Does he have a table?

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hey hey Tony Gaskins here what the popin now I call this does he have a table because you know you saw the mean that says I bring the table to the table and we always hear about what do you bring to the table and I have a quote that says don't just you shouldn't come to the table with just a fork and an appetite and that's what happens in our world a lot and we see this in all areas all across the board all types of relationships so when you look at this you have certain friendships where you got the one friend who just ride off for the other friend this one friend over here come from a little bit more money or may have more money and pay for all the outings pay for all the vacations pay for everything this other friend just use the person then you have relationships where the man riding off the woman or a woman just riding off the man and this is when they are dating when they get to know each other I'm not talking about marriage because when you marry you want then you have family situations where a certain family member riding off another family member just won't work won't do anything and just taking a free ride so we see this in every area where there are people who just make it up in their mind that they're going to use others to get ahead and the Bible says if you don't work you don't eat and that's very serious now what you have what I realized on a dating side of this is you have it on both sides but one thing that I don't see the most is women what I don't see a lot of is women sitting idle doing nothing and trying to live off of a man yes it's out there but it's nowhere as near as men trying to get money from women we have always heard and associated a gold-digger with a female now gold digger is just as much if not more a male and what you have to realize is now we're living one thing I noticed is women will go and work a job women will go and become successful with the hopes of being sat down so women will become go and become a whole therapist be a whole therapist to look credible to look qualified to a man with money to be sat down by that man and that some women go now on the flip side of that you have men today you know I saw a homeless man with three women he had this woman over here he was talking to he was at then he walked across the street to the other look homeless hand guy had this woman over here he was talking to while up the road a little bit to the wedding soup kitchen that and we're talking to this woman you know spitting game macking all along took a few steps with him homeless man had multiple women now it's men today and I get these questions all the time that's living with their mom a lot of men living with their mom and they want to go from mom house to your house straight from mom house living off her not even working a job to your house we had a situation the other day on the q18 where a young lady mentioned her man got out of prison and now he just he wanna play video games and he wants to become a become a professional video game a professional gamer don't want to get up and go to work he want to sit at home and play the video game talking about he wanna become a pro gamer that's the mind that a lot of men being given to today so that's why if you're a woman watching this you've got to have your own set of rules if you're a man watching this you need to have your own set of rules cuz it go both ways now it go both ways I just titled it the way I titled it because my audience is mostly women well understand this because I tell women to I tell women you can't expect your boyfriend to be helping with your bills that's not his that's not his place you know it was a thing going around a long time ago online about this this man the woman was down and out she was doing bad she needed some money she wanted to she couldn't afford her place you weren't moving with the man and the man said I ain't comfortable with that but I get you $300 to help you out and she felt like he was wrong for that and no he went wrong for that because there's no benefits in boyfriends and girlfriends ain't no benefits in that you want when you get married when you boyfriend a girlfriend both of y'all need to be able to stand on your own two feet if you can't stand on your own two feet and guess what you need to sit down you need to sit down and you need to stay out the way but you can't get no boyfriend and interview and be expecting your boyfriend to be paying your Cardinal helping you with your rent help me you pay bills just because you chose to get on your back that prostitution so you have to understand you got to stand on your own your own two feet have your own downs what I was gonna name this video to not have your own now what you have to have these standards is no loaning money now if you wanna give money make sure that you giving money and you counting it to your tithes and offering anything you give to somebody in need you add that to your tithes and offerings so if you make a thousand dollars this week your time is a hundred dollars if you get five dollars to person homeless person at Tacoma now your ties is ninety five dollars because is your ministry you immense to you to you the body ties is given to those in need making sure the work is done for those in need so if you give to a boyfriend or girlfriend it's a gift don't do loans I don't coach countless countless people most women women who have loan thousands of dollars to their boyfriend sometimes one even a boyfriend just was talking had just met and only knew each other a month two months and this man already got his hand up but you have to understand is that today that's becoming a whole business it is a whole business now it's