I Spent 100 Days in a Parasite Apocalypse in Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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really noice video man its literally like a wildlife survival documentary

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Illustrious-Narwhal5 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey my man how's it going you doing good oh look at this thing you know what that is a parasite yeah you ever see something like this before and that's not all look at this there's a cow an infected pig a disgusting wolf a little head that crawls around there's this thing there's so many of these things i mean just look at that face right there look at that and these things they infect everything and spread through your world a lot more to it and i'm telling you right now that these things they are they're not good they came from here look at this place it's a big giant lab and call it a babadon lab you like that just came up with that now something went wrong here and now the entire world is infested with parasites i'm gonna figure out what happened here and uncover the secrets of babadon lab okay why wouldn't i name it forge labs doesn't that make more sense anyways this map is a world it's full of secrets there's buildings all over the place there's farms there's radar towers there's old buildings churches graveyards there's tons of stuff around here and you know what they're all full of supplies that i need to go get if i have uh if i want to survive these parasites you know i commissioned my man artem to build this for me okay this guy very talented builder and he made a lot of cool stuff on this map for me to explore and as usual if you want to get this map for yourself it's available for my patreon supporters there's a link in the description you'll also find a link to this modpack in the video description too okay that's all good okay before i go and uh get all gooped up from the parasites yeah well i gotta say one thing think about subscribing to a man like me and i'm gonna tell you why okay you won't regret it it's gonna be something that little red button you click that thing you will be so happy okay i'll be happy you'll be everyone will be happy if press that button okay that's a good button to press well you're gonna want to leave a comment saying like wowza that's a big button no don't leave that that's a stupid comment okay enough of that it's time to survive 100 days in a world full of parasites [Applause] [Music] hey day one yeah i was a man walking into the unknown i had absolutely no idea what these parasites did how they worked i knew nothing about these guys so i was a little bit worried i spawned in a swamp and uh i saw a house not too far from me but i thought you know what i'm getting some stone tools before i go walking up in there and getting slaughtered by parasites so that's uh that's exactly what i did when i got there the first thing i took a look at was uh this little house out back oh that's where uh that's that's an outhouse then i slowly made my way into the main house i had no idea what man was waiting for me in there oh there's on here oh okay there's someone in there you know what it was a good thing i went in here this was there's some good stuff in this house and there was like a bunch of iron swords there was a bed a whole bunch of uh food for me like meat and a ton of beets made myself some beets ever beet soup i think it's called like borscht or something like that yeah stuff's good this house was good i thought there's no point in me going out there trying to build myself a little house right now this early why not just stay here for a couple days get a bunch of resources and then go do what i got to do this place is safe well i mean there was there was a man in my attic but aside from that no this is a good place don't be in the house see that's what i'm worried about in the morning i almost got smoked by a creeper walked outside and uh this man right here he was waiting for me oh oh my god that's one of the big problems with this place tall grass okay yeah you can't see anything who knows what's sneaking about out there you're walking mind your own business and all of a sudden something explodes on you not good like look at this i saw a house in the distance and i thought you know what i want to go there go see what's going on but on my way over i found out that there's uh giant pits all over the marsh they're they're everywhere and some of them they're they're very deep you walk right into one of those things and get splattered on the hard cobblestone down below and yeah you're dead a man like me it's only a matter of time before i walk right into one of those pits anyways i got over to the house and uh it was like a dungeon but i thought there's no way i'm going down there right now not a chance walk down into a dark dungeon with no armor barely any weapons come back here later figure this out for now uh i went into the forest that was behind the house to uh just check out see what was going on back there you know i was very excited to see that there was a bunch of cows you know you need a cow a cow is a very good thing to have and normally i just start killing these things without a second thought but i really wanted an enchanting table very early this time okay i always wait till the very end of the game to make the enchanting table it doesn't help me at all i wanted this thing real early and to get that you need some leather because you gotta start making books so instead of killing the cows i thought you know what i'm gonna start farming day two it's gonna be good but i didn't have any wheat so i had to go home to get the wheat and uh i heard some very strange stuff on my way home what what what are these sounds [Music] i don't i don't like hearing stuff like that what what is that sound when i got back there was a bugged skeleton you ever see a man like this standing there not not doing anything he's just what's this guy doing i got my wheat uh i went back and i i got the cow hey your favorite food just getting here everything's all good getting there that's the day don't worry about the skeleton he's bugged look he doesn't care yeah get in it's fine don't worry no no no no you're good all right here enjoy that in the morning that guy uh skeleton still there i'm gonna give this guy a name monzo very similar to gonzo a little bit different though okay i found a cave and i wanted to go in there but when i went in wow just uh listen to what i heard what is that what is that what is that i got some iron iron's good need a lot of that stuff uh i also found a little spawner and uh you know i could farm it but i'm lazy so i i destroyed it i also found this oh okay there's one in here there he is oh oh my god god so next to the house i found this uh boardwalk i wanted to know if it went to anything you know maybe there was a like a treasure chest or something at the end of it so i followed it and uh it led to two parasites oh he's coming this guy's freaking out okay he was about to explode did you see that that was uh yeah i did not know they could explode like that it was kind of i'm disgusting after seeing something like that there's only one thing you can do you go back to your house and you make armor right away so i made an iron chest piece i also planted a bunch of bamboo to get this enchanting table going nice and early hey big thanks to my man's omaze for sponsoring this video okay i gotta tell you about what omaze is doing this is them wow omaze gives you the chance to win at just an incredible prize okay absolutely incredible all the while you're supporting some non-profit causes okay so it's real good you know what they're giving away a tesla tesla model s you know what that is the fast electric car elon musk car you like that guy there's the model s apex custom built by uh unplugged performance this is a incredible vehicle and they're giving this thing away yeah with taxes and shipping included and not only that but at twenty thousand dollars too and here's the best part your entry is not just a chance to win the card no it supports two charities okay 501c3 okay it's a global community embracing low carbon culture they're the ones who made the water box which helped with the water crisis in flint there's also give power whose solar water farms provide sustainable access to clean water in water scarce regions now look at that not a bad deal you know you're helping support some great charities and you're getting a chance to win a beautiful vehicle by elon musk hey so go over to omaze.com forge or click the link in the description to enter and uh good luck and you know what thanks to omaze for sponsoring this the next morning i went out did some more exploring and found a small cave and uh just look at this what's uh what's going on down here what is that okay it's coming it's out of the game it's out of the game go okay okay hey after that guess what became my top priority making a bow so i found some gravel uh got flint and then went looking for chickens okay i never find chickens i can't find the things ever but this time i found them pretty quickly but you know what my brain has evolved normally i just start slaughtering these things right away without a care in the world but this time no i knew i would i should farm them that way i can have unlimited arrows hey but you know what i i'm an idiot i thought if i gave the chickens food they'd just follow me home no that doesn't work i fed these guys and they wanted nothing to do with me after they just started ignoring me so i put them in a box a chicken box and figured i'd come back the next day and then get them and i found two more chickens these ones weren't so lucky they did not go in the chicken box they became four arrows i spent almost the entire next day trying to get those uh chickens back to my farm you know these don't you this is going to take so long let's go come on i gotta get you guys back okay look you see the ctt's everyone loves them come on you look it's your favorite food come on please you just why did you just stop get in get in your god after the chickens were dealt with i went further into that