Earning $25,000,000 Mining Rare Gems From The Bottom in Miner: Dig Deep

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he looks so happy but that's only because he has no idea that i'm about to make him dig 1000 kilometers into the earth for my amusement and if he dies along the way all the better now we had a pretty good mountain of treasure when we last left off so we need a lot more so for now we're going to spend one hundred thousand 000 on the large bag the next one is considerably more expensive so it's gonna be a minute before we get there and now to see if i even remember how to get to the bottom i mean it was like four days ago that i played that's like 10 years in old people time maybe we'll start with blueprints i feel like unlocking some new tools probably couldn't hurt the cobalt drill is now available in this store yay another thing i'm not gonna use i remember there being a lot more valuables at this depth but this was the last thing we were able to find so what's the most valuable thing that i can currently mine unless of course you consider the value of crushing yourself with a rock a thousand times in a row so glad i upgraded my backpack so i can fill it full of nothing valuable there we go you just gotta wind it up that the game starts to listen this right here is the single most valuable spot i've found so far in the entire game i really want to start finding the kind of gems that are going to make me never have to work ever again so i can finally crush this idiot with a rock and not resurrect him good news i can get my backpack over half full before i run out of light once we finally once again reach the surface we'll find out if all this effort is going to be worth it and i feel like it is but that's also coming from me come on big money that looks like a lot of good stuff 287 thousand dollars so yeah that's worth it and that puts us up to 450 000 one more trip we'll get the better pickaxe which means faster mining and therefore more money all we need is a faster pickaxe we don't need to be able to see where we're mining or where we're going i just need pure speed i also brought another one of these that way we can go down another 100 floors to hit floor 500. there's always something good at 500. the downside of this is i'm gonna have to help my stupid elevator every step of the way because it gets stuck on everything and i'm pretty sure it can still crush me so it's also very dangerous i'm actually really glad they don't have a tally of how many times have been crushed by the elevator because it would be embarrassing i'm finding lots of jade and titanium on these floors so that's a really good sign and my elevator basically finds this stuff for me as annoying as it is it does find me a lot of good stuff on the way down i don't even know why this little needs a light he can't even see past his helmet oh good a barrier to which i need the cobalt drill to go through so let's go spend a lot of money in an upgrade i don't want but i guess when you're starting to make that much money 454 000 you can afford a few unnecessary upgrades so the iron drill is a hundred thousand dollars which isn't a big deal the cobalt is five hundred thousand dollars i would way rather have the pickaxe but it says drill so we're gonna drill while we're at it we might as well get the bigger drill tank and filled that thing up with fuel so let's see how the zillion dollar upgrade handles it is actually pretty fast i might like this quite a bit plus i found a ruby that's playing hard to get but once i see it i can't stop myself i might have forgot to wait for the elevator don't you worry about that that only happens like 40 of the time but this drill is also going to be wildly dangerous on the way down thanks to my big lantern i noticed that a blue gem we've never had a blue gem before i'm both impressed and alarmed at how fast this thing can drill through the ground oh there's another sapphire there i feel like things getting extra extra valuable once we get below this oh is that the end of my oh it ends right there i'm gonna need a new elevator so let's go exploring below floor 500 was really hoping i could get rid of some of those rocks but i can work around the rocks for now especially if i'm finding lots of this stuff and my drill is out of fuel didn't even fill my backpack halfway full i really wish i didn't have to use that drill because now this feels so slow in comparison that i really want to start drilling again but that's so dangerous but then again what if i got to lose i die like 6 out of 10 runs anyway well we got 35 high value items that's going to be good enough for now our last load of crap got us about 500 000 if i remember i want to get like 500 million per load how do we make that happen this one is worth 500 000 again definitely gonna buy the horror right pickaxe the next one is going to be three times as expensive it's the incredible pickaxe also going to upgrade my grab hook because i dig down way too quickly and buy another elevator because i'm impatient this thing has some range to it now it can be even more reckless let's test this pickaxe out breaking dirt in one hit so that's a huge upgrade then we're gonna put the next elevator right here it's gonna work its way down into the valuable land could we maybe stop finding those gems though they look kinda nice but they're so worthless by this stage in the game these are what i want now sapphires i want nothing but sapphires this right here is why i'm very