some women doing it too but I was talking to a guy and he was telling me his causes his friends that from the island he from the island they can all move here he was telling me he got some friends up in Virginia that the entire job is getting on dating sites and spitting game to desperate women and they purposely pick out women who look like they got a little self-esteem look like women who are outside of the beauty constructs of America purposely pick those women out and with eight eight hours of the day instead of working on a job they talking to these women talk to the women you get you eight of them and you can get to five hundred dollars a month or you might not get five dollars a month you might get ten thousand one time so now instead of making six thousand for the year you made ten thousand that year and they'll keep them on rotation so first these eight women might be each one I'm getting an hour a day he's one I'm getting an hour a day that's that man eight-hour job then after she's gonna sing like her pockets got drained and she want more she want to come visit you want to get married okay you getting out of hand not now you've got to go to every other date communication all right you cannot and now you bout to go to fifteen-minute wants elite communication so she get replaced with another woman that's getting her a whole out and then every woman getting a whole out then my wife watching mood on Netflix and it was showing the Sprinter in Jamaica and it was Shaun they highlighted the part of about the scammers who being not living the big house with the with the BMWs but the whole job is they like a call center in there and they just callin old people in America telling them that they don't want some money but they need a bank account information because they got to pay a processing fee and just you know scamming them like that guess what that's a real thing all around the world and it's so many women getting caught up in this it's sad I saw an episode on American greed where a man tall dark and handsome was dating women who are the opposite of tall dark and handsome okay they are the opposite and if they need women and they showing the women and it's like you I could look at a woman me being a formal matchmaker and but being a current loving relationship coach I study matches I study couples I study relationships I studied natural organic chemistry you know all of this stuff not organic chemistry in the classroom now in relationships and I could look at the woman I'm like man when have you ever in your life had a man that is tall dark and handsome we have you ever so all in your life you never talk to no man that was desirable and then you get on or eHarmony and now all of a sudden you think this type of man is is your type of man that y'all go together no no but people desperate for love desperate for love desperate for love got him now and I mean woman say she gave a man $16,000 another woman say she just gave him her credit card just made him authorize you beep you've been building a credit a parent's been building a credit since they were 13 now this was an african-american man the women that I'm picturing they will Caucasian women okay and that's a noting when I tell y'all when you start to go outside of your race and you start to go outside of your culture if you don't understand what you're dealing with if you ain't with you want to raised up with that culture if you want to raise that around those people you might just be prey and you don't even know it because you don't know if that's organic or not so you gotta have the wisdom knowledge to know if you being preyed on because of your naivete you're gullible ness or if that's authentic law and so guess what if you got a rule if you got some rules and that's why I tell you got to have your standards so one of your rules need to be stay off your back stay off your back okay stay off your back do not be on your back the other thing your other rule is never give a man my knee never give a man money now when I met my wife I I would mean I would mean to what we call it need in EE VI n so I remember asking my wife is she a Bobby so steel toe work boots realizable testing of the see if she was kind hearted if she wasn't selfish because she was a pretty girl and sometimes pretty women wanna use you sometimes pretty wouldn't wanna be wined and dined so I was just telling her to see what her heart was that she bought some shoes she bombs from steel toe boots they was out all the sizes so my total was stuffed up and and I working it I was working in the warehouse at first I did the warehouse about two and a half months of work too hard it was too much to live in it was too heavy even though I had just got out of playing college football I was like I can do the kind of work being hit on all kind of stuff to get him what they need to do this work I said I don't use substances this is not for humans they need to have robots and he's doing all this lifting and it was at the public at a public warehouse and I quit two and a half months you didn't mean and I asked my wife Herman one other time I asked her was she by myself Air Force Ones and she brought me some Air Force Ones so guess what these were small purchases all right because I genuinely liked her I've never said hey can you pay my rent hey can you you know loan me a thousand dollars this what I'm hearing the day you know I've gotten heard up to fifteen thousand dollars now I don't hurt up to 90% of life savings but I didn't he got in here a number you know 90% of life savings that a woman gave to a boyfriend for for business ideas listen you got the UH everybody has to have their own you can never ever loan a man money and listen if now if if you in a relationship this your