forest and i found a small camp there's like some tents a good tree forest thing uh in the tent there was a chest which had a bunch of ender pearls which is good and also eyes of ender uh there was also like a survival guide talked about uh getting yourself clean in the river nice and clean one of the trees had like a ladder so i climbed up the ladder and there was another chest up there and i was very happy when i opened that chest because there's a bunch of arrows in there exactly what a man like me needed but night was falling and i thought you know what i'm gonna be sleeping in a tree tonight oh that's what i did in the morning i uh climbed out of the tree went down below and started killing cows killing a lot of cows saw one cow walk up to it kill it see another cow walk up to it kill it kept doing that problem is when a man starts killing so many cows he loses track of where he's going where he's heading and when you do that all day long yeah who knows where you end up and that was me totally lost a night was falling and uh i didn't know what to do so i did what you should do in a situation like that you climb a tree and you hope for the best i had some wool in my inventory so uh i made a bed i slept up in a tree again yeah spent two nights in a tree but here's where things get uh knocks not so good when i tried to climb out of the tree in the morning skeletons waiting for me down there okay okay okay okay why are those skeletons going nutty why why do those skeletons just yeah they almost got me like dead on day seven because a skeleton was waiting for me at the bottom of a tree but nope didn't get me however i still lost and had very little idea of where i was but you know what when you stick to something you look around enough you hunt for it you retrace your steps eventually you can find your way back and that's what happened to me i found my way out of the woods and named that place like the woods of confusion you know many men lose their minds in there and i was no exception when i got back i stashed all the leather i had gathered from my day of killing cows by the way look at this got 56 leather from that can you believe that 56. i have so many books i'm gonna have that enchanting table in no time mark my words but it wasn't late at all so i went out and explored a little bit more this time i went across the marsh to what looked like a bog like a giant growing mushroom and like dirt or something a whole bunch of bushes growing and stuff looked like a spooky place you know but i wanted to know what was going on over there and i'll tell you what was going on there was a spawner another one of these except this time it was a witch spawner and i do not like those things i was whipping random potions at you don't like those things so i destroyed that spawner again not dealing with that so i destroyed it and you know what i already know everyone's probably freaking out saying hey why are you destroying that you can set up a farm you can get a lot of good xp okay i'm gonna tell you right now why i didn't do that i have no idea how to do that i have no idea how to set up a farm on a spawner it doesn't make sense to me especially not with a witch you never i don't like the sound of those things and who knows they're gonna throw a special potion that's gonna turn me into a frog or something i'm not didn't know how to do it not taking the risk anyways the spawner also had a wither skull so uh i grabbed that and uh went home the next morning i heard some weird noises coming from outside my house okay there's there's something outside my house i can hear it but when i went outside to investigate gone no sign of whatever was uh making those freaky noises that was good can't wait to figure out whatever that was and it just kills me it's making me paranoid hearing all these strange sounds around my house and i come outside and there's nothing there i felt like i was going insane anyways i went back to the bog and i found a farm but look at this not like a regular farm this is a weird farm the back door was all boarded up which yeah that's a good sign you know you see some place with the boarded up door uh then i went around back look at that thing oh it's coming for me oh he can't get me ah you're in there i'm out here you i think you're gonna be put down [Music] oh my god my god after exploring the house i found a note that said do not go into the basement and uh that just i made a man like me curious you know you read a note that says don't go down there what do you do you go down there so that's exactly what i did and this is a nasty room there's like an anvil in there and there's some chests which had giant chunks of flesh and spawn eggs some other gross stuff i don't know but it was getting late so i just slept in the farm when i woke up ran straight home right out of that infected farm i got back to the old house i made some food and figured it was time to go down into that dungeon i saw a few days ago since i had better gear now i was more comfortable going down there didn't think i was gonna get smoked right away and i could take my time so i did that went down and there wasn't much going on down there very dark but there wasn't that many enemies i found a chest pretty quickly and wow look at this i found like five diamonds in a chest five diamonds on day nine that's uh i was happy to find that oh okay that's a parasite oh my god get to the door get to the door get to the door get to the door get to the door get to the door get to the door close it seal it seal it oh my god look at that thing oh god god look at it it could fit through one block look at the thing oh okay i'm getting out of here when i got back home there was uh flying things all over the fields outside oh look at them giant sacks flying around who knows what they're doing but they're doing something there's a lot of stuff going on that night there was that and then uh this thing almost got me so i just went to bed and not dealing with all that in the morning i had to go kill a parasite outside of my house oh you're slowing water sorry things were starting to get a little bit more scary and i thought it might be time to start considering where i wanted to build i'm probably somewhere different from here this little house farmhouse not so safe there's like flying pods around there's you know tall grass giant pits you can this wasn't a good area starting to figure that out but i replanted my bamboo uh i went mining got 24 iron which i used to craft the rest of my armor it's good to have that it made me feel a little bit safer you know day 11. all right day 11. uh yeah it wasn't a great day first it starts with me hearing something outside so i went outside to see what was going on oh my god these things are flying around over it sees me excuse me [Music] okay i don't i don't know what these things do i don't know what they do i i'm in the outhouse i'm in the outhouse what i don't need a bed i don't need the bed right now i can hear it i can hear it why am i shooting so many it's fine away okay the arrow just bounced off of it it's got like a rib cage hanging off of it like you got something like that floating around above you what do you do you go inside that's what you do after that i ran and grabbed my other special arrows but by the time i got back out it was gone after seeing seeing something like that i knew that building high walls like i normally did was not going to be enough you need something over your head because a giant pod like that can just crash into you or whatever it does so i wanted to have a roof a giant roof over my compound but it was not over yet because when i went into the forest just watch this look at the cows okay there's an infected cow you see that it's gonna blow up it's gonna blow up those are slugs [Music] are they chasing me they're deaf don't even while they're looking they're they're definitely chasing don't while they're looking no bother don't go in water they can probably swim yeah things are starting to pop off later when i tried to get more wood more stuff was happening i can hear something yep going inside you walk out of the house for two seconds and you start hearing stuff you know you do you turn around you go right back inside day 11. yeah that was a good day just normal day so the next day i immediately started making an iron hal burning let me tell you about if you've watched any one of my other videos you know just how good a halberd is this is a deadly weapon i'll say no more about it okay no more screwing around when a man's equipped with something like this whatever was in that forest there's about to be no problem now okay okay okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go they're behind me i can hear them go go they're still coming i okay go go don't even bother don't bother looking jump jump jump okay that not going back in there today day 13. i harvested a bunch of bamboo and uh made like 15 bucks yeah not bad 15 books that's good almost uh what do you mean like 50 or something like that and it's getting there i wanted more though so i went out to look for more bamboo you know what i'm realizing this isn't bamboo this is a sugar cane oh i've been uh i've been saying bamboo full time in the recording and you know what not worth fixing whatever i found sugarcane and i found this tentacle thing what is that thing okay it's like an infected wolf i kept looking and eventually i came to look like a small structure since most of the stuff out here is uh dangerous yeah i approached it cautiously anyone know that says okay i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone get out of the mud get out of the mud as i ran home i came across another parasite in the tallgrass this is what i'm talking about these things creeping about in the tall grass and you can't see them i cannot have this it's only a matter of time before one of these things infects me or whatever it does okay day 14. this is the one i'm dreading because uh there's a problem a huge problem and you can probably see it right now probably thinking hey why is my video not playing yeah i was thinking the same thing too when i was watching this recording back found out that