Building the Epic Island Base! - Raft Gameplay

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Hey everybody, I'm Blitz, welcome back to another episode of a game called raft. Today we're gonna do something a little different we had a lot of suggestions from the last videos and you guys wanted me to try out the creative mode and do something cool. One of the things you guys suggested was to make an (alien noise) is-land base Island base so we're gonna try that today We're gonna try to make an island base around the creative world now you can't really make an island base in the main game because it just You you run out of stuff and you can't really go back to an island once you pass it So with this it's really really cool. What we're gonna do is would make a nice little platform here Well put on a sail right away put on the sail. Oh, yeah, and all of the Everything is unlocked, too So it's really quick really fast to get everything put a streamer on craft that up and put that in the back corner here So I can see which direction to go. I guess that's the front corner. Wait. Yep Yeah So we're gonna get the most amount of wind and now we just have to patiently wait for an island to appear on our horizon Good thing binoculars are free. We can use them. Oh, yeah. It's an item AHA. Oh We have an island Wow, so, it's the same distance looks like it's the same render distance so you can't really see too much farther. That's too bad Now we will need to make an anchor as well. So let's just grab an anchor right here craft that up I really like this anchor we'll plant this one down. It's cool. It looks really cool Like one of the best things in the game or the best that artworks I guess I really like it Now if we are gonna be in the wilderness here or the lake or water ocean Whatever we're in I figured it'd probably be the best idea to to make a bedroom for us So, oh, we're not gonna make a bedroom. We're just gonna have a little lookout platform up here Oh, What I can't put one there. Oh i need a-- huh i guess i need another thingy down there. I thought i had it all figured out. Okay that way go and I don't want one there either, come on Where's where's the island at. Cool so we have a nice little platform. Oh, there's an island right there. Yes, we've already found one Woohoo! Can I turn this? Oh, I was gonna say I have to make a bed up here like you can make beds SuperDuper easily Where's the beds make myself a fool? Where's the beds? Why is the bed not there? Come on bed. There's a bed bed crafted I have to do it there make a bed Weeee and lay down we can rest and but we can't fall asleep during the daytime. So let's Scout this island out Does it look like something we want to base the rest of our lives on there are seagulls here up That's inside, there are seagulls here. Let's go around this other side. Maybe it looks okay I wanted one that had one of the oh, this is kind of cool. It's got a little platform down here. I like this I like it a lot. Let's drop that anchor down -alien probing begins- I haven't, I don't know if I've seen with a nice flat area like this before Okay, we're good to go so we can start removing some of the things off our base We'll remove the platform like that. And then all we do is We build up to it, there we go I'll jump on we'll see what it's like. Ooh, it's quite pretty nice trees here. Can I get up on this one? Haha! Oh, you know what is kind of a flat little boring Island? Yeah. I like it though. There's a shark here looks cool I haven't seen one with a big flat area like this so it's gonna take a bit of time I have to completely encase the island With these raft platforms that are floating This is one of the reasons why you wouldn't want to do this with outside of creative mode because it would take years. There we go. I made a path all the way around it So now I think I'm just gonna square it off right? I can just square it off. I can come up here Add some things onto this side. I might make it about two or three wide. I think that'd be a good idea maybe Yeah, that looks pretty good. Maybe this white all the way around it Maybe yeah, what do you think one more on there? One more? Let's do one more So we have to have you know, it has to be kind of cool like we don't want it a little tiny island base I don't think the game likes it when I make something so big it's freezing up. Every time I I put something down Whoopsies. That's okay. That's okay. We'll be fine. It'll be it'll be all good. Now. I'm wondering about my little anchor structure over there I'm gonna have to leave the anchor down. I didn't get close enough I wonder so I don't want to move it because I don't wanna have to put another anchor down I think there's something weird with multiple anchors per raft. Does it work great, right. This is gonna go Well, I like what we're doing here. Yeah, we have stage one completed all around We have a nice wooden plank everywhere around the island except this area I'm not a huge fan of what's going on over here at all I think I need to continue that thing out to square that off there. So another I thought I saw another Island. Hello