I Caught A Legendary Fish From A Secret Spot

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imagine the kind of fish that are still waiting for us out there now in the comments i've been told there's a hat hidden somewhere near the shore down below and that allows me to go even deeper than we have before so we might have to take this little fish with us but we're going deep might have forgot to put a light bulb on there also but before we do that you should probably know we have brand new merch available linked down below it is kind of annoying at one thousand dollars but when we got three quarters of a million dollars to burn on stupid crap we might as well add all the light bulbs in the world the hardest part is going to be getting down there without hugging too many fish along the way i don't think that's going to get in the way of my light bulb and well whatever you know we just wander around until we find the one we're looking for those guys are valuable i might scoop them up in a minute but we're looking for a hat right near the shore there is this little cave entrance i don't know what those are i've never seen those before but we're going to catch one of those soon but the hat might be up in this little crevice nope so currently we can go as deep as this and i can see there's another fish hanging out somewhere down below and it looked really really big so we need to find the hat that's going to allow us to go that deep and my line is just auto reeling at this point so we're just going up i guess and it's going to take a while to get there because they're pretty deep but now that we've found out what's down there let's use this big bait with a giant hook and go catch one of those new fish again it's just going to be a mega struggle to get down there but i think we passed the worst of it actually this might still work because if these are considered big fish they can actually bite this and then we can bring them to the surface but once my plan actually worked so we're going to take this idiot back to the surface to see his value there's also something hiding on the shore right there that i kind of want to try and grab because that might help me go deep and this guy needs to go in the boat wasn't it supposed to tell me what that was it was worth 5 800 so that's something but now i also want to see if i get one of those medium-sized fish that are down there and i'm talking about these guys they don't want to bite my hook they might need bigger bait or no bait at all but this time we'll go without bait just the bulb okay stupid bite my hook okay we might need bigger bait or something entirely different what about you guys anyone want to bite this so let's try the biggest of bait with a large hook okay does anyone want to bite this now i don't know what it is they want to eat but apparently it's not this they do follow the bait though so maybe i just need to get oh i got this guy the other ones i might just need to lure out of the cave but i also now need to get him to the surface without him being eaten by the shark so we're going to work our way to the left also never seen this fish before this is very new we're going to catch him next i wasn't paying attention and i turned my rare cape fish into a wiener fish that is 8 500 though so i'll take it so i think we need a medium-sized or a small size bait and once we managed to get one of these down to the bottom then we're going to catch that new fish it was very frantically running around this thing looks like it's made out of mussel though as long as i avoid the bigger fish we'll have it to the surface in no time this is a carver worth only 2100 to get in the boat now i do want to work my way down to try and grab that whatever it is down here whatever this is i've been eyeballing it for a while we're bringing it to the surface this might actually be what we need to go deeper uh not really sure what that did it seems to have disappeared once i got to the surface all right well let's go back to the cave and see what else is down there this also might be the hat i've been looking for we're gonna try and get this back to the surface your sinker will sink a little deeper 50 thousand there we go so before getting down there let's turn our bait as big as we can get it strap on a new light bulb and also a large hook now we're gonna make our way down avoiding all the aggressive fish we possibly can there's the mog again sucking on its little fish as he do and look who decided to show up five seconds later grab the very lure i was using it's definitely harder to avoid the bigger fish uh without my old hat because the old hat actually prevented them from biting a lot so these caves are gonna be a lot harder to deal with okay we're settling for this it looks like a leafy potato i'm impressed that we're still finding new kinds of fish throughout this there's still a lot like we haven't even seen the bottoms of the cave yet we haven't even seen the upper caves yet okay this is a stink fin apparently for 26 000 you don't even have to get in a boat i'll just sell you now that we got this one also out of the way we're one step closer to getting back down there i'm amazed i haven't lost more money than what i already have yep thank you shark that's just what i wanted i'm now going to catch the shark because it's folded my