everything i recorded between uh day 14 and 15 it's gone just looks like this freeze frames so i'm just gonna tell you everything that happened to me in my man why is fish the editor he's gonna have to find a creative way of putting something on screen here okay so remember that outhouse out back yeah i turned that thing into a mine dug right through the uh mud and started mining but you know what you're not gonna believe me and i know some people are gonna have a problem with this but i found diamonds yeah yeah there we go oh that was just about to leave how many things we get oh four you hear that that was me freaking out when i found them believe it or not my pickaxe broke before i could get them so the next day on day 15 i went down and i got them and that there was eight yeah eight diamonds and i know what you're thinking this man sean right here he's doing some off-camera mining and no okay no no no no do not get the wrong impression i did not do any off-camera it was broken camera mining you know what go ahead and leave a comment saying this man sean he did not do off-camera mining it was broken camera mining go ahead and leave that comment everything's fine everyone relax but after that happened i noticed my recording software wasn't working so i i reset it and uh everything started working fine boom we're back to normal look walking around everything's good only problem was was that i started thinking about this while i was playing thinking that people might be upset with me and i uh i tossed all eight diamonds into the lava i figure if you can't get them on camera you don't get them at all so that's that's what i did and i'll have you know that this decision right here this was a very costly decision this is the the effects of this ripple throughout the entire video so sit back and just watch what happens because of this anyways here's the thing because i don't know maybe i got some good karma or something because almost immediately after i found more diamonds i came out of the mine i made more books and i went to bed the next day back into the mine more mining but after a full day of mining and not really finding anything i was uh really regretting my decision to throw those diamonds in the lava getting real mad about that i regret throwing those diamonds in the lava i really regret throwing them in there i should have just kept them and said you don't like what i did too bad yes yes yes yes okay okay come on give me more than one no that's being greedy i'm happy with one yes okay i'm happy with two oh okay that's uh yeah very glad i found those i was getting dangerously close to considering doing some actual off-camera mining if you know what i mean i was a desperate desperate man and in desperate situations men do some do some crazy things i did a little bit more mining then eventually realized that i should probably leave because i was getting greedy and you never want to be greedy day 17 all right last time i said i was going to make a clock right away so i did that it's not as useful this time as it was in the zombie video but uh when you're spending so much time underground mining you gotta have something like this speaking of that i also found a lapis that i mined all night long found a big patch of obsidian this is good because uh i don't know how to make obsidian i i've i've done it i know you mix lava and water but i don't know how to do it properly i've seen some normally when you mix lava and water you get cobblestone sometimes you get obsidian i don't understand it so finding obsidian in the wild it's good for a man like me it saves me the trouble of having to look it up anyways i kept mining all day long and i still didn't find any diamonds i was getting very desperate because at this point i was had been mining for nearly 30 minutes straight and found nothing i felt like a man at a casino desperately trying to get uh trying to get his money back you know and uh diamonds in five four five okay and uh diamonds and ten okay diamonds and uh diamonds in the next 30 seconds again okay okay boom after that yeah i was good to go for longer so i kept mining all night long my man's all night i was a man down in those mines eventually i came back up to the surface at some point on day 19 but when i got back up there's two men outside of my house the man out there there's two men out there [Music] i don't know how to use a ball up here what am i what am i doing because i've been so close to my uh sugar cane bamboo whatever uh it grew nice and big big enough for me to make 21 more books yeah and since i had so many diamonds it was time to start using some of them i made a diamond pickaxe a chess piece and boots no that's not the camera just fell over that's not bad for day 19 if you ask me okay diamond stuff on day 19. that's pretty good i also saved two diamonds uh for my enchanting table which i was gonna hopefully make pretty soon uh next i wanted to get rid of the long grass so i made a bucket of water i filled it no that that didn't make sense you know what i mean i got the bucket of water and i walked outside and wow two seconds of walking through my gate look at this okay there's a giant tentacle outside my house you see that there's a giant tentacle outside the house did you see that what what is that why is that why is that growing outside of my house learn to shoot the bow don't you please can you please shoot the bow correctly why are you doing that shoot the ball right [Music] i'm out of arrows i'm out of arrows and this thing's growing out there okay why don't you go ahead and just ignore my aim there i'm not uh not necessarily very good at it i didn't know what was going on my bow was going great i wanted to make something easier to use something a man like me doesn't have trouble with a crossbow okay i'm gonna tell you this right now you're gonna see just how important this moment and decision was in the next video i upload okay this crossbow right here oh my man i'm telling you right now yeah what a good weapon this is this thing is these are you thought the halberd was deadly no this right here this is this is a good weapon and you'll see exactly what i mean in the next video okay so make sure you subscribe because you don't want to miss that i'm a man who when i get my hands on a crossbow in the next just i'm telling you right now this was a significant moment right here okay back on track a big situation was unfolding here i don't want that i like i that stuff's just gonna that car is now infected this stuff is just gonna keep [Music] okay go underground now going underground okay so i don't know what to do anymore i can i can hear them around me right now i can hear them here i i i can hear the i gotta dig i gotta dig i gotta get out of here what does that infective stuff do they're through the walls do you hear that dig dig dig just seal this up seal everything behind me seal the whole thing i can hear things skittering around me i don't know what to do yeah i was trapped in an outhouse and as almost certain as i sat there my entire house was about to turn into a giant infectious blob or something like that just goo going everywhere it was spreading and i was i was a scared man so i turned around and started digging i just dug dug dug as far as i could to get away from it then waited waited out the whole night just staring down at that long long hallway waiting for whatever beast i saw on the surface to come down for me [Music] in the morning i climbed out of the hole and cautiously started approaching the house again just waiting for that beast to start galloping at me again and then pin me to the ground but when i got back to my house the the parasites the goo whatever it was it had spread everywhere look at this it was around the door through the gate and even got into my house after seeing that i knew i had lost everything the parasite goo had my house belonged to the parasites now so i quickly looted the chest went down in the meat cellar oh my god this whole thing is my meat is my meat gonna be infected when i left the house that another massive thing had spawned oh okay i knew the parasites were weak to fire so i did the only thing i think i knew i could do i i burned it all down i lit my house on fire to stop the spread and then i i sat and watched it burn you want it take it i fled to that house that little one that was nearby that had the dungeon in the basement and i just waited waited all night long for the sunlight in the morning i ran to the farmhouse where i carefully approached it thinking that there was gonna be a bunch of beasts all around it and parasitic goo in there but there wasn't it was clear thankfully so i went inside and i stashed all the stuff i had in my inventory and started running back to the infected goo house where i got the rest of the stuff from the mines came back stashed it and it was it's not good it scared me i didn't know how this how the parasites worked and after seeing my house get infected like that i yeah i was nervous i was scared but i was safe at least i was for now behind the new farmhouse there was a seasonal forest i like the it's a nice forest you know there's a peaceful relaxing uh so i went there in the morning and i found a ton a ton of chickens my man look at all these there's chickens everywhere it's like a chicken forest very glad to see that that is exactly what a man like me needed at this point in time and i started killing them you know killing one kill another killing another and eventually i didn't know where it was again got lost but i found a village however this village it wasn't something was off about it there weren't any villagers around there's a few or a guy like in the lake or something but uh i don't know i got a bad feeling about it why was it so empty i just i left not i didn't want to find out what was going on on my way back i found a big pit of sand which was very great to see i needed sand and i had not seen any anywhere else seeing this was a good find but then i found it another tentacle oh no i gotta deal with that right away where's my house my house is there okay i gotta i gotta make a crossbow and deal with that right away i came home and i made that