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are you excited i'm excited it's rough day rough day we're gonna have some fun today do you remember the last video where i made this really really really dumb um dumb rap that zip line from all over the world hey what's that oh it's a flying intern look at him go oh look he did circles that was cool but yeah i made a dumb raft what i really wanted to do was make zipline from island island but it somehow turned into the world's largest zipline washing machine because this is just insane but it is a lot of fun no no no no no no no oh no no no oh there he is he doesn't even care about me as i was saying it's a lot of fun to ride a zipline all the way across this but when i was building this and when i was talking with you guys in the comments about it you told me that i should build the world's tallest zip line yeah that would be fun wouldn't it and since creative mode is sort of kind of broken i wanted to go back and do a normal mode with mods zipline to moon great world yeah we're just going to start it off by giving myself 5 000 of that oh times 2. that sounds fun here intern catch yeah he just has ten thousand wood now and joint and joint there's ten thousand plastic and might as well give ourselves some nails and you know just a ton of other items i think he needs a hat should we give in turn a hat here i will give you there's a hat there you go good intern good i like your hat what's that name the septuagint hey you pushed me oh there's that's a better hat now you're the mayor now are you the mayor of blitztopia this is illegal no no here he goes goodbye little dude hopefully you don't get eaten by a shark all right so here's the deal he's gonna go that way like this and gonna make a long way over there and then i'm gonna go up ooh an island and i'm gonna make a platform not like that that's illegal stop it like this yes and then every ten oh shoot i can't do that i was gonna say every ten i want to turn it but i can't so i guess every 10 will just make a little platform three four five six seven eight nine ten oh we're gonna we're gonna hit an island it's not good okay this game needs like a hang glider too yeah oh it gets really wiggly up there hey bird ready i'm gonna snipe it i'm gonna snipe it oh oh that was close there's another one okay lead it a little bit oh it's super close too we're gonna get up this shot oh come on bird come on bird ah oh that was so close too you ready oh one of these times i can get him it's crying at me oh this this is it this is the magic shot right here wow oh come on a little bit higher oh no got him i think it would be kind of fun to have one of these zip lines like in every single um like platform i make up here then we could just ride it back whenever we needed to which would be never but it's still fun oh this is a good idea yay so much for the hang glider here we go oh requires a zipline tool i have one what are you crying about oh it's not not quite as fun as i had hoped you're ready look get me off of there okay i can do it i can do it oh that was close what's that would have worked that one that one would have been the ticket all right here we go intern it's a race first one to 10 putting first one to three so what we'll do is we'll go 10 up a platform 10 up platform 10 up platform so we'll do like 30 high the first one to do that wins are you ready are you ready uh-huh yeah you're ready it's dark out hold up wait just hold wait a second here we'll make it we'll make it light out i just lay down there we go i'm actually kind of scared like having a bed up on this thing is a little bit strange oh i'm gonna die you know just enjoying a quick watermelon or a hundred of them or five thousand of them it doesn't matter all right are you ready for a race 10 platform 10 platform 10 platform on three two one go six seven eight nine ten and platform oh oh i'm ahead i'm ahead one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh i'm ahead i'm ahead oh got it oh i'm gonna i'm gonna smoke him two three four five six seven eight nine ten come on come on come on yes yes oh it's just i just you know what that means you have to walk the plank you have to walk the plank yeah actually that's that's a long way down oh oh no no don't die don't oh no i fell too oh this thing moved no oh that wasn't as bad as i thought it would be good thing we didn't hit the island here catch what are you doing oops i missed i mean i missed the water it hit with the face all right that's already uh annoyingly tall tower you got you got something uh something poking out of your your shoulder um just don't move it's expensive just stay there we go thank you something very strange about this everything's blue you can't even see water there's no there's nothing there's just endless sky endless amounts of blue sky and one single intern making steps up to the endless blue sky oh no no no no not that way whoa okay that was a little scary i just wanted to connect this there we go no no not ride it again no no no no no no no no no that's oh my word note to self um safety railings look at the moon rays shining through that's it's actually kind of fun oh it's getting really wobbly too let's hope a storm doesn't pop up because that would