Upgrading Him To Hit Speeds No Creature Ever Should

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today we need to make this bison fly as far as possible it doesn't matter who or what is in the way we get to launch him he's gonna land on a bunch of gummy bears murdering them in horrible fashion the further he goes and the more he murders the more money we're gonna make to upgrade to launch him further for example on that little run we made eleven hundred and fifty dollars so i think the first thing we should upgrade are elastic cables that's only four hundred dollar upgrade then also a speedometer for two thousand pushes your speed limit to the next level so now let's see how many things we can murder hopefully we get to finish this guy off so far so good i think we're going to end up just a little bit further depending on how many gummy bears we land on i did use my little bouncer to clear that gap and new record for 1371 but it probably is better to launch like upwards never mind at the beginning it's actually better to bounce off that idiot we're trying to kill him anyway and i'm not really sure what he is but we can bounce off him somehow my stupid experiment worked we didn't go nearly as far but we did make twenty one hundred dollars next i think we're probably going to try the flavor master retain more speed we're landing on gummy bears and that's something i pride myself on in real life this guy's down to like 40 health so it's only gonna be a few more launches to really finish him off and we already hit the ground so much of this early success seems to be on not hitting the ground mostly hitting gummy bears i do have to say i enjoy the way that's just gummy bear genocide the entire time 2500 but i want to keep going until we finish this guy off because i think the murderer of him is going to be pretty valuable should be one more hit after this maybe two alright stupid prepare to be disintegrated think he's dead now we wait for our reward i really like the game zorges the more you kill the more successful you're gonna be oh i wait i still got the money bag i just hit a bunch of things that i don't really understand but we're definitely getting carried very far into this one there's another money bag can we slam it yeah we sure can and whatever that is oh don't hit that one but we had locked pinatas which mostly exists to live in your nightmares and then we just get to hit it until it explodes not unlike living things in real life so we're gonna take that one for 125 coins for all of them because we're special like that and that was worth five thousand dollars which added to the ten thousand dollars we made trying to murder idiot the first thing i'm gonna buy is slippery lotion lose less speed when hitting the ground that way we'll carry our momentum better and then pickpocket get more money out of gummy bears i'm gonna do that twice because we hit a lot of gummy bears then i'm gonna go for the cheap rocket slam for only 200 increase the amount of times you can body slam and bounciness everything you touch makes you bounce higher so we're definitely a decently upgraded little bison right now and we've got a new guy oh we didn't even kill him last time okay well this time he's definitely dead and off we go carrying more speed than we did before murdering more gummy bears than ever before and i'm gonna try and hit this bomb parrot okay i didn't even need to intervene it just naturally happened and we found ourselves stuck in a wall i'm not really sure what's happening anymore but we clearly need to bore through this i guess that is part of my mission break through the first giant cake ball oh i'm gonna try plus that was already a new record 783 meters for four grand thus we can replace the idiot we just murdered with a bigger idiot for only one hundred dollars then we can also buy what's called a punchiest pilot for three hundred dollars i'm gonna go ahead and do that i get it these are things we find along the way that we can smash because i've seen a robber bear before so we're gonna upgrade him because i hit a lot of those and they're worth a lot of money and then suddenly all the upgrades are very expensive this one's already 56 000. so we've got some work to do luckily i've got way too much time on my hand so we're gonna smash right through this idiot and be on our way critical hit took off like five percent of his life i only like this game for murdering gummy bears i don't care about the rest of it we're gonna hit the bomb to hopefully give us some more speed and i think we hit yep there we go a little money guy and we're into a new wall which we're slowly breaking through so as long as we get about five thousand dollars for making it to the wall we're in good hands jesus landed another critical hit on idiot stick at the beginning though we're missing lots of gummy bears along the way also if there's a bomb guy at a really good time because i think we're getting pretty close to the wall and the faster we hit that wall the farther in we're gonna go i'm gonna spend another 12 750 on flavor master retain more speed when landing on gummy bears so it is going to carry our speed better you could also think about it like faster murder because the faster we're moving along this line the more gummy bears we're going to kill as long as we actually land on some of them i finally hit the pilot so we're gonna see how this works oh i see we get to like oh hit the wall anyway well it was fun while it lasted and that also helped us to unlock lieutenant gel eboom and because we wrote the punchiest pilot we get 125 coins but for now i'm going to spend 6 to 100 on better launch cables that's going to launch us a little further initially and also probably do more damage to idiots so let's see how this is going to go actually did less damage from there because we didn't get a critical hit but we got pretty good speed moving forward at least there's so many new things to hit along the way now like we just wrote a rocket for a second and we hit this with really good speed we hit a money bank and got a new record that's the pinata this time let's go directly into big boy no critical hit but we're hitting the gummies right away and that's