning value it's actually no good but it'll season it fully like that now you stir this real good bring it to a good boil and then you cover that pot put delay it on there just like that be sure there's no air holes and you let it simmer for about an hour and you keep it covered don't let anybody took the lid from that if they do chop their hand off it just that's a sacrilegious to uncover a jambalaya I know some people that put weights on there you ain't man enough to take the weights off I'll guarantee you now you can you can make this jambalaya with any kind of meat pork rabbit anything in this world and there will forgot out going down the road one day in my automobile and a little boy walking down the road he had a great big bird with a wing spread oh man it must be six feet and he's walking down that road dragging the wing in the dust and I stopped I'm got a big curious with me and I say son what you got there huh he say a hawk a Chicken Hawk I said what in the world you gonna did with a Chicken Hawk he's young I make gumbo that's what I'm uh made I may be a jumble ah I say well the Chicken Hawk make pretty good jambalaya he say about like owl boy oh now I'm gonna serve myself a little bit jumbled ah that we already have cook we showed you a little of it a while ago who eat it that's good yeah no think that they put over there mmm y'all getting their sandwich that our sandwich is good hello so seize that sausage in English better get a little more that looks pretty good I'm going to the table first I'm going to get me a little rice to put you on this even though I've got jambalaya got another this here I want to serve with this rice then I'm gonna get me a little uh mustard green I got to cover the mean getting that with the show that would you think that pretty we cooked that too we cooked that mustard Rima to the wine put that on now didn't we get a little shaky and allies you stand that a second joint is no not that's the back I like that too I didn't know there's anything but backs in wings and all that stuff until I got there and then fine now sit myself down pour some wine you know what I told you a story years ago years ago not of Lake Charles Louisiana where those beautiful pine tree meet the swamp there's an old fella live up there not all at all he had a family a lovely family he live up there with his wife and his two little boys cheering in a wonderful cheering but they don't have a one ambition they want a shoot gun 10-gauge to help the pop I shot them gooses in ain't got no shoot gun and they poor but he one year he got a good year on his trap all he do is trap you know and he go to town and he said everything what he's got to get enough money to God does not only pay his bill but also to the bought morning shotgun and he do that just bought one shoot gone and he told me I look I don't want some fighting over this oh no we won't we won't and they're just thirteen what's different between those boys so they go home they don't got some shells so they go get some in egg and they go trade that for one shoot gun shell that's all they got just one shield gun shell and they go to hone in on a long time ago they'd never seen an automobile in their life and the little ball was kind of scared for that gun and he told his oldest brother say look I'm gonna let you shut that first his oldest brother said okay that's sweet would you our guarantee so they go out down any look for something but they don't find something the lap and that's rabbit in the French you know no rabbit and here come the very first automobile they never saw before again in their life a Model T fold down that dirt road dust raised up you can see it for ten mile look like a tornado to them and they scared to death they don't know what in the world that is that little boss they brought up what that is huh you'd better say me I don't know but I'm gonna get him I guarantee a little better say you're gonna shot him II say I guarantee I'm gonna shot him you had mind him tree over there I'm gonna get my on this tree right over here and when he brought himself by to my mother let him have it our gear on d-did brother say okay you run get behind a tree and his big brother get there with that thin gauge you gon put it up against the tree in case it kick and it kick you yeah you come a man by dressed all or not dusted with goggles and a cap on you run by there that little boy 13 year old blue well that man run off the road turn that Model T fold over jump out and just run as fast as he can across the wood the little brother end up to his older brother he's 12 he says brother brother did you get him did you get him did you get him hi he's I don't know but I made him turn that man loose I'll guarantee
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 50,298
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Id: Q0Vr1OD3Lm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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