I Created A Shark-Proof Battle Ship in Raft: The First Chapter

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look at that face this is the face of a man on a mission or he's just gone sitting there completely motionless on a chair that's evidently like cemented down with some sort of amazing super glue onto this bouncy wrapped I don't know I don't really understand the physics but what I do understand is we have a problem we have a problem with our stupid shark print you you monster where are you and you wanna play a game it's called catch I'll throw something and you catch it with your legs sharks don't have legs fins fins sharks have fins hey dark nugget alright the old mouth folks like that one you thought I was gonna get bit didn't you hey do it again do it again do it again it'll be really funny open up Bob ha ha ha got it see see how that worked pick up the arrow I got a big these up cuz they're really expensive I'm just gonna swim inside can I go in you know and we're gonna collect your gizzard and your other parts and I'm gonna die from lack of air poisoning uh ok please don't die please don't die but yes you guys have said that I need to do this I need to armor I need to go in and I need to create the armoring I need to armor up our vessel using lots of iron and nails and I need to armor the whole thing up good thing like half of it is good here because that actually makes it so the stupid shark doesn't eat the raft I don't know if that's true or not but I think it's worth the try is this really really annoying that the the stupid shark keeps biting it like here then I have to go back and fix it and I don't have any sticks on me I have to run over to my chest of love and find a bunch of sticks and I have to run all the way back to the other side and then go ahead and fix it Oh see how that works yeah that's annoying so I think I want to do something I think I want to lift up the anchor and I just want to drift with the wind because well I don't have any biofuel because it's stupidly expensive to get so I think if I just drift for a while go right with the wind going that way is that the way sure we're gonna go that way I don't even know where it means you know what we could you just turn ourselves see that works even better look at that scope or the best there ever was I will just turn the sail to match with the thingy but like that and now know what I just I literally just moved us oh these verses do that we're still turning everybody now what I need to do is make all of the metal that I have how many ingots I have I have eight remaining nice and that puts me at seventeen total there are some rumors that you guys told me that you could put the shark heads in here oh nice I want it fills it all the way up that's so cool if I got more honey hahaha wait they probably should pick up the biofuel shove it in the side of that thing oh yes she likes a bear meat down there but it tastes good I don't know what bear tastes like but I have a feeling it probably is fine well there's an island I see an island should I go for it it's way over there look at it goes away so I got to look back I don't understand that it makes no sense to me I think we should at least try to to armor up the corners here like that one and then that one and now I need more nails I don't know should we just do the whole side here Mike my thought is it might be a bad idea to do the whole site but I'm gonna do it anyway but I really should definitely do is the ones underneath of my expensive step or just my entire raft we're gonna try to do that we're making armored battle raft and that's literally all my metal we need to go to that island fire up the engines my dude oh this runway okay switch them around switch quick I know that that's the wrong way which way am I going backwards no see this is what we're talking about right now a shark break you don't want to bite this stuff can i armor owner if I can armor these oh I might be able to oh that's awesome I didn't know you could armor those and I got dinner boom oh no no I missed him KFC is home delivery I guess all right so I need to capture all of the iron on as many islands as I can find it's gonna be a little bit of a workout not a bad at all 9 and 10 you know I got to say this is actually really pretty hit the blue sky up there the nice Reds from all the torches I never had many torches on my raft before and I don't know why I mean I never I never used that and I thought I always slept but there's plenty of light to actually see I'm surprised oh man that's so awesome I never knew that we could reinforce these things that's so cool no my raps driving away from me okay okay that was one I didn't reinforce yet oh I was close well here's a unique situation that just happened I just ran into a thingy and it collapsed on me and I didn't grab oh hey there was some good stuff in there metal orange super nice no way I also just drop my where'd it go no I'm starving I dropped my a hook Oh dad and the mighty hunter creeps silently towards the edge I wrapped where he has smelled birds landing there it is right there can you shoot it no he can't because the raft is in the way and evidently the arrow flies to his feet rather than the edge oh come on just I know that that's just you dummy yeah oh yeah of course is that the dub bird goes away how are you gonna eat I'm gonna have to eat this one uh-huh I didn't I didn't really want that but whatever you know I got to thinking to myself I said self today would be a good day to add back on the potato part and if I could figure out where I put the potato farm oh there they are and I think maybe in the front here would be kind of a cool spot for it I could do like three per level I have slowly do two per level we don't really need that many potatoes let's be honest and maybe why are you being thank you don't go up there go spin in one right down here uh-huh that looks pretty good and I've also been armoring up quite a bit off camera because frankly in it there's not much exciting about just floating on the ocean for hours until you run out of planks then you have to put more planks in and then you see we put planks in the one you need with only one left in your inventory so you have to run back up your storage and Glatt grab a bunch more jump back down run to the back and then look at this thing and say please miss your biofuel why are you so broken and then you load up those and then you load up these and then you grabbed a singular biofuel over there shoving that thing bada-bing bada-boom I have no idea why those aren't making a sound and then you get a few more I am made and finish up our bring some back and then it's rinse and repeat for the next three hours of time already already lashena peckers you're already trying to eat my stuff haha joke's on you you dork now I'm gonna