crossbow made that thing fast i also made a bunch of bolts these are good you just use like iron iron nugget and then uh feather you get yourself some bolts these are wow these are strong in the morning i woke up jumped out of the house ran right over that tentacle and started shooting it with the crossbow i killed it and i noticed that it was starting to spread thankfully i stopped it because i did not want to lose another house to a big gooey mess so i removed all the goo i didn't know if it would spread anymore after the host was dead but i was not taking any chances following that i went back to the sand pit dug up as much as i could and brought it back to the farm now that i knew that i could kill the tentacles i went back to my old house to get my revenge after missing with a crossbow like 20 times i killed the big one then i cleaned up all the goo and made the place safe again but by this point my house was it was all burnt down so there's no point you know what i'm realizing right now there's no point in burning it down i just i burnt down my house for no reason why did i do that why did i think that would stop what was the point of that anyways i went to the woods behind my house and uh found i found a manner i approached it very very carefully there was some sort of beast in the gated area using the crossbow i was able to kill it fairly easily but then i hopped over the gate and was attacked by some sort of a infected sheath look at these things it's disgusting the night was falling and i did not want to be out there especially with these flying things i saw all over the place so i ran back to the outhouse grabbed a bed and i slept underground the next morning went straight back to that place i'd found found out the name of it the uh i don't know how to pronounce it hold on dubrovsky manor i get that right so with the yard clear uh i went inside very carefully you can hear it [Applause] there's something in here oh oh my god oh oh oh my god from there i went upstairs and started checking the rest of the rooms and god got terrified again okay okay okay this is getting a little bit i found a room with a ton of gold look at this i felt like a golden man there's gold golden apples all gold everything good so i grabbed those and i ran out of the house as fast as possible day 26 back to the mines for a man like me i used the same strategy as before uh turned the outhouse into a mine caught right in there you know started digging through all the stuff got down and uh started digging away thing is when you when you put a man down there for so long he gets get some ideas in his head you know starts thinking about things he wants to do while he's down in those mines and i came up with an idea so i came right back up to the surface and i'll tell you right now this is uh wow you are gonna love what i'm building here this is a this is good the next day i got right to work on this thing it's gonna take a lot of glass but believe me when i say this this thing is worth it okay i made a 10 by 10 square that was two blocks deep i then filled the whole bottom layer with cobblestone uh and the top layer with dirt so the dirt here it's not touching any of the outside dirt i then used a lot of a lot of glass started building up the walls i'm gonna need these i worked on this thing the whole next day uh but i needed more wood so i went out to get it and i found another wither skeleton spawner did the same thing actually no i didn't destroy this one i don't think i i just took the skull again by day 29 my uh my thing was done this yeah this is an experiment chamber and my mans i'm telling you right now i i desperately needed this thing okay the biggest problem i was facing was i did not know how the parasites worked i didn't know how they infected other things i didn't know they spread i didn't know what they did i needed to learn about them okay know your enemy they say hey know your enemy and you'll defeat that enemy and uh that i think that sounds pretty good but first i needed something to experiment on how you guys doing i just want to do some normal stuff with you look at this i got some wheat you guys like wheat right okay i'm gonna do some normal stuff me and you guys let's go this way i was having trouble getting these cows back to come home with me they kept uh getting distracted and losing their interest in the wheat they were walking off doing stuff and skeletons started spawning before i could get them back home so uh i figured i'd come back in the morning come on this is the this is the most normal part of the whole thing no no no come on very normal situation here just get in there get in here good give me do whatever you want now we're good you're in there i went out and i got the other guy too then uh i bred them in a wide variety of subjects you know uh but getting subjects to study was the easy part getting a parasite into this chamber was gonna be the hard part that was something i was gonna have to figure out later for now i had work to do in the mine so i went down and i mined all day i kept mining on day 31 and found more obsidian now that i had a diamond pickaxe i spent some time getting a bunch of it enough to make a nether portal and an enchanting table i don't know why i got enough to make another portal i don't know why i thought i'd go to the nether no way absolutely not a chance but uh did it anyways i also went out and got more sand because i spent so much uh glass making this giant chamber that uh i needed more by this point i had four cows yeah four that's a good number to experiment on uh but i needed to get a parasite in there so i went down to that basement that was all boarded up uh where there was chess i grabbed some spawn eggs and uh infected blocks to see what they did i wanted to search small by just putting down an infected block to see if it uh spread to any of the other blocks or maybe the cow walked on it would become like an infected cow or something like that i didn't know so i went in there and put it down then i ran right out of there as fast as possible and just watched from the window but nothing happened no nothing at all it just stood there staring at the block and the block didn't do anything the cows didn't change nothing happened it was just it was fine i thought it might need more time so i left there was a swamp in the distance that i wanted to explore i love swamps you know i can't help myself but going in them so i went over to it and wow just look at this is a good looking place there's a whole bunch of water which made me think this might be a very safe place to be because as far as i knew you can't get a parasite in water no way you ever hear about parasite and water no you don't that's why i figured that this is gonna be good here wait hold on i just said something stupid what what of course there's parasites in the water what was that why did i write that in the script regardless i thought this would be a pretty cool place to build for some reason i always end up in a swamp i don't know what it is about it i like swamps i started building a little dock and then i ran home to check the chamber but nothing the block hadn't spread the cows were fine nothing happened in there i figured it just might need even more time but when i checked in the morning there was still absolutely nothing and i wanted to speed the process up a bit so i grabbed one of the spawn eggs and i went in okay look at that thing look at that thing a freaky little head crawling around it had no interest in the cows though it just completely ignored them and then i tried another thing yeah a big one oh okay that's a big thing and still nothing they did not care about the cows at all i thought maybe it just takes some time so again i went out and got more wood and i came back and the big thing was gone i guess it despawned but i left it left some goo on the ground i thought maybe that would infect the cows just let it sit for a little bit i climbed up on the roof and uh just watched look at that [Music] i just exploded and dropped all the [Music] those guys are clown climbing right over come on in yeah [Music] where's it going for oh man's taking out snails oh [Music] oh going for everything that's one two three oh you're gonna oh it's a big one that's a giant spider in the morning i did something this is one of the dumbest things i did some parasites had gotten into the farm area they were walking around or they're nearby or something i just i wanted to get those guys in the tank to see if they would infect the cows so i tried to lure them in and uh wow i am it almost worked but i'm dumb i ended up cornering myself and i got a good couple grabs on me hit me real hard and i was worried i got infected but thankfully i did not i wasn't sure if it would spread to me didn't i had to kill one of them i did not want to kill the other so i ran away and climbed up and just healed myself up and waited for a few moments and figured out how i was gonna get this man in the tank i climbed back down and i managed to lure him in but in the process i let all the cows out so now i had no cows in the tank and this guy in there got him but i got no cows in there now how do i get the cows in there eventually i gave up and i just killed him since then he was not attacking the cows outside anyways i was about to give up on this whole thing but i figured i'd try one last thing one final attempt to figure out how the parasites work so i rounded up the cows got them back in the tank and i used the last spawn egg i like this little worm ah i'm inside with a it's just a little bug don't go for me don't go for me don't go free don't go for me go for someone else go for someone else is it still inside okay the bugs inside what's it gonna do let's go for the cow what just happened oh look it's attacking the cow now it's attacking the other cows okay it's working look at that they're in there those are infected cows okay i'll come back i'll come back in the morning and there it was these were this was the key to understanding the parasite after that wild night i wanted to see if anything else was around here uh i had to kill one of those giant beasts that was crawling about and some