Don't Put This Many Sails On Your Raft

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i want to go fast today like really really really fast like so fast the entire universe breaks in the game crashes and this idiot can't catch us anymore luckily i know how to do that we just need more sales we need lots of sales normally your speed is capped but i'm a dirty cheater currently our raft has a speed of three but if i was to say build a few pieces of fabric on a stick and place them thoughtfully somewhere on my raft while remembering to actually activate them we can bump up our speed to an incredible 4.36 we're gonna need more sales and the faster we go the more crap we're gonna collect so the faster we're gonna go that means no room for anything else if you're not a sale you've gotta go nope i didn't realize the raptor's gonna be faster than me at this point so i guess alam is in charge of the raft now luckily i can teleport he cannot ah stupid you'll never catch me now engines would also work for this but that's too much work even this tree becomes wood now that i cleared out most of my deck let's collect well we've got enough for one more sale so far we're moving faster than the raft can conceivably normally go and the game's not struggling yet but i feel like my computer is since this is kind of an inefficient way to do this let's start cheating i mean even more than we already were now let's see if we can find a home for all 15 of the new sales i just created they're all going to point in the same direction for ease of use perfectly straight line now if i go sales open they all open all at the same time giving me a speed boost this is going to get fun look at how fast that stuff is coming up on us now we've only really added a few sales and the islands are flying by our speed is up to 7.5 so are we double what we started at we're gonna need more room no time for thinking no time for planning just building can you guys hear that the sound the sales mate it's enchanting we need a thousand more the biggest challenge today is going to be not hitting islands because i feel like i've hit an island going this fast i'm going to obliterate it this is super satisfying to me but there's another 25 sales and now they're open but 25 sales we're up to 9 speed if we scare this bird away i bet it's never going to come back because we're probably much faster than it will give it the potato test go potato and it's already past the raft and gone for sales is anyone keeping count because i've already lost track this might be a problem there's a lot of force pushing my raft into this island hoping the lazy approach will get me out of this when in doubt paddle it out for some reason i can't paddle past all these sails so i need to close them all while the shark starts eating my raft we're free and now we're very free there goes the island to avoid getting stuck again i'm going to close the sails we're basically only going to open them when we want to use them otherwise i'm going to be hitting an island every four seconds but it is positive to note that when i closed all the sales the game lagged pretty hard because it had a lot to think about the game seems incredibly slow at its regular speed now that this means more sales just realized i'm probably gonna have to make a bit of a lookout for my steering wheel can you not i'm trying to do something so let's see if we can build ourselves a nice little platform just gonna recycle this stuff back to the sea pretty sure that's how recycling works remember that steering wheel i recycled into the ocean well if you wanted someone they could think 30 seconds ahead you're on the wrong channel and of course we need the streamer there that way we can always see which way the wind is going because as you might have noticed this raft is powered largely by wind at least i suspect it is good news my production just went way off because i can actually spawn a stack of ten thousand sales all at once not sure how many i'm going to be able to place but we'll figure it out need to remember to maintain some kind of walkway that way i myself can navigate around the raft without getting stuck everywhere anyways that's conceivably about every inch of my raft possible covered in sales so let's open the sails and see exactly what's going to happen now ready go they all opened and there we go picking up speed the island is flying by the game still not struggling as much as i thought but i'm very satisfied with the results so far we're up to speed 12. i wonder if we can hit like speed 100. we can certainly try i need to expand my raft we're going to expand off the back of the raft because i feel like there's going to be less trouble in the rear raft is so big i'm actually going to drop the anchor that way i don't hit anything while building because it's taking me a long time just to run across it now and that's what i like to call a good problem to have unlike the shark there's a typical type of problem i really just hope i can find a quicker way to lay down sales i might start to get sloppy with it but whatever's quickest and what happened there i really hate that shark right now remember when i use the mod to make myself run faster that's one i should really be using right now alright that was the last piece time to turn this into sales there is a quick way to do it i'm in luck i just gotta be careful how they place but this is gonna be good enough for me it doesn't have to be pretty this has to be full just one row that's a lot of sales i point by such authority i think the game is really going to appreciate what we're doing here today if this was the type of game that issued warnings i would have gotten one half an hour ago i'm actually really impressed with how many sales you can fit on one little raft as long as you're efficient and meticulous with their placement you might