Justin Wilson's Lookin' Back Episode 5: Pork Chops and Lamb!

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start throwing wine that needs just a little bit of salt you guys didn't hit that critter yet oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing yeah looking good data design lon oh boy [Music] hello now I'm Justin Wilson one of my favorite meats is lamb when it's cooked until it's tender and a season well there just isn't anything that can beat it I'm not talking about tough old modern no but young tender lamb sometimes I like to cook it with me or serve a mint sauce on the side or make a delicious gravy to pull over it you're gonna see me cooking lamb 25 years ago on one of the first shows I made for Mississippi educational TV they want many public television stations back then so not many of you had a chance to see this show I hope you like my recipes for leg of lamb pork chops with dressing and baked pork chops I know I do I guarantee I'm glad for you to see me guarantee don't just sit there laughs that's more better I'm gonna tell you some stories to make you laugh I think so I started right now you know this toy would remind me about something I got to tell you about and it just tickled me to death because it's supposed to be true now in Crowley Louisiana I got a friend they've got a big rice farm then he raised cattle stood on there and one day he was in his house watching television for the midday news and flap flap flap flap flap somebody to knock on his door you know and you go to the door and that one damn bureaucrat and he knowed him introduced himself he pulled a Lera made card out of his pocket and he riding that cage in Fiji say you see them card my friends have got to it's in my eyes even that caught give me the ax tart in the right in the privileged to look at anything I want to own your play that card say you can't stop me I look all I want anything you can did about that I'm go look my friends said go head and look to your eyeballs fall on the ground that's all right with me so he laughs and my friend went back in to see the rest of the nude and at the while a year out there oh won't you help me please help oh when he run outside and he go back up his bong we got a big Carell back there he got his prize had to go through this bull back there he go back there in there that bureaucrat running round and round and him prize bull three step behind him trying to make it tree all the time I'm trying to make a jig to get there real close me run by help help me you watch him come by at a third time he say help he say show him you card show him that okay mr. gold rattle on it we're not gonna show beef no but it goes right along with it but we can show something else been raised on a farm a couple of things in fact right now we're going to show you how to cook a leg of lamb now you know you acts almost any GI xgi what was in Australia during World War I and he gone told you that all of all his most unfavorite meats lamb in mutton is the most unfavorite of all to tell the truth I don't think that Australian mutton was mutton at all it was some kind of mountain goat or something like that who did that have a smell em I mean aroma when you ain't gonna never forgot I'll guarantee but this leg of lamb is different I guarantee in the first place it's young and tender look at that you can toll young and tender lamb not tough all mutton and most important thing it's the way you cook this lamb the wine and the mint make the difference that's for sure and get that out their way out and get at it when you serve this dish even an ex-gi you go you're him rave about that now when you go to the butchering shop be sure you get lamb that got most all the fat took off of that that's important but lambs that's not all that good no it also - don't forgot they but your look I want you to be sure took them gland to call a must must plan out of that that down in here on the leg of lamb and I don't got that out right there no come on wipe this off real good I mean get my roasting pan up yeah well I didn't get that back he put that right there take it all get that lamb wipe all good and then I'm gonna punch SiC hole in that not all at once not just one at a time and in that I'm gonna put a garlic clove in a little piece of green on y'all and cut that off right there and I brought some pepper from my garden down to the side a little down a cayenne pepper green cayenne pepper now if you don't got that you can use um some pickled pepper all right let's go all right punch them hold in there put them garlic and em on yo u SH a lot how you called cut it off piece of pepper right in the same place go ahead in there that's good and with point one over here point them toward em garlic on that on yo cut them all let it out a couple cut him off too but you don't put all that pepper in there at one place too much put that on there like that I think I got room for one more hole here like that yeah I'm not gonna point but on to and you let me tell you so much don't punch you hold first because you lost it and you can't find it bad put it on there like that this leg of lamb is a small leg of lamb and that's gonna be enough on that so I'm just going right now more salt and pepper this leg of lamb with red pepper and salt doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo man that's pretty air so what I'm gonna do put that salt on there pretty good do the same thing to the other side and where that butcher people don't haul off and took that Muscat you put some salt and pepper on that too you don't want to make it feel neglected just because it had the must take away from it now I'm gonna haul off and put on