boyfriend this your girlfriend y'all been together six months eight months not six months or more for one a person shouldn't even be able to fix their mouth to ask you for money if y'all are not an exclusive couple if you're not an exclusive couple if that may have not said will you be my girlfriend can we be exclusive however he gonna word it definitely should not be asking for no money and if somebody ask for some money what you need to be able to see is that this person is working and they working full-time and then out of working full-time that they are a good steward of their money if this man making twenty thirty thousand dollars but he stay in the Gucci store he's not a good steward of his money he's looking to use you he uh scammer yes camera he might be credit card scam in any ways or getting ready to or he might just be women scamming some men don't do credit card scam because it's too much jail time but a woman's came in because they know is so many women that's desperate for love and then here's the thing a man will play on your ego he'll tell you how successful you are how amazing you are how beautiful you are how smart you are how rare you are he'll tell you all that for the first three months now you're so gassed up so pumped up that you really believe in that you all of that and then he come asking you for money and you thinking oh I'm successful I'm rare let me show him on my boss let me show him I don't need him for money let me show him all I need is love and then you go giving him some money and not here you will boo boo the fool looking like who shot John and forgot to kill so he just got you he set you up by blowing your head up build up your ego and then boom and then guess what most men always have options most men talking to a minimum of three women so he could be talking to you and he could be talking to you every day if his about that check if he know he's gonna get a check off for you he'll talk to you every day just like we go to work every day you talk to you every day night and then guess what woman number two you might get hit for a thousand why me number two might get hit for a thousand or she might get hit for five hundred woman number three might get hit for 200 and guess what all he's doing is dropping a little bitter dropping a little bit of thing off on you it's black a belly s PL AC k AV e ll ie it's black of Italy he's dropping a little bit of thing off to you and you getting you a little bit of law and then here you here you are booboo the fool giving him an money now see a man is supposed to be the head of the household he's supposed to be the provider he's supposed to be the one that's busting his butt to going to do the work okay so a woman should never be in a place of having to give a man money having a Bioman a car having to let him live in your apartment let him live in your house having to pay his rent paint his car no pay his phone bill a woman should never have to give a man money because guess what before a man asks a wonderful money that man need to ask the payday loan singer he'd need to ask his day wants his homeboy from child love he need to ask his mama he need ask his daddy he need to ask his brother you need to ask his sister you need to ask his cousin you need to ask his male cousin his female cousins he need to ask anybody else if he got to ask his child he need to ask his child who got a piggy bank before he come asking a woman that he could call herself court in trying to marry because y'all not one y'all are not wanting on some of the people of course I'm just joking he'll need to be asking a child i sat with my son my six-year-old yesterday we counted on his piggy bank and he got $73 in the house my piggy bank looking better than my account why hey hey I was joking about that but he need this man a man need to have a list so long ohoo he could borrow from before he come asking his girlfriend and now listen when y'all get married you want but at the same time when you want to still need to be fair meaning you shouldn't feel used you shouldn't feel used now if y'all got an agreement on something then okay that's one thing but you shouldn't feel use it shouldn't it shouldn't be like oh you are earning the man but then he get to decide what everything happens with the money so he cologne here but you came along to your friend he could go buy a motorcycle but you can't go buy a new purse you said it should still be fair because one thing that men I would say 90% of man they number-one thing is money 90% of men know one thing is money not a percent of man will do about anything for some money not necessarily do anything for the money but are so addicted and control and concern by money and when they don't really have money especially if they don't always play the role of having money and being you know good with money or just being a money man they delivered it will start to lose their mind I was watching American greed and a man took and we're just so used to being the money man Playboy and didn't have no money whatever you doing job is gig or whatever one going right did man went and robbed a Brinks truck and this was like a surfer looking dude you know like a dude you see at the beach with a surfboard this man went and robbed and brings truck but when you robbed or bring the truck he killed the the driver a man who was carrying the money out from the movie theater kids driver and was on about the man who did it was on a bicycle he stole the bicycle from a neighbor house drove over there - what a Brinks truck pickup is he had been casing him watching it when a man came over to bring the truck he pull up he run up on a man boom boom boom shoot him six times take the money take off the man go you know and why this man did