Do This When She Backs Away...

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be do this when she backs away I want to talk about attracting women Andrea tracting women when they've gone cold I got an email here from a guy who's written me previously who had a girl he was dating her apparently a co-worker and after three months of dating she cut him off and broke up with them and then so he's done what I've said he's employed the the article I wrote about how the best strategy again ex-lover back and so he's employed that he's totally he's basically said I'm not interested in this I'm walked and he walked away basically saying hey if you change your mind give me a call but I'm not interested in friendship and so she started calling him and texting him more and it really seemed like she was really into him and I even spent the night together one night but now he writes me several days later a week later because she's not texting him as much and her texts are getting shorter and so he's confused about what to do and the thing to understand about women in this situation women you're trying to reott wracked is that just sometimes they're going to be more into you than they're not and you've got to make sure you give them the space because our natural instinct as a man just being the fact that we're goal in achievement your masculine energy is all about Drive achievement accomplishing things and so naturally as a man when a woman you're talking to all since she's not calling you as much and she's not texting you as much when you see that happening your natural instinct doesn't want to do something to try to cause her to chase and pursue you more so the relationship goes back to the way it was and the thing that you got to understand in these situations especially when you're retracting a woman is that if you had a lot of behaviors that turned her off in the past a lot of weak behaviors that turned her off in the past and then you start displaying behaviors of of an alpha male or a dominant male it's showing indifference in other words and differences not being a dick or ignoring her and difference is simply you're happy if you have her but you're just as happy if you don't have earn if she chooses somebody else either way no matter what she does it doesn't affect you or diminish you in any way if she doesn't choose you or act the way you want her to act it's just you're the same no matter what and as I've shared many times before the article on how the fact that women are science has proven that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear and the thing that's going to cause her which is counterintuitive to us guys it's going to cause her to chase and pursue more when she doesn't hear from you is you're in action meaning she knows you like her and you want her but what happens is she gets to a point and when she starts to become afraid or become fearful of or she has the realization that unless she reaches out to you when she's pushed you away that she's never going to hear from you again and if her interest level is still in the 50s she'll contact you and if it's below that you'll never hear from her again and so it's very tough to let go in essence and wait for her to come back and this will happen there's like an ebb and flow of it whereas if you start to reott racked a girl and she starts blowing your phone up and you spend a bunch of time together then all of a sudden you don't hear from her for a couple of days a natural instinct is you want to pick up the phone and call her and find out why that's happening or why it's going on and all you have to just do especially if you've been dumped is you don't pursue somebody who's dumped you or when you want them more than they want you when you've been dumped you've been rejected you said hey I'm only interested and you romantically I'm not interested in friendship but give me a call if you change your mind and then she contacts you you hang out you hook up a few times what you got to realize as you're learning this stuff you're probably going to be making unnecessary mistakes especially if you don't know the material that well and I would say that's part of the problem with this guy here is that he's simply doesn't know the material in my book well enough and so when he's with her he's still making stupid unnecessary mistakes more than likely he's doing it without even realizing it that are causing her to lose interest and so when he when they they part ways he's expecting her to call them the next day or that evening and he doesn't hear from her or her texts are kind of lukewarm and just not really that don't seem to be that interested anymore then we have to realize he just simply has to back up but the thing to remember is the whole purpose of the communication device is cellphone email texting whatever you whatever form of messaging or contact that you use is that you only use it to set appointments and so you don't want to get into a situation where you figure hey we've just been a much time together and now I can text her endlessly all day long every day because when you do that you'll end up spending more time texting her than you actually will in person and that's not a good sign of when that happens but the key to remember is that what she backs off is not to become unglued but to actually expect it because that's just the way it is and a woman needs to feel the space and she needs to experience the silence of not talking to you because it's in those moments of your inaction that will cause her to chase you and pursue you more and cause her to realize that hey if I don't do anything this relationship is going to completely dissolve and if she still has interest in the 50% range she won't let that happen he says hi Cory it's me ray I emailed you a week ago about this girl who cut me off first but then came