Fearing She'll Forget You

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the top of this newsletter is going to be fearing she'll forget you well I got two emails from two different viewers that I'm going to go through and they're both struggling with fear and that little devil on their shoulder that's always saying give her a call send her flowers blow up her phone send her another email don't wait until she gets back to you and they're obviously unnecessarily sabotaging their own success but not only is this show up and everyone in general is personalized but it shows up in business your ability to negotiate a good deal when you're purchasing a car or buying a house and this is just getting what you want in life before we get into I got a quote that I wrote on this topic I want to share with you and it says when we fear that we are not good enough not attractive enough not smart enough not rich enough not educated enough or not talented enough we often will develop unhealthy attachments to people circumstances and things we literally do not believe or feel that we deserve to have someone want us as much as we want them or that we cannot have the things in life that we want because we have developed a limiting belief that we tell ourselves to justify our dysfunctional behavior and model of the world so consciously we develop unhealthy belief systems that justify whatever it is that we feel we are lacking in life then when we encounter people in circumstances that are a match and justify that false and limiting relieve we hold on to them trying to force things because they are aligned with our belief system the only way to overcome unhealthy attachments is to let go of them and dare others and circumstances to let us go if they let us go then guess what it was not meant to be the right people and circumstances will effortlessly fill the spaces that you have created in your own life for them the wrong ones will be full of effort frustration and difficulty and never stick around long term things that dissolve in your life dissolve because they are not a lined with your destiny so let's go ahead jump in the first guy's email says hey coach thanks for all your amazing videos and your brilliant ebook you're doing many tremendous service and I look forward to a possible video coaching session in future he says and everyone who share this with the proof is in the pudding that's why I say all the time it really doesn't matter how successful I've been and all the great experience if you're not applying these things in your own life and it's not working for you then it really doesn't [ __ ] matter that because to me the true definition of a good coach is someone is able to teach things that actually work for people and that's a butte is why I give all my best information way people you read my ebook for free on my website then go through countless articles and over 1400 something videos now that I've done at this point answering questions the idea is that the reason I do these videos is it's I'm going through specific circumstances where people are running into challenges applying the fundamentals that are in my ebook the idea is you can watch the videos and learn from them and learn from other people's mistakes including my own mistakes and go apply these things in your own life so you can speed up your success and get to a place where you're really happy and you really enjoy your life if you do something that you love for a living and you get to spend it with the kind of people that you've always wanted to spend it with but it's a process and it's a process often that takes a minimum at least 5-10 years maybe even longer to really get to a place where you like you're working the job you want or you have the business that you've always dreamed of where you have the kind of friends that you've always wanted to have in your life where you're making the kind of money that you want to be making most people tend to major and minor things and they're just simply not willing to pay the price and to do the work because they allow their fears their irrational fears to overwhelm them and just kind of keep them stuck in the paralysis of analysis all the time he continues on he says as a scientist and with this singular opportunity I decided to conduct an experiment once I started really watching your videos I'm not sure that there was a future with this girlfriend but she's always got in touch with me month after month even when I was acting like a beta male I figured that you if you always get based on what you've always done what if you start changing things up call it a new year's resolution we briefly dated in the summer 2012 long enough for me to chase her away nice job he says then again in early 2013 the sex was fantastic and she definitely had strong feelings for me after she dumped me in early February she eventually got engaged to another guy but broke it off this past fall she started contacting me again but we went back and forth via text and thus she never really felt like she had to see me because in essence you weren't acting like you were good enough and women want I talk about all the time women want a guy who is an alpha male who looks her in the eye and acts and feels like he deserves to be there but if you're in a fearful state if you're fearful she's going to forget about you if you're fearful you're going to get ditched all that comes from usually beliefs that you develop in your childhood or from your friends or your family or your peer group that basically you tell yourself that I'm not good enough there's no way a woman of this quality there's no way I could get that kind of job that I want or there's no way I could get that person to invest in my company in my business there is no way that convince that guy or that company to hire me and so you don't do the things that you know you need to do you don't go to the gym you don't study hard in school whatever it happens to be and of course when you do that when you're reacting from a place of fear since you're not taking the actions that you know you need to take then you look around and you see what's in your life you go up see of course I don't desert women look at all this evidence it's in my life but the reality is is you're not taking the action