plans six times already and i've been playing for like 10 minutes there's the live bait so now we just gotta wait for the shark to come back there he is okay stupid the only thing worse is that stupid swordfish this is for 64 000 so that will fund like four casts because these are getting expensive this time i'm going to try and stay very close to the edges because if i go anywhere near those fish they bite it and depending on what the fish is i don't want it okay here we go we're getting down to the unseen depths now i don't think i've ever been this deep i'm not even sure what is down here we're just gonna keep sinking those are interesting but there's a lot of them so i don't know if i want one of those necessarily but i feel like there's got to be some kind of purpose to getting way down into here well you know what maybe i'll take one of those for now hey stupid come here yeah i just gotta find a way to get it back to the surface along with all its babies i've just now realized how long this is actually gonna take because we're so far down if i'm lucky though the babies will stay near the surface and i can catch them quite easily too this is a night fish sire for 380 000 that's the second most valuable fish i've ever caught get in the boat oh they all come with me oh i get it it's all like one unit package deal we're up to 1.2 million dollars so let's see how quickly we can spend that on stupid stuff this time i'm gonna drift a little more to the right because i followed the first pocket this time we're going one pocket over we're gonna follow the bottom this will be a new cave pretty sure that's a new fish but i also find that strangely familiar have we caught one of those before and what even is this hello i don't know how to wake that up there's a sleeping fish uh oh oh hello there sir i'll take you go ahead and bite it put it in your mouth it's like a stoney whale i feel like he's interested but not interested enough to actually eat it i might need to feed him some kind of bait but there are some strange fish down here okay there's a few sleeping along the bottom so they're probably not as rare as i think they are and this cave system is really big the ocean system above is big i haven't explored the entire ocean yet no no no no you you look boring no no no no no i want the one over here that can actually entertain me how do you outrun this thing i gotta get into the other one's mouth luckily fish are the one thing in this planet that i can outsmart come on i need you oh those other fish actually come from down here no don't bite that this is so annoying and i've got 30 seconds left of my light bulb cue yeah i got the right one i just got 30 seconds to get it out of the cave so good luck and the line's not sinking anymore it no longer sinks so this is just gonna break outstanding great start my journal is starting to show new things like the inno which is worth twelve thousand but the fish from the cave is like sixty four thousand it will not take debate until it finds balance so maybe it only bites if it's like horizontal or something i'm not sure okay what i just hooked was a thresher that's only with 24 000 and we've caught it before so that's boring the bonefish where we're sleeping on the bottom they're waiting for something to disturb their slumber so i'm gonna hit them with a bomb but we also need to figure what the big whale thing was a cave shark and they eat bomb bats what is a bomb bat and where do we find one so they're the small fish that live in the cavern so i understand my mission now we need to get a bomb bat then hook the cave fish and i'm going to try and find an entrance to the cave that's a little quicker to get there i'm probably going to spend 1.2 million dollars just trying to find the right fish but i'm in the right area this is definitely where i need to be i just need to find the bomb thing first so i think this is them i just actually read that carefully and i think they only bite bombs bombs are two hundred dollars but the hooks they're attached to are five thousand dollars so they're actually cheap in comparison there we go okay i got one of these guys hooked and i think that's gonna work no did i not attach a large hook i might have forgot the hook no i had the hook on there the hook was correct i just don't know how to get that other fish to bite without blowing it up okay i just had the same issue as soon as i went down the bombat happily bit the bomb but then it explodes and leaves me with just bait left over so we'll just catch whatever we can for this time i found a really deep pocket and i can't actually go any deeper than this i'm not sure if it's even possible to but this is the bottom of the ocean wait i found some of these i said they don't bite until they balance is something so i don't really understand that do i need to sit with their horizontal balance in depth balance and pressure balancing ph levels i don't want that fish he didn't come from a cave i'm a cave fisherman today okay would you like to bite it stupid you're confusing me we're literally at this okay i'm gonna take him instead then sour fish i think i was supposed to catch one of those so quest complete but let's just go all the way out now as far as we can which is pretty much here and see if there's any caves out here because if there are that's