glad i bought the grappling hook because if i was to go one more step forward i would die i was just able to pull myself out of there as i find a new teleporter this was a pretty good find because this is gonna save me so much time and make me so much richer and look at all the valuables here i could just do this all day this is just fun the dirt at this depth again takes two hits even with this pickaxe so we're definitely getting pretty deep our depth is 587. now before we kill ourselves for stupidity again let's go make some profit like a lot of it look at all those gems 565 000 and that's basically all the money we have right now but i can take my big ass light down to the very bottom and then we'll really be able to illuminate all the valuables hiding out there now we're getting somewhere diamonds have to be worth a lot i mean everyone knows that we've all played minecraft and it looks like there's gonna be a few of them around they seem to appear after floor 600 and they appear a lot oh a purple one i found about three diamonds by the time i found one purple one so clearly this is also going to be something of incredible value my bag's only half full but i bet that's still worth a modest 607 thousand dollars i'll be able to get the better pickaxe before you know it just one more enormous mountain of gems and minerals that's all it's going to take i bet you there's some really good stuff down at floor a thousand i'm not even going to explore around here too much if i can go deeper i can make damage more value that much quicker definitely didn't just get crushed by a rock he deserved it anyway progress suddenly feels a little bit harder to make if i have to work my way around all these stones look at that massive chain of rocks working its way down i need to pick my lifts better that absolutely shouldn't have counted i was jumping up over a rock as it was falling and apparently that crushed you so that kind of really sucks well let's go fill up our bag with 50 diamonds again and i brought another elevator down we're going straight to the bottom if i can never find my way around these stupid log jams okay the drill is too dangerous we're not going to use the drill anymore normally i do enjoy crushing people with rocks but when those people make me rich we have to wait until i'm rich before i crush them maybe when i'm done with this more and i'll put them into people playground at this depth over 700 even the regular dirt takes like four or five hits with this pickaxe to break and since the dirt is this low to mine i think we're just gonna take our 20 items up and exchange them for a better pickaxe i'm a very busy person after all i do hope there was enough value in that 530 000 yup things are definitely getting better so one incredible pickaxe for 1.5 million which looks to be the top pickaxe that means we gotta be close to some really good stuff it even looks super but also still takes two swings to break the dirt and that's above 700. so then what's down further so far it's just super slow digging even with the super pickaxe this is three hits per every piece of dirt and we still can't do anything about the rocks progress from this point forward will not be quick but it will be worth it i saw something new and red over here so i definitely need to put that in my mouth i have no idea what that is but i want it he was even excited it's horror right i already have a pickaxe made out of that but that's cool but i'm not gonna complain if the game wants to keep throwing this at me that's fine we'll be rich in no time and since the elevator's stuck again and i don't want to deal with it i'm just going to tunnel outside to us for a minute and collect some valuables because the world down here is basically made of valuables like this diamond sitting next to an even more valuable purple diamond which in turn was right above the red hororite i'm gonna be super brave here and put while i'm ahead with 36 items in the backpack because believe me i would absolutely love to be crushed by a rock right now and what is this one worth look at all those red gems at the top 1 million because the horror rate was worth 70 thousand i think they're well i don't know how much they are each probably a lot maybe seventy thousand each i watched that back because it was curious and yeah rate is worth seventy thousand each so we need lots of that and we probably also need a million dollar light that way we can see even more crap let me just hop our way back down and see what kind of stuff we can dig up look at the size of that light my favorite part is always going down the elevator with a new light to see all the stuff i missed along the way that was just out of reach but at least now i'm so deep that i don't even care about a lot of this stuff i want this stuff that's worth 70 000 each is look at this there's a diamond right there the purple thing there who knows what else that was just out of reach of my lights horror light does sound like a kind of material i would make all sorts of things out of if i could just find spots like this all the way down along the elevator i would be very rich by the time i made another 100 floors that also looks like new ore but i've also been staring at the screen for a long time now so it might be the same ore and i'm just you know going a little bit crazy oh he said woohoo and if i've learned anything from the sims it's that woohoo means good things i bet this stuff is worth a hundred thousand dollars each and i really