Designing the Epic Pirate Ship! - Raft Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome back to another episode of a game called raft it's raft day again I'm having a lot of fun playing the game you guys are giving me some absolute killer ideas of things to build and things to make today we're gonna do a brand new world as you can probably identify with us being in the menu screen we're gonna make a ship I want to make a pirate ship and it might be a little bit difficult to do the developers have also stated on Twitter that they hope to have a new update out on Monday so I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store and it's gonna be interesting game has a lot of a lot of potential and it could be really really cool to see what they do anyway today we're gonna try to make a pirate ship up a little bit hard because well frankly everything's a square so I don't know one do three four five we'll try we'll try a couple different things out and see how it works but I got an idea some of you guys had a tumblehome ship might be kind of a good yet which is tumblehome means it kind of starts white at the bottom and it kind of goes up to the top modern-day would be like the new stealth like cruisers and battleships we have in the US Navy will try it I don't know really how this is gonna go a galleon or something like from SIA thieves might be more difficult but we'll see how this turns out it's a really good idea so I wanted to try it and we can see what we do I do know that we do have the diagonal blocks like this which really helped out a lot so if we did something like that I mean it looks so right but then we get to the corners and then we have to do these weird blocks like these and here yep seeing it it doesn't there it goes and then we have this one like what do we do what do we do here do we we use that one sure we'll use that one and then we can use this one and that one and then it kind of works I mean that's alright isn't it just looks a little wonky we'll see if we'll see how it turns out huh how's that sound I just have to figure out how best to do this least and how do we make the nose of this beast we make it like that and then across raagh would that wait and then do just make it flat that kind of looks dorky a little bit I mean is that the way our boat knows it's supposed to look cutting through the water ahead triangle nose or do we extend it up forward a little bit let's try a little bit that's a paintbrush see like does this work does it does it work at all that's the anyone here know we need the other one I'm so confused okay that doesn't work because there's no platform down weird and then that one there that might work better okay hey we can do that we'll just see how it looks how's that sound hey we did a boat nose it's in front of a boat it's the front that doesn't look too bad now the question is what do we do next I guess we we make it go backwards more there isn't that would work here I guess we have to go flat and then this one's flat too well we can't go flat there because there's no support what thanks goofy no that doesn't really look from the inside doesn't look so bad from the outside yuck this is the hard thing in this game everything's gotta be triangles why is everything have to be a triangle hey that worked okay then we'll put that one up nope backwards I don't know how's it look from Oh a little bit away ooh it looks like nothing like nothing like a ship right you know what we do you know what we do we take our ship and we delete it and it goes away oh yeah okay that was the right one I was thinking I deleted our other one yeah we create a brand new one and we call it the ship cuz that last one is bad so let's try it the other way that should work now the question here is can we use these things yeah looks like we can I was thinking you weren't able to use those outside statue bed I'll try this out hey that's all right look at that that's a little bit better that we'd have to do maybe walls up on that now hmm we do walls maybe half walls I want to go forward let's go forward just a little more in the front something like that wow this is so hard I'm not a creative guy so doing this it's really kind of in a way frustrating because the pieces they don't work like you want them to work how's that hey it's really wide on the front I think we're gonna go with it though this looks a little bit better than our other one so try it out and do I go any no I got the Audi here ah at the Inez and Audi's and maybe I should know turn there maybe I should just do that how does oh I'm so confused okay let's just work it in the circle here work it work it in so it's cool no you dumb block it doesn't look too bad roadside does it it looks alright I wish the nose would come forward a bit more more we have to make a figurehead on it so we'll do a flat platform that's gonna be the hard thing to do a flat platform out mmm because you can't put a flat platform down also I'm gonna have to have a square back-end at least someplace so I can get back in or we'll have the poop deck right here where it'll just have a little door that I can jump in swab the poop deck matey so let's see can I put a floor down I can put a singular floor down on the front ah wow that's a little bit that's a little bit harshing my mellow right there um can I can I do anything nope uh a wall down nope Oh put a wall up there it's not what I want can I do anything I'm gonna have to do this thing you're doing that doesn't even really work well hmm Oh can I do the half half a wall right there oh I kid yes okay that'll work sort of and wink and and bingo bango bingo bango got it oh okay so that's kind of good I'm thinking about putting in a floor right here at this level on the inside of this please calm no thank you tonight no oh I can't do that oh okay that's cool um floor up here then now I'm supposing that yeah oh can i nope I can't place one there figured not well let's get rid of that uh put pillars in aren't