You're Not Supposed To Do This To Your Raft

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today things are gonna get weird because i've got a brand new mod which means that for every sale i put on the raft i increase its speed but that's obviously nothing new where this beautiful creation is different is the more sales i have the faster things are gonna go but it needs to be aerodynamic or something like that i don't know we're gonna put a million sails on this raft and see what happens and this is actually a pretty good metaphor about how this video is going to go straight into an island and we're all going to die so the second item we're adding to our raft is the ability to steer it now in theory the more sails we have and a small space the better off we're going to be and just like that we have the ability to steer this disaster so that means our raft of this size with a single sail pointed into the wind travels at a speed of three so if we replace the piece that idiot ate and squeeze and say another two sales that puts our speed up to 4.3 almost a 50 increase and all it took was two sales so this is gonna get messy how do we add a lot of sales without making too big of an area i think the answer logically is to build upwards while also adding a view of the sails to the part of the wrath that we've already built anyway uh yeah just be careful not to fall off your raft at any point because it's really fast already luckily i can just give myself a little bit of a speed boost and actually catch it still okay so we're clearly obviously moving at a pretty good pace being 5.7 and then i was already clever enough to put some sails in my walking path but those bring us up to a modest speed of seven you hear that sound that's the sound of the game slowly crying to death now's the easy part we just need to figure out how to make multiple layers of raft working upwards because the sails are actually pretty tall kind of forgot i'm probably going to need an axe for quite a few different tasks the repairer of stupidity i absolutely love when i have to jump build things but to the surprise of basically everyone this is working out not bad so far but don't worry it'll get worse it always does well how many sales do you think we can fit in here quite a few of them so far i love that we're already going this fast and we've still got many sails to place and open and i fell in the water again still able to catch the raft though it's not particularly easy to get on again here's today's theory on floating wood the less raft touching the water the faster it's gonna go i never knew you could walk on top of these my new staircase is gonna have to make a little detour now i'm not really sure why but this actually worked not bad so from here i guess we just add a few more sales and try and figure out how to build up even further because i'm not gonna lie to you guys i'm a little disappointed at the lack of sales on this raft right now well that's another 20 for now once they're opened up we get a noticeable increase to speed all the way up to 10. this is working out very good because we haven't put a lot of sales on yet but we had a massive increase to speed and we have a lot of space left to build with just kind of got to figure out how and the best part is now i have sales blocking my view pretty much everywhere i'm trying to build and more jump building you know what i'm probably long overdue to actually start utilizing ladders that's going to make my whole building process a little bit less painful than it's absolutely going to be because building is really all about the planning and i just don't do a lot of that it's not a pretty design but it is functional at least until you hit the second ladder which doesn't work okay for some reason this is actually working so let's add some more sails and keep building upwards and maybe i should have put the steering wheel up here i mean it looks like something i would build i currently have it anchored just so i could take a look at it and try and do maybe just a little bit of planning ahead this is pretty amusing but the higher i get the more room i actually have to build sales now that we've gone through some growing pains we're making progress quicker than ever uh i do however hear the shark down below eating some of my raft and that's a trifle concerning so maybe i'd better make my way back to the bottom and reinforce some of that luckily the part of my wrap touching the water isn't actually that big it is however still extremely inconvenient to walk through because it's covered in sails eventually i probably will be able to just cut off basically everything down below and balance everything off a little point but for now if it ain't broke we're not gonna fix it where it is gonna keep building upwards well i think we're long overdue for a speed test so i'm gonna de-inker my raft and then we'll see how fast it's going it's a little bit hard to say from up here but i'd say pretty fast given how fast we're going by that thing we're up to 14.5 and that is with all these sales so far so we're clearly gonna need a lot more sales still which sounds weird because look at it so i reloaded the game and changed some of the mods around uh i removed some of the other ones and apparently they were actually slowing me down because look how fast we're going now so i guess we're doing something right with all these sails and the shape of our raft because it's clearly very fast unfortunately i can't specifically see how fast we're going right now but we can be assured it's pretty fast and it's only going to get faster from here this raft is very fast and since i can no longer anchor it using console commands i need to build an anchor so this should hopefully stop us perfect now and continue to build without having to worry about falling off the raft because i can't tell you how much fun it is climbing all the way back up to the top of this again and again and again i've also since realized that building a little narrower is actually going to be a lot faster overall things are starting to get just a little bit laggy as i'm building but it's still not too bad it does really really suck when i fall down though all i need to do is place another 351 sales and then i'll have officially placed 1 1000 every layer gets better and better to look at you think it's a little top-heavy maybe just a little four more to go and that's officially 1 000 sails placed on this raft basically all vertically in one gaping hole but all jokes aside it's coming along pretty nicely and i bet it's pretty fast at this point the trick now is going to be opening all these sails because i don't currently have the ability to open them all at once so i'm going to have to exit the game reinstall the mod that lets me open them load back into the game if it lets me load into this disaster open the sails exit back out uninstall the mod load back in surprisingly we loaded in without too much issue so let's see if we can get these open sails open and let's hope that was actually not painful at all probably because the raft is anchored and i've reloaded in the game doesn't feel particularly great