Resisting Temptation & Weakness

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter the top of this newsletter is going to be resisting temptation and weakness I've got 4 different emails I'm going to go through with you today but before we get into it I've got a quote of the day that I wrote for you it says the best place to be in life is in a peaceful and relaxed state this is our natural state it is a state that feels amazing and allows us to experience the true bliss of loving our lives ourselves and to be grateful to the Creator for the gift of life it is the emotional mental and spiritual freedom to experience the reality of the present moment and enjoy it free from doubt worry attachment and lack when we become attached to our desires outcomes lovers or anything we want to have we set ourselves up to suffer when people don't live up to our expectations of them we lose what we have things don't happen like we expect them to or things don't happen in the timeframe that we expect when you learn to practice infinite patience and continually take action towards what you want even when there seems to be no evidence or signs that what you want is on its way to you or wants you back only then can you live a life of true abundance and effortless passion where everything seems to show up magically right on time so let's get in the first email this guy says hey coach hope you're well doing awesome thanks for [ __ ] asking he says I'm 38 and I was seeing my co-worker who's 25 for around two months before she dramatically ended it normally I would cut my losses and walk away but I really like this girl and I've never been able to settle and have had many relationships that I've normally ended due to the fact that it hasn't felt right but with her I knew instantly that she was the one I wrote an article God probably two years ago called the myth of the one so if you google Cory Wayne the myth of the one read that one I talk a little bit about it in my book well I learned over life is that people come into your life they come and go they're there for a reason everybody that comes into your life even if it's just a customer that you see for a short period of time it's like you have a gift for them and they have a gift for you the key is is not to hold on to anyone too tightly because people that really want to be with you and want to be in your life they'll stick around without you having to become something you're not but when you try to hold on to somebody or bend yourself into a pretzel in order to keep them in your life while you're going to do is suffer make yourself miserable because now you're no longer being yourself you're basically being a prostitute you're prostituting your goals your dreams your feelings in order to become or to be what you think the other person wants you to be so they'll stick around in your life this like Stevie Wonder said you can't live your life according to other people's expectations very wise words he says when we met we were both in unhappy relationships and after seeing each other for around four weeks we both decided to walk away from our partners and would be together oh so you got two cheaters you're a cheater and she's a cheater well you reap what you sow in life my friend everything was great I mean that's just not cool to do that to your partner to run around and cheat on who you're with because you want to line something up before you ditch your relationship it's just not cool he says everything was great I was cool and laid back and casually making dates and she was doing all the chasing and texting exactly the way it's supposed to be even telling me she loved me and was planning for our future we went out one night after a whole day of flirting and sexting and then she came back to my place to have sex for the first time however the mood changed when she discovered a pair of my ex-girlfriends shoes which I had forgotten to throw away when cleaning he says big [ __ ] up I know if she discovered as I said oh yeah those are my exes I haven't you can throw those in the garbage if you like or you can have them if they fit you this it's one of the only things that's left here if she gets all crazy and starts getting pissed and butter it's like oh come on give me a break I'm sure over your place there's other things of your exits there I'm not going to get all butthurt and upset about it and she acts like a jackass you got to remain center to let you know that it's not a big deal to you but when you start apologizing and trying to justify your actions then it usually smiles out spirals out of control I mean it's common sense you break up with somebody they move all their [ __ ] out there's going to be probably some things that they forget big [ __ ] hairy deal women take the tend to take little problems and make them really big it's a man's job to take those big things and shrink them back to the small things that they are but instead you act a little feminine you became uncentered you weren't the rock in the mountain and things just spiraled out of control she made me take her home immediately I would say look I'm not your [ __ ] taxi driver and you're overreacting I mean look it fired a camera and I filmed the way you're acting right now you'd be thinking you know what I'm acting like a total jackass and you would apologize to me because this is not cool this is totally uncalled for I don't like how you're behaving you're being rude you're being disrespectful and you're acting like a jealous jackass when you're jealous over absolutely nothing at all so you need to chill out chillax come over here and kiss me and cuddle with me we just made love it's like come on don't be a buzzkill well I'm leaving it's like great if you want to leave then you go ahead and leave and you call me when you calm down you want to start acting like an adult because this is drama is [ __ ] I ain't got [ __ ] time for this in my life my life is a drama free zone if you want to communicate like an adult with me then great we could talk about this but it's like give me a break it's like come on you're acting like a five-year-old sometimes you have to say that if you got a womanís like that you