important it's another one of these things so we'll be able to ride that uh very far along hopefully up never mind we broke it oh i was so close to make it through the wall that time there's like a cookie crust on the end but we've hit the wall so many times now we have a big opening to carry momentum through so let's add some extra bounciness for 11 500. everything you touch makes you bounce higher so i should get an extra bounce off of him critical hit and we're going very high up now there's a bomb there was a money boy below oh now we're getting somewhere we're going to go right over the wall if he bounces like that and we're into the wall and right into the crust but we definitely hit that with more speed okay let's spend five thousand dollars on the tenon jelly boom launch yourself from one barrel to another and gain serious speed then after opening a nice pinata or two we've got more money to spend so let's spend three thousand on the teddy flare and four thousand on the jelly roger just because we might as well upgrade everything we can and since slippery lotion is for some reason 75 off we're gonna buy that lose even less speed when hitting the ground okay with all these new upgrades and all the little pinata boosters let's see how this is gonna go there's a big hit to him we've never done that much damage before and look how high up we got we're gonna kill a lot of gummy bears and oh we should have slammed down on the rocket i thought we were gonna hit it but we broke through the wall for the first time oh now we get to murder yellow gummy bears this is gonna be fun there's a pinata that i should probably grab and we're still rolling along strong i don't know if that's from the upgrades or the pinata boosts but here's also a no we're not gonna catch up to it well that's okay that's easily a new record we went super far oh we got a boost to keep going last we hit a rocket we're going over the bear trap we're gonna slam down there we're gonna hit a bomb and make it straight into the second wall plus we unlock the new launcher door called pineapple spank and that run apparently was worth 81 000 which is way more than we made before and that's definitely the kind of money we can use to further our genocide the first upgrade is definitely going to be cake eater that's going to help us bust through the walls quicker then i'm going to take pickpocket more money at a gummy bears for 56 000. and for 14 000 speedometer push your speed limit to the next level the faster we can go the more momentum we can carry then we're going to do rocket slam because it's cheap oh and we're actually playing as a pineapple spank already and that's just fine because we're going to do big damage should only be a few more hits for him look how high we fly every time now and we're definitely carrying some serious speed especially after things like that so as long as we're punching when he hit the ground well even that was worth 8 300 and that took no time at all oh and then we're back to burrito bison so smack not a critical hit but still plenty of damage i like this hand by the way it absolutely destroys so many gummy bears at once and we're stuck in the wall well let's spend 15 000 on cake eater at least i assume this is helping me get through the walls i'm not really sure but if you wanted well-informed thought out choices you've come to the wrong channel here's a rocket if we can stay on top of the pink things for a second well we would carry a lot of speed still stuck in that wall okay this time i broke through the cookie wall so we're going to carry some more speed and this is going gonna mean big money because these yellow gummy bears are worth a lot and we got one of these so we can really put some emphasis on the murder thus that rocket's gonna help carry me forward we're gonna murder the bear trap that way it doesn't get me stuck and bounce as many times as we can this is gonna be a lucrative run especially if we catch up to that bomb which we painfully cannot we can upgrade our luck luck is my favorite thing ever and only a mod is 35 000 for that run good things will occur more frequently give me all of that i'm going to spend the next fifty six thousand dollars on that too and on the very next run we carried our speed so we busted through the wall again so we're back to murdering the yellow gummy bears and we even got a stomper so we can kill all of them ooh plus a rocket this is gonna be a good run and i think we're about to pass our record especially once we hit him and we're going to continue carrying our speed because that extra luck seems to be paying off we're hitting all sorts of things and we're about to hit another wall which also offers us the opportunity to watch an ad for goodies so that's gonna give us everything you see here oh we didn't see the last thing but i'm sure it was good almost 50 000 for that single run so we're gonna buy more luck because you just can't get enough luck and lose left speed when getting trapped by cops that's only 8 000 so give me that if we get an incredible critical hit we might actually finish him off no but it's very close one more punch and he's done and now we can pretty much just rely on luck for the rest of this and i busted straight through that wall but i'm not carrying a lot of speed right now so we're gonna have to do something to pick some more up like a rocket uh there's jelly boom tap aim for barrels got it uh okay i see how it works now that i'm back on the ground but next time we'll have that under control and we got another smasher so now we can just kill all the gummy bears we need longer one of those though you can only use it a few times before it runs out and that's kind of heartbreaking uh we also used one of our pinata parts to jettison us through the wall but we still got stuck in the wall but we did unlock door destroyer and that was a new record of almost 2 000 meters so we got 112 thousand dollars definitely gonna buy this uh makes it easier to break the giant doors and lower speed lost in the process i'm gonna buy that twice because we're breaking through a lot of walls then i'm also gonna buy a better initial launcher okay good news i think i just managed to triple my