that you know you need to take and then when you come across somebody who's not showing up in the way that you would like you try to force things because deep down you don't feel you deserve it and so you like for me when I was younger I stayed hung up on women that just really had no interest because you see too many moves you think oh if you just tasted girl long enough you stalker long enough she's magically going to fall in love with you and want to be with you the reality is tractions not a choice there either menu or they're not and when a woman turns you down or blows you off or really that isn't that enthusiastic about you you need to keep circulating need to keep moving because when you go walk away from those situations in some cases those women will come running after you when you they really weren't that into you in the first place because so few men are willing to do that he says she stood me up once and I told her not to call or text again a month later in the beginning of December she got back in touch my semester notice how he says don't ever contact me again and she does it he says my semester finals and even that didn't discourage her he says my semester finals were approaching and I told her she'd have to wait nice you're busy you got to take care of your purpose your mission life that needs to be first and foremost and paramount in a man's life because if you're not happy doing what you love and focus on your mission and purpose you're not embodying what masculine energy is and that's what attracts feminine women to a masculine man in the first place he says yet I made mistakes and I kept texting her during finals it's like so you tell her one thing oh you're gonna have to wait but yet you keep pursuing her and you keep chasing her that's all driven by your fear that she's going to forget about you or if you don't stay in touch if you don't do something and you ignore the fact that you told don't ever call me again and then a month later she calls you the whole reason it's a your belief system is what's really driving you your dysfunctional belief system that's why it's really important to be aware of your self-talk and what you're thinking internally and what you're feeling internally he says when my finals ended I called her and later that night she texted me telling that she didn't think it was worth pursuing you literally talked her right out of going out with you it's like you tell her don't ever call him again she calls you and they're like I'm busy I got to take care of my finals and get you continued to text you continue to pursue all coming from the place of I'm not worthy I'm not worthy I don't deserve you I'm not worthy and after a few weeks she goes yeah you're right dude you're not worthy and therefore I don't like it go anywhere you turned her off the feelings that she had of attraction just totally dissipated because you were constantly acting like you weren't worthy he says I got butthurt and told her she was such a fool here's where things got really interesting two days later I ran into her on the street while out for a night with friends I set up a date for the day after Christmas and she even texted me later that night telling me I looked good ie I find you very attractive in that moment it only applies in that moment when she says that see guys a latch out of that and three months later she's like hey she said it looked good but yet she won't ever make a date with me and I keep calling her constantly she says no even though she told me I was good-looking so what most guys do they talk woman right out of it and that she was looking forward to it I text in here's where he [ __ ] up I texted her in between running into her and the date and then she end up canceling you talked her right out of going out with you because you just couldn't help yourself I'm not worthy I'm not worthy I don't deserve her it's just a matter of time for she gets rid of me and then that is what drives you and then what happens she blows you off and gets rid of you exactly what you feared what you fear you will attract but what you look at disappears just like I said the quotes like you got to dare her to blow you off gonna dare her to forget about you because if she does [ __ ] her you'll find somebody better that's just a way you have to approach life remember there's six and a half billion people in this planet no matter what way you're interacting with them whether in a friendship way a romantic way a business way a career way there's always somebody else there's always another company there's always another opportunity but you have to circulate think about it what happens if your blood your heart stops pumping your blood you're gonna die what happens if the planet stopped rotating around the Sun that would probably be really bad he says she claimed that she was heading home to California earlier than her original flight and apologized oh she's just so sorry she's not gonna get to spend time with you you basically convinced her that you weren't worth worthy of her time and therefore she agreed with you he says I cited that rather than to remain silent or do a takeaway like I've always done I came up with something extremely high-value that was going to be doing the next day approval seeking behavior you're trying to prove yourself through Hey look what you missed out on I would have done anything which I was like hey well give me a call when you get back to town we're playing something then and then you got a walk at that point but it's like his mind is he's still being driven by his fears and told her that it works if it works out it's because I had extremely high value think okay let me back up here he says I came up with something extremely high value that I was going to be doing the next day if we hadn't gone out and told her that if it works out because I had that extremely high value thing coming up anyway she ate it up and told me she was bummed about the date and would contact me when she was back in town in January when a woman says that you must let her do that you have to give the space but if you're in a fearful state what happens you wait a few days you wait a week or so I haven't heard from it I got to do something and then you reach out and you pursue and you just push her away he