have put her in her place if she leaves she leaves the strongest negotiating positions being able to walk away I mean it and you're communicating in a playful teasing way that are behaviors inappropriate if she continues to be belligerent a jackass and say you need to take me home right now it's like I don't think so so if you're going to be this way you can call a taxi you go home by yourself it's like this is just totally not acceptable this totally turns me off makes me not want to be with you when you act this way we just got together and you're already acting like this like I don't think so this doesn't work for me you want me in your life I'm a gift it's a privilege to be in my life but if you truly take me for granted and try to walk all over me that doesn't work he he says she made me take him home immediately and she's been cold distant and told me she doesn't want the hassle anymore and doesn't want me the problem is she doesn't believe I actually left my ex well she's a cheater and you're a cheater so it's understandable else why would her stuff still be there but we lived together and there were still a few items that were missed that's all exactly the problem was you let her determine the energy in the environment instead of being the king of your kingdom the king of your domain being the alpha male and laying there sitting back just like you're being ridiculous give me a [ __ ] break come over here and kiss me and cut this [ __ ] out won't you come over here and [ __ ] me like you hate me he says everything I did was wrong and you have you haven't got to tell me I chased pursued Center attacks now you're acting totally weak now you act like a guy who's got something to hide telling her I loved her and wanted her to be happy and would walk away if that's what she wanted that is a really weak statement dude but asked her to call me if she changed her mind a little bit of a redeeming value there at the end she turned so bitter and cold and told all of my colleagues what had happened and why we'd split which I thought was totally out of war absolutely that's when you pull her out uh sorry oh that's just [ __ ] if you got something want to talk to me about great you need to walk around the office telling people our business because it's not their [ __ ] business like I said my life's a drama-free zone if you want to have any chance with me in the future you're not going to act like and this way you're going to be and hey I'm fine with things being over it was great it was a great fling that's the way you want to look at it [ __ ] it I I I could do much better I don't need this crap in my life life is too short to put up with a drama queen who doesn't know how to communicate like head told she texts me back calling me everything instead the night I took her home see the real reason why she's being such a [ __ ] [ __ ] and she's trying to intimidate you and she's doing a good job of it what she really wanted you to stand up to her and tell her to cut the [ __ ] out just like I've been saying for like the last 3-4 minutes of this video but since you didn't do it she becomes even more [ __ ] because now she doesn't trust your masculine core because you're acting weak you're letting her walk all over you and disrespect you and you're not standing up for yourself that doesn't create attraction at all she didn't go to sleep but went out clubbing till 5:00 a.m. and said what do you think of that I hope you had a good time how's that hangover doing for you how's that hangover working for you he said I felt that she had been dishonest and it hurt me but was always calm I was always calm throughout and said I've never lied to her which made her worse until she said let's just leave it at that again that's what you say you know look you I'm gonna go you need to call me when you calm down and you're ready to start acting like an adult she'll probably hang up on you but she'll call you later talking to her but again she would start casting coal that said now you know what it's like to be her well the only person that you had to blame is yourself sweetheart because you're getting all upset because there's a couple things still at my place after my girlfriend moved out it's like come on me a break last day I saw her before holiday and I kept my distance and that's the first time she initiated contact with me first a quick light-hearted 30-second chat she's been on holiday since it hasn't texted me for a week and has been nearly two weeks since the incident that's why you don't run after because if you run after you just communicate that it's okay her to berate you and treat you that way that's why I say the strongest negotiating positions being able to walk away a meeting this totally unacceptable behavior aside from the fact that the two were you are cheaters and dishonest that's another issue he says coach I'd love to get her back it's playing in my mind and affecting my job appetite and sleep that's where you gotta let her come back to you when she reaches out hey babe great to hear from you I'd love to see you when are you free to get together just like that you say exactly that make a date with her she won't make a date then say great I'm really jammed up right now I'd love to see you but call me when you figure out your schedule we'll make plans in she'll either do it or she won't she's had some difficult past relationships Bob Watson you know everybody's had that she's quite fiery and stubborn well she'll purr like a kitten if you stand up to her and put her in her [ __ ] place and let her know that that's just simply not going to work when she acts that way you're out of there in other words you leave her you tell her to go home and call you when she calms down is ready to talk and act like an adult she's brought up in a single-parent family by her mother and I know her ex is still harassing her to get her back but I also know for a fact that she doesn't want him either I feel if I try that no context she would drift further away that's part of your problem because you're expressing weakness and you're attached and you're tempted to call you're tempted to reach out you tempted to pursue I've got over 1,300 