they yep because that doesn't work hey you alway Munster so I can do it there let's see how this works that might be okay I'm there I don't think I can build yeah this is hard I'm having a hard time placing things down because they have to be above the pillars so and you can't put a pillar on that might be able to work a different way wow this is a lot harder than I thought cuz I can't put I can't put a pillar here to make this front closed and I'm not gonna be able to put pillars here probably I got maybe put one there that'll work Wow so that totally means I can't make this any taller than what it is that has view where our walls go in okay got all the pillars inside I think I should be able to fill up I think I would have been able to fill it all up kind of uh huh we got to put in more pillars no more pillars I guess that works and we'll put in a pillar ah I want it to be even though I wanted to look I guess if I put it here it'll be kind of even maybe sort of and then we'll put the little ones on top and then the floors aha you got to go upstairs to put the floors on the on the right level I don't know what I'm gonna do with that site ah I missed it okay so this front side I can fill into there and now I run into the L problemos that means problem oh maybe not hey hey buddy wait why'd you go here but not there what he's no different come on man you're making this hard go we're here hey I just got a message in my phone wait what for reals this time what did what away are you kidding me are you kidding me right now at least like a bow in there what do I do now uh small what are in the corner nope I'm small I can pull in there yeah that's what I didn't are you I want it right here want it to go right there and bow and Bango um nope nope why how can it cool I don't understand this I don't understand it at all I can't cool you're gonna die what I do differently over if I fall down there I'm gonna fall down oh we got a floor sneaking out hey hey check out something cool I learned one time a book got it okay so it had to have a floor underneath of it hi okay no the real question is how does it look from the outside that's not terrible it's not I mean it's not it's not great um it's so it's okay I guess maybe we need more we need more up the front hey can I extend that nope shoots bad jerky you're not even a bad jerkiness oh okay so if I put in I put in an in an in in that and that does it do anything for us I don't think so I can't expand it any more forward so I don't know what I'm gonna do in the front but I kind of like that it's kinda nice you know what I should do I should make a little half wall can I put a half all right here no if I put in a floor right there then I can put in a little half wall well that's not a helpful little have fault right there no not above it you dummy right nope nope nope and Wow come on come on great come on hey boy different ones yes and then we're gonna put on the shark face you got to have a figurehead right that's what these are called [Laughter] hahahahahaha and so I think of the backside here I'm just gonna put walls up so you don't need to go that high on the back and that just needs to filter in fine right here no not right there right here and right here and right nope not right there either right there cool and I think I can just put it in there and here and do one there okay I got a problem I had a problem guys didn't look good we need to probably go up and then ye okay we'll put that on there and then over here we don't have we don't have a half that goes that way do we roof you have this one that's not the right way though I almost need to bring it back one remove these I just Roy's the top two I had to bring up one in the back okay I think this will work out what why did no why did you follow a shark under there why didn't you fall like that I don't want you like that I want you turn around there we go okay oh did it back that whole side is back why did it do this to me one side is good the other side's dumb ah whatever we're gonna go with it we're gonna we're gonna win we're gonna win the game like this stop it stop there we go okay the back side is up I just wanted to put a door in here I don't know all this oh look but put a door in yeah it's gonna look like garbage ah shoots just totally but my mic - sorry till the way I can figure out how to put a door on my boat so that's what we did nope bad okay at least we'll have some of it look right and then we'll pretend it's all good okay huh I took a little bit more effort than I assumed it what let's try to get some of these walls in and that is no support good okay we did it we've done it so I guess this is looking good here we have to put it in a spot down here for the anchor I'd also like a way to get up top I don't really know how but we need to so let's put an anchor maybe right in the middle here right in the middle of the front side something a good spot for an anchor to me I know it's not like normal usually in our boat you're supposed to put the anchor on the side I wonder you know what we're in creative mode so I can do whatever I want I still don't have a way to get out here yeah yeah okay and then we'll pick this up and we'll drop down it really I can't do an anchor on second floor said okay well we got our anchor in the bottom that's really annoying I figured you could put an anchor up top and it just would float down hey for real you have to put it on those platforms you can't put it up here that's too bad where'd you guys come from I wish you could turn the pillars on the sides that I make a mast out there don't can I put a floor okay so that's gonna be the front end of our boat yeah and we can't do any angles it might look really weird yeah that doesn't work I wish there was this one but we could rotate it up so is that top diagonal but that doesn't seem to work so we have the front side that I just don't like this at all we'll do it we'll do a single here if I can figure out there we go there's