be terrifying i might have to make like a little box and hiding it for an entire day can you imagine how slippery and wet this would be if it were to rain like it's a 45 degree angle this is steep like you normally can't really walk up something this deep but then like if it was wet on wood this would be just a giant slip and slide which would be amazing i like that'd be fun look at him go a little workaholic over here uh we're gonna go up a hundred but neither of us can count that high so we're just clicking the button as fast as we can well sprinting i like how we're literally a mile up in this thing we can't see the ocean at all but we can hear it yay oh it's because it's storming now oh this is a bad idea so i told him to stop at 100. uh and by my my math magician in my head we've used up over a thousand wood which would be like 250. yeah that counting that counting thing we better work on that a little bit i gotta look watch oh man this is so weird oh not doing that one is he just gonna burn up the rest of his wood i gave him ten thousand is that enough i think this might be good is this good let's make a little platform here just kidding i wanted to catch up ah i'm in the lead now got him okay for real this time we'll do a quick little stop make a little platform and i'm gonna go back down i don't know how many of these have used but i'm gonna drag this all the way down actually no intern is gonna drag that and i'm gonna watch him so i can write it down it'll be fun he's the mayor of course look at he can fly he's he's floating sometime the zipline is gonna magically appear it'll be funny i wonder if if i shoot this just right if intern can catch it wait what it just kind of disappears wow whoa why did that one whoa that's weird they're like disappearing off the side of the world no no no no no no no no oh man i'm still falling oh there's water this is gonna be painful oh it's really painful because i don't even know where the boat is i can't even see it oh no i think it was this way time to give myself some flippers man this would be faster just to commit sudoku i think committing sudoku might be there the real answer right now it's sudoku time i'm gonna go the only way i know by eating lots and lots of watermelon we're so far out there shark doesn't even want to eat me well sudoku's been committed um respawn time uh oh oh well um which way is which okay it's going i think it's going up is that where my body was i don't even know what's happening anymore i see the bottom i see the bottom of the raft imagine that that whole big space station all the way up it has no support i have no idea how this raft is still full floating without tipping over but it is hey look interns coming down hey intern you've been walking this whole time with a watermelon in your face nice he's going so slow i bet he's thirsty oh he connected the top of the zip line look at that and if i remove all of these then we have a really really really long zip line oh he's smart he's got the smart in his face hey this kind of looks cool doesn't it just the moonlight in turn with the top hat on sun shining moonshining i guess it's technically the sun right and the last pole [Music] made it oh i see the top i think maybe i can't tell i've been running oh oh we got a storm happening and not a good time to be in a storm nope that's just interns head bobbing we're nowhere near the top yet yeah he did it he made it to the top look at the champion up there wow just about took us an entire day to climb the zip line um i don't even have a zip line tool anymore yeah you know what i wasn't joking this thing needs safety rails badly i can't even put them down why can't i put down the safety rails oh no no no no no no look at this guy mr smarty smarty intern mayor man putting up fences that's not what i called for i said i wanted i wanted safety rails not a safety fence you gotta walk the plank time to walk no i'm kidding don't lock the plank okay we gotta take we gotta take this thing we're gonna take the zip line are you pointing at me now what oh no he just straight up disappeared i guess he he left he wanted to ride the zipline so this is the longest possible zip line that we can make like if we start dragging it and then and then walk all the way down this thing this is the maximum amount of food and water that we can do because he just about died when he did it before that's why he was walking so slow so i guess it's just time to ride it like the zip line to the moon we're not quite at the moon yet but we're close to i just i really want to see what this is like ready i'm excited okay i think i think i'm ready i think i'm gonna do it i think i'm gonna jump okay i should time it okay that was like i started at 142 on my recording oh man look at it go i'm so high i'm so high is intern following me i think so ah you imagine the speed that you'd get okay i have another dumb idea in turn stop stay up top if we make a platform straight down like what would happen if we made a platform straight down like can you take a zip line straight vertically up this is crazy i can't even see the water yet oh we're starting to get these things now that's about the halfway point i've been riding the zipline for one straight minute i can't