videos at this point on my youtube channel and my website and that kind of behavior always pushes the woman away because when a guy does that he's acting femen he's acting like a woman and it's a total turnoff it ruins the sexual polarity it just simply doesn't work he says it was only a short time when we were seeing each other so I haven't form a strong enough bond for her to miss me properly if that makes sense it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense to chase after her you've already tried that [ __ ] begging pleading all you do is make yourself look like a weak [ __ ] needy [ __ ] and that's not manly that's not masculine your attitude needs to be I'm a [ __ ] catch I'm a stud I'm an awesome [ __ ] guy and I'm certainly not going to tolerate that bullsh it if she wants to see me she can call me and me at the end of the day when you first started dating she was calling you texting you constantly and then everything changed when you started running after her acting like a woman totally ruined the sexual polarity and she got all [ __ ] and didn't want to be around you he says nearly had a moment of weakness and went to send her a light-hearted text about something we used to enjoy but I stopped myself good said please advise I think I've made enough mistakes yeah the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result so don't chase after this girl it's not going to get you anywhere wait for her to call you in texture you move it's a week or two weeks three weeks who [ __ ] cares when she gets in touch hey babe it's great to hear from you I'd love to see you when you free to get together just like that make a date hang out have fun and hook up let's get on the second email this guy says hey coach here's a deal I'm an 18-year old freshman college and I was in a relationship with four years with a girl my best friend she went in attended college only about two hours away from me so basically I started acting jealous and forceful and was just expressing more feminine energy than she was yeah women want you to be more of a man than they are basically things with the [ __ ] that's predictable the reason for her asking for the break was because of me however she insisted was for other reasons too such as seeing us as completely different people with different goals and futures it's amazing this BS excuse me bottom line what's really going on is you just simply turned her off by your weak needy behavior and she lost attraction for you but that's what she says oh we have different futures we want different things I believe it was because she started to develop feelings for another guy that she rebounded with him right after we broke up this guy was a reason for my jealousy and my fear came true go figure what you fear you attract in what you look at disappears you chasing her and pursuing her and acting like you were unworthy drove her right into the arm another man good job but obviously he learned a lesson painfully pain is weakness leaving the body my friend fast forward she's recently told me that she wants nothing to do with him but a friendship but he would keep trying to get with her and that I know a couple of weeks went by and I saw her listen to her talk and basically ended up right back in her bed at the end of the night huh imagine that the strongest negotiating positions being able to walk away and mean it and you walked away you let her experience whatever she's gonna experience with the other guy cuz 97% of dudes out there don't know this [ __ ] they don't understand it what did he do he drove her right back into your arms and you into her bed how nice how easy and effortless this has happened about three times in the past month even though we are still separated let go of the relationship talk dude your job as a man is three simple things the three H's hang out have fun hookup that's it the relationship and the commitment and bonding and connection and love that's all feminine energy that's her responsibility your job is to court her and lead the interaction to a successful conclusion of happy finishes for both of you in the bedroom so at first I was being the needy possessive [ __ ] calling and texting her then I figured out all that I was doing furthers facilitating the break-up in the reasons for well good for you for fun accepting your responsibility in the breakup and admitting your mistakes a lot of guys have a trouble with that I gave her the speech about Nani not wanting to be friends and giving her the option to call me when she changed her mind so I basically put the brakes on that and she promised she would contact me she only made it about two days huh imagine now look what happens when I was talking to a client the other day and he was just totally shocked that his girlfriend that he thought was going to take weeks to come back literally in a matter of days to the same thing just part turn like kitten it's amazing when you get into your masculine you start acting like a man brings her right back we talk sparingly and she always they always only come back though when they're still at attraction and interest there that's a little caveat for you and she always told me how much she was in love with me and how she sees us together in the future wait this is saint girl it said we want different things a few paragraphs ago hmm imagine that traction level overrides everything when you act like a man it's amazing everything goes out the [ __ ] window I went up to her school this past weekend to take her on a date she told me I would not be sleeping with her yeah if I had a [ __ ] dollar for every time I heard that [ __ ] but with the mindset similar to that of James Bond whenever we got that from I ended up sleeping with her huh hmm sly grin and even and all when I told her that it would happen it was simply out of her control that's what James Bond does when a woman says is the way you get in my pants he just goes I'll have a martini shaken not stirred so basically we were back to the point of talking like normal just as we had previously when we were in a relationship without all the jealous possessive love BS on my behalf and she is free to do what she wants with