Hello, eyelid. Nope, no Islander Okay, so if I go down and I'm gonna have to square this one off right here all the way across Hey, that looks pretty good. I was thinking about making this like a Make it look like a mooring dock over here So I need to cut off some of these and this should make it a little bit less leggy quickly Hey how far back can I go be kind of cool to have like a Dock that came out of the raft like that Island raft. I think that'd be funny. How's that? Look? I like it It's a little bit better. I'm wondering maybe if I Make it look like an actual dock out here though. How's that? Look? Like that's our yeah doesn't look so bad Let's go look cuz it's it's equal now 5x5 three over. Yeah, that looks pretty cool. I like that So now we have this giant dock around the base. It's floating. It's floating the really cool We can't put things unfortunately, we can't put things on the island itself So I'm not sure Where I'm gonna build I want to build maybe a housing area Oh, we can build something up and then have like docks walking off onto here. That'd be cool. We'll try that Okay, so built up a big area here. Oh, we're getting too stormy. Hey, we okay I need to put a staircase up to it. Let's do that See, I don't like this cuz I can't continue I could continue. I will try it a little bit more What's that? Look do one more here? And then I have to go up top that or maybe can I just put on I like it? That'll be easier Alright, so you've got a big platform up. How do I want to build the stairs? Sure, you build the stairs like this build them like that and we'll connect right here. Very good staircase up. Fantastic. Here we go Let's add in more flooring here just to get a nice deck Wondering if this is gonna get bad on the game. We're gonna start dropping performance. Whoa Oh, is it gonna good shout on us Um, the island is sinking. Nope. We're going up. Yeah. We're alright still maybe I don't need it this big ABA. Whoa Okay, this might have been a bad idea maybe it's just a storm Maybe these big waves in the storm. I think I'm gonna tear down some of this thing. Yes too big Oh, the game does not like it when I delete these things Everything's got a re-up date. Oh whoa, whoa Okay, we're all right. We're all right. Everything's okay. It's got to remove some things. I don't think it's meant I don't think we're meant to make it Island mace. Sorry the second story on here Just thinking going up to another one probably made. Whoa. Hey one more than this. They go up a little bit higher too, man I wish this storm would go away though, because it's making it seasick up in here. We're making it work We've got a little bit of a tower happening. I don't know what to think about doing down in there Yeah, I have no idea. Should I should I make something down there or no? I was thinking just maybe three towers tall and we can do like a food zone there We also need like a little leisure zone somewhere for our hammocks and there's all sorts of decoration. I just what's this? Hey a lucky cat What do you make cat? Okay, good with the kitty up here no, oh I thought about an interesting idea we can put antennas way up top Hey, is it look different? I look fun. I want to see how this looks from over here, though Ah, and it has to be nighttime. Hey That's not you bed. I also look from over here. Can we actually see anything a little bit? All right, that's kind of cool. This is so amazingly scary Getting these down geek and don't crash on me. Don't crash for me. Yes. We've done it. Okay good So I've got a little platform up in the sky. I want to go up one more layer under here do-do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do poop. Oh, it's so nice not being in a storm now. Yay. I'm gonna do one more layer, I think and Okay, it's up. Oh Now we're at our than the island That looks cool. I like that a big like skyscraper wouldn't wrapped on the other side. You can call me Gilligan Okay, we'll come up and I wanted to see like making some sort others raised platforms isn't there? Raised platforms raised floor. Yeah, that looks cool we kind of make like a little structure in the middle here and then Like that and Then maybe like this Okay, and then I wanted to put some of the antennas up here. Yes, put three antennas up one Can I turn them I could turn them a little bit says it requires power but man Oh weird It only works right there. Okay, maybe I should remove this one left over one more rotate it some I Don't want them to look all the same. How's that? Look? Yeah, that's pretty cool. Oh we could do more down below it. I Did want to see about the sails up here to replace the sails down like this And we can rotate it. Does that is that too big? No well Yeah, that's too big in the back. You would look better. Ah That's a little cluttered It doesn't it doesn't look cool. If everything's just cluttered mess. Okay. Well, that was one idea. Hey that looks a little better That streamer doesn't do much but I still like it I was thinking maybe putting walls in here too because there was some cool-looking green walls to add some color Like that little half walls here. Yeah Like these