eat you oh yes oh this is a good way to catch birds Owen Island whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we need to get we need to get that look filled out you know I had a lot of people in my last video asking me why I write if I should move my anchor I actually like it here so I can just reach them from the top side then I can just jump in it's amazing so now I got a jump back in probably kill the stupid sea shark which I really don't like doing how'd you like that one your big ugly huh how'd you like that one two and oh whoa you're just dodging are there like nobody's business hello oh and there's six and seven oh I have no ammo oh no oh no no no no hey hey buddy uh let's uh how do you miss me you dork I need ammo where did my spear go Oh nope it's gonna give me that one catch oh no I don't know this bad news dum dum dum dum fighting and dinosaur shark in the water I have no air ahaha you ready to dance are you ready to play I probably shouldn't do this this is probably a bad idea I don't really care though there it is air oh come on one more one more one more no oh no all my stuff he spawned off him no miss chips potatoes my mouth really think hold on oh you got me it's probably a bad idea to play out here haha yeah yeah yeah yeah always in your back at me nope nope that's what you get okay heels keep that I just need to make a bunch of arrows guess who doesn't have any metal ingots to make any arrows oh man you back up there it is I knew it I knew it oh that was my fiftieth that was my 50th shirk I killed I got the achievement all right back to clicking resources more metal or perfect do you know what's really fun what's really fun is being in this raft getting enough iron to completely entirely armor the entire vessel the entire thing except for five one two three four five and then you only have four ingots left and I don't have a bow either ah these birds have been eating my stupid potatoes of harvesting them so many times already and well good thing is we have another island here but I don't have a bow so I need to make a bow and then I need to go get more iron vine you oh but there is to where iron ingots in here nice so I got I've got five hey that's just enough that's a shark eight no he's they always attack the ones where'd he go what wait what oh did I forget to I forgot to do that one thanks for telling me where was he a dork nugget ah yes all better now he hasn't been attacking the unknown where they called the onion he hasn't been attacking the unarmored once but I can eat one more oh shoot and now I didn't do the bold thing please have a bolt please have a bolt please have a bold oh yeah there is one fold finally yes and a boat got it I also have a nice collection of shark heads thirty white shark kids and I've forgotten to go up here for a long time you guys okay everything good everything good would you seriously stop this birdbrain aah Oh what how come I can't shoot this thing yes that was a good shot you know I honestly think the better choice here then than having a potato farm is actually having a bird farm because they come and eat those things like twice a day which is awesome all right Sharky you know what I'm sick of fighting sharks and big ugly go eat that thing thank you now just eat that for like an hour so I can get my couple remaining home right there and I don't want to do this again mosul said that these crates never have anything useful oh no it actually had never actually had one of these in it nice I wish they would have like diving masks and flippers instead of me having to craft them all the time but yeah there we go we got eight iron ingots no or metal metal goop also reminds me on how boring these old islands were you can't even get up to it there's like three trees here yeah I climbed on top of an island whoa die tree you deserve to die today and five right yep it takes five hits on wild trees but eight on trees that are farmed in your base that you know that I bet you didn't use it bitin something again really forgot another one nice to tell you I'm skipping thankfully got enough flow to this alright and you kind of like having ten of these potato planters in the front because it's really actually nice to just go through and use up two water bottles on it oh shoot I wanted to move this to now it's too much work just leave it just leave it this is painful already all right battle raft I've got five ingots made up let's do the one there and the one in the back here and I think that's it I think a battle does I think I've got it all done I'll have to wait until Sharky boy comes back again but I wow this thing is impenetrable now impenetrable he starts attacking random things here I'm gonna be so mad I would cuz this is taking forever it's been an all-day event trying to record this up Sofia starts attacking my armored ones I don't even know what I'm gonna do probably uninstall the game yeah that's probably what I'll do and then wait for it to update again in another year so Oh birdie oh you know how do they fly through my walls ah so annoying but you know what one good thing is it's been five minutes since our last little adventure and not one shark has come by the shark hasn't even come it's been amazing I wonder if I jump in I should have just went to that island there was an island there I should jump in and see if shark Ebro comes okay I'll do that and after I would go to bed because I want to sleep in my waterbed alright let's try this so it's been six or seven minutes now I want to know if the Sharks even around I see them I see them gonna bite my boat you know bite my boat yeah ugly dark nugget where are you huh where'd you go where'd you go you know a dancer he was waiting for me it was great where do you go now where'd he go now but I think I think it is immune he hasn't even come near my raft other than when I jump out and dangle my feet in the water like a fishing bait hey buddy ha ha ha ha ha missed me ha ha you can't even touch my boat anymore oh there you are here you want to catch go play game and catch you catch put your mouth open oh oh he's so cute he likes playing catch like a little doggie oh that was great well I think that's gonna wrap it up for today's video bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,577,467
Rating: 4.8726926 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, raft, raft game, let's play raft, raft download, gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, Raft Gameplay Part 1, survival games, Raft Shark, Raft Crafting, Raft Building, raft free, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft full game, raft 2019, dec2019, raft update, raft the first chapter, the first chapter, raft first chapter
Id: 3lk8HiPHDjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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