who she wants just as I am I'm basically looking for the answer as to what I should be doing next making dates with other women dude you're [ __ ] young you're 18 it's like come on dude you're off you're at college [ __ ] party like a rock star I need to rock out with your [ __ ] out dude obviously strap a raincoat on that bad boy before you dip it any strange I want to get back with her and be exclusive but I feel like I'm giving her what she wants as we are talking throughout the day well as long as she's the one calling it texting you I plan on taking her on two dates and you should plan on taking her on your next day just like in any professional sports team they're focusing on their next opponent they're not thinking about the playoffs they always say well we got a game tomorrow we got a game this week and that's who we were focus on focusing on and that's what you should be focusing on is just making your next date your next definite date and stay away from her until you get together and you gotta find a hookup when you get together simply because we are on break from school this week again that's more of you trying to lock her down and pin her down don't do that that's counterproductive and letting her do most of the talking and all that well that's good I can tell you've been paying attention but I know it's hard because you really like this girl he says I mean is this simply all I can be doing yep why would you want to [ __ ] complicate it dude you're having sex with the rector she blew you off it's like hello and I know it is you're like it's like your brains like scrambling like it can't be this easy well it is this is what happens when you act like a man women they're like you respond this way this is your birthright this is the way the creator made you he's not stupid God knows what he's doing everything and the key to everything in life is really [ __ ] simple but we tend to complicate things he says I know the neediness and the need of wanting to lock her down I guess in a sense of still I'm in my mind you think well it just happened when it happens exactly and if it doesn't happen who [ __ ] cares you're 18 if you had something special with her guess what you can have something even more special with somebody else there's six and a half billion people on this planet and half a more women if you went on a different date with every hot girl you had a chance with the rest of your life you'd never be able to date everyone that likes you and who you like hello I really appreciate all your information you put out there for everyone I watched probably about 30 years idios and within a week and I intend on getting your book you need to read the book do 10 to 15 times you can't short cut that [ __ ] don't be substituting the videos for the book it's only [ __ ] 10 bucks on Amazon and for those of you that can't afford 10 bucks you can subscribe to the email newsletter on my website and you can read free in the members area it's like hello thanks for all the help you've already offered me and I look forward to your response looks like you're doing good just let her come to you and make dates it's really simple so let's get a third email this guy says he says hey Cory I want to thank you for all the insight you've given me through your videos a book I feel like I'm moving in a positive direction when I listen to and I read your work I'm 20 years old in college and unfortunately I met this girl before I discovered your work I met this girl in my anatomy classes semester who I could tell was interested in me she always tried to talk to me and even invited me to her dorm room a few times we would go into her dorm to study he puts in quotes yeah you were studying the cunnilingus but we always ended up making out she would tell me she liked kissing me and other things that I like to hear after watching your videos I realized that we conversed way too much via text and I should have just been setting dates yep now you don't have fun hookup that's part of being decisive and making decisions that's what men do being direct get right to the [ __ ] point because women won't do that they'll just talk in circles and talk in circles then when you don't make something happen they roll their eyes and like okay where's the next guy that gets it so he says I also was pursuing her too much trying to make her my girlfriend yeah that dude is definitely a bad way to go I realize now I should have just focused on hooking up and staying on my purpose rather than pursuing so much yeah the right ratio is about 70 to 80% of the calling texting and pursuing should be initiated by her when the guy does any more than 20 to 30 percent she never will fall in love it's like when I do phone sex with guys he's like you have a date this girl for five months and she's not loving me yet and I asked him how much calling texting pursuing is she banana [ __ ] well it's about 50/50 there's your problem dude it's a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear love bonding connecting that's a that's feminine energy that's why women do all the reaching out so when you act like a man supposed to act gyorko fish just they're naturally going to instinctively want to talk to you and connect and bond more he says soon she started acting distant but by then I found your work and backed off from her as I realized I was coming on too strong I waited for her to contact me which was a couple of weeks later once a week during these weeks I would see her in class and always be friendly when she reciprocated but I did not see the same look in her eyes think of it like baking a cake that's what sexual attraction is like you put in the oven and it's going to take hour long it's going to take can't keep open the door every five minutes because you let the heat out you just paid all the sexual attraction for this excellent sexual anticipation she finally texted me inviting me to study with a group of people which I couldn't make because of the work good the process of seduction is to get closer and closer to a woman until you end up inside of her I wouldn't do group dates unless she's your girlfriend he says I did however study and have lunch with her