but we're gonna pull that anchor up and see how fast we go are we still going into the wind it looks like we are okay so way anchor and let's see if we're going faster than we were before uh i think we are we're moving so quick the game is going a little bit slow at this point honestly it's hard to say i know we're going really really fast and we're about to hit an island ugh never mind this was not something that i wanted to happen but i'm somehow not that surprised i'm gonna see whoops if i can paddle my way off this without losing my raft paddling seems futile so what we're going to do is reload this way when we do come across an island i can steer gently around it we're going to point ourselves that way that's probably enough to miss the island by 10 miles at the rate we're going then again i wonder what happens if we do turn as hard as we possibly can oh we do turn very slowly we miss the island but not by that much i mean we're definitely going fast if i throw something in the water it's gone in an instant i mean i don't know i feel like we can do better as soon as i jump in the water the raft is gone i propose adding a thousand more sales double the amount we currently have but i'm also gonna do this part the easy way i'm just gonna build straight out the back because i think that's still gonna give me a boost and i can actually accomplish this fairly quickly relatively speaking also i spent almost ten thousand wood on my raft up to this point and i mean obviously definitely starting to get leggy so let's throw down some sails before things break entirely these are also very very quick to place i like this part we've already placed well over 100 there's 140 you get the idea i'm not really sure how aerodynamic this design is going to be but i don't really care they've got to make some kind of difference okay i've managed to add about 500 so far so we're going to power swim our way back to the end extend that thing twice as far and then add the final 500. look how determined he is he's even pointing where he wants to go imagine what would happen to whatever i rammed with his finger it would explode yeah the game's loving it at this point since things are so slow here i'm gonna place sales on here and then anything left over i'm gonna find for room on my original raft though i actually did a pretty good job for once because i've got less than 100 to place and i still haven't ran into my other sales i was out by 55. that is a lot of sales look there it is the original raft i'm also super excited to have to climb all the way back to the top of that again it's just endless ladders and the sails but i found a layer where we can probably afford to add some more it doesn't have to be pretty they just have to go somewhere and i really hope that tail doesn't somehow slow me down well i jumped a bunch in here we are 10 sales shy i don't think anyone's going to cry over 10 sales you know what those can just go there now so now let's once again close the game so i can reinstall the mod to open the sails only to uninstall the mod so that it actually moves again okay i managed to load in and there's a struggle i've been looking for sales open and the game very much had to think about that that was not a very promising load-in but we made it the game is definitely very laggy so let's even get this thing moving so this is going to be with twice the amount of sales we had last time so in theory twice the speed and i think we might be on to something are we going faster it's so hard to tell when everything's just zipping by anyway we're going fast i don't know if we're going twice as fast you can see the debris fields basically blink past so i don't know is this fast enough should we try and go faster i don't know what to do anymore i do think adding all the sails to the tail did add a lot of speed i don't know if we're going twice as fast but we're going very fast so naturally now i'm going to increase the amount of crafted spawns in the ocean just to make sure the game hurts real bad look at the debris fields we get now i figured we'd be getting more than this by now though look at it all blink by let's add like a lot more so we're going from point zero zero one to point whatever that is one oh i guess we're capped out at some point there's still a lot of crap we're just coming past it at light speed i guess we could jump in the water and see how long it takes a raft to get away from us well the main part's already gone and the 1000 cell long tail is still going past us wait no there it goes yeah okay that's pretty fast okay there's still a few things i can try to get a little bit more speed out of this not sure how this is gonna go but i never really do so if we pull the anchor we can potentially change the maximum speed of the raft and also set the raft speed up to 20. so let's set the max speed up to like a thousand right as we hit an island of course just as i remember we can actually clear landmarks out of the way so islands aren't going to be a problem anymore are we going faster now i can't tell apparently the mag speed we're allowed to set is 20. same with set rav speed let's try 20 there to hopefully get some kind of multiplier going again i'm not sure if we're moving faster or not i can't really tell anymore i think we actually might be but then again maybe not things are just kind of zipping by i definitely hear the shark eating part of my raft but this island gives us a little bit of an opportunity i wasn't entirely sure i was going to be able to make it to the top if the raft is moving at that speed but now that we're stopped i can actually get up there and then we'll let it go again it's going to look pretty weird from up here look at those debris fields and clear landmarks off we go again very high up in the sky you could probably see a lot of islands from up here or maybe not many of them because we're so high up we're actually going to lose a little bit of render distance what do you think happens if we spawn llamas they go flying way to the back of the raft they only land right there though well who am i to complain with the results let's auto click the llamas for a second and see if anyone get on board all good ideas stand with llamas we can tell the game is going pretty slow at this point because if you look through the sails on the lower right suddenly the debris isn't blinking past anymore it's kind of slowly floating on by maybe because we hit an island again there we go the island is cleared again but now i've got a bunch of llamas directly below me i was whoops i was hoping they would fly back into the ocean somewhere they do have a way of kamikaze themselves though i wouldn't want to be in this raft either i get it because no matter how fast we're going we're always headed nowhere good well i think it's safe to say we succeeded in making a pretty fast raft again today by the time i hit the water we're basically a thousand sales back
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,150,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gW5WoqVbhDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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