that's exactly what I want. Whoo. How's that Hey, that's looking good. That's looking sharp Okay, so next up we're gonna do walls down below on these things. I think I mean, that's all right How about fences? There's a fence in here, right? Maybe yeah fence. Hey that's looking pretty cool. That fence adds a lot Let's add the fence up top too or thing. And since there's this little area up here. We're gonna put the kitty up. Hey g'day Okay, can I jump on the fence? I can ah made it onto the rock. Hey, the kitty likes it up there That looks good. I'm wondering if I should do The rest of them I think I'll just do the rest quick. Okay, that looks That looks really cool in the background there. Doesn't it? I think I need to put the the ladders up on there man, sunsetting I like it, though But the radio tower looks like a house up top - I might be able to add a few other things like tables and chairs Lanterns up there rugs and make a rub rug. What's a rug look like? I mean, that's that's rug I've ever seen rub Okay, so I'm starting to decorate these check this out. The torch is a standing torch, right? How many games? Actually put this torch being us to any torch and a wall torch at the same time. There's not many of them There's not many at all. That is really really cool That's so neat, I know I'm nerd know that MIT's, uh, it's just sorry Come in here, and I don't know what to do here Maybe we'll put ki put before maybe I'll just put two on this one. There you go And then that's behind maybe I should tear these down and put in walls or window walls here just like that There that looks better. Okay, so I've got Torches in I've got a few chests down on the bottom floor. I'm not sure what else to put in these Rooms, so I think I'll just kind of call it good with this thing now close that up I was thinking about doing like a work center. Yeah, we got chests in here It's floating and I think we'll go back to the front side now, maybe make something else Let's do a little workshop area right down here since their storage will be there. Okay, so we're gonna start with grilles Let's make like three four grills up and a couple purifiers - four purifiers 4 grills That sounds alright at a scarecrow because why not? So let's put some of these down. Oh Oh, that looks good. Oh that looks really nice. Let's pop that there Do we need multiple man? I've not actually made one of these yet. Those things look good I thought that the anchor was my favorite thing in the game But man, these might be maybe I don't need more should I let's see that'll work there then we'll put one here How's that look a little bit a little bit empty? Okay. How about our big rug down here? There you go Turn you a little bit Like so put you right over here like so yeah, well carpet it. I'd have a couple chests in here too, right? There we go. Oh, it's getting leggy bad Rock, whoa Hey, I can't be test you aha, we've made it and the Scarecrow needs to go right over here cuz he's our worker man Where's his face? Which side is a scarecrows face that prong? Probably there we go scarecrow Okay, I kinda like that nice little Sectioned off area allows us to to work a little bit I'm gonna put in one of these guys right here just to add in some coloration to it I think seeds Yeah seeds are in here. Let's do the big palm tree Oh crafting seeds. There you go Do I need to water it in this mode? Maybe you also need a helper. How big is that? Mr. Helper, man? Ooh, we need some torches here too. Oh, he's kind of tiny. Can I put him somewhere? we'll put him right here right next to the court scarecrow and Let's put you right here One right there One right there. I Like that every one right there just so it's got some light probably need one behind these guys, too There that'll help so we can also make the paths different colors. I don't know what to think about this Maybe ooh, no, I don't know is there oh, here we go. Remove color. I don't know. I don't know What do you think about the colors? I like that? That's a short key me. Nope. I like that though. That looks really cool so long this backside, I want to do tree farms just To see how many I can get in here We gotta grow up the trees gotta make it like homey, right? Okay, so we got our work station. It looks pretty good I like that the tree is growing up. I've got a big tower over there and overnight. Oh look at this Eagle attacking the Thingy, that's awesome. I did make up a bunch of water things down here to go What get off of hit me a dork man? I think he was in love or something. There we go Keep on now. We got out. We gotta water all of our crops all the way through here. Check this out This is really cool. I did no idea how these things work and it seems to take about a day cycle Oh, there we go, and one more Perfect lots of water and then we can come up here and water everything Look at that, isn't that cool we get five uses of water. I can't get over here. Oh Come here watermelon see here plant. You got it water ha ha I've done it Hey, Oh more water more water and everything. They ate my own stuff. Okay, that's fine We don't we don't need it. We're not I mean, it's