that he was living in a nice big house in a nice neighborhood he had jet skis he had nice cars his neighbors thought that this was just like a young entrepreneur he told me he was like a young entrepreneur some young tech person that's hot that's how people mind again people mind it gone especially me and over money but guess what I see I see a lot of women the same way I see a lot of women to say anyway not as many as men but to where people literally over some money beg borrow and steal will be stressed out having headaches migraine stomachaches over money over money and people will be so worried about money and won't even do this right here forget the value of that they totally forget the value of listen listen right here as long as I got that right down ain't worried about no money hey bill collectors you can get it when I got it you can get it when I got it stop calling my home I call you don't call me I call you when I got it okay ain't got it you want to go to court alright said somebody to serve me they'll be not gonna go to the hand fall off all right wing any service nothing you can get it when I got it that's what you got in business that come with the risk then you're not finished rest me out driving on Earth great on my bill okay that's how I look at it how my wife look at it when we was in this Kroger I don't write y'all gonna late God will provide Jesus paid at all you get it when I got it you said I mean but it's people who they become addicted to money a sleigh to money and that's what's up ending our relationships today to outside of cheating on you got cheating first outside of that cheating it's money or why people cannot connect because a woman looking for a man with money or man looking for a woman with money and that's why we can't connect or you get together in both way you got a little something but somebody who the motional money-hungry start trying to get over and start trying to get as much money as they can from from their spouse from the other from the board for another girlfriend start trying to get as much money as they can and it might just be one to $500 birthday gift but want to buy a $50 gift wanna buy the other person a $50 gift but won't them get to a fire on it altogether it might be something as simple as that the where we let it control us so you to sit down and you're gonna have to come up with your rules and understand this you can never ever give a man money and the reason why is because a man is wired to provide so when a man can fix his mouth and it's not your husband when a man can fix his mouth to ask you for money as a woman he has is almost like it's almost like if you get a certificate for being a man it's like if you get a certificate for being a man it's really like that man going and turning in his certificate when a man ask a woman for money that's what it's like it's like he is he is saying castrate me the man is saying I'm okay being castrated if you put his $500 that's how because a man is wired to provide that when a man can ask a woman to borrow some money ain't talking about like something like a what you gonna even for my birthday yeah I love that you know that my core is what I love that you know sudden suck I'm not talking about something that's like a one-time thing where it's under $500 and it's just like this crazy buying it's like this crazy thing happening it's under $5 I'm telling my now when it go like $1,000 or more or even if it's a hundred dollars but it's multiple times you know feel six time on him asking you to pay his phone bill for hunter otters or whatever bill that is internet cable especially if I may ask you for some that's not an absolute necessity can you pay to refill my oxygen tank that's that's the only thing a man need to be asking by is the oxygen tank your life support machine hey can you get your life with support machine another battery that's a if it ain't no absolute necessity he don't need to be asking for word you don't need to be asked for and I know some of y'all still think well Tonio I bought you some shoes for one hour 21 years old you ain't 21 if you will to win one then no it's a different day today is a day of scandals back then we didn't have Instagram we have twitter barely have facebook so if it was not we wasn't as advanced you know it wasn't really an agenda back then in 2005 its 2020 15 years later so understand it's not you cannot learn man money because it's really like feeding the birds when you go out somewhere and you start feeding the birds and then like they lose they mind over that little cheeto that you threw on the ground they look playing ladies potato chip you don't know that the crust out of bread you're throwing around ec goals if you had a beat or whatever you at BU birthday lose they mind they attacking the attacking they'll start chasing you they start chasing you I remember getting chased all around the beach all around the beach cuz I had a sandwich cuz I had dropped a piece of that sounds no birds got the piece of that sandwich and then bursts are chasing me I hit the sandwich in my pants now this what this how did man be picture what I'm talking about now you remember how to birds or chase you you drop this thing you start running birds chase you yes start like they wanna pick you like they won't attack you that's exactly how these men get that's how to eat me and get when you go to waving that dollar that man see you got some money he lose his elbow lasting mine you mean and when a man can fix his mouth to say hey can I borrow 200 all the front you hey can I borrow $300 hey can I borrow $800 hey can I borrow $1,000 a big idea you know this thing will me gonna make us millions of dollars you know saying I already charted is $10,000 to get started we're