a single and then we'll put a platform there and then that'll be the front of her boat there we did it we've got I am the king of the world is that what's not really much of a world right now but I'm still the king cuz I'm the only person here I was thinking about using the other fences cuz we don't really use these much and they look a little bit different no they I kind of like the way they look I don't know if it'll look good on a ship though let's turn them around but brown one might look all right what do you guys think so look okay instead of a half wall or a fence like I like that it's not too bad I wish we could put cannons in here but there is no cannon and there's nothing really that looks like a cannon either so in order to be a real real boat we're gonna have to put sails up we'll have one there and then somewhere in the middle there be another one and then somewhere in the back there be a third one but we'll make another floor back here and these are backwards I wish I could figure out a way to put one up on above this one too so it looked like a central hmm let's see how this looks in the water they're not from our little Tower here that's not too bad that kind of looks cool especially with this shark face up front I wish it would be a little more rounded but I don't really know of a way to do that so let's make who here's an idea little half walls for like a little walk that's not half wall a little half balls for like a walking area around here we'll have a nice little Ozona you can walk around like on it I don't know I don't even know what this would be called I don't know much about nautical things not best to make this but we're trying like they say trying is the first step to failure and I feel like we're close to that failure market it might might end up there let's see hey I'll bring that back I wanted this back side maybe we'll open this up a bit more hey that's pretty good okay so let's be like the inter to the cabin now do we want some of this open I think so kind of in the spirit of the game it's kind of rafty and kind of open ish so if I did that and then another front side we can have some I'll just put pillars in everywhere yeah instead of doing like windows will use those I like the way that looks and it is it has more of a wrap ish feel to it doesn't it instead of like a closed battleship or something I like the way that looks okay come on so we have another little area back here and remove these walls and then we'll make this enclosed with a few windows maybe I will have the only way you can get into here through a door this would be like the captains quarters yes I like that okay problem is we need Windows and there should be a one in the back and we'll do that one there and we'll do that one there that will do a two here okay we don't need Windows in there so let's put down the window things like this I like that that looks pretty good for a captain's quarters that's where we put our booty our mateys yeah let's take another peek off the front of our boat all right might not be able to see much of it but okay yeah we can't really see much hey that doesn't look too bad though I think I want to bring it up just a little bit more hmm I like it more from the inside than the own and I wish we could put in some cannons right through here and now that I have it this big I was thinking maybe drop it down one more would probably be a better idea but it's too late for that I'm not gonna cut half of it apart so I can do that I do need a ladder up here though and I just spit on my monitor something that annoys me can't seem to put down you know what let's just do a staircase there there we go haha I got stairs up here stars got two stars go up pair of your stars there we go and let's do another okay we'll put down that's off-centered that's annoying go away put down another sale right here drop that one too right here open you up and put those run-button put you down here and open you up and turn you right round baby you got it yeah we'll turn you around and open you up I was thinking of doing these things these little platforms and then maybe another one on top of there ah can barely yeah it's two on the sides so the question is if I put these down then I could put this up here I could turn that open it okay that works now if I remove this one yep figured hey what happens if I do two of them together on the back we could try that just to make it look Oh better open it first make it look a little more official ah sure it's a little bigger yeah I mean we're going full steam ahead I wanted to try to put a steamer or streamer up front put that right in here just so we can see that we're going against the wind no I don't know what to think this thing is so hard to build because the angles and the squares and everything I almost don't like those sails cuz they're so shortness things so big so let's put some I don't know maybe this is where we should have our our workstations in here with like lanterns let's just do like a big old stack of lanterns there we go let's put a buttload in here and then we'll put in a lantern in a lot of places just so it helps to put some in the captains quarters too I might want to do just wall ones in here and there one there maybe one hanging from the top over here and here and then one right there and right there that's pretty good for lighting I'll take it oh it looks nice with that the wavering will put out a few of these in the back and the captains quarters looks good looks real good let's put it in a raised thingy somewhere because we need a bed in yeah we'll just put a bed on the floor and a table you guys said I could put a table on the wall too it sounds really cool look at that Wow it's like a desk to work on man they really have outdone themselves with the orientation abuse and then cheers - sure accept it a little bit high I don't care we need a desk I'll put a table back here like so along that wall and another two chairs here probably and got