like all of the things that are worth a hundred thousand each watch this pro strat i'm gonna leave this and then go up to the surface it'll probably work its way down about 10 feet but at least i don't need to babysit it anyone want to guess how much all that stuff is worth that's a pretty big pile 1.5 million all by itself because mytholite is worth 110 000 each so that brings us back up to 1.6 million dollars currently right now i think i just want to save for the bigger light for three million that won't even take that long to get once i have that it'll be even easier and quicker to make money my elevator went down a massive five floors at best i know it had good intentions it just failed horribly i don't want all these diamonds i want the more valuable stuff i'm starting to think this stuff or better anything less valuable might not be worth the time but when the diamonds make it so easy it's hard not to mind them officially this is the new racket for most valuable spot there's an easy 200 000 probably close to 300 000 right here and it just keeps getting better and better pretty soon i'll be able to find all of my stupid ideas okay i feel like they're just giving it away at this point and i'm not complaining i'm actually gonna have to upgrade my backpack soon and that's saying something because this used to be hard to fill with anything even halfway valuable and we clearly crossed a threshold because the dirt is harder than ever to break that is so painfully slow i've hit a very dangerous spot so for now i'm gonna go cash in what i have to hopefully bring a bigger light down also wouldn't say no to another portal this should be a lot of money almost 2 million the cobalt by itself is worth 1.5 million and i don't even know what the cobalt is like i don't even remember mining anything new so one three million dollar light there's a 10 million dollar lamp and i really like the fact that there is with my last little bit of money and i mean 500 000 i'm gonna buy a bigger drill tank and then fill it up this light will pay for itself in no time because look at that it's lighting up almost the entire screen at this point this will make it even easier and quicker to earn that money i feel like the light this big is also going to be a very big distraction for me because i'm going to be chasing things everywhere now i'm finally gonna get my elevator moving but look at all the valuables in the area money is stupidly easy at this point who designed that elevator me you so much as look at that thing and you're dead i only lost a million dollars worth of stuff so let's do it all again at least i won't have to work that hard to get my money back definitely did not mean to put an elevator here so that's gonna put an interesting spin on things but this actually kind of works in my favor i should have done side by side elevators this whole time uh did you happen to notice that sinkhole beside the elevator because i didn't well this is kind of amusing side-by-side elevators not super cost effective but also there's another portal so that's huge because making my way down here takes a long time and so does breaking all of the dirt and that is what i can only assume is something incredibly valuable toxium well since we have the portal right here let's go find out what that's worth then buy more upgrades to mine stuff faster deeper more upgrades more everything so it looks like it's gonna be worth 200 000 hundred thousand for every one of those so let's buy the bigger bag for seven hundred thousand then fill that all the way up with all the treasures of the deep and since we have all this money i'm just gonna put up elevators like everywhere like we'll just do one over there that only cost ten thousand dollars so i might as well and now i've gone back to the drill just because it's a little faster but it is also pretty loud which is very annoying there's the second super valuable rock and look at that two in a row that's worth four hundred thousand dollars all by itself make that six hundred thousand if you include the one up there oh eight hundred thousand my stupid drill ran out of stupid gas but i did find another one of these so life is good again i think i'm gonna go sell while i'm ahead and bring another elevator down anyways pretty sure these 30 items are going to be incredibly valuable so let's maybe try the titanium drill there's a horror i drill after that for 3.5 million we'll get there eventually and they only have 1 million dollars left over oh i was gonna buy some more elevators too because here's my brilliant strategy we're gonna put a lift on either side that way i can basically always have a clear route down they'll do most of the work all i gotta do is clear out the paths of one or two of them here and there or they're all gonna get stuck after two seconds and make me look stupid well at least now all three elevators are moving and they're all making pretty good progress i already forgot that i bought a new drill and it seems to be pretty quick i'm a little scared to go crazy with it though because when things happen quick in this game i die like every time this triple elevator system works great it actually gives me a lot more freedom to move around very quickly and we're officially below floor 1000 49 high value items becomes just about 4 million dollars that was a fun big mountain of stuff so i'm going to buy a few more lifts and probably also the better drill for 3.5 million and of course the bigger gas tank so we can use it for