income by watching a bunch of ads not entirely sure but i do know i did watch a bunch of ads so we're gonna finish this guy off nope never mind we hit him very lightly that time but we did quite easily make it through the first wall so as long as we hit a good rocket or two we should be in pretty good hands and we're gonna keep going with the barrels because those are giving us crazy speed yeah this new luck is working out great because i feel like we're constantly hitting things and we made it as far into the wall as to hit a giant money bag plus we unlocked two cards for two thousand dollars which isn't much because we probably made hundreds of thousands on this run but we got rocket fuel okay never mind we made ten thousand dollars only somehow not sure that works not sure i care back to murdering this time straight into him and he's knocked out that's gotta be worth something we absolutely busted through that first wall so now we're carrying pretty good speed so now it's just a matter of relying on things like this to absolutely destroy everything on the ground stupid peasants they almost die and we made it to the far side of the second wall last we got a new opponent the beaster bunny but i think i want to go back to harry bowtie we're going to upgrade him once not really sure what that's going to do then i'm also going to buy bodybuilding do more damage so the opponents can be defeated faster we're going to buy two levels of that so we're back to the annoying but we should be able to do ample damage to him and we're pretty consistently busting to the first wall at this point so we're gonna be making better and better money as we go we just gotta find a way through the second wall so maybe i can use this punchy hand to get us there no but we did find oh there's a big bomb okay i see we made 12 465 for that run but the total is 35 000 because of our multiplier next we're also gonna buy the wanna bear they think a star like you deserves to reach the sky and they're here to help i like the sound of that last we're gonna upgrade the punchiest pilot because he's just a lot of fun we just busted through the wall at a very big height unfortunately we didn't have a lot of speed after that but boy we came in hot this is going pretty well we might actually carry the speed we need to get through the wall if we hit it at a good spot nope we hit it at a very bad spot but we got gumdolf 22 000 for that run and gumdolf bump into their chest three times and then think to yourself there's nothing like a ton of cash that sounds like something i would enjoy a lot so let's let it go there's the first wall complete and we're carrying pretty good speed as long as we keep hitting those gummies we'll maintain our speed i just flew under gumdolf i could have got one of the keys and i'm literally missing everything now well we hit the bomb finally so that's something at least and rocket ride come on something good yep straight through the wall not bad yeah we did it we got through that wall purple gummies so now we get more genocide we only killed one of them but we got a pinata so for our new record of 1955 meters we got 60 grand so with that let's spend 59 000 on rocket slam that way we get a little bit more slamming power but slamming power helps me to find those upgrades along the way or those boosts and this guy should only last a few more hits never mind we killed him just like that because we do a lot of damage to him easily tore through the first wall so things are looking good as long as i don't do anything stupid we should bust right through the second wall especially if we use this murder all the gummy bears there we go oh we got stuck in the bottom we hit a golden barrel towards the second wall so that might actually help oh okay we got one of these too uh carry us through nope never mind because we hit the wall in the new spot well we got prickly pear they only cost 225 000 knock them off their inflated amount and try to run them over for an eye-popping reward i will do my best but we're gonna start taking on the beaster bunny now so it's gonna be a few hits to take him out but i've got time made it through this second wall again but didn't even get to the gummy bears we need more speed and the pinata gave us all these rewards but 75 off jolly roger so i'll save 36 000 and we got 60 000 total for that run so it would be stupid not to buy him for only 12 000 because that's a three quarters off deal then while we're at it let's upgrade the teddy flare because those do boost us up into the sky look along is going to take us to defeat the easter bunny but we'll get there and we get a golden barrel just before hitting the second wall and apparently that's not good enough for us again we made it into the second wall so we broke a new record and we're gonna murder all the purple jellies we can because well these gotta be worth a fortune two thousand twenty four meters worth fifty six thousand dollars but we're going to save our money for a minute because i need bigger upgrades i also can't help but wonder if we can hit the beaster bunny in the air for a better launch so we just wait for him to jump again and go right underneath them that's interesting we're carrying a lot of speed through the first wall on this one whoops missed the key because we're hitting so many bombs and stuff that time around broke a second key from gumdolph on this one can't remember what that's supposed to do but we're also busting through the second wall at a pretty good pace so this should be a new record especially if we can hit this and not that but that's okay because we're killing a lot oh we want that for sure then we can use this to shoot much further along this will be a big new record hopefully worth a fortune too we're getting super super lucky on this run we just keep hitting everything like these two we hit a bomb and a punchy thing so now we're gonna punch everything we might even make it to the next wall and we hit another punchy hand so we're gonna punch things along the way i don't know how much this is gonna be worth but i feel like we're gonna make a lot of money and we're still going along oh give me the barrel can i hit that yeah we can so that's