gonna send a beater get started yet 10,000 ain't got it right now cuz I've been down on my luck you know what I mean cuz everything had to go through a generational curves you know everything I went through but that's all this right here cold and it's gonna make us Millions listen to me man I know a lot of you right now I'm tap-dancing on your toes cuz because you two made a habit of giving me and money even gay your boyfriend so much money and I remember saying women get mad oh oh um if this is my boyfriend and I have been with him for eight years and he balls on some hard times I'm gonna give him money what is love about what am I even with someone if I cannot loan him money that write down when I see stuff like that that is a guilty conscience because you know that you've been stupid you know you getting played you know you getting used and now you feel stupid about it because it ain't no reason that a man should have to borrow money from a woman if he got arms and legs if he is able body and he can get up and work naca see if the man lost both his arms in army lost both his legs in army serving always born that way so if you lock both your arms you cannot go flip burgers at McDonald's okay you cannot go do construction if you lost your legs I understand that but in a lot of cases that man is gonna be getting the check you're gonna be getting check from the government or disability so even in that case he's still gonna have money coming in guess what he can do go down and do customer service do customer service he'd take you know it's a lot of men and and a lot of men don't get to the place men and women if they disabled they don't start to love themselves and their joke about it you know hey shake my hand I remember man like that ate shake my hand you didn't know about they'll give my handshake why when they could go right down there to the customer service probably got a do it hit the button hello Geico here how can I help you you just like that because of mouths word that's because the mouth work guess what it's work to be done so it's no reason that you should have to loan a man money and in the implications of this means that this man has been turned over to a reprobate mind that this man has lost his mind because it is not in a man nature to ask anybody for money he gonna do what he got to do even if it's illegal he's gonna do what he has to do when a man has his manhood intact he do not feel comfortable calling anybody to borrow money I feel like right now when I used to borrow money it was a business deal I was working with a business I'm working in business to where and I'm dealing with a millionaire / billionaire the way I say a woman let's do this he'll deal right here it's an equity partner who say hey we need to influx the cash we need 35 K and we need 60 K to do this project then boom that money come in but this person over here it's not giving me money it's a business deal and guess what is with is what a business partner is with an investor that that's what they do they in the business of taking Gamble's and losing money or taking Gamble's and making a whole bunch of money that wasn't me going to my wife saying hey you know I know it's a lot of insecure men out here and it's all women that them that the man that said is - I know it's a lot of insecure man I hear but you know I'm not one of those mean and I followed this girl you know on Twitter and I just follow cuz I just used to follow you know I mean I heard her name in a song and I started falling but kind of fine I this girl made $10,000 a night dancing yo body look better than her body so this is so listen this what I was saying with a lot of these clubs now they wearing man so it's like a masquerade ball they're not even gonna know that is you and you go dance and so in one week we could make $70,000 if you were dance and guess what the girl I'm telling you about show me and get naked oh yeah oh yeah it there is there are women who have gone to degrade themselves to make money for the man it's women who literally think the man that's pimping them is their boyfriend no no no man doing credit card fraud doing bank fraud doing scamming of all kinds of wrong doing drops on the taxes man will have it we'll teach this one how to do this and how does want me doing this to enrich himself and he might be doing it too but hear how her doing to make him more riches so he could do what he want to do in the street so he could live his adult life fantasy so he could look like the man round about town only to end up cheating on that woman getting another woman pregnant and then end up breaking up going in separate ways listen only thing need to be in a relationship everybody got a hair they own the tool you need to have your own job the tool you need to have your own place to stay if your friend to get with a man he needs to have his own job that's legal in his own place to stay and his own transportation if you live in a city that y'all take subways you don't need no Carter he need a house low weight money okay I need a house low weight money or uber money lift money whatever and have his own place to stay not not no roommate not a roommate you're all too young today if you still got a roommate you too young to be dating you need to learn how to be independent to live by yourself on your own and the only way that you living with a parent is that's just part of your culture and your lessons and how y'all talk that you live with a parent to build wealth to build wealth so that when you move out when you meet the person that's for you that's the only exception to the rule is when you stand with a parent because you stand there to build wealth or your parent cannot take care of themselves and you gotta stay there with