back after I did follow your advice and everything seemed okay we even spent a night together and it's a great good job you follow my principles you walked away what by leaving the door open and say give give me a call if you change your mind but I'm not interested in friendship and so she came back so this means that obviously her interest level still in the 50s somewhere so it means you still got a chance and that's why she called you but it's like when you first walk away those for a few days or for a few weeks they're nerve-wracking as hell especially if you really are into the girl and so you gotta you gotta maintain your strength and stay away from her she doesn't text me as much as she did before and if she does it's a very brief message and I would say that's indicative of the fact that her interest level has dropped and more than likely it's because you don't know the material that well in my book and so you're doing everything right up until the point you get together then when you are with her there's probably things that you're doing or saying that are turning her off and that's why you need to bury your face in my book you want to read at least 10 to 15 times because when you get to know the material that well then these little mistakes that you're making that you don't even realize it that are turning her off you'll stop making those and so the time when you when you part ways from at the end of your date or the next day when she leaves and goes home the amount of time it takes for her to contact you again will actually get shorter and shorter as her interest level starts to go back up he says I feel that she's pushing me back you got to remember women are like cats they're going to come and go as they please sometimes they just get bored and they need to walk away and it's your inaction it's the fact that you don't chase after them that causes them to feel attraction for you and to feel desire and to see their interest level in their attraction for you go back up which causes them to call and contact you again he says a strange thing is it seemed that she was totally obsessed with me a few days ago by constantly texting etc but not everything is totally different I'm totally confused please Cory helped me sort this out I would say you don't need to do anything at this point but you just got to be aware of the fact that this is the way it's going to be but when she does contact you you simply arranged the next opportunity to get together don't be spending time sending two or three texts back and forth or five or six of them like send two or three max back and forth and if she doesn't bring up getting together just say so I suppose you want to get together question mark send that text back to her you know show obviously more than likely say yes when she does just say when you free this next week wait for her to respond and then pick a day that you're available and that she's available and make some definite plans just ever come over to your place a about I might just say drinks my place question mark Tuesday 8 o'clock whatever it happens to be and send it wait for a response you'll say that sounds great just say awesome I'll see you then I got a run and then get off the phone set definite plans and just keep it to this so when she contacts you you you can chitchat 2 or 3 texts max back and forth and if she hasn't brought up getting together then you bring up getting together make a definite date have her come over and every time she contacts you just use that to create the next opportunity for sex to happen and if you do that over and over as the week's go by then when she contacts you she'll simply be expecting that you're going to arrange a time where the two of you can get together and have fun again and that's all you have to do but get busy with dating other women and having experiences with other women so you don't get because you don't want to stay totally fixate on this one girl I'm sure you like her a lot but at the end of the day you're just now starting to practice the things that I teach and so you really still don't know what you what you don't know and you don't know what you're capable of you have no idea the quality of the woman that you're really able to attract when you really get this stuff I'm talking like super successful when the kind of women that right now you think there's no way a woman like that would go out with me so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going down to the Wiggio tool bar which is at the bottom of your screen if you're watching this video on my website and click the Pay Pal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information in this video at the very least please share this page with all your friends and family by clicking any one of the social networks sharing buttons which are located at the bottom Ute of you your screen on the would be tool bar if you're watching this video on my website and if you have a question or there's a topic you want me to cover in a future video newsletter click the contact me tab on the left hand side of your screen send me one to two paragraphs max or detail on your questions your situation your challenge and just give me seven days get back to you with response because I get a lot of email from the internet and I also get a lot of it from my paying phone coaching customers but be patient and I will get back to you if you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is to book a paid phone coaching session and you can do that by clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and just follow the instructions and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 2,613,351
Rating: 4.8051977 out of 5
Keywords: Do, This, When, She, Backs, Away
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2012
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