longer for some reason it doesn't let me place lifts in between the other two anymore so i'm just gonna put them off to the side and they'll make their way down eventually i did not mean to place that one there so we're gonna have no shortage of lifts to choose from what i wanted to do was try this new drill which is much faster yeah this is gonna be a money maker until i crush myself with a rock yeah this drill is fast but it's also very dangerous to use because you carry a lot of momentum everywhere every time i find a pocket like this i just can't help but laugh because i know i'm gonna mind this and then crush myself with the rock 10 seconds later and i found a new purple thing i assume this one's more valuable than the last one i'm thinking maybe 500 000 and my drill ran out of fuel so i'm back to doing it the manual way even this is making me a stupid amount of money this will most definitely be the most expensive load i've ever sold yet look how big it is five and a half million 250 000 just for one of those things the only thing i'm gonna buy is to pick a drill tank because we can get our use out of it now look at this spot think of how much value is right here we're gonna get our super drill in no time and look at all those diamonds best part is we're not gonna pick up one of them and that is honestly the best thing i possibly could have found at this point there's a portal all the way down here for 1200 and look how much of even this stuff we're finding now i can't remember what it's called but i know it's worth a fortune royal light well you want to see a lot of money there you go look at that it's almost off the screen seven million three hundred and seventy thousand which puts us at eleven million five hundred thousand so let's get the even faster drill at this point because obviously and i'm also gonna buy the better grab hook that only costed me a cool million and i know my lifts uh seemed like a good idea but i think i hit my limit because it's not really letting me put them anymore but that's probably okay the new drill makes us move very quickly i can definitely maneuver pretty easily now and do it pretty quickly so we'll just do this for a little bit collecting all the valuables i forgot to see if there is still a better drill i wonder if there is this one is fast but we could always go faster look at this beautiful little cluster and we've officially crossed floor 1300 at this point my bag is basically full of this stuff royal light whatever it's called we've got a lot of it but good news we found something more valuable still infernalite i can't even imagine how valuable that is was kind of hoping i could find another portal so i didn't have to go all the way back up but i might be out of luck so i'm going to dig down to 1400 which is this layer and just go side to side oh my biggest fault i'll hopefully find a portal but you can definitely see the value down here it's all the most valuable stuff that i've found so far and there's a lot of it and my drill also ran out of gas as i'm as deep as possible so i'm manually going to dig my way across but i'm not really sure there's much point given that it's only floor 1400. you know what i'm just gonna walk back to the surface my crab hook slipped or something and i fell and died i had 70 extraordinarily valuable things in my bag and my grab hook slip i'm not gonna lie to you that one kind of hurts but on the bright side we can fill it with even more valuable stuff now i've just got to find my way back there without dying along the way because i don't know how far i can drop that's probably pushing it right there well at least i managed to make it back here and you know what i feel like i can make my money back pretty quick okay clearly we're at the point where things are just for fun now because i can just endlessly mine this stuff there's so much of it that i have too much of it frankly i'm gonna fill up my bag before i make it anywhere near a portal i think i found the bottom just gotta find a way to get over to whatever that thing is while maybe collecting a few valuables along the way i did manage to find a portal here of all places at like 1430 but i'm not going to complain i'm going to take that and go to the surface and cash in before we get into that thing even the portal is surrounded by good stuff anyone want to take a guess as to the value of this do it now so many gems 25 million and that's not even with the biggest bag but we're going to spend 10 million on probably the biggest light and 3 million on a bigger bag and that's the biggest bag and light plus also a bigger drill tank plus the better grappling hook and that's all the most expensive items we can buy i do like this light we can see just a little bit more with it now how do you suppose we get into this thing if we even can oh we gotta drill around it this better be worth the effort it took a long time and a lot of money to get down here come on big upgrade collect diamond one single enormous diamond if i'd known this i wouldn't have sold on my crap congratulations you filmed the largest diamond ever discovered what would you like to do so either start a new mine or maybe later well since i'm already filthy rich and hit the bottom with all the upgrades i think i'm gonna
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,086,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rZtt3mggXwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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