them until you can either hire a home a home nurse that could be round-the-clock the way you got three different nurses that's coming 8-hour shifts and you got your nanny cams in there until you get to the place where you can't hire that or until your parent goes on to meet the Lord because they come they come in near day time and you want to be there you know every day to be with them in their last days that's another exception to the rule you see what I mean these except forgot to make sense now these sevens got to make sense can be no exception that's like oh yeah I'm just living with my mother right well my mama staying with me right now but on work you know ain't got no job right now I'm laid off she's staying with me though but she's staying the master bedroom cuz that's my mom's you know so I'm gonna let mom stay in the master bedroom man you're not stayin there's a little bit wrong yeah it's a twin size bed but you know I don't need much room cuz it's just me cuz I'm talking to you you know I mean I want to be reduced on paper man so I just sleep on the twin you know just so that you know I'm faithful to see if I had a queen-size then you'll know it's room for another woman in there so that's what I want you to know and I just let my moms you know how to master bear don't know he said he lived with his mama he live with his mama it's a lot of man telling women and a dad they mama stay with you know you know you stay with your moment you stay with your moment because he i'ma tell you what a man gonna do what a man gonna do he gonna get on his grind if his mama gotta stay with him he gonna get on his grind to where he can pay for his apartment and he can pay for his mom or one bed on it might not be in the world's greatest area but he gonna put his mom in one bedroom and especially if she able body and she might be going to work but just not making a whole lot of money she might make $800 a month rent 850 anyway you're gonna stay at you know a woman house so he got in a one-bedroom or well that but that's what he's gonna do if he got to work overtime the help is my mind cuz his daddy passed away or never was in their life he's gonna do what he got to do he's gonna do what he got to do and and that's what that's what I'm doing as a man you know our Mama's day getting up in age they're not making as much money thanks changing date you know situation change guess what I'm gonna work hard enough work extra they're putting them both in their own place and that's gonna cost me but hey I'm gonna do the work to get to that place cuz as a man I want my own home to myself and with my wife and my son oh no family moving in with me no family moving in with me and that's a man who become a man he's gonna have that provider mentality you're gonna have the head of the household mentality not dictating not being a tyrant yeah he want to be the head of the household he's gonna lead in love but a man wants to bring the table okay he want to bring the whole table and now see this a thing when it come to having your own a man wants to know that a woman can't get then a woman can get it legally not not not and legally and morally so not having no on the fanpage not having no remember back page that was out there not having not dancing not scripting not being no escort not nothing none of that right there not scamming not stealing not all of that a real man wanna wonder who can get it but get it legally and get it morally and this what a real man gonna do now who does he have a table this is what he gonna do he's going to he want to know that this woman has ambition so he won't see that to either then went and getting your education or getting some training or getting a trade or getting a certificate or doing the training you need to do for what you want to become you want to be a life coach he want to see that you can take taking a life coach certification water prices inexpensive and that you know made your profile on my mentor that life that's what you want to see it don't mean you immediate now but that's ambition he wants to see that and then guess what if you all get together y'all will get married now y'all is time to have children and you wanna have children guess what he's okay sitting you down he's okay he will tell you and you ain't gotta work ain't gotta work on what you going out waddling in there like no duh you know staying at the house you know it's the only the house how'd you soon go to Roman's in the house and have some spa music in the house in the house when I come rub your feet now let me rubbing your feet rubbing oil in put that cocoa butter all around your size and your hips in your stomach so you won't get no stretch marks from this here we just gonna oil you down with all this you know that's how you're gonna treat you well a man who's a real pro bono that's what he gonna do you don't sit you down now when that baby car guess what if he got to work extra hours if he got to pick up a little side hustle a legal side hustle you're gonna do what he got to do cuz he gonna say listen don't worry about going back to work now stay on home for the 6 weeks maternally but hey you can stay home for the next two years because you don't want to put the baby at six months old and then nasty daycare you see what they do indeed they care they be money kid they let another kid bite the kid by the baby to death they letting all kind of stuff happen in there a hand flip mouth disease coming home listen you could stay home the next two years I pay the bills that's what the man gonna do he's not gonna say eh alright and got that baby I alright them since we saw you need to go back to work you get my word we needs money we need the money no real man not gonna do that as long as you want to stay