imagine the speed somebody should do the math on how fast it go and oh i didn't carry my momentum that's a little sad all right so i'm going to build this way straight underneath we're going to try to build straight down see what happens oh the storm's happening now this isn't this isn't am i gonna go underwater again i'm a little bit scared when i go underwater here we go boys here we go oh oh that was a good that was okay wave that was i don't like this hey here we go i'm walking underwater don't worry about swimming we don't need any of that magic around here so that right there is 1 000 blocks from the base of our raft we have no idea how high it is all right so uh somewhere way up in the sky we made it morning time intern is gonna uh grab that rope and then jump off and i hopefully i can see him falling somewhere and hopefully he doesn't quite land on this because if he does then he'll die and we have to run all the way to the top again so that would suck so where is he is he falling i mean it took me a minute to zip line down it's probably taking him a long time to fall through the oblivion would water hurt like would you if you if you splashed from space into water without slowing down at all would it hurt i'm gonna say yes or maybe it would hurt too much that you wouldn't even feel it you'd just turn into like a flesh-colored pancake would be sad then sharks could eat you that would be fun so evidently he made it into the water oh i think i saw him i see some i see something i see something it looks like an intern bobbing either that or it's a shark is it a shark or an intern it's swimming maybe it's a merman could it be a merman look he's alive that was actually really good we didn't plan that so i need to put down a zipline dealing dealymabobber and then can he connect it can he can it get uh oh if not then we'll just build over to the side and can he connect that one oh he did we have a mile high oh how did he do that he said he's a magician wow that was exciting how to do that [Laughter] that is so weird how can we go up that high that's amazing and chinga that's the fastest way to travel in this game ah it's gonna hurt it hurt look at me i wonder if i jump off and ride can i climb uh i don't know am i ah climb that's really difficult oh there's intern huh i don't think you can climb [Applause] good thing fl okay so i got to go all the way up top for the next 10 minutes and then uh and then write it down for science purposes hot dang this takes forever a thousand blocks takes so long to walk but you know for science purposes it's all worth it right i see the top it only took entire day cycle to get there but i'm not gonna lie it is really satisfying to be way up here with like the moon coming up and everything oh it's still like vertical i'm really scared should i do it should we wait till oh boy we can't even place down we can't even place down two oh oh i got green all right and i get it this is bad this is so bad oh no no no no okay good i thought i was falling i am falling no no no no no no no no no that's illegal you can't fall right now no well that really sucks oh that really sucks it's the only one way out no i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna drownify again unless i can't see it oh it's raining glorp um well i guess we'll just have to watch the intern cam as he drops down all the way i don't even get to witness it ah this is he is he is he going now i think he's going is it exciting i wonder how long it takes him to fall like this is man i guess we're gonna have to do like picture in picture me just drowning down here in the water in turn flying through the sky as fast and as cool as possible man i'm doing it i'm swimming to the bottom of the ocean well my friends such a sad day such a sad day for for the blistopian empire press any key to wake up oh i spawned at the top i spawned at the top how did that happen weird well i just need a new zipline tool i was thinking i was gone i was gonna spawn on the ocean but now i get to ride the zipline anyway wow this is this is stupid i love it a vertical zipline going straight up and down i could jump off i wonder if jumping is faster than than not jumping huh i don't know because it still takes a long time to go down was it the same speed so i'm traveling the same vertical distance so i'm wondering if there's a max speed on the zip line and it probably just takes a solid minute the same as it would be traversing a distance huh i don't know um okay maybe this isn't uh [Applause] maybe it's not as exciting oh there's the bottom and [Applause] the legendary just stopping super fast straight straight fall down a mile into the air right onto the water and you just stop within turn so we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,665,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, raft, raft game, lets play raft, raft download gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, raft survival gameplay, raft gameplay part 1, survival games, raft shark, raft crafting, raft building, raft free, stranded deep, the raft, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft update
Id: HdJ8c-pm0mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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