this first of all though I'm gonna put some olive oil in the bottom of this pan because I'm gonna sear this thing we check my oven there Rhett now up oven at 400 degrees to start with get that freeze now I'm gonna Pat some mint fresh mint and rub it on there Pat it on it real good both side this side first because I'm fixing to put that on that pot yeah there you go boy put the rest of that mitt on now that is real good I mean that smell good like it is now I'm gonna put this in that oven and see if I can't sear that just at least a little bit on all side on each side don't get that dip go ahead starts to sear there now it's hot here on TV now you know we're not talking about cereal on all sides I never will forgot this story doesn't necessarily have all side but it got two of many huh I got to go down and see my my friend Alma Picou in a HUD button about all 12 of that mile down from where I live and I make the mistake Hotel somebody I'm going to brought myself down there and I'll get down there and in a vacant field next time I'm a Pecos combination ballroom saloon and dance floor there's 17 of 16kg and all of them got ahold of a telephone call now the poor not holding them up they holding the pole up in the polls on top of the ground not in the ground it on top is a little bit of Cajun with a tape measure trying to get somebody caught that on the ground there like a fool I walk up then say what's y'all lose huh that little kids to any fool oh we doing we're trying to measure how hard it's hold it I say well look lay it down on the ground you didn't tell how long it did easy like that you said we know how long the doggone thing is we want to find out how hard here now in this right chip I'm going to put a tablespoon full of Worcestershire sauce rooster that help out the flavor of most anything tablespoon full and in this copy I got a tablespoon full of dry mustard and we'll put on this sawed turn wine that's what I got you you know that dry mustard I want to tell you what it did it take the flavor or look at there I'm stirring with a knife huh don't see some spoon so I'll just use it not this dog it's dry mustard will take that flavor all the way true down all the way through now I got to check I got to turn them lamb could I hear it searing good turn them over you hear that guarantee and it's see right there - that's there for just one little minute in there while I get my stuff star up good I don't wanna put something in when they stood up real good Geron teeth mmm that smell good now I'm gonna take them lamb heart Oh still once took it out here where you can see that and I'm gonna hold off down in pour my wine leading piranha Worcestershire sauce and dry mustard right over that you talk about good that's good yeah yeah now I'm gonna put up how you called a lead on that and put that rascal right back in that oven and let her cook now I would advise you the lawyer heat just at least a little bit because that oven may kind of pop every now and then it dudes that to let you know that lamb though like what's going on now you got the base name lamb for the frequent about every 15 or 10 minutes and if you run out of juice add about a half water and half wine going light on the water you know now I've got something else I'm gonna think here for you pork chop note that pretty we're gonna fix both big pork chop now you need six sort of cut cook shop what I got you what it already salt and pepper wood red pepper and salt and I Brown that off and a large a great big skillet try to get them all around the same time to cook it up good and I put them in this dish right here that I'll put just a little oil on the bottom to Quetta them stick it put each one on the bottom you don't want them to even overlap because you want a little room in case you got to the base then I took your large bell pepper like that see chop it off and I made rings just like that like dim ring down and I got them all ready fix right chip I put a ring right there a ring right down in fact I just ring the daylight out of every one of them pork chop get that fit now I'm going take ice cream scoop we ain't gonna put ice cream on this no we gonna put rice good Louisiana rice put them in them scoop like that we put that in that ring a bell pepper and press it down at least a little bit we add on every one of that we talk about good press it down just a little bit it's me oh that's fine did not only look good it's a beautiful dish to serve when you got company people that you don't know real good I mean I'll get this on there like that I am their true eater let's I'll get this ice cream looking rice on there from this ice cream scoop and get the rice off my hands so I can handle something else I'm gonna put it on you not a ring know the whole doggone thing I'm gonna turn that one over so it won't ring oh man I put that on there press it down Elite a little bit put on you and on everyone knowing that pretty mmm put that on your there like that press them down now you thought I was true but I ain't know what I'm gonna put on there is it Tamina now if committed and seasoning they need to hide the store get them whole can of tomato them tomato what got them hold them cameras got them hold tomato on that will you put that on down you just cut them in half and later I don't talk stay still now how you guys slice the tomato right on top mm-hmm when I tell him twin bed onions strong yeah come out just right with six slice of tomato from them one medium sized tomato now they're not empty to number 3 cans of tomatoes in this pack this got to be salt and pepper and put some Tartans up on this tomato because if you don't need that it's bad you can use red pepper