notice not one of these is out of place we've actually placed almost a thousand sales already it's kind of funny because from here it doesn't look like much but if you jump under the steering wheel you can see exactly how many sails we have now before we delicately let all these loose i want to make sure we're pointed in the right direction something like that now we're going to face this direction while we do it and watch the game potentially crash sales open go and nope it actually worked and yep we're moving along in a pretty good clip now almost 1 000 sales pushing us along to be honest i thought the game would be struggling a whole lot more by now you can definitely feel it what happens if we drop the anchor does it actually stop yep it sure does we're once again going to give it the potato test and it's gone in the blink of an eye after almost a thousand sales our raft speed is really only 17.2 closing the sales actually almost crashed the game so i need to be careful how we do that how many more are we gonna need i think i found an even faster way of placing them if i just do one a credibly long strip write down this that should be quicker but of course the shark might be a bit of a problem for this but we'll kind of figure that out as we go is this far enough it's probably far enough anyone want to take any guesses as to how many times i'm gonna fall in the water oh i should be sprinting the whole time this is way faster made it all the way back to our raft just running to the edge of my regular raft takes a long time i'm never ever going back to the end of my raft wailed there somewhere but that added not quite a thousand more sails which sounds like a lot but i'm a little disappointed in the result i was hoping for over a thousand at least the rain is here to set the mood for how the game feels right about now well how about that we're still pointed into the wind i am a little bit scared of what's about to happen but we're just gonna go for it oh that's a big leg spike i saw the one frame of sail movement and then it stopped oh it got it it worked we're doing it look at this stuff flying by this is great also headed for an island wonder how it steers at this point oh it seems like a dream might as well be a ferrari and you know what it handles it just fine it's opening and closing the sails it seems to be its issue i love those debris fields they just fly right by anyways we're gonna check the speed which is only 19.066 we're definitely getting diminishing returns on this and then drop the anchor and then you know what i think we're going to add some more sails we don't quite have enough the game seems to be struggling just a little bit i blame the rain though it's probably the rain's fault look at this incredible fps we're doing work it's getting hard just to build and run at this point i'm basically running faster than i'm building it's going to be hard to place enough sails along here to have the game still perform even at slow speed now we're down to placing about three foundations per second luckily placing the sails is a little bit quicker and easier i don't know if it's my game or the brain has started to blend things together but things look different suddenly okay after placing all of those we now have over 3 000 sails on a raft and the game is being very slow not sure if i'm even going to be able to open all of these sales without crashing but we're sure going to try so let's see another 1 000 sales hopefully opening so far the game has just crashed hopefully this recording is still okay well we're back it worked we got all the sales open all i gotta do is unanchor and uh maybe point this in the right direction but one thing at a time oh it's very slow and go full speed ahead captain not sure if there's ever been a faster raft anywhere on the ocean i mean that looks kind of like blinking teleporting by oh look an island it's going by at an incredible rate it's actually like frame by frame it's moving so quick that the game doesn't really know how to act and i've got to be careful what i do or the whole thing is just going to crash even steering this is going to be almost impossible because i've got such a long tail on it that if i swing too far left or right the tail of it is going to smash into islands and throw me off it's basically impossible to do anything at this point because i'm getting like 5 frames per second but still thoroughly enjoyable our speed is exactly 20. i'm not sure if that's as fast as we possibly can go whatever the case it's very fast we decided to take a little flight to see if we could kind of get the whole size of the raft in one shot but i don't think we're gonna be able to but we're gonna take a little flight this way to try and give you some kind of context to exactly how many uh sales this is and how far back it goes we're flying at full speed now you can see the uh sails flying by and we're still going and going we can still see the raft but not by much yeah i don't think there's gonna be any way to really see the whole thing all in one shot just know that it's really really really big and there's a lot of sales over 3000 well i think you get the idea it's a lot of sales it boosted my speed immensely the only thing left to do is probably make the game crash and this is going to be gone because i don't think this is ever gonna load back in again sales close well it's thinking about doing something it's not doing anything but sure thinking about it wow it took a minute but it actually closed all those sales but i had my fun the game essentially broken
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,102,480
Rating: 4.8784456 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, gameplay, pc, raft, raft gameplay, raft mods
Id: dweAwtRi8GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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