other parasites but when i went to check on the cows they were still uh they're still there you look at these didn't like looking at them freaky creatures look at that that's a that's terrifying i'm going to name those guys right now okay what am i going to name them i'll name them there's a zero percent chance you can spell that zero percent chance that name can be spelled so don't pick a better name not like craig craig and uh bob someone like why is it gotta be weird sound anyways uh day 36 a simple day i went outside i got some wood i brought a chest full of it to the swamp because i was gonna need it to start building there soon the next day did the same thing except this time uh with sand i had big plans for the swamp and i was gonna need a lot a lot of glass but by the time i dropped it off it was getting late and on my way home i had to fight a big parasite just look at the size of this thing okay see that you gotta be quick it's dead drop anything i finally started working on the swamp house my plan was to build a lifted platform above the water and then have a glass tube that went down into the water below the water in fact where i could walk around at the bottom of the swamp and be completely safe from those floating sky-bound parasites i started clearing out a 5x5 space then i added willow logs for supports and iron bars to hide where the glass tube would be uh just to make it look a little bit better but when i went to leave there was a whole bunch of stuff around infected cows can you look at these things look at that see that was totally fine two seconds later two cows oh no oh no oh no gotta deal with that there was no way i was making it home alive with all that going on so i ran back to the platform closed it off and spent the night there when the morning came i climbed out and i killed a parasite then it was back to work all day long i added the glass tube added wood to the sides to make it look better uh this time when night came i ran home i was not getting stuck out there again day 40 more work on the swamp house when i got back i realized i did not like the look of it so far i think the sizes or the shape i don't know what it was just didn't look good so i expanded it and worked on it all day long and then i slept there again more work the following day got the base done and then i added some railings around the side to give it some more depth and detail i don't know uh but i couldn't decide if i liked railings or trap doors more around the sides i'm still unsure about that eventually i settled on fences or whatever there were railings i don't know uh but i ran out of them and i needed more so i ran back to the farmhouse and got more a lot more i came back and started putting them up all around the sides the next day i replaced the willow log supports with uh oak log but just pas this is cool okay i was very proud of myself for this one okay so look at this the willow logs are kind of like uh kind of dirty or they look like they got algae or something all over them they're kind of disgusting i don't know so i i thought maybe if a log was in the water it would have that stuff the algae on it right but the log that was not in the water above the water line will not have the algae growing on it so i did two parts the bottom was willow where the water was and the top was oak to make it look good see look at that that's a big brain building move right there i was proud of that anyways i just kept working on it all day after that i started building the actual house that would uh be on the platform i got it mostly built uh then i added a roof and it you know it looked okay but i felt like it was it was just too small so i expanded it and then i slept i redid the roof the next day because i just did not like it it was not good but i was starting to really like how i was utilizing shapes on the inside it was uh i don't know i felt like i was getting into the swing of building here and i liked it look at that that's a good looking roof i continued working on the roof all day long though right into the next day and it was almost done i just couldn't decide if i wanted the final few pieces of the roof to be like glass or wood i ended up settling on wood though because yeah just it felt the glass felt out of place up there i don't know it was too fancy for a house like this speaking of glass uh the glass tube was right in that right by the entrance of the house and that's you don't want that if a man has a glass tube by the entrance of his house he's an idiot someone will walk right into that thing so you got to move that bad boy back to the back corner or something like that i don't know so i did that and uh it wasn't the easiest thing to move i had to keep jumping in the water smashing glass under water kept getting attacked by those like little fish their eels or something i don't know the whole thing was a kind of a big pain but you know what i really wanted my glass tube in the back corner so i i did it i don't know what i did on day 47. i probably just messed about with the glass tube or something i don't know who cares i'm getting tired of talking about this tube anyways i started working on the underground tunnel now uh same thing as a glass tube just at a different angle but i was running out of glass by this point the next day i kept working on the uh the tunnel or whatever it was i was getting there what no it was not getting there it wasn't even close to being done why did i write that in the script but then i realized i had a huge problem on my hands where i built my house was not it's not good the water was way too shallow if i wanted an enchanting table under the water which was my plan it wasn't gonna work the the water lot the water was too shallow i wouldn't i wouldn't be able to look out and see all the fish swimming around like i wanted it was a bad placement for my house and it made things even worse when i swam out to an area very close to where the house was there was a nice opening and that looked like a way better place to build my house also you know what i just realized you remember how i said i wanted to make the enchanting table early it's day 49 and it's still not made halfway there pretty much that's uh wow anyways in that clearing there was like a spooky looking church type thing and i figured there'd be some good stuff in there so i wanted to explore that just not yet i need more time so my new plan was to just keep digging this tunnel dig it real far right into that clearing where the water was deeper and then build the enchanting table there which is uh not ideal and a ton of work but uh at least i don't know i just dug all day and then went to bed day 50 halfway there my man's halfway halfway through this so i just kept working on the tunnel and it was quickly dawning on me of how big of a job this actually was gonna be perhaps too big for a man like me by the next day i was really thinking that i might have bitten off more than i could chew and that rebuilding the entire house it might even be faster i was feeling like a real idiot for building here a real real big idiot but you know what sometimes you gotta be an idiot not to be an idiot you know so i started rebuilding the entire house where i wanted it to be and i'm not gonna make you sit through the whole thing again because you just watched me do it so we're just going to skip boom day 56 now mostly done oh my god look up there look at that man up there what are you doing up there now that the new house was uh mostly done i wanted to go into that uh spooky church but i still did not have enchanted gear yeah day 56 no one changing table still that's a wow i made a dark wood trap door or something like that i liked the way it looked and i thought it might even look better than the windows i had set up so i i smashed all of my windows again wasting more glass and uh replaced them all by the next day and it looked it looked okay i don't know there we go that looks pretty good i think i was starting to care less and less about how my house looked at this point i mean i was still working on the roof a bit and but i was losing interest fast and then i noticed that uh some nearby cows were looking uh they weren't looking like normal cows if you know what i mean oh no you see that over there what is that thing oh the all the whole all the cows are there are infected the parasite you got that's one thing you got to know about the parasite it's always active it's always doing stuff out in the fields where you're not looking it's always infecting other things running around growing it's always spreading it's always doing something it's always out there just waiting for you to forget okay day 58 it was you know what no more no more wasting time finally get that enchanting table built and nearly day 60 and the thing is still not going i will never make this mistake again mark my words i still wanted it to be underwater because that was the whole reason of coming here and at this point i just i had to do it okay so i started started digging down and building the glass tunnel and tube and everything and i was really regretting taking on such a huge build and at this point i had basically ran out of glass and i did not know where to get any more sand the next day i just flat out gave up on it i know i just said that i was it wanted to fit but a man changes his mind very quickly okay there was no point in putting this thing underwater absolute waste of time so i just made the enchanting table went back to the old house like the other swamp house that i had still constructed and put it in there that would be my enchanting area where i'd do all this sort of stuff who told me why did i need to put the enchanting table under water that was a waste of time anyways i got protection three on my chest and boots uh but i ran out of xp day 60 the day has come for me to see what's going on in that church yeah see what creatures are sneaking about around there so i approached from the water landed on the dock and uh checked the chest there's a bunch of fish in there that's a good man needs fish you know so i started uh going around back to see what was behind the church you know what's back there