a few days later and no lunches in the evening in the evenings that can lead to sex dude the entire time I was with her I was trying to gather the strength to tell her that I did not want to be her study buddy slash friend what's not necessary to do that when you're with her just make the move when it's appropriate but you went to lunch and so it's kind of like you acquiesce to the friendship vibe she was putting out remember she wants you to be a man and stand up for and be bold and go for what you want but it's like when you hang out you're too timid to make a move you're in essence acting like a woman that's not attractive women don't find that sexy when a guy is weakened up afraid because they can see in your eyes that you want to kiss them it's like [ __ ] make it happen dude I wanted to hold her and kiss her but I could not do it you bitched out it happens all of us but you're young you're in college so you're entitled to [ __ ] up like that I took two guys here in her 50s and 60s they're still doing the same [ __ ] acting like a teenager every man has to overcome it at some point in his life he says instead I text her saying that the study buddy friend thing was not going to work for me and then as she ever feels different to give me a call she responded saying that she did know what she wanted with relationships right now and then I can still study with her which I don't want to do because I don't want to put myself in this friend spot and that it seems she's trying to put me in I know my ignorance and fear screwed me big time and I want to be better than this I really appreciate your opinion I know I'm a great guy and just not polished when it comes to handling these situations correctly Thank You Cora you are improving lives sure so this is what I would do nothing when she reaches out hey what are you up to I'd love to see you when are you free to get together sure you could study but it needs to be in the evening get together maybe show up with a couple beverages a couple frothy beverages or whatever it is that you guys like to drink if you're you don't have to be a drinker but you're in college that's what most people do when they're in college and you don't have fun hookup I mean used to kiss or do all those things when you're gathering for be that same guy it's not like you forgot how to do it we got to be bold you got to go for two steps forward one step back when you encounter resistance and eventually seducer get past just kissing and make love to this girl make sure you bring some condominiums with you so you can strap on a love glove and have a good time and then this way you'll have some really kick-ass memories from college so let's get into the fourth and final email this guy says hey coach I must say I've recently stumbled upon your work and I'm blown away by all the mistakes I've been making with nearly every relationship I've had my life by being a needy insecure jackass by thinking I was showing unconditional love like all of the fairytale movies that's why they call it make-believe it's fake it's not reality currently I'm in an on-again off-again relationship with a girl who I've known for about a year and a half like most of the guys you hear from things seem to be extraordinarily amazing at first she initially pursued me relentlessly and got us to the point where she would always bring up us getting married in our future together and then slowly over time it went to [ __ ] and we broke up this past April after being together for eight months which of course was a shock to me yeah most guys are totally blindsided by that he says I can't say with certainty that it is because she felt smothered we were moving way too fast and I was too needy and insecure and now she tells me she has commitment issues well that's a nice excuse commitment I have commitment issues in other words what she's really saying is I have commitment issues with you because you're kind of [ __ ] smothering me you're making me feel like I'm losing my freedom and therefore I feel like I ought to get the [ __ ] out because when I met you you were acting like a man and now it's like dating another woman with a penis he says because committing makes her feel controlled and that she can't believe she was all about marrying me because she's never been like that sure since then we've tried to get back together multiple times and it usually happens that after I've taken myself out of the picture for a few weeks she'll start texting calling wanting to see me like crazy and tells me she doesn't want to be without me remember just like that app called snapchat how like the pictures and your texts and everything like disappears after 10 seconds woman's emotions are like that in other words it only applies the moment that she tells you that but just because she said she loved you six months ago it doesn't apply right now she loved you six months ago when she told you that so she used to tell you that all the time and she's not telling you now what does that mean to me she ain't in love with you right now me she ain't feeling it he's eventually we'll get together and then hang out have fun and hook up a lot usually multiple times a week probably too much well as long as she's pursuing you and you're making dates if she calls you and reaches out and you make a date and you're seeing each other every other day that's okay because she's reaching out to you she's pursuing you it's her idea for a few weeks before I start to get insecure and she'll leave again or is talking to other guys and then bring up relationship talk after that our little flings always seem to end abruptly huh once again love bonding connection relationships dating and relationship labels boyfriend girlfriend it's all feminine energy it's a woman's department when a guy brings it up he in essence is acting like a woman there's another example it doesn't [ __ ] work so don't do it I know you see that [ __ ] the movie all the time and some women a small fraction will say well the man should do it bull [ __ ] crap her interest seems to fall below 50% and she becomes extremely flaky which I know is now a direct result of my actions good now you're learning good