says last year in New Year's I texted her at midnight so you couldn't wait till the new year it's like come on man seriously dude she responded immediately by texting from her family's trip i text her again on January 4th we went back and forth me asking her questions oh so this is actually last last years and years he says I repeated every few days when she was back in town she scheduled a date we went out had fun and end up back at my place for sex we only saw each other for a few weeks because I'm sure I over pursued her but I can't remember the play-by-play hey well at least you got laid dude but the bottom line is you still drove her away and this is a pattern this is a pattern that you have to break and I went through it I wrote about at my book it is a [ __ ] any guy that's going through it now if I can do it you can do it if you really want to get this part of your life on autopilot you have to get to the place we just let it go it's like hitting the tennis ball over the net you hit it over and you got to wait for it to get hit back you can't run around the other side of the net and back over to yourself he says I know I double and triple texted a lot this year at New Year's I was silent nice okay so you did do the right thing on January 7 she texted me saying she was thinking about me hope I had a great New Year's and to say hello when that happened you should assume that she wants to see you and make a date hey great to hear from you I'd love to see you when you're free to get together he says I'm reciprocated and told her to let me know when she was back in town good job she couldn't wait in three days later she told me to let me know she later told me and let me know her availability for this past weekend to catch up and have a drink which was Martin Luther King Day weekend I told her on Friday grab a bottle of wine and head over to my place and we'll make dinner and catch up where have I heard that I've heard that somewhere here's his dude Corey Wayne in the internet that says that quite often must be where he got that from she agreed and I was silent until Thursday and I confirmed you said a definite date day why are you confirming great I'll see you then and that's it you don't need a call and confirm her never [ __ ] do that that is weak if you're a woman won't make a date and she asked you to call and verify it later on just say well if you're not sure then why don't you get in touch with me when you know your schedule and when you know you're definitely available plan something then I don't want to commit to a maybe date that communicates that your time is valuable and that you got other things going on and you got other opportunities it puts her in a place of fearing that you'll forget about her therefore oh it's okay on Thursday I'll definitely be there Andrew I've had several instances like that that I wrote about my book he says and then later on that evening she asked me red or white wine I said surprise me she came over we made in her caught up had fun and had sex ding ding we have a winner it's amazing what happens when you actually - what I teach good [ __ ] job dude this is your birthright this is what you deserve this is a way things are supposed to be he says she left and texted thank you and I responded my pleasure she said good night two very different scripts to get me to the same place in roughly the same amount of time when a month ago she said she didn't see anything worth pursuing that's what she meant in the moment that's what she was feeling remember women are emotional beings and she's talking about what she was feeling in that moment he says of course this year was a whole lot less effort as it is I don't think pursuing her at all would have worked this year because of all my beta moves that scientific proof that your material works here's my question I left last Saturday without contact midday on Sunday I texted hey I want to see your sexy smile again when are you free this week to get together I wouldn't have done that remember this is a girl that ditched you and blew you off why should you pursue her she reached out to you when you didn't do anything current events tend to form future trends as gerald Celente says so why wouldn't she reach out to you again in the future remember it's always better for a woman is chasing him she's already demonstrated that she will reach out and call you and guess what so reach I'll call you again he says so far it's been over 24 hours with no response I attend to get in contact again I don't intend to get in contact again in any way until I hear from her good I wouldn't have contact her in the first place I would let her wonder she would have reached out to you after a few days I'm just going to walk and never look back now you're getting it he's I'm trying to figure out whether she's testing my masculine masculine core she's bought her because I didn't reach out the day after sex even though she texted me on her way home that fright no the reason being is that you reached out to her and contact her a day or two later instead of waiting for those feelings to develop within her so she'd reached out to you he says I thought it was I was a good place to cut off after responding or she's genuinely not interested in anything else were you screwed up was reaching out to her two days later and trying to plan enough because in this particular kit was a new woman that you just started dating that would be fine but in this particular case this is a girl that blew you off you don't chase after a woman that blows you off and treats you like trash and so in this particular case since she's already demonstrating that she'll reach out when she hasn't heard from me you got to give her that space if she's reaching out guess what she really wants to see you and it's gonna be even easier when you do that because she's wanting to be with you it's literally like her opening the door and you're just having to walk through it he says from this girl's pattern if there were anything final she were going to say to me she'd definitely say to me rather than drop off the face of the earth and she's always kept lines of communication open great then let her do that I also think that maybe now that I've reached out after the date she feels a little more sub for sure