black pepper black pepper and I'll use that now I'm gonna put that on there real hygienic and you notice put it on there like that these are tomatoes what been broke up real fine I'm gonna pour that down in now mm-hmm they look good you want to put enough to base but you don't want to put too much you don't want to cover you poke chop that would be too much we get over there it's at fine mmm it smell good too now we've seen that with salt and pepper and we cover that we put a lid on that this right here we gonna put this in the oven 350 degrees that's what we're gonna did but before I put that in there we that's hot I look at that pan real quick and get that out of there like that I'm just gonna show you how that look while I put the other one in there don't that pretty huh I can guarantee that pretty yet now we put that at 350 degree that's would that go on tree foot and get this out of my way and I'm gonna put this back here it's not that hot now thank goodness put that right there mmm got to get this out of a we start over clean now we're gonna fix poke chop one more time some other way II got no spill the wine Justin [Laughter] we don't that pretty well get pretty high guarantee right now what I'm gonna did right now is make a bread crumb dressing I got to cup a bread crumb crush up real good put that on now and then I got to put a little salt and pepper on that too I'm one did it while I'm taught about it right dismissed about a teaspoon and a half on there that's about all that's that's right what that is and a little red pepper we don't want to miss that I get lose my diploma don't put that now I'm gonna beat the daylight out of two eggs chicken egg no they're all kind of a lot of times I'll make dressing with duck eggs they make very good very good dressed we give this the Cajun whip now to go and to this we gonna haul off down hmm what that is wine pirate wine don't put that on now hmm and whip that just delete a little bit mmm and we gonna put that on the bread crumb [Music] get it food I won't we gonna start that up real good mmm you talk about good get your own tea that's good well put on there some olive oil which is very good 1/4 of a cup of olive oil that kind of hold it to get up to make it taste more better and kept it from burning also meaning is it tastes more about awful and in the bottom of this straw baking pan what I got there I got some olive oil on that now it's another time onion cup on you I like I'm greeted usually and I got hid from right chill on this table a half of a small Bailey I'll break it up a little bit of pieces so you won't know what you bit into when you get it put that on there like that and I got some garlic what I done hauled off and sent through the press the garlic red we go stir that up now that's kind of dry you don't want this to be dry no put a little steak sauce I'm gonna put about 2 tablespoons for what them thick so you get the kind you like you don't made some difference with me I got the kind I like to put in here one they don't have to be too heaping and then I'm gonna put about a teaspoon and a half of Louisiana Red Hots order this is Cayenne hot sauce let me put that on there like this teaspoon and a half put that over there out of my way and I'm gonna see if I got enough juice now if I don't got enough juice I'm I had water on that I'll guarantee that not juicy enough I hate to put them water on them wine but I'll get it have a goal and a little more water little more juice mmm that's beginning to smell right stir that real good just at least a little bit more water it breaks my heart now we're gonna put all this in this baking pan wrap now this casserole dish our baking pan don't make some difference this is a casserole dish aluminum wood now you call it get all your dressing out of that cuz you need ever been that but that's good and we spread that come out of there you and we spread that on there all over that bottom of this casserole man that's pretty air now what we gonna put on top of there is pork chop well we got you we're gonna salt and pepper that with red pepper and then we gonna put that we're gonna cover that and put it in a 350 degree oven in Japan now hope it all fit or do gonna turn that over and I'm gonna do it the other way - there we go - three oh I must have done that before sake now we're play that are at pepper oil and add a little salt on that - look at that man we put a color we use aluminum foil on this one - we cover that real good and we're gonna put this in a 350 degree oven also - what I'm gonna have to get something out of that to show you how pretty it look already I've been building cook it all that stuff like that look at there don't that pretty guarantee we put it on a 350 degree oven and let our cup 350 degree it's not too hot no that's fine put that over there like that now let me put this out am always there we go no I thought I wasn't gonna eat some what is you roll come here to me you chop chop another little pork chop with them good dressing on the bottom I mean you yeah just a little taste it on our guarantee pour the wine D without wine is a day without sunshine don't forgot that put that on down with them rice it'll-it'll them lamb gravy who you kid that fun get some on them rice but I got the cutter peas and lamb - for me that's for sure and it's over and just cut just a little better than lamb not too much just a slack no cities are now in Gustin and eBay [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 17,819
Rating: 4.8969955 out of 5
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Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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