gonna launch us into the gold barrel which is gonna launch us way further ahead again wow we hit that wall with so much speed too but we didn't even make a dent so that time we went 3 848 meters which is by far the furthest we've ever gone that was worth 186 thousand dollars so i think for now i'm gonna buy flavor master retain more speed when landing on gummy bears then we're also going to buy slippery lotion lose less speed when hitting the ground that's almost 200 000 in upgrades those two seem to be my main kind of catalyst for uh you know making progress oh okay we'll just go ahead and hit him really hard and then we're really airborne now this is a good start we're already through the first wall because we're moving like a rocket next i definitely want a higher max speed because that would really carry us further faster and i'm clearly a very busy person this is another one of those games it's just very satisfying to play just get to smash gummies again and again and again we were stopped for a second but one of my pinatas brought me back to life so we're going to keep on moving along and there's the wall again i guess i'll just have to settle for another 113 000 next we're going to add a little more bounciness for 85 000 because as everyone knows extra bounce leads to extra good things and considering this whole game is basically about bouncing off things i really think that being extra bouncy probably only serves to benefit us i do think i still need more top speed though because we're going fast but i want to go faster i want to go fast enough to hurt the game this is a pretty good start though we just absolutely tore through the second wall made it to the wall again probably murdered my own character but we made it to the wall and for the pinata we got on that run we're going to save 75 percent of pickpocket which is good because we also made 212 000 that run so instead of costing 350 000 this is going to cost 87 000 and i'll take it then we can increase our speed limit for only one hundred thousand next upgrade 635 000 so we better start saving but i've got a good feeling about this one critical hit to start and hopefully we get enough stuff along this one to find that new max speed but it's gonna be a little bit hard to tell because sometimes it is moving very quickly like i don't even know what happened there but we threw the first wall and then there was a couple more explosions that's the second wall uh we're definitely hitting a new speed record we still came through that wall pretty slowly though so we're gonna have to get some luck here to pick up our speed it might not have been a new record but we did hit incredible speeds we just got unlucky towards the end so let's do it again going to the second wall carrying some pretty good speed for once so as long as we get some good upgrades over here we might actually make it through the next wall still carrying some pretty good speed and getting a whole bunch of crap along the way still can't get through that wall though no matter how hard i hit it luckily for us we did get 181 thousand dollars out of that so i'm thinking probably cake either make it easier to carve the inside of giant doors your destroyer would probably be better but i don't have 415 000 so we're gonna take a cheap upgrade for now i've never come into the purple jelly area with this much speed uh we're getting pretty unlucky with the power-ups we're finding so far but we definitely came in with some speed so if we could just hit a few handy rockets that would be great because it might actually make it through the next wall with this kind of speed as long as it keeps up or even gets better potentially come on yeah we made it into the wall not through it but we made it way into the wall so our money for making it all the way into there 318 thousand for 300 3896 meters on the next run i also broke that second wall with quite a bit of speed so hopefully we find some good bombs and we definitely did so now we just got to keep this big going a little bit there's the wall there's the bomb oh we made it almost to the end of the second wall third wall so that was worth a modest 521 thousand dollars which means i'm gonna buy door destroyer makes it easier to break the giant doors and lower speed lost in the process then i'm just gonna buy a few cheaper upgrades for other things because those are just gonna help that only costs a few dollars anyways okay this might be the final hit for the beaster bunny yup he's finally knocked out we got a big bounce out of that and so far we're carrying pretty good speed along our journey still wish i was just a little bit faster overall or a little bit bouncier or all of the above but i mean we're still busting through walls at a pretty incredible rate and did we get a new record i don't know if we got a new record but we about tied it and for that nice run three hundred thousand dollars so let's spend that on the prickly pear for 225 000 for that kind of money it's got to be worth it i just hit the basic enemy harry bowtie took off half his health in a single hit and we got the treasure chest well the first few walls really aren't a problem anymore we're so bouncy and powerful that we're just cruising through absolutely everything edward is getting there much faster than we used to too so that's kind of nice i do like the big speed increase i just passed over the prickly pear i kind of got surprised by him so i didn't react to him could have had him but you know what this should be okay we're gonna hit that wall with some pretty good force as long as we don't hit any more of those idiots along the way well that kind of killed my speed entirely and another one just for good measure we went from about to hit the wall with incredible speed too maybe not even gonna hit the wall oh actually that's gonna help us so we got into the wall and slight new record 450 thousand dollars but next time we could probably spend a few million on upgrades and hit lightspeed
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,487,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r3Krd-QywpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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