a giant tentacle that is a big big thing there oh oh okay those are some big boys i wasn't a huge fan of running straight into that church not knowing what was in there right into the darkness and uh it was fine though it was just a creeper it killed them though no big deal there's an upper floor which i had a window so i climbed out of the window jumped on one of the big mushrooms and started shooting crossbow bolts at the beast i took it down and i killed the other one uh climbed down and got all the xp then i went around back again and finished off the big tentacle yes boom nice and easy you know went back into the tower and looted it there was uh tons of books in there which yeah good to find all these after i did the whole book thing but you know whatever uh so then i went out to the graveyard and started digging up graves i had a feeling that this time you know there might actually be something in one of the graves last time there wasn't this time i had a feeling and you know what boom look at that there was a bunch of infected flesh and stuff it's good you always go to check for stuff like this forgot to mention in that church there was another entrance to a dungeon that i would later go through not now would definitely not now later before i went home i did a tiny bit more exploring around the area there and i found another wither skeleton skull i was getting a lot of these things uh so i grabbed it and i went home okay the day after that it was a time to go enchanting and one of the things i really wanted to get from the enchanting table was fire on anything i had so when i saw a fire aspect on the halberd i was a very happy man fire does bonus damage to the parasite so you definitely want something like that if you're going to go down into that church baseball not knowing what was down there it was good to have this so i got enchanted and i headed down to that dungeon and let me tell you that place he was a gold mine i was one shotting enemies with my crossbow and looting chests getting netherward alchemy supplies i got a gas tear got so much slime yeah i was loaded i spent all day down there getting stuff eventually i had to come up because i had too much stuff and it was the next day i just did some exploring around the swamp uh there was a small building but there was something in there i don't know what was this place so i just came home went to bed and the morning went back down and uh look at this i got a big skeleton fight going these guys are they're going nuts big fight going on in there look at that let's help him out and i just stayed down there all night again look at this there's a lot of them oh this is good there's a ton of xp here all right here's what you do you open that up and they all start fighting and you get in there i get a couple hits i came back up the following day but only because i ran out of my crossbow bolt and my halberd was about to break i did not want that thing snapping on me you got to go up and repair something like that so i came back up and uh i went to the old uh infected farmhouse because there was a anvil in the basement in that little place where they had the windows or doors boarded up and there was an anvil down there so i grabbed that brought it back to the enchanting house and got my halberd all fixed up i need that thing to be working good day 65 now i was running out of iron so uh i needed to get more to make more crossbow bolts so i started mining below my house straight from the glass tube as i dug you know what i found i found my that huge tunnel i started digging that i gave up on and this wasn't uh it's not bad because now i got a direct route from my new house to my old house without having to use the boat and swim through the water and it was good to have this tunnel i was actually uh my work was not for nothing so i was happy about that but i kept mining and i found like a cavern so i started exploring that a little bit and there was a lot of parasite stuff down there there was things flying around there was a it just wasn't good down there eventually i got down to y11 but yeah i'll come back here later okay i had a lot of slime you ever see a man with this much slime what do you do with all this slime normally i need it this time did not need it i just kept keeping it but you know what i also found look at this look at this bow see that bow power flame infinity and breaking three power five fl look at this bow that bow right there that wow that one uh that that might be why i survived this i'm gonna tell you right now that thing is what a good bow if you play on this map i'm telling you right now go to this dungeon find this bow if it's there for you you want this thing a lot of stuff dropping down there i was on the bottom floor of the dungeon and people were dropping like a diamond pickaxe so i got that there was this giant room i was trying to get into but the problem was was that there was like five spawners on the ceiling very hard to get in there but if i got in there i knew that there was a bunch of chests there and i i really wanted those in the process of trying to get in i was killing a ton of mobs and i was getting a lot of good stuff i got diamond helmets and legs getting some real good stuff down there so i spent the entire night in that dungeon look at my man look how many arrows i have in me like look at this after i got all those spawners destroyed uh i went in to see what was going on in those chests in there and one had diamond legs yeah diamond legs with protection four and just like that i became a man with full diamond armor full diamond armor that was real good and then another one of the chests had uh boots yeah with protection four that was a man who was doing well so i came back up went to the enchanting house why did i keep writing enchanting enchanted house i don't know what what the house with the enchanting table i went there and i put protection for on my helmet and uh just like that i was a very very safe man day 68 just take a look at this okay i had full diamond and not only that but i was fully enchanted too this this is one of the best situations i've ever had in one of these and with that i thought you know what it's time i start looking for what's going on start to uncover the secrets of the lab but to do that i had to find out where it was because i had no idea i had absolutely no idea where this lab was so i started looking for it i first went back to where i spawned where that forest was and i started looking through there i spent the entire day in the forest looking for it and i uh did not find it did not find it at all i did however find another like camp with the tents and stuff i had more arrows for me but you know what at this point i did not need them since uh my bow had infinity so i just ended up sleeping in the manor in the morning i i scared myself with a full set of armor oh my god oh there's a zombie in there you ever do that yeah he's you walk into something like this and have it scared i don't know it's something about this house kind of spooky anyways i got out of the house and got back to looking for the lab i was walking through the woods for uh for a good while and uh i could not find it i was told that it is somewhere in this forest but yeah i don't know after searching for it for a while i could not find any sign of it so what do you do in a situation where a man can't find something in the in the woods i'll tell you what a man like that does all right he finds a tree climbs up the tree and takes a look see if he can find anything so that's uh that's exactly what i did this is all was that it was something and i i spotted something and i thought that you know what that just might be it that's looking like it that's definitely it that's the lab and when i got there sure enough sure enough there was parasites all over the place there was a goop around this this was it this was the lab i mean just look at the roof like what is on the roof what is that thing look at that thing up there i wasn't ready to go in yet i just wanted to know where it was so i found a road that led out and i marked my path and i started the long hike home and by nightfall i was back day 70 i had to confront the mess i had going in my house you ever wonder why my inventory always looks like this like my chests always look like this too like what my boat's not even here my boat is i don't even know where i left my boat i am one disorganized man you know that like what okay you know what enough's enough i'm not lit i'm not i'm not let's get some of this stuff fixed up okay this is not a good day had a had a bad day here so i had this idea i thought you know what before i go into the lab i want to fight the wither why did i want to fight the weather i can't even tell you i have no idea i just thought since i have the skulls i may as well fight the man no need to so i grabbed the skulls i had in my house or the chest i had then i went back to the old farmhouse where the last one was and then i got some feathers and slept in the morning i made more crossbow bolts and dug down into the mine uh then i fought the wither i'm nervous about doing this so i jump back here and run this way and i start shooting him right i can't shoot him i just shot myself i i don't know what i'm doing can you not shoot him there we go i'm shooting him 16 seconds come on it's fine everything's fine everything's fine he's gonna die look at his health he's going down there's no problem he's just taking damage because he's squeezed in there or something that was easy what was the point in fighting that thing i i don't know anyways i grabbed my stuff and went home not doing that again before going back to the lab i wanted diamond weapons what i had was okay but you know what can you imagine me with diamond weapons now okay a man who's got full diamond armor he may as well have full diamond weapons too i didn't know what was going on in the lab i saw some freaky stuff on the roof so may as well try to get the best chance i can you know so i started mining and uh i mined all day long and i couldn't find any diamonds you know i'm really really really regretting throwing those eight diamonds into the uh