home he not see the owner his only requirement is that when he met you you was a woman of ambition you want scared to work you want scared get your hands dirty you get up you're due to work and do what you got to do to take care of yourself he was an independent woman when he met you you don't mind you been interdependent in marriage as long as you were independent when you mentioned now if you was out here you know a real man if you was out here illegal getting money illegally or immorally a real man is not gonna respect that he's not gonna work that type of woman it's just point blank period and if you was I hell living off your daddy living off your mama didn't want to work and you live in your mama how about Union working so it ain't about you saving money you just lazy you waiting on a man to come rescue you no real man don't want you real man don't want that one woman that gonna get up and go to work just like he getting up and going to work and then when the time come you got to sit down he gonna sit you down so this just what you gotta understand this is very very important this is this non-negotiable in these relationships to where when we come in this thing that we are independent that we are both willing to work that we both willing and able to work and to pay our own bills that's when you know that now the only thing that matters is love it's not about who earns the most money because it's different job so you both go or work 40 hours a week and the Wanaka has to earn more than the man but if that man is getting up and going to work 40 hours a week and he's not calling out and he's working in he has some dream some goals and some ambition and he want to keep climbing the ladder in his job or he want to do that until you can do this over here or until you finish this training we'll finish this degree to do that over there that's an ambitious man that's an ambitious man that's a hard-working man and if he has the character to match that now if he has the character so what I mean if he talked to you right he's not yelling at you cursing at you he keep his word he honest trustworthy if he has the character to match his work ethic that's a real man that man gonna be wealthy that man go have some mine tea you mean that man will have some money you ain't gotta worry about that you ain't gotta worry about that he could be making twenty five thirty thousand now but five ten years from not that man gonna be six figures if he got character and he keep that same energy that ambition but I'm gonna tell you if a man fits his mouth to ask you for some money you got the wrong you gotta run and when I said somebody I mean some real money but honestly any kind of money because it's like they let the the less amount of money the lease could be actually worse because it's like really broke you need a hundred dollars now rather you need a thousand dollars for some substantial you need you can come up with a hundred dollars you ain't got enough friends or family you can't you can do a private GoFundMe put it on your Facebook page like no you want to ask for money you wanna have your handout then get some embarrassment with it do it GoFundMe go do a GoFundMe playboy no going somewhere with that coming over here with your hand I come on now so I'm telling you just as a man I'm telling you as a man like it's just hard like I've been through I ain't ain't borrow money since I was 22 years old not for my mom and daddy that's when I was trying to build my book business and I went to my dad I grew up with my dad's like hey daddy got 500 all this cuz I couldn't make it happen I could do this he thinner I could do that I got 500 all from and I didn't gave him that back ten times over you know but that's who brought me in the world so if a man won't ask for some money that's what we need to go to who brought him in the world I asked my wife for that you know now my wife she offered me to pay for my book to publish my book and the reason being is because she was in love she was in law she was pregnant and she wanted me to be able to do the right thing and she knew I was a writer and so she took that chance now again that would wait I was at that time I was 2006 when a different day to day when a different day to day it says it's a lot more people turned over to a different mindset because of our advancement in technology back then we were slower we were more innocent we weren't you know savages because we didn't have the same technology and all the memes and all this stuff that's feeding and pumping up and all the reality shows so it was different back then it was different back then probably and probably even way before that it was probably a time where a woman could long a man money that she dating that is courting her she could loan him money for business investment and he'd do right by it and he flipped it and he married her and he's favored to her and they built a family it probably was a time that that could happen but today with reality television and social media we are being bred as savages we are being turned over to reprobate minds we are lost we are hurting we are confused and so you gotta move carefully you've got to move wisely you can't move high you can move in nineteen fifty not even 1990 not even 2000 okay that 99 and 2000 you can move like you can move back then it's a new day it's a new day you go up against new competition it's different situation out here so understand this so sit down sit down today and continue working on your rules continue working on your rules continue working on your deal-breakers continue making up in your mind what you looking for what you will and won't allow and I want you to understand the implications of what it means for a man to ask for money okay is