what will be where the good things hide now that we're using a 1600 pole fishes bait let's go back down to the bottom and we're gonna exchange it for one of these now that's okay this is new whatever this is come bite this i don't know what this thing is i've never seen it before but i want it and that was actually at max distance out this is a coin for 240 thousand dollars i actually barely caught that because i could not go any further to the right we probably try and catch some of these fish hiding in the reef as well i bet you some of them are valuable look whatever this is this is a pink kisser for 9800 i might have caught one of those before but we got another one i feel like every fish i see right now is a new fish or i'm just forgetting them all because there's a lot like oh i've got one of those before but now that we can go down deeper we can potentially find some new fish way out here as well because i couldn't go this deep before and there is a tiny little cavern over here i'm absolutely not going to drag a fish through there but i'm kind of curious if there's something up there and it's kind of like a challenge to get to it hello there sir well we're going to cruise through here to see if there's any way to connect up i'm not seeing any tunnel downwards so that's confusing maybe i need a bigger boat if there is still a bigger boat this time we're going in with a bigger lure that way if something does bite we'll be able to hopefully hook it not sure what those are but they're actually too far out for me to get right now so i'm gonna need the bigger boat to get over there i uh got desperate so we settled for one of these fish this is a gupper worth 16 000 get in the boat so we're gonna take on a new quest now we gotta catch a tetra a noctis in the bleeper we're also gonna sell everything we have for 330 thousand dollars there is still a better boat for 1.5 million but there is also a better rod for 320 000 but uh of course it's going to be expensive to get all this stuff for it but with the sinker the lure sinks at the bottom of your cast maximum depth increases with rod level i wonder if that means i can go to the deepest spot now but then i'm also gonna get big guard i'm also gonna get stealth bait because i'm weaving to a lot of other fish maybe diving lures so we get down quicker through the fish easier and crankbait seems interesting fish ignore small bait unless you're real fish are less attracted to medium bait unless you reel so as i'm sinking down that's going to help me just get through the nesa fish then i'm also going to buy flick you press control and it's going to flick the lure towards my cursor and i'm pretty much going to work with that for now we're back down to nine hundred thousand dollars but let's go back down into the cave it's probably slightly faster than last time but this way can also [Music] potentially outrun fish well congratulations so whatever this is worth minus the value of the hulk which is 5 000 so we made 3 500 on this another task failed successfully we lost our bait but we did get one of these a little more profit here and another stupid fish out of our way so we're gonna sell that still at nine hundred thousand dollars then there's these guys i don't know if we can uh catch these right now nope we need bigger bait luckily i know where to find bigger bait this reeled up a little bit hooked one of these we're gonna lower straight back down into that cave or what i thought was the same cave but clearly isn't and we're settling for one of these to be fair it is worth 26 thousand dollars and it's also night time also it turns out that if you're uh moving your boat backwards and try and flip a fish into your boat you lose it one of the fish i need to catch right now i think is the bleeper and that's the one that you're supposed to catch out of midair i just don't know how to do it yet it could be nighttime anytime i have an opportunity to go cave diving so i'm gonna do it okay got my light bulb on got my bait on we're gonna try and go straight to the bottom to that deep spot to find out what's down even further but i'm also gonna try and follow a wall down that way we can see our progress downwards so i'm pretty sure we're already farther down i had to go around the yellow morons because they're just gonna get on my way down the spot i meant to find early what is this once you're here no okay i don't want you either oh we still can't go any deeper this must be the bottom then and the only fish down here doesn't even want me hello bite my hook i am kind of curious to catch a few more of these fish that are out here these guys because i'm pretty sure there's going to be some good value here and leveling up isn't going to hurt because we're going to unlock more stuff that way that's worth twelve thousand dollars just hook this as it was swimming past we're gonna find out the value of this little guy twenty eight hundred dollars you know what your bait the green ones are called something else there were thirteen thousand i managed to get one of these weird brown ones out of the mix i suspect they might be more valuable because they were harder to catch never mind as per usual my theories are garbage but we're going to see whatever this is and what it's worth hundred 2200. we're going to turn that into more money i see him on