lava a while ago those would have been those have been really good right now could have like a diamond weapon but no i threw them into the lava i continued mining all day and all night and i did not find anything ready and five four three two five look how big this kid really the biggest cave ever this is a massive cave oh so i kept mining right into day 73 and still i was not finding anything nothing at all and i really wanted these diamonds so eventually i just gave up and went back up to the surface hey you know what the beginning of the video when i threw away all those diamonds and i said that my decision there would have consequences that would ripple throughout the entire video yeah here's here's one of those examples okay because i couldn't find any diamonds underground i thought hey you know what i can definitely find some in one of the other dungeons i haven't explored yet oh i was about to make a real big mistake i went back into the church dungeon and i cleared out the entire bottom floor i found nothing but you know what there was plenty more dungeons then on day 75 i went into another one and uh this one i speed ran it i didn't find anything so i came back up to the surface but it was night so i just uh waited it out there was one last dungeon i wanted to clear out it was in a brick house near the lab so i went there went down drank a speed potion and i started speed running again now get that off this it's not this time it didn't go well a little one got through oh okay okay this is not good this is not good at all i gotta kill this thing there's a spider back there come on this [Music] look at my heart i'm gonna die i'm gonna die close it steal it okay i don't know what i was thinking i thought i was unkillable or something look where that got me scared corner i feel like a trapped animal in a cage the title of this video became very close to being called i spent 100 days uh if you know what i mean but you know what i hadn't learned my lesson i'm an idiot i mean look at that i did it again okay so um i think it's time i leave after dying nearly twice in the span of five minutes i wanted to get out of there but the problem was was that i didn't know where the staircase was to get out after searching for the staircase and being extremely cautious not to die i'm pretty sure i like i dug my way out to the staircase or something i made it out felt like a man on that show uh i shouldn't be alive you never watched that it was me on there anyways i i got out i learned my lesson gives me absolutely no more risk than this thing not a single one uh then i went to bed okay day 78 what did i do day 78 i was running back and oh look at that i went in the lab even though i just said no more risks that's okay that's good oh okay i'm leaving okay good on my way back i fought an infected wolf oh it's an infected wolf i think it's quick speaking where were the normal wolves one of the things i was planning on in this was getting a pet wolf and uh giving him armor didn't see a single one just these disgusting things i also found a radar tower in the woods uh so i i climbed up look at that a man above the world you know night was falling so i just uh slept up there in the morning i climbed out of the tower and went into the building down below look at this i feel like sleep down here i'm gonna cool eat some diamonds you know [Music] two diamonds down here what are the nice i was wondering about that big uh ball maybe there was a surprise in there for me or something i wanted to go in there oh why is that in there after all that i made it home but uh the work wasn't done yet i needed to enchant some stuff or fix some stuff i don't know so i went over to the enchanting table and sure enough didn't have any lapis on me i only carry that on me when i'm going into a dungeon to fill my inventory slots for some reason uh so i went and gotta enchanted stuff i don't know what i was doing this day i'm gonna be honest with you day 80. wow really getting to the end of it only 20 days left so i figured it was time to uh make some potions except i don't know how to make potions at all so uh i knew i mean i knew some basics what am i saying i don't know how to i use netherwar to make an awkward potion uh but i couldn't really remember the rest so i had to look it up i wanted to make invisibility potions but you need a golden carrot to do that and i did not have any carrots so where does a man get carrots you know when you can't find any i'll tell you where that village remember that village that i found that was kind of weird that i wanted to leave well uh they had carrots so i wanted to go find it but i i had no idea where it was but that didn't stop me i figured i could find it so i went out and i went out looking for it my sense of direction's all okay that could have been really bad it didn't take long i really thought it was gonna take me a couple days to find it because of how bad i am with directions but uh no it was pretty easy to find there it is okay i got it yeah look at that the villager's gonna be eaten by that thing since i was falling i just slept in the village i was up and i was ready to go uh but when i tried to leave uh look at the this man showed up oh oh oh oh okay i got back to my house and i brewed my invisibility potions but i realized i forgot my bed in the village so i just spent the night watching the fields outside look at this thing just flies and then look at boom it just tries to hit stuff boom it's gonna try to explode yeah see then it drops this thing look at these things the zombies trying to fight them you're not you're gonna win boom look i made a man like now they're gonna go they kill the snail watch there's a villager over there for some reason watch this guy doesn't stand a chance boom dead in the morning i went outside and look at these guys look this is what mod pack am i playing right now i didn't do much on day 82 i just explored the swamp a bit and and got ready for tomorrow because it was finally time to enter the lab in the morning i gathered my stuff and started the long run to the lab i looked around outside and chose where i wanted to enter i figured the security entrance would probably be the best also because it was the only door so i went in there okay i hope this uh oh what's good in here okay i think that thing moved there's like a nasty bloody pile of goo rolling around what is this thing it's a it's a gross yes this is the lab it's a bunch of rooms there's some gross stuff going around the floors are supposed to get harder the higher you go up the more you go up the more parasites or something i guess the experiments were worse up top or something i don't know so i cleared out the bottom floor found a couple things nothing too crazy but night was falling and i did not want to be in the lab at night so i ran to that brick house and just slept there in the morning i was back bright and early and got right back into the lab and started heading up to the second floor oh you see that a man emerges from the darkness i don't think you can fit through there though yeah you see that this man comes running straight out of the darkness that's why i gotta be careful here anyways there's a lot of spider webs around here i don't like seeing that there's also a lot of mobs up here but i dealt with them it was it was pretty easy since my gear was really good at this point i kept following the spider webs and eventually they led me to this this beast look at that it's one it's one of those spider things look at that thing so there's webs all over the place i also found a new type of man look at that though i don't know what those things are never seen those guys before lots of stuff going on in this floor there was spider webs new men a big spider i even found an elevator shaft which instead of going up i used to go down to the previous floor where i guess i missed a room and good thing because it had two diamonds yeah look at that oh two diamonds look at that two diamonds i went back up and uh entered the spider room uh but the spider's very easy to kill too easy in fact however above me there was some horrible sounds going on do you hear that what do you hear above me right now like that listen to that sound day 85 it's time to head up to the third floor okay time to go up another floor oh flush blocks in this one that's uh something you like to see you know oh my god oh my god i killed some big thing up there and it's pretty easy i got this what is it sacred oak sapling i don't i don't know what it does but when you see something like that you take it i finished clearing out the floor pretty easy and i moved on to the next one the fourth floor had a lot of flesh on it tons of flesh and a ton of those blob things there's also this massive man in a room and it looked like it was glitched and couldn't move but you know what i don't care that's my philosophy okay the man's messed up i'm taking advantage of it so i took them down and look at this i got like a totem of undying never had one of these before don't know how to use it i figure you just hold it then if you die you get like an extra heart or something like that so good to have it even though it's the last 15 days still happy you know you don't know what can happen that's a good thing to find still looks like i said screw it on day 86 and just drank an invisibility potion went straight up to the roof what's this thing what where did half my body go whatever it was it hit me it hit me hard and broke my armor but at the time i did not understand that i thought i guess i forgot i drank the invisibility potion and thought that this man had like cut me in half or something i guess my armor broke yeah look how low my armor is i got i cleared the roof out and got four diamonds uh that was it the lab was empty and uh you know what i probably should have came to the lab earlier probably shouldn't have waited at the end uh because there's some a lot of stuff in here that would have helped me earlier on in the game but uh i waited till the end to come here you know what doesn't matter i was a man walking away from this lab feeling good it was good knowing that the parasites had been cleared out of here