great at mode. We can do whatever we want Okay, your water crops water crops water crops. This is great Everything is watered. Lots of trees back here. Oh, maybe not everything's water. Come on. Come on and Oh perfect amount of water That's awesome So we have one more thing to create the perfect island base, uh in my opinion anyway And I'm gonna make like this is a nice little area to to lay back and Reax gonna watch her TV Wonder how this thing looks really let's see. It is kind of a TV we could put that somewhere else I don't think that's fitting here Here shark have a TV So we can do our paint mil. That's how you make the paint. I don't know what this looks like. Oh Hey, let's put that over here cuz it looks cool, right? About I don't know that's a little bit difficult Right, come on. Wow This thing is big which way does it go that way? No other way like that There's our paint mill. So you put the seeds in there to mix paint cool. We also have the shark head trophies Let's craft up one of those we can place this on our wall Always big hey, that's bill that bill That's awesome, so I'll have to make up a few chairs Maybe four of them make up a shelf We'll see what that looks like. We have a clock here crap that oh, I wonder if the thing goes on that the In here, what's it called candle bottle an old shoe or two lucky the cat the duck? We're gonna grab everything we can I didn't make a table. Let's make a table - okay table first. Let's see this Yeah, that's not too bad We'll turn that right about right about there sure and then we'll put the chairs up next to the table can i sit in the chairs Well, I can that's nice Turn that a little bit. I wish there was like lawn chairs of some sort put another here and then maybe One right here. Well, that looks good. Can I put gadzooks Batman That clock is gigantic. Um, we'll put that right here. I guess, huh? It's like an old guitar sort of weird. Okay, can I put ah, That looks good Okay, excellent. We'll get a couple of these guys out just in case you have your siesta happening and we'll put one here Are you doing you're attacking my your protec missing? Yeah, we'll put that there. Maybe I should turn this better You got to put your boots right down next to the thing - hey That's great We got to have our duck and our chicken. Can I put those on the table? I can a good center stage Oh Table come back missed you feel like I need a table or or something else not a table like a little room guessing we could try making it out of these I Don't know though. I don't really want a block lock sight. Maybe I'll put it back here And then I'll cover that up with Half walls There we go Now I can put other things on there like maybe the calendar here Oh, the calendar goes on the side days survived four hey, that's cool Then we can put other things on top of that about the shelf does this shelf go over here? Hey That's awesome I'll put the kitty up top kitty cat Seagull's just like going to town on my scarecrow back there. Oh No way. No way. It's a hanging light - oh, that's so cool Hanging lights. Oh, that looks awesome. Oh it even shines through the floor a little bit Well, that's not necessary. Hey, I did put a bunch of torches along the wall I love that wanted to do the same thing on the back side here. So check it out in the storm Oh I missed I missed two - that's ok we got enough torches up there kind of looks a little uneven which I like we have a Beautiful little area here. Oh the strom came back. Yay Some came back. I love the look of that with all the lights in the background. It looks so cool I'm not sure what else to put on here. Yeah, I do want it I do want to see what it looks like during the day. So I'll just lay down Ooh as the moon Hey, wait, where's the clouds go? Ah, there we go We just survived five days, but we're still in the midst of a bad storm here. So check it out Isn't that awesome looking I love it with the shark there. We have everything everything in like one screen We got a big like workstation the back our tree farms and our regular farms over there. Nice area to sleep Oh, I love it. It's turned out a lot better. I thought I loved the green area in the island inside too That's the cool thing about the randomly-generated islands in the game is they look looks so awesome Anyway, guys, I think that I'll wrap it up for today if you'd like to see any other creative challenges Let me know what you would like to see down below in the comment section. So keep your stick on the ice We'll catch you next time
Channel: Blitz
Views: 8,948,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, let's play raft, raft download, gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, Raft Gameplay Part 1, survival games, Raft Shark, Raft Crafting, Raft Building, raft free, stranded deep, the raft, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft full game, raft release, raft steam, blitz, may2018, raft 2018, rafts02, raft island, raft secret, raft secret island, raft update, raft creative, raft base
Id: 6rqsetwKRBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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