like she can take your time to respond yep and lean back and knows more where she stands me how long does it typically take flip a [ __ ] coin dude it's every woman's different and it really depends upon how much you've over pursued but usually it takes about max you'll need to take about two weeks but there could be another guy in her life that she's seeing he just really never [ __ ] know so here's an update that he sent me after he sent this first email he says let me add that she did get in touch with her availability after 30 hours so she waited basically a day and a half that's good a lot of women will do that and that's why you got to [ __ ] bite your tongue by your nails whatever you got to do he says I set a date after an hour then she asked we please permit me to be a blunt with you I respond of course I want to hear everything you want to say if something's bother you why don't we talk about it in person on Thursday on our date or you're welcome to call and talk to me about it so she lets it go overnight and in this morning she says yes we'll talk in person it's nothing too important I did realize looking at my schedule I had plans Thursday and forgot about it I will text you ASAP when I know I am actually free so you make a date and then within 24 hours she's telling D'Arnot something came up that I forgot about and she's doing this on purpose I promise you she's doing some purpose because you trying to see if you're going to get angry are you going to get butthurt if you're going to go back to the same old weak needy guy that you were before he's is amazing how these plans creep up my response was to neutralize her and take the wind out of her sails thanks for letting me know well I'd love to see you when you're free so yeah check your schedule and get back to me have a great week perfect good [ __ ] job so that's the appropriate response he says it's like I don't give in to her games about plans so she starts to try to create drama or seek attention with this bluntness thing all it really is is she's just testing to see if she can jerk you around if it's going to move you off center and then here you hit the ball back over you like get in touch when you know your schedule and that's it so when she gets in touch make her wait four or five days or maybe a week before you actually have time and then plan the date and then get off the phone so overall you did pretty well this time around so let's get in the second email this guy says hey Cory I'm from it I'm from a [ __ ] and I'm calling our getting a touch with you from a [ __ ] in East Africa I'd like to thank you for keeping me sane in a pretty dangerous place for the past six weeks a very good insight I'm 32 I live in London and I work in very dangerous places overseas for two months and away two months of four weeks at home so you're away for two months in your home for four weeks so he says I'm a good looking well booked well built six foot 4x paratrooper never had a problem catching it girls I've been very picky and I've never met one that I like but dated a few just over a year ago in Afghanistan I met a girl on match.com so you're probably working in private security after you got out of you're out of the military thank you for your service even though you're from a different country your country is built on the backs of men like you and without men like you there would be no free country even though our politicians are doing every [ __ ] thing they can to legislate all our freedoms away this first date we were perfect for each other stunning looks even more unique personality it took me 15 years to find one girl well part of the problem is the way that you were approaching every time you met a girl you really liked you in essence chased her out of your life I used to do the same thing but the good news is you're here in your learning and the past is not equal the future he says unknowingly I did most things right while dating apart from the texting playing it cool she's 25 fell head-over-heels in love with me very quickly and I just went with the flow she talked about marriage kids moving in spending our lives together and I wanted the same well remember when a woman talks about those things it only applies in the moment that she's talking about it being away so much it broke her heart every time in the end to having to see a counselor having very bad thoughts I later found out and because of this maybe some other things she would try and split up every couple of months to protect herself and again I unknowingly did the right thing and she would be back with me every time in a few days with me just thinking she was being immature probably little bit of both probably oh you were pursuing at times and probably a little bit of her being insecure but women don't dump guys with their head over heels in love with the bottom line is you're [ __ ] badass dude you're a [ __ ] paratrooper not just anybody because I know a lot about the military had a lot of friends and family assert and I coach a lot of guys militaries all across the world and that's attractive to a woman that just the fact that you're going over there doing dangerous [ __ ] things that's that's alpha dude that's what men are all about doesn't mean every guy's got to go join the military but you're a [ __ ] badass and that's attractive that's an aphrodisiac to women because if she ever deep down were to feel that she was in any physical danger she know that you would [ __ ] wreck shop and take care of her and protect her it's a turn-on to women ask him ask anyone with anything about dudes and mil in military uniform he says until last time I was away I got fed up and we agreed to take a break until I could come back to London for good I stupidly didn't take it seriously playing it cool saying take your time think it over maybe date a few people and see if you still want me well I would never say anything like that dude you're [ __ ] paratrooper come on man he says as I talk to girls in the net but found out I couldn't go through with it she on the other hand spent two months getting over me dating one guy but didn't like it slept with him two slept with me the first night I was back and went home crying so I left her for a week to think it over and the biggest mistake of my life she