it we need to put a kitty head on there put a duckie and a kitty on there that's not a kitty this is a kitty hey man why else you got to study these things got him okay and about some let's put in a hammock over here so the captain's bed is oh I can't put it in between Kip put this on a wall no of course not yeah we'll put that right there I like that so far so good on the captains quarters I like it I think I'm gonna leave it like that put some shelves down in here yeah oh right there hey not a huge fan of that but we'll make it work and we'll put in a grill or two with a storage chest between them storage chests is obviously in the chest thing got it create that okay and we'll do those over on this side of the world one right here storage chests in the middle OOP got it and put this one right here I like the size of this oh you know what we should do to is put the half walls in I like the half walls that we did in the city build that we made nope that's too much hey a little bit smaller than the city we'll break it up like that Oh got a turn yeah it's like a little counter in a workspace and then a door that opens up and then if you're the captain you get to go to your quarters on your own I like that okay and we'll put our smeltery Roos over here smelters on the side of life one I like that that looks that looks really good now what we have two more areas here maybe tables sure this is that nice-looking pirate ship Everett whoa at the way too many tables one and two we got to have a place for the crew to hang out and play cards or whatever they do pirating things but this crew will not out stuff they will not get carpet they will not get carpenter their tables they are not that good of pirates they haven't pillage enough booty hey move in the book and and okay now I got to do the hard ones on this yet my self you need to be on the boat and get scurvy for a while so you can lose some weight to give on the tables there we go bingo bango cool I like that that's a nice little area it turned out a lot better than I thought it would oh wow it is nighttime too I'm the king of the world again we're just gonna do a little planter field up here I like the idea of planters on the top I don't have also there's no there's nothing that I can use for like a steering column nothing that I can think of anyway you guys know what to do for a steering column let me know I was thinking like a sign but that doesn't look like a wheel and then none of this stuff does I mean we could do a sign here we go here's our steering wheel it says subdue blitz that's a weird thing for a steering wheel to say but yeah if the game wants to say that then it will now that's fine with me I will put in we don't need collection that's we could put in where are they some of these just actually look really good huh I wasn't expecting these to look so good there put a few in over here make sure it's even on both sides two three four those look cool I like that oh this is the annoying part I'm gonna have to get water will put the water collection facility in the basement just cuz it's super annoying to get water and then not get water and then you have to get water somewhere else okay we'll put water collection here in here I guess I'd be the bilge huh get me using fancy terms okay even even even even they could put them all in so it alternates so it looks just a little bit different okay and in there and there got eight and eight yeah I like that we have to wait for that water to get done we also need our our scarecrow man where are you food bottom food yep scarecrow man he's gonna be guarding turn you around it's gonna be guarding all of our our stuff gonna go buddy there he's guarding our plants he's the Shepherd of the guarding guardians guardians of the galaxy and our water is completed good was things gonna look weird now I gotta lie I'm not exactly positively happy about how this turned out I mean I like it still but yeah we'll see one dude nope you don't need a drink babe okay no I guess I'm gonna try to build a little platform out to see how this looks let's go jump in the water quick it doesn't look too bad I mean it oh yeah you know you know that doesn't look terrible I kind of like it the seagulls dive-bomb starts pecking on Dave's head already Oh turd okay I'm gonna try to build out a little platform just to get see what it looks like hey how's that I need to build up a little bit don't I can I get wondering can I build up like this oh I can there pillar or I could have tried to drill it better I will just ladders up there now Wow okay I need to turn around hey check it out it doesn't look terrible I need to go down just one more I think I gotta get the right angle on these things hey I like it I like it what do you guys think how did it turn out did our pirate ship turned out piratey enough I wish that we could have bigger I think that would have helped out a little bit Canon's would have been good let me know what you guys think would have helped out our pirate ship a little bit better I like the way it turned out I do I just wish there were a few more tools that we could use to make it work check that out yeah I like it alright guys that's gonna do it for today's video raft I hope you've enjoyed the pirate battle oh there's a single attacking it again so thank you for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,248,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, let's play raft, raft download, gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, Raft Gameplay Part 1, survival games, Raft Shark, Raft Crafting, Raft Building, raft free, stranded deep, the raft, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft full game, raft release, raft steam, blitz, raft 2018, rafts02, raft island, raft secret, raft secret island, raft update, raft creative, raft base, raft utopia, raft ending, june2018
Id: xseHYpyYVvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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