but my work it didn't end here no i started the long run home but only made it to the first house by nightfall and i got wow i got hit hard by one of these giant parasitic beasts because i guess i only had half armor i was able to sleep after killing it in the morning i continued heading home back to my house i had to kill an infected wolf on the way back but when i got there i made a new diamond chest piece i also crafted a beautiful diamond halberd i wanted to get this thing enchanted as fast as possible but i did not have enough levels so i went outside and planted that sacred oak sapling in front of my house again i have no idea what this thing does we'll just find out now that the lab was cleared though i could finally shift my focus back to making my underwater room yeah remember that remember i was working on this thing and gave up well now i had some time to figure it out and work on it so i did that for the rest of the day i needed more sand so i went out looking for some in that seasonal forest and i found out i found a little bit not necessarily enough but enough to just work i don't know on my way back though i decided you know what it's time to put those cows out of their misery i what did i name them that's the problem with coming up those weird names you can never remember a name like that i have no idea what i named that thing how's it going yes i think it's time we uh have a little chat here oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i go back to my base and uh i did something stupid something really really dumb i enchanted my pickaxe with silk touch well you might be wondering why did i put silk touch on it yeah the answer to that is i don't know i just i know i heard silk touch was good so i just agreed to it and uh wasted my levels on it that was good so i also set up some tnt around my base not like around the base like but on the other side of the water put a bunch of tnt i thought i was like the guy from i am legend in case a bunch of stuff came like some parasites game i could just blow them all should have probably done that on the zombie thing that was a good idea i should have done that yeah you know what doing it here though i worked on the glass room for more of the next day and i finally got it sealed but the real work starts when you need to get all that water out of there without a sponge so i got to do it the old-fashioned way with sand and dirt so i started that grueling process for the entire day and i got a good portion of it done throughout the night day 90 okay here's uh wow okay so remember those mutations from the last video well i figured you know what let's do them again make let's make the last 10 days a little bit more challenging uh so i made the parasites spawn a bit more uh and i gave them more health we'll see what that does in the meantime look at this the uh sacred oak tree grew oh look at that what's that great tree i planted that's uh that's good i'm glad to have that thing making a giant patch of darkness right outside my house i love seeing that i found an infected pig nearby and this thing looks uh it looks bad there's an infected pig look at that thing oh just took out the snail i used some diamonds to repair my nearly broken diamond gear i was gonna need this so the parasites were tougher after that i just kept working on the glass room i continued working on it into the next day and finally got all the water out and uh yeah it wasn't yeah i don't know if i should have done this yeah this uh i don't know if this is worth it ah i don't know that was a lot of work and this place doesn't yeah seem better you know i added a little ladder up from inside my house to my roof so that i could get a better view of what was going on around me seeing that view from my roof gave me an idea for the next day i wanted to build a guard tower a little late but you know what who cares i like building these things i use spruce logs again for the supports and i built them really high so high that when i jumped off who almost died oh man that was a close one animals went down from that yeah imagine that imagine dying like that on day 92 because i fell off my own guard tower i don't even want to know what i would do who am i kidding i know exactly i'd release the video and say that the death didn't count or something i may get an excuse like the uh the wind pushed me you know what that's actually not a bad idea for a future video if i die if i die forget i said that okay that's not an excuse that's just okay so i kept working on the tower and i needed more wood because i was running out while making the supports problem was was that spruce didn't grow around here and the only place i could get it was the infected farmhouse so i made the trek back to get more but on my way i noticed that more parasites were starting to spawn seemed like things were about to get uh kind of scary soon the following day i got back to work on the tower got those supports up nice and high you know nice and strong but i ran out of spruce again uh when i wanted to make the floors but you know it's fine i can just use something else this whole spruce thing is unnecessary i wanted a nice bridge connecting the first house to the tower so i started building that i felt like an idiot though for two reasons first of all i couldn't figure out how to place the bridge piece correctly and second of all i kept falling in the [Music] water [Music] if i fall in the water one more time i'm gonna be a very angry man i got the bridge done by day 94 but i did not like the color of the platform so i changed it but then i liked that less so i changed it back it was a big waste of a day just doing one thing and undoing it and doing it again okay day 95 i thought you know what more mutations let's uh let's get these parasites going crazy so i made them even stronger and this time i multiplied the spawn rate significantly and i tripled their health too these things were about to get uh about to get crazy so i kept working on the tower and i finished it it's not perfect but uh there's a good view up there you know no man who can see everything look down in the jungle over there see if anyone's sneaking around down there come over here look across the bog is even trying to sneak up on me here see the little dock there you can see it all i still needed to enchant my chest piece though and to do that i needed more levels since i wasted them on getting silk touch for some reason i still don't know why i did that uh so i went out to kill some parasites and uh i killed a few of them and then this this beast spawned what is that thing look at that thing okay it's coming for me it's coming for me the next day i made more crossbow bolts including a few diamond tip ones because at this point i doubt i had any more use for diamonds so i went back outside and got attacked by a bunch of parasites okay those things were much stronger now after the mutations i gotta be careful because at this point i'm playing with fire so i found that massive thing which i think is a boss i probably it's probably not supposed to spawn like this and at this point it was stuck in a pool of water unable to fight back but you know what i mean like me does not care about that so i just started shooting him and took the man down after that i found another massive parasite okay that thing is um yet again i ran home not dealing with that in the morning i went back out decided you know what i am going to deal with that and this guy just like the last one he got stuck on something this guy got stuck in the trees and again i do not care i will kill any man if he gets stuck but this time he could kind of shoot back he's shooting like i don't even know what they were these like balls at me doesn't matter though i took the man down he dropped these like rib cage things which i'm not sure what i was supposed to do with so i just started hacking at them you're probably not supposed to do this you know you're probably supposed to do something else with them but it's day 97 all right so just give a man a break okay they just gave me xp i think i'm not sure these things were just you don't want someone like this laying around your house just in case you don't know what they'll do after all that i was close to level 28 but my halberd was almost broken i know i have a diamond one but the end chance in this one they were just too good the fire the knockback oh there's some good stuff on here so i repaired it which cost me like 19 levels i spent the rest of the day killing parasites i just wanted to purge as many of them as i could i went out again on the following day looking for parasites to kill and i found another large one which again it was easy to kill from a distance i took this guy right down at this point i was running around killing every parasite i could find i was very confident knowing that nothing would harm me anything i was unsure if i just shot from a distance or was careful i was just i felt like a man who knew what he was doing until this happened [Music] okay okay okay what was that i ran right home after that anyone know what happened there that's uh imagine dying there like that that would not be good i'll be good day 98 so i just went home the next day i stayed inside for the entire day and i'm not kidding there was no way i was going back outside no way i was going back outside after something like that i just shot at all the tnt around my house i went fishing i watched things from a distance i did it all except for go outside and know you're probably thinking sean what about a purge in the world of parasites you know what that's not my problem anymore i'm just a fisherman living in his hut you want a fisherman to go there and take on parasites not gonna work so just don't worry about it okay so i fished all day long and i watched the sun set from my guard tower day 100 that's it done survive the parasites okay there it is day 100 that was uh wow [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 16,177,119
Rating: 4.9270658 out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: CxkvhxrJde0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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