went back to him for a second date is with him you got to love in such a way that the person you love feels free you got to have it take you to leave it kind of attitude because if you perceive yourself as a catch hey you guys are broken up you know you're not committed to each other if you give her that opportunity what'll happen is she'll start testing both of you and since 97% of guys out there don't know this [ __ ] she'll test the [ __ ] out of the other dude and come back to you because she had more time with you she had a stronger deeper emotional bond with you we later met that week and she told me which you could say brought my world and future I thought had crashing down I didn't say a word I just walked for only two days two old days the communication was always poor by text too much which never helped letting her think I didn't care believing I wasn't coming home at all and just stringing her along I had to go away two days later but before I did I turned to the worst needy please wait for me type of guy she didn't cut me off for two days halfway across the world in this [ __ ] I'm in I didn't spent weeks back and forth with emails mostly me you're over pursuing at this point you're acting like a woman dude you're there in a [ __ ] dangerous combat situation you probably worked for a private security contractor and yet you're acting like a woman when you're on base it's a bad way to go dude where's that strong [ __ ] badass paratrooper she fell in love with and couldn't get enough of that's the guy you need to get back to being he says confessing all my feelings that I hadn't confessed before and this worked a couple of times but not for long yeah eventually she's like he's acting like a woman she realized what a mess we had caused but convinced herself it was too late we'd never be the same until I found you and your book frantically reading it two to three times and still going well you got another dozen or so times dude you gotta get to know it the point just like you get to know your field manual or its think about it why do you train all the time why trying to get her back I employed your methods with which work great but I still couldn't do anything from here yeah let her reach out to you she's like I don't need you you let her [ __ ] reach out to you do you're a [ __ ] catch you're a [ __ ] paratrooper he's a lot of wine being the more the more I backed away or made her wait for my text the more she went back to chasing him while he seemed to do the right thing I said no to being friends no to being her backup good [ __ ] job and stated that what I wanted and set a date and this worked well apart from it being five weeks away she went back to him hey you got to have the attitude of a you can keep you busy when you're not on me but then when I'm back in town a real man will be back and then we can spend time together and again I slipped back to saying too much and sorry for not being there I know it's tough dude it's amazing this guy is a badass in combat but when a woman gets in the picture he just just wilts like a little flower the worst day was when she went cold and had an interview for a job that same gym that this gym Queen works in in their hometown I knew it was over and she had chased him all the way one good thing is every time she sees me she falls in love again and can't take her hands off of me but went away she naturally feels less and doesn't believe I'll be back for good hey dude if this is what you love doing and this is your purpose and mission in life keep doing it he says I know I'm better than this older other [ __ ] guy and if it was me or him it would be me the problem is I've been away and talking like a silly little girl her forgetting about me while he's doing the right thing they did split two or three times well guess what that'll continue to happen because he obviously doesn't know what the [ __ ] he's doing and when she's not hearing from you and wondering what you're doing the dangerous badass paratrooper that you are and this guy's acting like a [ __ ] [ __ ] guess who she's going to come back to oh yeah it's in the bag bro just like James Bond come on he's what I think because she still love me the gym job proved otherwise you just drove her into his arms that's all that happened here my question being what can I do to get her to see me without contact nothing I've told her I don't care about him if it doesn't work out give me a call I'd love to see you that's it you've already done all you can do it point but my biggest fear is that she will fall in love and forget about me if I don't see her soon well they've already broken up two or three times dude it's just a matter of time because he obviously ain't doing enough right he said I tried talking to her to keep her interested bad way to go while I'm away which did work but I went too far thinking I was her boyfriend again I know if my game is good and I see her her feelings will come back do i text her to say I'm back nope she knows when you're going to be back cuz you already told her and if I see her do I play it cool and say I'm over her to be a challenge no or only accept the first date or nothing he says I hate to admit I'll do anything to get her back after living single back home to get over her enough of course but this really [ __ ] me up with no beer girls or anyone to talk to dude you're alright bro you [ __ ] got this do absolutely nothing and we get back in town start hanging out having fun and hook up with other girls and if she gets in touch with you hey babe it's great to hear you hear from you I'd love to see when you're free to get together tell her grab bottle wine and come on over to your place for dinner make plans definite plans hang out have fun and hook up it's simple dude it's your [ __ ] birthright thank you for your service again so if you'd like to get my home personally the quickest way is a book a paid phone Skype or email session you can do that by going to my website clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and choose whichever option is best for you and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 821,540
Rating: 4.8423853 out of 5
Id: bzaiR0g79So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2014
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