the mini-map already we're gonna come in from the back got him incredibly slow to reel in but big value i'm still seeing new fish down over there so i clearly need the bigger boat to go just a little further out but for now i'll settle for catching these idiots because this is the dragon fish worth 120 000. so this five minutes of fishing was worth 173 thousand dollars puts us back over a million but now i'm wondering about those fish that were stuck in the bottom i'm pretty sure if we hit them with a bomb they'll come right out of there to be fair that's my solution to most things but we're going to see how this goes if we can find them again they were somewhere down here didn't find the fish i'm looking for but i did find a blue hat so we're going to take that that can increase my max active quests so we'll sell that i didn't mean to bring this guy with us but that's okay i hope he likes caves well we did find another one of these so i might settle for catching this because i know these are pretty valuable suddenly it feels like we're at that point where i have too much money money used to feel like a struggle now i feel like i can't not have it that's another easy 380 thousand dollars so i think one of those is what i need to bring down to the bottom to catch those other guys because the bombs obviously blow the fish up but let's try dropping the bomb never mind the bomb didn't work on a sleeping fish maybe i didn't put it in the right spot but i've got an idea how we do this now so we oh you can't bring this back down again i feel like this is what we need to fish with though i just don't know how to keep it down because once you do get these to the surface they just fall back down i think we need scout on our rod because after a failed cast our line will not be reeled in we can continue to you know look around and before it even made it back to the ground again see this is gonna work we just need to carry it over to where we can find the other fish but at that point we also need to make sure we have enough time to get one of the fish then bring it further into the cave to the other big fish and that could be tricky because those other little fish aren't always around and there's not many of them left down there from what i saw there so what we're going to do is sell this guy 180 000 it puts us up to 1.4 million then we're going to restart and that refreshes the fish there we go this is either going to work out really good or really poorly mission successful so far uh i'm not gonna hook one of these yet i just wanna take a look down here to see where all the fish are at right now i've got one of the balls for now i know where there's two others three others so i do remember the fish was somewhere to the right so we're gonna wake work our way over a little bit until we find it again okay well these fish came in in a hurry from nowhere so we've definitely got the right idea now we just need to find that big fish again which i think was actually over here to the left nope looks like the wrong spot we got to keep working our way over to the right because i remember he was close to those sleeping yeah there we go do you wanna bite i thought you like these you don't want this anymore i don't get how to get this fish i'm very confused about this but we got a whole one of these to the surface it's only worth a hundred dollars though right well let's throw you in the boat then we're mostly just gonna try this again i don't really understand he's definitely interested in this is there some other way to do this that i'm not aware of so let's see if we can get this down if not we'll try something slightly bigger but for now we're gonna try and find out what those little guys want in their mouth that the other fish can still eat he doesn't seem that interested in that so i don't know what it is they want i guess i'm gonna settle for one of you so i get some of my money back this is a gorbin worth 11 000 so that's not bad i just had a strange dot and i wonder if it's a huge hook preventing it from biting it because it definitely wants to bite the little fish but maybe the hitchhook is actually working against me and this should be an easy enough one to test okay we got him to bite this so if he wants to come out and actually eat this thing for once oh we got him it was the big hook that's counter-intuitive he's supposed to need big hook for big fish uh how do we get him out of here i'm gonna bring him in the way i aim and i think that's gonna be okay but if i reel too far up uh he's not gonna clear the roof and i don't know if his tail can drag do things and you know it's stress-free because i don't think there's anything big enough to take him off the hook at this point and he's even bigger than the other shark i guess this is technically a shark i call them a whale because it looks like a whale but i'm also stupid one cave shark eight hundred thousand dollars get in the boat then we take him into shore sell em we're gonna get a total of 950 000 for all that which means we can now buy pretty much whatever we want but we're gonna do that of course next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,456,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e0OBkipY-88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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