job dude since we've broken up in April she's seen an ex of hers who she now talks to frequently but lives in a different state and has dated a couple of other guys for brief periods I've also went out of with a few girls but I am continually hung up on this one like an ass like you say power of the [ __ ] man it must be good [ __ ] he says at this moment were in a week four of another try and again I brought up the relationship talk about two weeks ago and since we've only hung out once for a couple of times for a few hours when just before that she was all over me even taking me around to her feeling and who I have awesome relationships with see everything's going great you start talking about relationships he's like I got a lock her down I can tell myself you like to [ __ ] monkey in the zoo jerking off and throwing his jizz and his feces at the people in the zoo can't help yourself hell she even told me the last time I just want to hang out and have fun with my best friend me and not worry about your girly emotions see when women really like you they make it easy for you they even tell you what to do but how often two men listen how many lilies you're watching this go guys never [ __ ] listen let me read that statement again hell she even told me the last time I just want to hang out and have fun with my best friend and not worry about your girl she's basically saying stop acting like a [ __ ] girl act like a man let me wonder about your emotions remember it's a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear haha she's told me things like that for as long as I can remember and now after reading half of your book and watching countless videos of yours I'm so pissed I've been the knee girly [ __ ] in the relationship that was then this is now that's the beauty of masculine and feminine energy is that you can turn it on a dime when you get in your masculine she'll instantly transform into feminine sexy submissive playful kitten because now you're acting like a man and she likes that makes her feel compromised her feel like she can trust your core and allow you to take the lead when we're together and able to just enjoy each other's amazing company we always have incredible times she's super loving and we always have amazing sex he puts in big letters good for you dude stop trying to complicate [ __ ] by acting like a woman she even told you that I mean she's really making it easy for you despite all your fuck-ups you still got a chance with this girl she obviously really digs you just do it for tracks is not a choice but when you act like a woman getting turned off is not a choice either the problem is that after a few weeks of hanging out again I get anxious and want to tie her down in my emotions and my love for this girl get the best of me and I fall back in the same old trap of always being available wondering where I stand and being her manservant I feel like if I could just go with the flow you can but you're simply choosing not to and what's the definition of insanity it's doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result it's like two or three times here in your email when you start acting like a woman and getting focused in the relationship what happens she [ __ ] hauls ass on you and blows you off she drops you faster than a cheap cheap habit or faster than a bad how I should say he says I feel like if I could just go with the flow as she says and not worry about losing her to other guys we would over time get back to where she was a few months ago keep doing what you've always done you'll continue to get what you've always got if you're tired of this [ __ ] yoyo in this rollercoaster you need to be consistent in your behaviors I am naturally an alpha male in every sector of my life except when it comes to relationships with women I fall hard for like some of the guys you talk about in your book I'm a former Marine Semper Fi marine thank you for your service brother and I have an excellent career while I'm always in a leadership role and a father of a four-year-old girl who knows me tremendously your little girl deserves to see daddy acting like [ __ ] badass mother [ __ ] marine tip of the spear that he is why because then she'll know what to go for when she becomes old enough to date and become in relationships you acting like a woman ain't helping her she'll go out and date weird [ __ ] squirrely guys and have all kinds of problems and do you want to see little baby girl when she grows up becomes a teenager to come home every night crying her eyes out because she keeps dating [ __ ] [ __ ] that break their hearts I don't think so yeah when I get into a serious relationship with a girl I always end up giving way too much and being a doormat and I'm [ __ ] sick of it well in a combat scenario when de Marines let people push them around doesn't [ __ ] happen bro this is naturally you already know how to do this I really do love and care deeply for this girl and I'd love to see us get back to the point where we can seriously work on our relationship but I have no clue where to start I'd like to book a Skype session with you but I'm curious if you recommend I read your entire book multiple times first ideally at least one time any advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated and I fully anticipate you ripping my ass once with another reason why I love Marines they get it they tear you down and they build you right back up I love your work and you've already helped thanks coach yeah so if you want to book a phone Skype or email coaching with me go to my website right now ideally it'd be nice if you'd read the book because it'll save some time but if you'd like me to talk to me right I'm usually like a week out go to my website click the products tab at the top of your screen and book whether it's a phone Skype or email coaching which is out there which other option ever option works good for you and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 359,610
Rating: 4.8534422 out of 5
Id: kE3wDUfl2zc
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Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2013
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.