a man asking for money that's really like a slug asking for some salt because if we slow ask you to pour some salt on it that means I lost his mind that's the same thing with a man I help being the reason why I say that is because with a man just being built as a hunter as a go-getter it is just against the nature it's like when four men say hey do you guys yes my daughter soccer bar for a man to say that to a woman now it's different if a man say that to a man because that's like a brotherhood y'all understand but men are wired to impress women to please women okay to be the head to be the leader to be the provider to be the protector so it's kind of like a father going to his daughter and say hey okay listen if somebody come in the house what I want you to do is throw your hands up and get in front of me and say take me shoot me instead of my dad that's like a man going to his daughter and saying that when a man come to his girlfriend or the woman he dealing with and ask for money because that man is wired to be the protector and the provider so he is wired to go ask the bank for a loan to go raw and Scott or a payday loan Center to go get fronted some crack rock and sell that on the streets to to go ask his mama his daddy his sister his brother his best friends he is wired to do all attacked before ask the woman that he's supposed to be trying to court to law he wired to do all of that before that so if he come to you and he done none of that that lets you know that man that lost his mind that unless you know that right there today tonight and I'm talking some real money okay over 500 and and if it's under 500 it mean the same thing if he didn't did that three four five six times more than one time and so understand this okay so I'm hoping that makes sense to you and you know being that I'm making videos by everyday some of these videos will be on small nuance achill topics like this now I don't know if new obstacle is a word but it's a verb not so some of these videos will be on small nuance achill topics that are just one little act one of those small thing that you may not think not to know that I'm gonna be helping you add to this arsenal so that you know and you prepare so now when a man said eight you borrow a hundred all you're gonna be like it's gonna siren don't go off and so understand now I know I said oh five hundred but any amount of money man ask you for is a red flag nine we need if it's over five hundred that's when I gotta go yeah me I got to go you you need to be running so fast because listen to them I don't care for what is part I don't care what is far own catfish for his mama medicine and she was lastly cuz that's what he might tell you but that ain't true that ain't true even got too much Medicaid and Medicare he'll come on now bro I don't care what is for a man will go to the end of the earth and back before asking the woman that he claimed the law that he trying to be over for some money I know that's hard to believe now and it's gonna be some wrong boys in the comments that's not true if we're together and and we love and I've helped her with money and then I fall down on my luck and she has a job and I need some money I want to ask her for some money no no no cuz soon as you lose your job the next day you need to be putting in ten applications if you're a real man and if you intend while the ten applications waiting to come in you don't pick up work with a construction crew you're going down there to the ten to the tenth house and hopping on the back of that truck with the illegal undocumented and they're going to do some construction you doing what you got to do you're not going to ask that woman for no money you're going back to your homeboy they owe you and to collect on what you what you what you old from people you know from family members that you know before you ask that one so don't come try and tell me but just cuz y'all together and all of this and that why you could ask her for some money no be a real man put your big britches on get out and get your work and make your own money instead of giving what got you here instead of having a hand I asking the one that you posed to be providing for and taking care the float you know you two like together play why it is Tony Giessen I got to go and why I going to work out with a trainer today and try to go and get this whole temple together but God bless you and and remember the life called certification for the aspiring life coaches I got it set at a discounted price you don't need the coupon code right now because I got tired of people not putting a coupon code in and we got to be sending refunds so as a rat now it's at a discounted price so if you even if you gonna think about being a life coach or a mentor a year from now two years from now get it at this Hill price because when you're going up is going up alright and then after you finish the course whenever you do it is self-paced you could do it at your own time and yes it's certified accredited all of that you know why because that's not really a thing in coaching so yes you you'll be able to open your business you'll be able to coach clients in Tahiti anywhere in the world all right you'll be fully legit and legal just like me said all the way up but when you finish the course then you eligible to join my mentor dot life and start being introduced to clients so eight that's what inspiring coaches god bless you we'll talk oh and it's on Tony Castle Academy the link in the description
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 43,825
Rating: 4.9222221 out of 5
Id: twMeOiEZQbw
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Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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